Greeting for The Third Sunday in Ordinary Time, 22 - 23 January 2022
Greeting for The Third Sunday in Ordinary Time Good Afternoon/Morning and Welcome to Blessed Sacrament Catholic Community. This weekend we celebrate The Third Sunday in Ordinary Time with our Celebrant Father Mike McCullough.
Our readings can be found on pages 50 to 53. No Second Collection Today’s Mass includes the following intentions. (See intentions on the next page) The California Department of Public Health has new indoor mask recommendations for all indoor activities. Our Diocese will support the CDPH recommendations in order to protect the health and safety of our congregations during this liturgical season. We highly encourage all parishioners to wear masks inside the Church during this time, and comply with ushers who are coordinating social distancing protocols for seating in the pews. As always we continue to offer outdoor seating on our Patio if you are not comfortable with sitting inside the Church right now. Remember that children must be accompanied by an adult to use the restroom in order to ensure that the restroom is properly sanitized. You will be directed by an Usher during Holy Communion beginning with those in the front pews. Please Maintain the 3ft. distance. And remember to use hand sanitizer before you leave your seat. Those of us receiving Communion on the tongue should remain seated until directed by an Usher to come forward.
Remember that the Ushers will dismiss us at the end of Mass from the back to the front. Announcements for The Third Sunday in Ordinary Time Announcements for The Third Sunday in Ordinary Time, No Second Collection During next week, Monday, January 24th to Thursday, January 27th, there will be no daily Communion Service, and we will return with Daily Mass when Father Eliseus returns from Nigeria. On Saturday, January 29th, a Funeral Mass for our beloved Parishioner Mr. Larry Powers will be celebrated with a viewing at 8:45 AM, a Rosary at 9:15 AM, and followed by Mass at 10:00 AM. Each Wednesday at 4:30 PM, here at the Church, our Blessed Sacrament Community faithfully prays a Rosary through the Intercession of Our Blessed Mother. We pray for our United States, Afghanistan, and all countries around the world that need the help of our Blessed Mother. As we celebrate the Word of God Weekend this weekend, the Church continually invites us to return to God’s word. For when we pray with the Bible – personally and in our homes – our encounter with the living Word of God is a spiritually nourishing feast. And so after our Announcements today, Father Mike will Bless our Bibles. Please remember to wait for the Ushers to dismiss you at the end of Mass. Please see one of the Ushers if you would like to help us sanitize. This weekend we have a brief introduction to the Synod, from guest speaker Mark Miller. Welcome, Mark. Mass Intentions for The Third Sunday in Ordinary Time Mass Intentions for The Third Sunday in Ordinary Time
For the safety of our servicemen and women abroad, for our Police Men and Women who protect us, for all First Responders and Firemen, and for all who live with war and violence. Let us pray to the Lord. January 22nd, 4:30 PM
We Pray for the Repose of the Souls of: Robert Sr. and Ann Bowman, SgtMaj Johann and Linda Kirschinger, Lorraine Candelaria and Kathleen Dehner January 23rd 8:00 AM We Pray for the Repose of the Soul of Larry Powers We Pray for healing for Mary Nishioka
We Pray for Birthday Blessings for Elvira Scherphones January 23rd, 10:30 AM We Pray for the Repose of the Soul of Joan Miller
We Pray for Birthday Blessings for Elvira Scherphones
Greeting for The Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time, 05 - 06 February 2022
Greeting for The Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time, Good Afternoon/Morning and Welcome to Blessed Sacrament Catholic
Community. This weekend we celebrate The Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time with our Celebrant Father Eliseus. Our readings can be found on pages 55 to 58. Second Collection for Maintenance and Education Today’s Mass includes the following intentions. (See intentions on the next page) The California Department of Public Health continues to recommend masks for all indoor activities. Our Diocese will support the CDPH recommendations in order to protect the health and safety of our congregations during this liturgical season. We highly encourage all parishioners to wear masks inside the Church during this time, and comply with ushers who are coordinating social distancing protocols for seating in the pews. As always we continue to offer outdoor seating on our Patio if you are not comfortable with sitting inside the Church right now. Remember that children must be accompanied by an adult to use the restroom in order to ensure that the restroom is properly sanitized. You will be directed by an Usher during Holy Communion beginning with those in the front pews. Please Maintain the 3ft. distance. And remember to use hand sanitizer before you leave your seat. Please remember, those of us receiving Communion on the tongue should remain seated until directed by an Usher to come forward. At the end of Mass, the Ushers will dismiss us from the back to the front. Entrance Verse | Psalm 106 (105):47 O come, let us worship God and bow low before the God who made us, for he is the Lord our God. Communion Verse |O Lord our God, Who once established these created things to sustain us in our frailty, grant we pray, that they may become for us now the Sacrament of eternal life.Through Christ our Lord. Amen. Announcements for The Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time Announcements for The Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time, Second collection for Maintenance and Education. This week - Evenings from Tuesday, February 8 th to Friday, February 11 th at 6:00 PM - the Philipino Ministry invites us to celebrate Mass in honor of the Lady of Lourdes Feast Day here in the Church, all are welcome. Next weekend, Saturday, February 12 th, and Sunday, February 13 th , we celebrate World Marriage Day. This is the one weekend a year that is set apart to honor the Sacrament of Matrimony. And so we will be honoring married couples with a special acknowledgment to those couples who have been married the most amount of years and those couples most recently married. Please join us. If you have not yet picked up your Contribution Letters for 2021, you may pick them up in the Parish Office. As a reminder, the office hours are Monday through Thursday from 9:00 AM to 3:00 PM and Friday from 9:00 AM to 1:00PM. If you would like your letter mailed, please call the office at 760-367-3343 and provide your current address so we can mail your letter to you.As we mentioned last week, our bulletin board on the patio has been updated this month. It displays some wonderful information about the history of our very own Parish. This includes more information about the beautiful stained glass windows that we have. We are grateful to the wonderful parishioners that are doing the historical research and sharing their findings with us. If you have not yet, take a moment to stop by the bulletin board on the patio. Our Blessed Sacrament Community continues to come together each Wednesday at 4:30 PM, here at the Church to faithfully pray a Rosary through the Intercession of Our Blessed Mother. We invite you to join us each week to pray for our United States, Afghanistan, and all countries around the world that need the help of our Blessed Mother.This evening, “Hospitality to Go” is available in honor of our February Birthdays and Anniversaries. Please remember to wait for the Ushers to dismiss you at the end of Mass. Please see one of the Ushers if you would like to help us sanitize. Mass Intentions for The Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time Mass Intentions for The Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time For the safety of our servicemen and women abroad, for our Police Men and Women who protect us, for all First Responders and Firemen, and for all who live with war and violence. Let us pray to the Lord. February 5th 4:30PM, We Pray for the Repose of the Souls of: Robert Sr. and Ann Bowman, SgtMaj Johann and Linda Kirschinger
February 6 th 8:00 AM We Pray for the Repose of the Souls of: Larry Powers and Tim Smith We Pray for Healing for Mary Nishioka and Arthur Laron February 6 th 10:30 AM We Pray for the Repose of the Soul of Joan Miller and Fortunato and Antonia Dela Cruz Sr.
Greeting for The Baptism of the Lord, 08 - 09 January 2022
Good Afternoon/Morning and Welcome to Blessed Sacrament Catholic Community. This weekend we celebrate The Baptism of the Lord with our Celebrant Father Mike McCullough. Our readings can be found on pages 45 to 47. Special Second Collection: This second collection is for the Respect Life & Pastoral Care for the Sanctity of Human Life. There are special second collection envelopes in the pews. The California Department of Public Health has new indoor mask recommendations for all indoor activities. Our Diocese will support the CDPH recommendations in order to protect the health and safety of our congregations during this liturgical season. We highly encourage all parishioners to wear masks inside the Church during this time, and comply with ushers who are coordinating social distancing protocols for seating in the pews. As always we continue to offer outdoor seating on our Patio if you are not comfortable with sitting inside the Church right now. Remember that children must be accompanied by an adult to use the restroom in order to ensure that the restroom is properly sanitized. You will be directed by an Usher during Holy Communion beginning with those in the front pews. Please Maintain the 3ft. distance. And remember to use hand sanitizer before you leave your seat. Those of us receiving Communion on the tongue should remain seated until directed by an Usher to come forward.. Announcements for The Baptism of the Lord, The Ushers may come forward for Second Collection. At the 8:00 AM Mass Only: Joel and Mary will be selling Scrip after Mass. Scrip gift cards are a wonderful way to support the Parish. We have over a dozen different vendors to choose from like Stater Bros. Walmart, Amazon, and Gas Cards. For each Scrip Gift Card purchase, the Church receives a percentage from that sale. Thank you for supporting the Blessed Sacrament Scrip Program. Until Father Eliseus returns on January 27th, daily Communion Service is offered Monday through Thursday at 8:00 AM and Confession is Saturdays at 3:30 PM here at the Church. Assigned, numbered Offertory envelopes for 2022 are now available. Please pick up your envelopes on the Usher table at the back of the church. Joel Klink has donated 2022 calendars. You may pick one up for your family, at the back of the Church after Mass. A special thank you to Joel Klink. Our Blessed Sacrament Community continues to faithfully pray a Rosary for the conflict in countries around the world, especially Afghanistan. We continue to invite you to join us in prayer every Wednesday at 4:30 PM, here in the Church. Please remember to wait for the Ushers to dismiss you at the end of Mass. Please see one of the Ushers if you would like to help us sanitize. We will now welcome Corinne Dobler who will be speaking with us about Food For Life. Mass Intentions for The Baptism of the Lord The Baptism of the Lord, For the safety of our servicemen and women abroad, for our Police Men and Women who protect us, for all First Responders and Firemen, and for all who live with war and violence. Let us pray to the Lord. January 8th, 4:30 PM We Pray for the Repose of the Souls of: Robert Sr. and Ann Bowman, SgtMaj Johann and Linda Kirschinger and Lorraine Candelaria We Pray for healing for Frannie Dehner January 9th, 8:00 AM We Pray for healing for Mary Nishioka, Danielle Meglio and the Collard Family
January 9th, 10:30 AM We Pray for Mr. & Mrs. John Bernard and family For all the intentions that we hold in the silence of our hearts.
Greeting for The Second Sunday in Ordinary Time, 15 - 16 January 2022
Greeting for The Second Sunday in Ordinary Time Good Afternoon/Morning and Welcome to Blessed Sacrament
Catholic Community. This weekend we celebrate The Second Sunday in Ordinary Time with our
Celebrant Father Mike McCullough. Our readings can be found on pages 48 to 50. Second Collection for the Calendar Year 2022 DDF The California Department of Public Health has new indoor mask recommendations for all indoor activities. Our Diocese will support the CDPH recommendations in order to protect the health and safety of our congregations during this liturgical season. We highly encourage all parishioners to wear masks inside the Church during this time, and comply with ushers who are coordinating social distancing protocols for seating in the pews. As always we continue to offer outdoor seating on our Patio if you are not comfortable with sitting inside the Church right now. Remember that children must be accompanied by an adult to use the restroom in order to ensure that the restroom is properly sanitized. You will be directed by an Usher during Holy Communion beginning with those in the front pews. Please Maintain the 3ft. distance. And remember to use hand sanitizer before you leave your seat. Those of us receiving Communion on the tongue should remain seated until directed by an Usher to come forward. Remember that the Ushers will dismiss us at the end of Mass from the back to the front. Announcements for The Second Sunday in Ordinary Time Announcements for The Second Sunday in Ordinary Time The Ushers may come forward for Second Collection. Next weekend, January 22 nd and 23 rd , is Word of God weekend, and Father Mike has invited us to bring our Bible’s to Mass for a special Blessing. Please bring your Bible to Mass with you. Until January 27th, when Father Eliseus returns, a daily Communion Service is offered Monday through Thursday at 8:00 AM. Father Mike will continue with the regular confession schedule, and Confession is Saturdays at 3:30 PM here at the Church. If you haven’t already, please pick up your 2022 assigned, numbered Offertory envelopes at the Ushers table at the back of the church. Joel Klink has donated 2022 calendars. Supplies are limited, and you may pick one up for your family, at the back of the Church after Mass. A special thank you to Joel Klink. Each Wednesday at 4:30 PM, here at the Church, our Blessed Sacrament Community faithfully prays a Rosary through the Intercession of Our Blessed Mother. We pray for our United States, Afghanistan, and all countries around the world that need the help of our Blessed Mother. History has shown us how powerful the intercession of Our Blessed Mother is. Please remember to wait for the Ushers to dismiss you at the end of Mass. Please see one of the Ushers if you would like to help us sanitize. We will now welcome Corrine Dobler who will be speaking with us about Food For Life. Thank you, Corrine. Mass Intentions for The Second Sunday in Ordinary Time Mass Intentions for The Second Sunday in Ordinary Time For the safety of our servicemen and women abroad, for our Police Men and Women who protect us, for all First Responders and iremen, and for all who live with war and violence. Let us pray to the Lord. January 15th 4:30PM We Pray for the Repose of the Souls of: Robert Sr. and Ann Bowman, SgtMaj Johann and Linda Kirschinger and Lorraine Candelaria We Pray for healing for Shannon Brumley January 16 th 8:00 AM We Pray for the Repose of the Souls of: Dick Fuchs, Inez Ogaldez and Larry Powers
January 16th 10:30 AM We Pray for the Repose of the Soul of Joan Miller We Pray for healing for Mary Nishioka
Greeting for The Seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time, 20 - 21 February 2022
Greeting for The Seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time Good Afternoon/Morning and Welcome to Blessed Sacrament Catholic Community.
This weekend we celebrate The Seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time with our Celebrant Father Eliseus. The entrance verse can be found on page 6 of the missal. Our Mass readings in English are on pages 60 to 62. While we do not have a Spanish Reading at this Mass, you may follow along, en español, at the back of the Missal on pages 63 to 65. Second collection for DDF. We continue to encourage all parishioners to wear masks inside the Church during this time. As always we continue to offer outdoor seating on our Patio if you are not comfortable with sitting inside the Church right now. Remember that children must be accompanied by an adult to use the restroom in order to ensure that the restroom is properly sanitized. You will be directed by an Usher during Holy Communion beginning with those in the front pews. Please Maintain the 3ft. distance. And remember to use hand sanitizer before you leave your seat. Please remember, those of us receiving Communion on the tongue should remain seated until directed by an Usher to come forward. At the end of Mass, the Ushers will dismiss us from the back to the front. Entrance Verse | Psalm 13 (12):6 (Page 6) O Lord, I trust in your merciful love. My heart will rejoice in your salvation.
I will sing to the Lord who has been bountiful with me. Announcements for The Seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time
Announcements for The Seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time Second Collection for DDF. Next weekend, February 26th and 27th, Blessed Sacrament will begin collecting palms to be prepared for Ash Wednesday. You may bring your palms for ash collection to a basket at the entrance of the church. On Wednesday, March 2nd Ash Wednesday will be celebrated with Mass at 9:00 AM and 7:00 PM. The 7:00 PM Mass will have English and Spanish readings. On Thursday, March 3rd at 7:00 PM, Blessed Sacrament’s 2022 Lenten Mission presents Frank Runyeon in a special presentation of Sermon on the Mount. Please join us for this spellbinding performance, it is sure to be a very special evening. Beginning Friday, March 4th and concluding April 15th Stations of the Cross will be celebrated each Friday evening from 6:00 PM to 7:00 PM. We will not be able to share Soup Suppers together, just yet. Maybe next year. In an effort to keep announcements brief, many of our upcoming dates and times regarding Lenten Mass Times and seasonal event services will be posted to our Bulletin Board on the patio and shared in our announcements 1 to 2 weeks prior to our upcoming events. Our Blessed Sacrament Community continues to come together each Wednesday at 4:30 PM, here at the Church to faithfully pray a Rosary through the Intercession of Our Blessed Mother. We invite you to join us each week to pray for our United States, Afghanistan, and all countries around the world that need the help of our Blessed Mother. Please remember to wait for the Ushers to dismiss you at the end of Mass. Please see one of the Ushers if you would like to help us sanitize. Mass Intentions for The Seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time Mass Intentions for The Seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time For the safety of our servicemen and women abroad, for our Police Men and Women who protect us, for all First Responders and Firemen, and for all who live with war and violence. Let us pray to the Lord. February 19th 4:30 PM
We Pray for the Repose of the Souls of: Robert Sr. and Ann Bowman, SgtMaj Johann and Linda Kirschinger and Patricia Williams February 20th 8:00 AM We Pray for the Repose of the Souls of: Tim Smith and Ann Cleft We Pray for Healing for Arthur Laron and Mary Nishioka We Pray for the Living Members of the Altar Society February 20th 10:30 AM
We Pray for the Repose of the Souls of: Joan Miller and Fortunato and Antonia Dela Cruz Sr.
Greeting for The Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time, 29 - 30 January 2022
Greeting for The Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time Good Afternoon/Morning and Welcome to Blessed Sacrament Catholic Community. This weekend we celebrate The Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time with our Celebrant Father Eliseus. Welcome back, Father Eliseus! Our readings can be found on pages 53 to 55. No Second Collection The California Department of Public Health continues to recommend masks for all indoor activities. Our Diocese will support the CDPH recommendations in order to protect the health and safety of our congregations during this liturgical season. We highly encourage all parishioners to wear masks inside the Church during this time, and comply with ushers who are coordinating social distancing protocols for seating in the pews. As always we continue to offer outdoor seating on our Patio if you are not comfortable with sitting inside the Church right now. Remember that children must be accompanied by an adult to use the restroom in order to ensure that the restroom is properly sanitized. You will be directed by an Usher during Holy Communion beginning with those in the front pews. Please Maintain the 3ft. distance. And remember to use hand sanitizer before you leave your seat. Please remember, those of us receiving Communion on the tongue should remain seated until directed by an Usher to come forward. Announcements for The Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time Announcements for The Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time. No Second Collection On Thursday, February 3rd at 3:00 PM, a Baptism Class will be offered in the Church Office. If you are interested or have questions, please contact the Parish Office for more details. Contribution Letters for 2021 will be ready for pick-up in the Parish Office starting next week. As a reminder, the office hours are Monday through Thursday from 9:00 AM to 3:00 PM and Friday from 9:00 AM to 1:00 PM. If you would like your letter mailed, please call the office at 760-367-3343 and provide your current address so we can mail your letter to you. Our bulletin board on the patio has been updated this month, and it displays some wonderful information about the history of our very own Parish. This includes more information about the beautiful stained glass windows that we have. We are grateful to the wonderful parishioners that are doing the historical research and sharing their findings with us. If you have not yet, take a moment to stop by the bulletin board on the patio. Our Blessed Sacrament Community continues to come together each Wednesday at 4:30 PM, here at the Church to faithfully pray a Rosary through the Intercession of Our Blessed Mother. We invite you to join us each week to pray for our United States, Afghanistan, and all countries around the world that need the help of our Blessed Mother. Please remember to wait for the Ushers to dismiss you at the end of Mass. Mass Intentions for The Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time Mass Intentions for The Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time For the safety of our servicemen and women abroad, for our Police Men and Women who protect us, for all First Responders and Firemen, and for all who live with war and violence. Let us pray to the Lord. January 29th, 4:30 PM We Pray for the Repose of the Souls of: Robert Sr. and Ann Bowman, SgtMaj Johann and Linda Kirschinger and Frances and Robert Dehner January 30th 8:00 AM We Pray for the Repose of the Soul of Larry Powers January 30th 10:30 AM We Pray for the Repose of the Soul of Joan Miller We Pray for Healing for Mary Nishioka
Greeting for The Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time, 12 - 13 February 2022
Greeting for The Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time, Good Afternoon/Morning and Welcome to Blessed Sacrament, Catholic Community. This weekend we celebrate The Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time as well as World Marriage Day with our Celebrant Father Eliseus. This is the one weekend a year that is set apart to honor the Sacrament of Matrimony. It is all the more important at this time in history that we honor this Sacrament considering so much effort being put into the destruction of the Sanctity of Marriage and Family Life. So, today before the final blessing we will be honoring married couples with special acknowledgment to those couples who have been married the most amount of years and those couples most recently married. Our readings can be found on pages 58 to 60. No second collection. Today’s Mass includes the following intentions. (See intentions on the next page) We continue to encourage all parishioners to wear masks inside the Church during this time. As always we continue to offer outdoor seating on our Patio if you are not comfortable with sitting inside the Church right now.Remember that children must be accompanied by an adult to use the restroom in order to ensure that the restroom is properly sanitized. You will be directed by an Usher during Holy Communion beginning with those in the front pews. Please Maintain the 3ft. distance. And remember to use hand sanitizer before you leave your seat. Please remember, those of us receiving Communion on the tongue should remain seated until directed by an Usher to come forward. At the end of Mass, the Ushers will dismiss us from the back to the front. Entrance Verse | cf. Psalm 31 (30):3-4 (Page 5) Communion Verse | A (Page 113) Be my protector, O God, a mighty stronghold to save me. For you are my rock, my stronghold! Lead me, guide me, for the sake of your name. They ate and had their fill, and what they craved the Lord gave them; they were not disappointed in what they craved. Announcements for The Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time Announcements for The Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time No second collection. As we enter the Lenten Season in the coming weeks, updates regarding Mass Times and seasonal event services will soon be posted to our Bulletin board on the patio. Our Blessed Sacrament Community continues to come together each Wednesday at 4:30 PM, here at the Church to faithfully pray a Rosary through the Intercession of Our Blessed Mother. We invite you to join us each week to pray for our United States, Afghanistan, and all countries around the world that need the help of our Blessed Mother. Please remember to wait for the Ushers to dismiss you at the end of Mass. Please see one of the Ushers if you would like to help us sanitize. And now we will be honoring married couples with a special acknowledgment to those couples who have been married the most amount of years and those couples most recently married. Mass Intentions for The Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time Mass Intentions for The Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time For the safety of our servicemen and women abroad, for our Police Men and Women who protect us, for all First Responders and Firemen, and for all who live with war and violence. Let us pray to the Lord. February 12th 4:30 PM We Pray for the Repose of the Souls of: Robert Sr. and Ann Bowman, SgtMaj Johann and Linda Kirschinger and John Licher February 13 th 8:00 AM We Pray for the Repose of the Souls of: Larry Powers, Tony Benevente, Francisco Gabrillo and Tim Smith We Pray for Healing for Arthur Laron February 13 th 10:30 AM We Pray for the Repose of the Soul of Joan Miller and Fortunato and Antonia Dela Cruz Sr. We Pray for Healing for Mary Nishioka
Greting for The Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time, 26 - 27 February 2022
Greeting for The Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time, Good Afternoon/Morning and Welcome to Blessed Sacrament
Catholic Community. This weekend we celebrate The Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time with our Celebrant Father Eliseus. The entrance verse is on page 6 of the missal. Our Mass readings in English are on pages 62 to 65. While we do not have a Spanish Reading at this Mass, you may follow along, en español, at the back of the Missal on pages 65 to 66.
No second collection. We continue to encourage all parishioners to wear masks inside the Church during this time. As always we continue to offer outdoor seating on our Patio if you are not comfortable with sitting inside the Church right now. Remember that children must be accompanied by an adult to use the restroom in order to ensure that the restroom is properly sanitized.
You will be directed by an Usher during Holy Communion beginning with those in the front pews. Please Maintain the 3ft. distance. And remember to use hand
sanitizer before you leave your seat. Please remember, those of us receiving Communion on the tongue should remain seated until directed by an Usher to come forward. At the end of Mass, the Ushers will dismiss us from the back to the front. Announcements for The Eighth in Ordinary Time Announcements for The Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time No Second Collection.
This weekend, Blessed Sacrament is collecting palms to be prepared for Ash Wednesday. You may leave your palms for ash collection in a basket at the entrance of the church. On Wednesday, March 2 nd Ash Wednesday will be celebrated with Mass at 9:00 AM and 7:00 PM. The 7:00 PM Mass will have English and Spanish readings. On Thursday, March 3 rd at 7:00 PM, Blessed Sacrament’s 2022 Lenten Mission presents Frank Runyeon in a special presentation of Sermon on the Mount. Please join us for this spellbinding performance, it is sure to be a very special evening. And today,
after our announcements, we will have a special guest share more information about this Lenten Mission. Beginning Friday, March 4 th and concluding April 15 th Stations of the Cross will be celebrated each Friday evening from 6:00 PM to 7:00 PM. We will not be able to share Soup Suppers together, just yet. Maybe next year. On Friday, March 4th at 9:00 AM we will celebrate First Friday Mass with Father Eliseus.As we enter this Lenten Season, Father would like to remind everyone that the schedule for Confession is Saturdays at 3:30 PM,
and the location continues to be in the Hospitality Room.On Tuesday, March 8th at 6:00 PM our neighboring Parish in Yucca Valley, St. Mary’s, is offering a Penance Service. With conflict erupting in countries around the globe and especially with the rising violence in Ukraine, we invite you to join our Blessed Sacrament Community, each Wednesday at 4:30 PM, to pray a Rosary through the Intercession of our Blessed Mother. Please remember to wait for the Ushers to dismiss you at the end of Mass. Please see one of the Ushers if you would like to help us sanitize. Mass Intentions for The Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time For the safety of our servicemen and women abroad, for our Police Men and Women who protect us, for all First Responders and Firemen, for Ukraine and all those experiencing war and violence. Let us pray to the Lord. February 26th 4:30 P M We Pray for the Repose of the Souls of: Robert Sr. and Ann Bowman, SgtMaj Johann and
Linda Kirschinger, Robert and Frances Dehner, Anton and Maria Merle and Francisco and Loreta Angar We Pray for Heavenly Birthday Blessings for Gary Rossi February 27 th 8:00 AM We Pray for the Repose of the Soul of Tim Smith We Pray for Healing for Bert Frasier February 27 th 10:30 AM We Pray for the Repose of the Souls of: Joan Miller and Fortunato and Antonia Dela
Cruz Sr. We Pray for Healing for Mary Nishioka and Bert Frasier
Greeting for The Third Sunday of Lent, 19 - 20 March 2022
Good Afternoon/Morning and Welcome to Blessed Sacrament Catholic Community. This weekend we celebrate The Third Sunday of Lent with our Celebrant Father Eliseus.
Second collection for DDF. Our Mass readings in English are on pages 73 to 75. While we do not have a Spanish Reading at this Mass, you may follow along, en español, at the back of the Missal on pages 77 to 79. While many mask mandates have eased, we continue to encourage all parishioners to wear masks inside the Church during this time. Children must be accompanied by an adult to use the restroom in order to ensure that the restroom is properly sanitized. You will be directed by an Usher during Holy Communion beginning with those in the front pews. Please Maintain the 3ft. distance. And remember to use hand sanitizer before you leave your seat. Those of us receiving Communion on the tongue please remain seated until directed by an Usher to come forward. At the end of Mass, you will be dismissed by an Usher beginning with the pews at the back of the church. Our collective quiet moments before Mass are an opportunity for reflection and silent prayer. The lord is constantly laboring to love us and speak to us. In order for Him to enter more fully into our lives, both time and space are needed. He indeed gives us that time and space before Mass. Please take full advantage of this tremendous gift of quiet reflection and silent prayer.
Announcements for The Third of Lent
Announcements for The Third Sunday of Lent, Second collection for DDF. this weekend we will be offering donation boxes for Lent. We will collect these boxes after Easter and the money will be used to support a mission or missions. If you would like one, please see an usher on the way out. Remember, each Friday evening from 6:00 PM to 7:00 PM, until April 15th our Blessed Sacrament Community will celebrate Stations of the Cross, please join us. And as we journey through this Lenten Season, Father would like to remind everyone that the schedule for Confession is Saturdays at 3:30 PM, and the location continues to be in the Hospitality Room. Every Wednesday at 4:30 PM the Blessed Sacrament Community comes together to pray a Rosary through the Intercession of our Blessed Mother. Please join us each week to pray for peace in the world, for countries suffering from war and violence, and for the safety of the people of Ukraine. Our Blessed Sacrament Community is selling Scrip. Scrip gift cards are a wonderful way to support the Parish. We have over a dozen different vendors to choose from like Stater Bros. Walmart, Amazon, and Gas Cards. For each Scrip Gift Card purchase, the Church receives a percentage from that sale. Often after Mass, a table will be set up on the patio, where you can purchase Scrip in person. Or you can purchase Scrip securely through a link on our Blessed Sacrament Website. Thank you for supporting the Blessed Sacrament Scrip Program. Our Ushers will dismiss you at the end of Mass, from the back to the front. As a way to protect our Parishioner's health and safety, we wipe down high-touch areas between each Mass. If you would like to help us, please see one of the Ushers at the end of Mass. Each and every week, our announcements are posted to the front door of the church office, the bulletin board on our patio, and the Blessed Sacrament Website. Mass Intentions for The Third Sunday of Lent For the safety and protection of our servicemen and women deployed overseas, especially in the neighboring countries of Ukraine. For our Police Men and Women who protect us, for all First Responders and Firemen, and all those experiencing war and violence. Let us pray to the Lord. March 19th 4:30 PM We Pray for the Repose of the Souls of: Robert Sr. and Ann Bowman, SgtMaj Johann and Linda Kirschinger and Debra Dove. We Pray for Anna and William Johansing for which the St. Joseph window is in memory We Pray for Healing for Burt Frasher We Pray for Birthday Blessings for Shawn Collard March 20th, 8:00 AM We Pray for the Repose of the Souls of: William Hillyard, Alice McHugh, and Judy Andreshak We Pray for Healing for Burt Frasher We Pray for Webster Threats Jr. and Mary Jane Dorado We Pray for Kiki, that he may return to his faith. March 20th 10:30 AM We Pray for the Repose of the Souls of: Antonia and Fortunato Delacruz Sr. and Joan Miller We Pray for Healing for Burt Frasher We Pray for Kiki, that he may return to his faith. For all the intentions that we hold in the silence of our hearts (15 Seconds) let us pray to the Lord.
Greeting for The Epiphany of the Lord 02 January 2022
Greeting for The Epiphany of the Lord, Good Afternoon/Morning and Welcome to Blessed Sacrament. Catholic Community. This weekend we celebrate The Epiphany of the Lord with our Celebrant Father Mike McCullough. Our readings can be found on pages 43 to 45. Second Collection for Maintenance and Education The California Department of Public Health has new indoor mask recommendations for all indoor activities. Our Diocese will support the CDPH recommendations in order to protect the health and safety of our congregations during this liturgical season. We highly encourage all parishioners to wear masks inside the Church during this time, and comply with ushers who are coordinating social distancing protocols for seating in the pews. As always we continue to offer outdoor seating on our Patio if you are not comfortable with sitting inside the Church right now. Remember that children must be accompanied by an adult to use the restroom in order to ensure that the restroom is properly sanitized. You will be directed by an Usher during Holy Communion beginning with those in the front pews. Please Maintain the 3ft. distance. And remember to use hand sanitizer before you leave your seat. Those of us receiving Communion on the tongue should remain seated until directed by an Usher to come forward. Remember that the Ushers will dismiss us at the end of Mass from the back to the front. Announcements for The Solemnity of Mary, The Holy Mother of God and The Epiphany of the Lord. The Epiphany of The Lord The Ushers may come forward for Second Collection. Until Father Eliseus returns on January 27 th , daily Communion Service is offered Monday through Thursday at 8:00 AM and Confession is Saturdays at 3:30 PM here at the Church. First Friday Mass will be celebrated on January 7th, at 9:00 AM with Father Mike. Assigned, numbered Offertory envelopes for 2022 are now available. You may pick up your envelopes on the Usher table at the back of the church. Our Blessed Sacrament Community continues to faithfully pray a Rosary for the conflict in countries around the world, especially Afghanistan. We continue to invite you to join us in prayer every Wednesday at 4:30 PM, here in the Church. Saturday 4:30 PM Mass Only: This evening, “Hospitality to Go” is available in honor of our January Birthdays and Anniversaries. Please take home one of our packaged desserts. There are both sugar and sugar-free items available. Please remember to wait for the Ushers to dismiss you at the end of Mass. Please see one of the Ushers if you would like to help us sanitize. Happy New Year! Father Mike will Bless those with Birthdays and Anniversaries. MASS INTENTIONS FOR THE SOLEMNITY OF MARY, THE HOLY MOTHER OF GOD AND THE EPIPHANY OF TE LORD. Mass Intentions for The Solemnity of Mary, The Holy Mother of God & The Epiphany of The Lord For the safety of our servicemen and women abroad, for our Police Men and Women who protect us, for all First Responders and Firemen, and for all who live with war and violence. Let us pray to the Lord. January 1st 4:30 PM We Pray for the Repose of the Souls of: Robert Sr. and Ann Bowman, SgtMaj Johann and Linda Kirschinger, Lorraine Candelaria, Tito Candelaria and Father Eliseus’ Parents Marcel and Ann Uju We Pray in memory of Sean Blair January 2 nd 8:00 AM We Pray for the Repose of the Soul of Terry Stump and Father Eliseus’ Parents Marcel and Ann Uju We Pray in memory of Sean Blair We Pray for healing for the Collard Family January 2 nd 10:30 AM We Pray for the Repose of the Soul of Joan Miller, Tito Candelaria and Father Eliseus’ Parents Marcel and Ann Uju We Pray for healing for Mary Nishioka We Pray for the conversion of the Miller Family
Greeting for the First Sunday of Lent, 5-6 March 2022
Good Afternoon/Morning and Welcome to Blessed Sacrament Catholic Community. This weekend we celebrate The First Sunday of Lent with our Celebrant Father Eliseus.
Our Mass readings in English are on pages 68 to 70. While we do not have a Spanish Reading at this Mass, you may follow along, en español, at the back of the Missal on pages 70 to 72.
Second Collection for Maintenance and Education Today’s Our collective quiet moments before Mass are an opportunity for reflection and silent prayer. The lord is constantly laboring to love us and speak to us. In order for Him to enter more fully into our lives, both time and space are needed. He indeed gives us that time and space before Mass. Please take full advantage of this tremendous gift of quiet reflection and silent prayer. While many mask mandates have eased, we continue to encourage all parishioners to wear masks inside the Church during this time. Remember that children must be accompanied by an adult to use the restroom in order to ensure that the restroom is properly sanitized. You will be directed by an Usher during Holy Communion beginning with those in the front pews. Please Maintain the 3ft. distance. And remember to use hand sanitizer before you leave your seat. Please remember, those of us receiving Communion on the tongue should remain seated until directed by an Usher to come forward. At the end of Mass, the Ushers will dismiss us from the back to the front. Announcements for The First Sunday of Lent Second Collection for Maintenance and Education. Each Friday evening from 6:00 PM to 7:00 PM, until April 15 th our Blessed Sacrament Community will celebrate Stations of the Cross. And as we journey through this Lenten Season, Father would like to emind everyone that the schedule for Confession is Saturdays at 3:30 PM, and the location continues to be in the Hospitality Room. On Tuesday, March 8th at 6:00 PM our neighboring Parish in Yucca Valley, St. Mary’s, is offering a Penance Service. And now a note from Monsignor Tom Wallace, regarding a special collection for Ukraine Relief: All of us have seen the unjust war taking place in Ukraine. We have seen thousands of women and children fleeing to neighboring countries
to escape the scourge of war. The men left behind are defending their country to the best of their ability. We join Christians and all people of good will in praying for these victims. Bishop Alberto Rojas is asking every parish to take a second collection either the first or second Sunday of Lent to aid the suffering people of Ukraine. And so, next weekend, Saturday March 12 th and Sunday March 13 th , we will take a special collection for Ukraine. You may also send funds directly to the Mission Office and the address will be posted on the bulletin board on the patio. Once all of the funds have been collected, one check will be sent to the USCCB where it will be distributed to the 30 Diocese in and around Ukraine. We continue to invite you to join our Blessed Sacrament Community each Wednesday at 4:30 PM, to pray a Rosary through the Intercession of our Blessed Mother. The world, especially countries suffering from war and violence, needs the help of our Blessed Mother. This evening, after Saturday Mass, “Hospitality to Go” is available in honor of our March Birthdays and Anniversaries. Please take home one of our packaged desserts. There are both sugar and sugar-free items available. Please remember to wait for the Ushers to dismiss you at the end of Mass. Please see one of the Ushers if you would like to help us sanitize. Donations for Ukraine Relief can be sent directly to: Mission Office Attn: Ukraine Relief 1201 East Highland Ave. San Bernardino, CA 92404 Check Memo line to read: Ukraine Relief
Mass Intentions for The First Sunday of Lent For the safety of our servicemen and women abroad, for our Police Men and Women who protect us, for all First Responders and Firemen, for Ukraine and all those experiencing war and violence. Let us pray to the Lord. March 5th 4:30 PM We Pray for the Repose of the Souls of: Robert Sr. and Ann Bowman, SgtMaj Johann and Linda Kirschinger, Lorna Adams and Demetrius Candelaria We Pray for Healing for Bert Frasier We Pray for Kiki, that he may return to his faith. March 6 th 8:00 AM We Pray for Healing for Bert Frasier and Brian Slusser We Pray for Kiki, that he may return to his faith. March 6 th 10:30 AM
We Pray for the Repose of the Souls of: Joan Miller and Demetrius Candelaria We Pray for Healing for Bert Frasier We Pray for Kiki, that he may return to his faith. We Pray for the Living Members of the Altar Society
Greeting for The Second Sunday of Lent
Good Afternoon/Morning and Welcome to Blessed Sacrament Catholic Community. This weekend we celebrate The Second Sunday of Lent with our Celebrant Father Eliseus. This weekend we have a special second collection for Ukraine Relief and we will share a note from Monsignor Tom Wallace during our Announcements. Our Mass readings in English are on pages 71 to 73. While we do not have a Spanish Reading at this Mass, you may follow along, en español, at the back of the Missal on pages 72 to 74. While many mask mandates have eased, we continue to encourage all parishioners to wear masks inside the Church during this time. Children must be accompanied by an adult to use the restroom in order to ensure that the restroom is properly sanitized. You will be directed by an Usher during Holy Communion beginning with those in the front pews. Please Maintain the 3ft. distance. And remember to use hand sanitizer before you leave your seat. Those of us receiving Communion on the tongue please remain seated until directed by an Usher to come forward. At the end of Mass, you will be dismissed by an Usher beginning with the pews at the back of the church. Our collective quiet moments before Mass are an opportunity for reflection and silent prayer. The lord is constantly laboring to love us and speak to us. In order for Him to enter more fully into our lives, both time and space are needed. He indeed gives us that time and space before Mass. Please take full advantage of this tremendous gift of quiet reflection and silent prayer. Announcements for The Second Sunday of Lent Announcements for The Second Sunday of Lent. This weekend we have a special collection for Ukraine Relief. Here is a note from Monsignor Tom Wallace regarding this special collection: All of us have seen the unjust war taking place in Ukraine. We have seen thousands of women and children fleeing to neighboring countries to escape the scourge of war. The men left behind are defending their country to the best of their ability. We join Christians and all people of good will in praying for these victims. Bishop Alberto Rojas is asking every parish to take a second collection either the first or second Sunday of Lent to aid the suffering people of Ukraine. Please note that in addition to our special collection today, funds may be sent directly to the Mission Office and the address will be posted on the bulletin board on the patio. Once all of the funds have been collected, one check will be sent to the USCCB where it will be distributed to the 30 Diocese in and around Ukraine. This weekend, Faith Formation Classes have returned to the classroom. As a reminder, students who took home books to study should return them. Please join us, each Friday evening from 6:00 PM to 7:00 PM, until April 15th our Blessed Sacrament Community will celebrate Stations of the Cross. And as we journey through this Lenten Season, Father would like to remind everyone that the schedule for Confession is Saturdays at 3:30 PM, and the location continues to be in the Hospitality Room. We continue to invite you to join our Blessed Sacrament Community each Wednesday at 4:30 PM, to pray a Rosary through the Intercession of our Blessed Mother. The world, especially countries suffering from war and violence, needs the help of our Blessed Mother. Our Blessed Sacrament Community is selling Scrip. Scrip gift cards are a wonderful way to support the Parish. We have over a dozen different vendors to choose from like Stater Bros. Walmart, Amazon, and Gas Cards. For each Scrip Gift Card purchase, the Church receives a percentage from that sale. Often after Mass, a table will be set up on the patio, where you can purchase Scrip in person. Or you can purchase Scrip securely through a link on our Blessed Sacrament Website. Thank you for supporting the Blessed Sacrament Scrip Program. Our Ushers will dismiss you at the end of Mass, from the back to the front.As a way to protect our Parishioner's health and safety, we deep clean by sanitizing the pews between each Mass. If you would like to help us, please see one of the Ushers at the end of Mass. Each and every week, our announcements are posted to the front door of the church office, the bulletin board on our patio, and the Blessed Sacrament Website. Mass Intentions for The Second Sunday of Lent Mass Intentions for The Second Sunday of Lent For the safety and protection of our servicemen and women deployed overseas, especially in the neighboring countries of Ukraine. For our Police Men and Women who protect us, for all First Responders and Firemen, and all those experiencing war and violence. Let us pray to the Lord. March 12th, 4:30 PM We Pray for the Repose of the Souls of: Robert Sr. and Ann Bowman, SgtMaj Johann and Linda Kirschinger, and Pamela Smith, We Pray for Healing for Bert Frasier We Pray for Kiki, that he may return to his faith. March 13th. 8:00 AM We Pray for the Repose of the Souls of: Flo and Stan ndreshak We Pray for Healing for Bert Frasier and Brian Slusser We Pray for Kiki, that he may return to his faith. March 13th. 10:30 AM We Pray for the Repose of the Souls of: Antonia and Fortunato Delacruz Sr. and Joan Miller
We Pray for Healing for Bert Frasier We Pray for Kiki, that he may return to his faith.
Greeting for The Fourth Sunday of Lent, 26 - 27 March 2022
Greeting for The Fourth Sunday of Lent, Good Afternoon/Morning and Welcome to Blessed Sacrament Catholic Community. This weekend we celebrate The Fourth Sunday of Lent with our Celebrant Father Eliseus. No Second Collection. Our Mass readings in English are on pages 79 to 81. While we do not have a Spanish Reading at this Mass, you may follow along, en español, at the back of the Missal on pages 83 to 84. While many mask mandates have eased, we continue to encourage all parishioners to wear masks inside the Church during this time. hildren must be accompanied by an adult to use the restroom in order to ensure that the restroom is properly sanitized. You will be directed by an Usher during Holy Communion beginning with those in the front pews. Please Maintain the 3ft. distance. And remember to use hand sanitizer before you leave your seat. Those of us receiving Communion on the tongue please remain seated until directed by an Usher to come forward. At the end of Mass, you will be dismissed by an Usher beginning with the pews at the back of the church. Our collective quiet moments before Mass are an opportunity for reflection and silent prayer. The lord is constantly laboring to love us and speak to us. In order for Him to enter more fully into our lives, both time and space are needed. He indeed gives us that time and space before Mass. Please take full advantage of this tremendous gift of quiet reflection and silent prayer. Announcements for The Fourth of Lent, Announcements for The Fourth Sunday of Lent, No Second Collection. We are offering take-home donation boxes for Lent. We will collect these boxes after Easter and the money will be used to support a mission or missions. If you would like one, please see an usher on the way out. Remember, each Friday evening from 6:00 PM to 7:00 PM, until April 15th our Blessed Sacrament Community will Pray the Stations of the Cross, please join us. And as we journey through this Lenten Season, Father would like to remind everyone that the schedule for Confession is Saturdays at 3:30 PM, and the location continues to be in the Hospitality Room. Every Wednesday at 4:30 PM the Blessed Sacrament Community comes together to pray a Rosary through the Intercession of our Blessed Mother. Please join us each week to pray for peace in the world, for countries suffering from war and violence, and for the safety of the people of Ukraine. Our Blessed Sacrament Community is selling Scrip. Scrip gift cards are a wonderful way to support the Parish. We have over a dozen different vendors to choose from like Stater Bros. Walmart, Amazon, and Gas Cards. For each Scrip Gift Card purchase, the Church receives a percentage from that sale. Often after Mass, a table will be set up on the patio, where you can purchase Scrip in person. Or you can purchase Scrip securely through a link on our Blessed Sacrament Website. Thank you for supporting the Blessed Sacrament Scrip Program. Our Ushers will dismiss you at the end of Mass, from the back to the front. As a way to protect our Parishioner's health and safety, we wipe down high-touch areas between each Mass. If you would like to help us, please see one of the Ushers at the end of Mass. Each and every week, our announcements are posted to the front door of the church office, the bulletin board on our patio, and the Blessed Sacrament Website. Mass Intentions for The Fourth Sunday of Lent Mass Intentions for The Fourth Sunday of Lent, For the safety and protection of our servicemen and women deployed overseas, especially in the neighboring countries of Ukraine. For our Police Men and Women who protect us, for all First Responders and Firemen, and all those experiencing war and violence. Let us pray to the Lord. March 26th 4:30 PM We Pray for the Repose of the Souls of: Robert Sr. and Ann Bowman, SgtMaj Johann and Linda Kirschinger, Robert and Frances Dehner and Kenneth Leroy Brown March 27th 8:00 AM We Pray for the Repose of the Soul of Jan Delasmit We Pra y for Healing for Pablo Cusumano, Regina Ogaldes and Brian Slusser
March 27th 10:30 AM We Pray for the Repose of the Souls of: Joan Miller and Jaqueline Aseltine We Pray for Healing for George Sanchez, Butch Jeresek and Diana and Manuel Hino
Greeting for The Epiphany of the Lord 02 January 2022
Greeting for The Epiphany of the Lord, Good Afternoon/Morning and Welcome to Blessed Sacrament. Catholic Community. This weekend we celebrate The Epiphany of the Lord with our Celebrant Father Mike McCullough. Our readings can be found on pages 43 to 45. Second Collection for Maintenance and Education The California Department of Public Health has new indoor mask recommendations for all indoor activities. Our Diocese will support the CDPH recommendations in order to protect the health and safety of our congregations during this liturgical season. We highly encourage all parishioners to wear masks inside the Church during this time, and comply with ushers who are coordinating social distancing protocols for seating in the pews. As always we continue to offer outdoor seating on our Patio if you are not comfortable with sitting inside the Church right now. Remember that children must be accompanied by an adult to use the restroom in order to ensure that the restroom is properly sanitized. You will be directed by an Usher during Holy Communion beginning with those in the front pews. Please Maintain the 3ft. distance. And remember to use hand sanitizer before you leave your seat. Those of us receiving Communion on the tongue should remain seated until directed by an Usher to come forward. Remember that the Ushers will dismiss us at the end of Mass from the back to the front. Announcements for The Solemnity of Mary, The Holy Mother of God and The Epiphany of the Lord. The Epiphany of The Lord The Ushers may come forward for Second Collection. Until Father Eliseus returns on January 27 th , daily Communion Service is offered Monday through Thursday at 8:00 AM and Confession is Saturdays at 3:30 PM here at the Church. First Friday Mass will be celebrated on January 7th, at 9:00 AM with Father Mike. Assigned, numbered Offertory envelopes for 2022 are now available. You may pick up your envelopes on the Usher table at the back of the church. Our Blessed Sacrament Community continues to faithfully pray a Rosary for the conflict in countries around the world, especially Afghanistan. We continue to invite you to join us in prayer every Wednesday at 4:30 PM, here in the Church. Saturday 4:30 PM Mass Only: This evening, “Hospitality to Go” is available in honor of our January Birthdays and Anniversaries. Please take home one of our packaged desserts. There are both sugar and sugar-free items available. Please remember to wait for the Ushers to dismiss you at the end of Mass. Please see one of the Ushers if you would like to help us sanitize. Happy New Year! Father Mike will Bless those with Birthdays and Anniversaries. MASS INTENTIONS FOR THE SOLEMNITY OF MARY, THE HOLY MOTHER OF GOD AND THE EPIPHANY OF TE LORD. Mass Intentions for The Solemnity of Mary, The Holy Mother of God & The Epiphany of The Lord For the safety of our servicemen and women abroad, for our Police Men and Women who protect us, for all First Responders and Firemen, and for all who live with war and violence. Let us pray to the Lord. January 1st 4:30 PM We Pray for the Repose of the Souls of: Robert Sr. and Ann Bowman, SgtMaj Johann and Linda Kirschinger, Lorraine Candelaria, Tito Candelaria and Father Eliseus’ Parents Marcel and Ann Uju We Pray in memory of Sean Blair January 2 nd 8:00 AM We Pray for the Repose of the Soul of Terry Stump and Father Eliseus’ Parents Marcel and Ann Uju We Pray in memory of Sean Blair We Pray for healing for the Collard Family January 2 nd 10:30 AM We Pray for the Repose of the Soul of Joan Miller, Tito Candelaria and Father Eliseus’ Parents Marcel and Ann Uju We Pray for healing for Mary Nishioka We Pray for the conversion of the Miller Family