Phone numbers  for the above Ministry leaders can be found on our weekly bulletin. 

Adult & Jr. Choir                 Cindy Minarik

Altar Servers:                         Mark Miller

RCIA / Adult Rel. Ed. :      Leanne Duncan

Maintenance Manager:      George Collard

Parish Council:                      VACANT 

Altar Society:                         Maureen Franklin

Filipino Ministry:                Naty Enoveso

Baptism Classes:                   Leanne Duncan

Eucharistic Ministers:        Richard Merle

Director of Catechetical : Elaine Ashfield

Thrift Shop:                           Lois Phipps

​Hispanic Ministry:               Elizabeth Amaro

Lectors:                               Bev Collard

Youth:                                 Astrid Johnson

Hospitality:                        Astrid Johnson

Children Rel. Ed.:            Leanne Duncan

Art & Environment:       Lolita Marquez 

Scrip:                                     Call the Parish Office or Cindy Minarik

Pregnancy Center:           760-369-8512

Website:                              Cindy Minarik

Knights of Columbus:    Jesse Trevino

Finance Council:               Richard Merle

Spanish Choir:                   Juan Mejia

Trail Life                               Mike Schmitt

We, the Catholic community of Blessed Sacrament Church, shall strive to live the Gospel.  Nurtured by the Eucharist and inspired by the Holy Spirit, we come together to worship, serve, and educate so that Christ may impact the lives of all whom we encounter.