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Greeting for the Second Sunday in Ordinary Time, 14 - 15 January 2023
Greeting for The Second Sunday in Ordinary Time Good Afternoon/Morning, and Welcome to Blessed Sacrament Catholic Community. This weekend we celebrate The Second Sunday in Ordinary Time with our Celebrant Father Mike McCullough. No Second Collection. Our readings for this weekend are on pages 76 to 79 in English and Spanish. Our Assigned, numbered offertory envelopes for 2023 are still en route and should be received by the office soon. Meanwhile, please use the envelopes in the pew, and put your assigned offertory number on it, if you have one. We apologize for the delay and appreciate your patience. Today’s Mass includes the following intentions. Take advantage of this peaceful time to reflect and pray before Mass. Prepare your hearts and minds for receiving the Blessed Sacrament. Mindfully gift others with the opportunity for prayer and quiet reflection. Announcements for The Second Sunday in Ordinary Time, No Second Collection. The Blessed Sacrament Church Office will be closed this Monday, January 16th, in observance of the Martin Luther King Jr. Holiday. Next weekend, January 21st and 22nd, is Word of God weekend, and Father Mike has invited us to bring our Bibles to Mass for a special Blessing. Please bring your Bible to Mass with you. Trail Life USA is selling Hybrid Lights again this year, including some of the newer models, and most are solar-powered. Stop by and see them after Mass on the Patio. Blessed Sacrament Food For Life Ministry is seeking volunteers for all positions for their food distribution on Saturday, January 28th. If you would like to volunteer, please contact Corinne Dobler at 760-367-7605. Until Father Eliseus returns on January 27th, daily Communion Service is offered Monday through Thursday at 8:00 AM. Confession will continue to be on Saturdays at 3:30 PM here at the Church in the Reconciliation Room. Our Youth Ministry has weekly Bible study and Youth Group meetings every Wednesday in room 5. Middle School students meet between 5:00 & 6:30 PM, and High School students meet between 7:00 & 8:30 PM. For more information, contact Mrs. Limon or Mrs. Amaro or leave them a message with the Church Office.
Mass Intentions for The Second Sunday in Ordinary Time Mass Intentions for The Second Sunday in Ordinary Time We Pray for the protection of the public servants of our community, locally and across the globe. For relief and resolution for those experiencing the catastrophic effects of war and violence, for the outcasts and downtrodden of our community and nation, and for churches and families who offer them refuge and compassion. Let us pray to the Lord. January 14th 4:30 PM We Pray for the Bowman and Kirschinger Families We Pray for the Repose of the Soul of Seth Locken January 15th 8:00 AM We Pray for the Repose of the Souls of Mark and Art Clemons, Lawrence Power, and Clarence Foose We Pray for Healing for Dana Rene Casey We Pray in Thanksgiving for the Vasquez Family Intentions January 15th 10:30 AM We Pray for the Repose of the Souls of Joan Miller and Larry Briggs We Pray for the Conversion of the Miller family We Pray for Birthday Blessings for Ari Regland For all the intentions that we hold in the silence of our hearts
Greetings for The Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time 10 - 11 Feb 2024
Greeting for The Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time Good Afternoon/Morning and Welcome to Blessed Sacrament Catholic Community. This weekend we celebrate The Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time and World Marriage Day with our Celebrant Father Eliseus. This is the one weekend a year that is set apart to honor the Sacrament of Matrimony. It is all the more important at this time in history that we honor this Sacrament considering so much effort being put into the destruction of the Sanctity of Marriage and Family Life. So, today before the final blessing we will be honoring married couples with special acknowledgement to those couples who have been married the most amount of years and those couples most recently married. No Second Collection. Our Readings for this weekend are on pages 102 through 105 in English and Spanish. Today’s Mass includes the following intentions. [SEE OVER] As you enter the Sanctuary in silence with reverence, please remember to silence your cell phone and use this precious time for quiet reflection and silent prayer.
Announcements for The Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time 10 - 11 Feb 2024
Announcements for The Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time No Second Collection. This Wednesday, February 14th, Ash Wednesday will be celebrated with Mass at 9:00 AM and 7:00 PM. The 7:00 PM Mass will have English and Spanish readings. Until Sunday, February 11th, we are collecting old Palms for Ashes. You may deliver your old Palms in the back of the church. Beginning Friday, February 16th, and concluding Friday, March 29th, Eucharistic Adoration and Stations of the Cross will be held each Friday evening. Eucharistic Adoration will be from 3:00 PM to 6:00 PM and Stations of the Cross will be celebrated from 6:00 PM to 7:00 PM. Training for Eucharistic Ministers will be held on Saturday, February 17th at 11:00 AM. If you were a Eucharistic Minister in the past or if you are interested in becoming a Eucharistic Minister, and are confirmed Catholic, over 18 years of age, please join us for this training. We can use your support in the upcoming Lenten Liturgical Season. The Funeral Mass for Corinne Dobler will be celebrated on Saturday, February 17th at 1:00 PM. Blessed Sacrament will not have a Lenten Penance Service this year, Father reminds us to use the opportunities for reconciliation during Confession each Saturday at 3:30 PM. If you are unable to come for Confession on a Saturday, you may schedule an appointment with Father during Business Hours during the week. SEE OVER → St. Marys in Yucca Valley will have a Penance Service on Tuesday, February 20th at 6:30 PM. For more Church events and announcements, please see the weekly bulletin or visit the Blessed Sacrament Website. World Marriage Day Blessings | Join us on the patio after Mass for Hospitality. [LECTOR NOTE] At the conclusion of the announcements the assigned couple will come to the Ambo and distribute World Marriage Day gifts for couples married the longest and shortest number of years. Saturday 4:30 PM - Mr. and Mrs. George Hall Sunday 8:00 AM - Mr. and Mrs. Elizabeth Amaro Sunday 10:30 AM - Mr. and Mrs. Philip Limon
Mass Intentions for The Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Mass Intentions for The Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time We Pray for the protection of the public servants of our community, locally and across the globe. For relief and resolution for those experiencing the catastrophic effects of war and violence. For the homeless, outcasts, and downtrodden of our community and nation, and for churches and families who offer them refuge and compassion. Let us pray to the Lord. Saturday February 10 th 4:30 PM We Pray for the repose of the soul of Corinne Dobler We Pray for healing for Beverly Collard and Pilar Negrete Sunday February 11 th 8:00 AM We Pray for the repose of the soul of Corinne Dobler and Bert Frasher We Pray for healing for Beverly Collard Sunday February 11 th 10:30 AM We Pray for the repose of the soul of Joan Miller and Corinne Dobler We Pray for the conversion of the Miller Family We Pray for healing for Beverly Collard For all the intentions that we hold in the silence of our hearts
Greeting for The Epiphany Of The Lord 4-5 January 2025
Good Morning/Afternoon and Welcome to Blessed Sacrament Catholic Community. Our second collection today is for Maintenance and Education. Today we celebrate The Epiphany Of The Lord with our Celebrant Fr. Mike McCullough Our Readings for this weekend are on pages 74 through 79 in English and Spanish Today’s Mass includes the following intentions. Saturday January 4th 4:30PM We Pray for the repose of the soul of Donna Lavorerio We Pray for the repose of the soul of Rose Last We Pray for the repose of the soul of Ken Dewitt We Pray for health and safety for Fr. Eliseus Sunday January 5th 8:00AM We Pray for the repose of the soul of Lois Phipps We Pray for the repose of the soul of JoAnn Schmitt We Pray for the repose of the soul of Joan Miller We Pray for healing for Jerry Phipps We Pray for Mary Brown for her intensions SundayJanuary 5th 10:30AM We Pray for the soul of Jose Reyes Gonzalez We Pray for the soul of Joan Miller We Pray for a Happy Heavenly Birthday for Austin Duncan We Pray for health and safety for Fr. Eliseus We pray for the conversion of the Miller Famil As you enter the Church in silence with reverence, please remember to silence your cell phones.
Announcements for The Epiphany Of The Lord, 4-5 January 2025. The ushers can now come forward for the second collection for Maint/Education. We would like to welcome Fr. Mike back with us. Fr. Mike will be here for the whole month of January to cover the weekend Masses and Saturday confessions while Fr. Eliseus is away in Nigeria. Weekday celebrations in January will be Communion Services Monday through Thursday. Your 2025 Offertory Envelopes are now available at the back of the church. Please pick them up on your way out. Praying the Rosary allows us to encounter Mary and enter the Mysteries of Jesus Christ. Please join us every Wednesday afternoon at 4:30, in the small chapel at the Church Office. The Blessed Sacrament Scrip program has merchant gift cards for sale. You can purchase them on the patio after Mass, at the Church Office, or securely online through the Church website. For each card sold the church receives a percentage from that sale. We thank you for supporting the Blessed Sacrament Scrip Program. For more church events and announcements, please see the weekly bulletin or visit the Blessed Sacrament Website. Now Father will Bless all of those with Birthdays and Anniversaries for the month of January.
Mass Intensions for The Epiphany Of The Lord. 4-5 JANUARY 2025
That the church may tirelessly reveal the glory of Christ to all nations and peoples who do not yet know him Let us pray to the Lord. That God’s people may more deeply discover the mystery of the Eucharist, and worship the Lord as did the wise men of Old Let us pray to the Lord Saturday January 4th 4:30 PM We Pray for the repose of the soul of Donna Lavorerio We Pray for the repose of the soul of Rose Last We Pray for the repose of the soul of Ken Dewitt We Pray for health and safety for Fr. Eliseus Let us Pray to the Lord Sunday January 5th 8:00 AM We Pray for the repose of the soul of Lois Phipps We Pray for the repose of the soul of JoAnn Schmitt We Pray for the repose of the soul of Joan Miller We Pray for healing for Jerry Phipps We Pray for Mary Brown for all her intensions Let us Pray to the Lord Sunday January 5th 10:30 AM We Pray for the repose of the soul of Joan Miller We Pray for the repose of the soul of Jose Reyes Gonzalez We Pray for a Happy Heavenly Birthday day for Austin Duncan We Pray for health and safety for Fr. Eliseus We Pray for the conversion of the Miller family Let us Pray to the LordFor all the intensions that you hold in the silence of your hearts. Let us pray to the Lord.
Greetings for the Fourth Sunday of Easter, 29- 30 April 2023
Greeting for The Fourth Sunday of Easter Good Afternoon/Morning, and Welcome to Blessed Sacrament Catholic Community. This weekend we celebrate The Fourth Sunday of Easter with our Celebrant, Father Eliseus. No Second Collection. Our readings for this weekend are on pages 136 to 139 in English and Spanish. Today’s Mass includes the following intentions. (see over) Please remember to silence your cell phone, as our collective quiet moments before Mass are an opportunity for reflection and silent prayer. The Lord is constantly laboring to love us and speak to us. In order for Him to enter more fully into our lives, both time and space are needed. He indeed gives us that time and space before Mass. Please take full advantage of this tremendous gift of quiet reflection and silent prayer.
Announcements for Fourth Sunday of Easter, 29 - 30 April 2023 Announcements for The Fourth Sunday of Easter No Second Collection. This weekend, we thank and recognize Anna and William Johanson who donated the stained glass window for the Feast of St. Joseph. We pray for the eternal repose of their souls. [pause] Friday, May 5th at 9:00 AM, we will celebrate First Friday Mass with Father Eliseus. For Mother’s Day, Sunday, May 14th you may petition Special Mass Intentions. During Mass on Mother’s Day, Father Eliseus will have these special intentions on the Altar. Please see an usher after Mass if you would like a Mother’s Day Spiritual Bouquet Mass Intention Envelope. You can submit your special intentions directly to the Church office or to an Usher after Mass. Father Eliseus is currently accepting applications for the Parish Secretary position. If you are interested in the details of this position, please see Father Eliseus or contact Gail in the Parish Office. We continue to meet every Wednesday afternoon at 4:30 in the Chapel to Pray a Rosary through the Intercession of our Blessed Mother as well as Saints from Ukraine and Afghanistan & for peace in the world. We encourage all of you to join us as often as you can. We hope to see you there. Don’t forget that we have merchant gift cards for sale with over a dozen different vendors to choose from. You can purchase Scrip on the patio after Mass, at the Church Office, or securely online through the Blessed Sacrament website. These announcements are posted on the Blessed Sacrament Website and the Bulletin Board on the Patio. Mass Intentions for Fourth Sunday of Easter,
Mass Intentions for The Fourth Sunday of Easter We Pray for the protection of the public servants of our community, locally and across the globe; for relief and resolution for those experiencing the catastrophic effects of war and violence; for the homeless, outcasts, and downtrodden of our community and nation, and for churches and families who offer them refuge and compassion. Let us pray to the Lord. Saturday April 29 th 4:30 PM We Pray for the Repose of the Souls of Kathy, Frances and Robert Dehner We Pray for Healing for Nancy Clapper Sunday April 30 th 8:00 AM We Pray for Healing for Anne Lear We Pray in Thanksgiving for the Vasquez Family Intentions Sunday April 30 th 10:30 AM We Pray for the Repose of the Souls of Erica Mariscal, Joan Miller and Alonzo Yepez We Pray for the conversion of the Miller family For all the intentions that we hold in the silence of our hearts
Greetings for The Twenty-Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time. 23 - 24 Sept 2023
Greeting for The Twenty-Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time Good Afternoon/Morning and Welcome to Blessed Sacrament Catholic Community. This weekend we celebrate The Twenty-Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time with our Celebrant Father Eliseus. No Second Collection. Our Readings for this weekend are on pages 114 to 117 in English and Spanish. Today’s Mass includes the following intentions. [SEE OVER] As you enter the Sanctuary in silence with reverence, please remember to silence your cell phone and use this precious time for quiet reflection and silent prayer.
Announcements for The Twenty- Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time 23 - 24 Sept 2023
Announcements for The Twenty-Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time No Second Collection. Every October the Catholic Church in the United States celebrates Respect Life Month. Next weekend, Saturday and Sunday, is observed as Respect Life Sunday. As Catholics, we are called to cherish, defend, and protect those who are most vulnerable from the beginning to the end of their lives, and at every point in between. During the month of October, the Church asks us to reflect more deeply on the dignity of human life. The theme for 2023’s Respect Life Month is Eucharistic and Radical Solidarity. The Eucharist fortifies us in our response against the culture of death so that every life from conception to natural death is respected, protected, and supported in the Body of Christ, His Church. We will have a special Second Collection for the Sanctity of Human Life, next weekend Saturday, September 30th and Sunday October 1st. On Wednesday, October 4th at 11:00 AM a funeral Mass will be celebrated for Dean Rodney Mirabal (Dino). Eliminating child trafficking and empowering survivors has been a historic concern of the Catholic Church. Please join us every Wednesday afternoon at 4:30 to pray a Rosary for peace in the world and for an end to Child Trafficking throughout the world, but especially in our country, through the Intercession of our Blessed Mother. SEE OVER → Are you doing early Christmas shopping? Scrip Gift Cards make a great gift! With each Scrip Gift Card that you purchase, our Church receives a percentage from that sale. Often after Mass, a table will be set up on the patio, where you can purchase Scrip in person. Or you can purchase Scrip at the office or securely through a link on our Blessed Sacrament Website. Thank you for supporting the Blessed Sacrament Scrip Program. Remember, these announcements are posted on the Blessed Sacrament Website and in the Bulletin Board on the Patio.
Mass Intentions for The Twenty-Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Mass Intentions for The Twenty-Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time We Pray for the protection of the public servants of our community, locally and across the globe; for relief and resolution for those experiencing the catastrophic effects of war and violence; for the homeless, outcasts, and downtrodden of our community and nation, and for churches and families who offer them refuge and compassion. Let us pray to the Lord. Saturday September 23rd 4:30 PM We Pray for the Repose of the Soul of Roberto Limon We Pray for Healing for Adolfo Dulatre Sunday September 24th 8:00 AM We Pray for the Repose of the Soul of Roberto Limon Sunday September 24th 10:30 AM We Pray for the Repose of the Souls of Joan Miller and Roberto Limon We Pray for Healing for Fayette Letterell We Pray for the Conversion of the Miller family For all the intentions that we hold in the silence of our hearts.
Greetings for The Seventeenth Sunday in Ordinary Times 29- 30 July 2023
Greeting for The Seventeenth Sunday in Ordinary Time Good Afternoon/Morning and Welcome to Blessed Sacrament Catholic Community. This weekend we celebrate The Seventeenth Sunday in Ordinary Time with our Celebrant, Father Eliseus and Deacon Fernando Heredia. Our special guest, Deacon Fernando Heredia will join us at all Masses to speak to us about the Second Collection this weekend, a Mission Appeal. Please consider prayerfully making a donation. Donation envelopes are available, or you can contact the Parish Office directly. Our Readings for this weekend are on pages 76 to 79 in English and Spanish. Today’s Mass includes the following intentions. (see over) Please remember to silence your cell phones and enter the sanctuary in silence with reverence. Our collective quiet moments before Mass allow us time for reflection and silent prayer. Our Lord is constantly laboring to love us and speak to us. In order for Him to enter more fully into our lives, both time and space are needed. He indeed gives us that time and space before Mass. Please take full advantage of this tremendous gift of quiet reflection and silent prayer.
Announcements for The Seventeenth Sunday in Ordinary Times 29 - 30 July 2023
Announcements for The Seventeenth Sunday in Ordinary Time Second Collection | Mission Appeal While Father Eliseus is in Nigeria, during the month of August, Father Mike McCullough will join us for weekend Masses and Confession. There will be a Communion Service Monday through Thursday at 8:00AM. The next Young Adult Meetup will be August 12th from 7:00PM to 8:30PM. For more information or to RSVP please contact Shannan Limon or the Parish Office. Faith Formation and RCIA Registration begins next weekend, August 5th and 6th, and continues after all Masses in the month of August. If you have questions about registration or would like more information about Faith Formation or RCIA, contact Elaine Ashfield or the Church Office. Sister Lucia dos Santos, one of the children to whom Our Lady appeared at Fatima, once said 1 : “There is no problem, no matter how difficult it is, whether temporal or, above all spiritual, in the personal life of each one of us, of our families…that cannot be solved by the Rosary.” Join us every Wednesday afternoon at 4:30 to pray a Rosary for peace in the world through the Intercession of our Blessed Mother and Saints from Ukraine, Afghanistan & Nigeria
Mass Intentions for The Seventeenth Sunday in Ordinary Times
Mass Intentions for The Seventeenth Sunday in Ordinary Time We Pray for the protection of the public servants of our community, locally and across the globe; for relief and resolution for those experiencing the catastrophic effects of war and violence; for the homeless, outcasts, and downtrodden of our community and nation, and for churches and families who offer them refuge and compassion. Let us pray to the Lord. Saturday July 29 th 4:30 PM We Pray for the Repose of Soul of Lily Candelaria We Pray for Father Eliseus for safe travel to Nigeria and his safety while there We Pray for protection for those fighting against child trafficking Sunday July 30 th 8:00 AM We Pray for the Repose of the Soul of Linda Minarik We Pray for Healing for Jimmy Minarik We Pray for Father Eliseus for safe travel to Nigeria and his safety while there Sunday July 30 th 10:30 AM We Pray for the Repose of the Soul of Joan Miller We Pray for the conversion of the Miller family We Pray for a Happy Heavenly Birthday for Butch Jerezcek We Pray for Father Eliseus for safe travel to Nigeria and his safety while there For all the intentions that we hold in the silence of our hearts
Greetings for the 24th Sunday in Ordinary Time. 14 - 15 September 2024
Greeting for The Twenty-Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Good Afternoon/Morning and Welcome to Blessed Sacrament Catholic Community.No Second Collection This weekend we celebrate The Twenty-Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time with our Fr. Eliseus Our Readings for this weekend are on pages 110 through 113 in English and Spanish. Today during the mass Father will be Blessing our Catechist Today’s Mass includes the following intentions. [SEE OVER] As you enter the Sanctuary in silence with reverence, please remember to silence your cell phone and use this precious time for quiet reflection and silent prayer.
Announcements for the 24th Sunday in Ordinary Time 14 - 15 September 2024 Announcements for The Twenty-Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time There is no second collection Our Adult Choir has returned from break, and we meet every Monday at 7:00PM for rehearsals. If anyone is still interested in joining, you can show up at rehearsals. We are also calling for any young singers to join us on specific Sundays at the 8:00 AM Mass who want to sing. If you are interested in either of these groups, please call Cindy Minarik at 760-985-4000 or call the Parish Office at 760-367-3343. Remember, to sing is to pray twice. Next Week September 16 th through the 20 th Father Eliseus will be away at the Annual Priests Convocation. There will only be Communion service Monday through Thursday next week. Praying the Rosary allows us to encounter Mary and enter the Mysteries of Jesus Christ. Please join us every Wednesday afternoon at 4:30, in the small chapel at the Church Office. The Blessed Sacrament Scrip program has merchant gift cards for sale. You can purchase them on the patio after Mass, at the Church Office, or securely online through the Church website. For each card sold the church receives a percentage from that sale. We thank you for supporting the Blessed Sacrament Scrip Program. For more church events and announcements, please see the weekly bulletin or visit the Blessed Sacrament Website. We have been asked by Bishop Alberto Rojas to read a letter to our Parishioners Prayer Intentions, 24th Sunday in Ordinary Time
Mass Intentions for The Twenty-Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time We Pray for the protection of the public servants of our community, locally and across the globe. For relief and resolution for those experiencing the catastrophic effects of war and violence. For the homeless, outcasts, and downtrodden of our
community and nation, and for churches and families who offer them refuge and compassion. Let us pray to the Lord. Let us pray for all families affected by the wildfires in our area that they receive relief in rebuilding and returning to their homes and for all first responders for their safety; grant protection to our communities and bring life and hope out of the ashes, Let us pray to the Lord We Pray for Catechists May they grow stronger in their love and commitment
to one another. Let us pray to the Lord. Saturday September 14 th 4:30 PM We Pray for the repose of the soul of Clarence Foose Sunday September 15 th 8:00 AM
We Pray for the repose of the soul of Burt Frasher We Pray for the repose of the soul of Judy Andershak We Pray for Healing for Lois and Jerry Phipps
Sunday September 15 th 10:30 AM We Pray for the repose of the Soul of Elizabeth slusarczyk We Pray for the repose of the soul of Joan Miller and the conversion
of the miller family We Pray for Healing for Patrick Rosenthal For all the intentions that we hold in the silence of our hearts.
Greeting for the Thirty-Third Sunday in Ordinary Time 12 - 13 Nov 2022
Greeting for The Thirty-Third Sunday in Ordinary Time Good Afternoon/Morning, and Welcome to Blessed Sacrament Catholic Community. This weekend we celebrate The Thirty-Third Sunday in Ordinary Time with our Celebrant Father Eliseus. We wish all of the Veterans, Happy Veterans Day. We recognize you, and thank you for your service to our Country and to the world. We will say a special prayer acknowledging our Veterans during our Mass celebration today. Second Collection for Maintenance and Education. Our Readings for this weekend are on pages 71 to 73. The Readings in Spanish are on pages 78 to 80 at the back of the Missal. Today’s Mass includes the following intentions. (See intentions on the next page) At the end of Mass, the Ushers will continue to dismiss us from the back to the front. During these quiet moments before Mass, prepare your hearts and minds for receiving the Blessed Sacrament. Mindfully minimize your conversations to gift others with the opportunity for prayer and quiet reflection.
Announcements for The Thirty-Third Sunday in Ordinary Time Second Collection for Maintenance and Education. Our Blessed Mother said, “Say the Rosary every day, to bring peace to the world and end the war.” So, we continue to meet every Wednesday afternoon at 4:30 to Pray a Rosary through the Intercession of our Blessed Mother as well as Saints from Ukraine and Afghanistan & for peace in the world. We encourage all of you to join us as often as you can. The Blessed Sacrament Scrip Program continues to sell Scrip Gift Cards after Mass on the patio, in the Church Office, and securely online through the Blessed Sacrament Website. By now, many of you know that Proposition 1 has passed in California. We will read a special message from Bishop Alberto Rojas. [READ ATTACHED LETTER FROM BISHOP ROJAS] And now we have a special Announcement from Cindy
Brothers and Sisters in Christ, Peace and well-being to you and your families. May God continue to keep you in His abundant grace and loving care. We have received the unfortunate news that Proposition 1 was passed by California voters. Our Diocese and our Church throughout the state fought this dangerous, expensive, and unnecessary proposition with great passion. I want to offer my heartfelt gratitude to all our parishes, schools, ministries and apostolic groups for their efforts to speak out against Proposition 1 and urge a ‘No’ vote. We are surely saddened by the outcome of the vote on Proposition 1 because we know it will only further promote a culture of death in California. At the same time, we need to recognize that the No on Prop. 1 campaign brought us together in a beautiful demonstration of advocacy for life. We were reminded once again of the preciousness of every human life in God’s eyes and that we have a responsibility to defend life from conception to natural death. There is momentum in our communities of faith on the issue of Life. Let us keep it going! Equally important is our continuing commitment to support women, children and families, both practically and pastorally. The “We Were Born Ready” campaign continues as we have much to say and do for women and families who are facing unplanned pregnancies. In our Catholic faith being Pro Life means being Pro Family and Pro Woman. There is much that continues to happen in our state and our nation on the matter of abortion. So, with the guidance of the Holy Spirit, we will surely be called upon in the days to come to advocate for the most vulnerable among us. You have my deepest prayers and thanks for all that you have done and continue to do for the cause of Life! In Christ’s Love, Bishop Alberto Rojas
Mass Intentions for The Thirty-Third Sunday in Ordinary Time
Mass Intentions for The Thirty-Third Sunday in Ordinary Time Please join us in a Veteran’s Day Prayer Heavenly Father, we thank you for those who have gone to Battle before us and for the brave Soldiers, Sailors, Airmen and Marines who are now serving so we may enjoy freedom. Let them know we appreciate their sacrifices, their love of country, their bravery, and that we commend their efforts to make the world a safer place. Give them comfort, rest and peace, knowing you are with them always. But I will sing of your strength, in the morning I will sing of your love; for you are my fortress, my refuge in times of trouble. Amen. November 12 th 4:30 PM We Pray for the Bowman and Kirschinger Families We Pray for the repose of the soul of Robert Dehner We Pray for Birthday Blessings for Sergio Regland November 13 th 8:00 AM We Pray for the repose of the soul of Pat Bitter and Maria Diaz Gonzalez We Pray in Thanksgiving for the Vasquez Family Intentions November 13 th 10:30 AM We Pray for the Repose of the Soul of Joan Miller We Pray for the Conversion of the Miller family
Greetings for the Most Holy Trinity. 25 - 26 May 2024
Greeting for The Solemnity of the Most Holy Trinity Good Afternoon/Morning and Welcome to Blessed Sacrament Catholic Community. Second Collection for Spring Combined Collection. This weekend we celebrate The Solemnity of the Most Holy Trinity with our Celebrant Father Eliseus. Our Readings for this weekend are on pages 30 through 33 in English and Spanish. Today’s Mass includes the following intentions. [SEE OVER] As you enter the Sanctuary in silence with reverence, please remember to silence your cell phone and use this precious time for quiet reflection and silent prayer.
Announcements for the Most Holy Trinity 25 - 26 May 2024 Announcements for The Solemnity of the Most Holy Trinity Second Collection for Spring Combined Collection. On June 29th the Altar Society is hosting a Prayer Breakfast here at the Church. For more details and to purchase tickets, visit Maureen on the Patio after Mass or contact the church office during the week. Praying the Rosary allows us to encounter Mary and enter the Mysteries of Jesus Christ. Please join us every Wednesday afternoon at 4:30 to pray a Rosary for peace in the world through the Intercession of our Blessed Mother. The Blessed Sacrament Scrip Program has merchant gift cards for sale. There are over a dozen different vendors to choose from. You can purchase Scrip on the patio after Mass, at the Church Office, or securely online through the Blessed Sacrament website. For each Scrip Gift Card purchase, the Church receives a percentage from that sale. We thank you for supporting the Blessed Sacrament Scrip Program. For more Church events and announcements, please see the weekly bulletin or visit the Blessed Sacrament Website.
Mass Intentions for the Most Holy Trinity Mass Intentions for The Solemnity of the Most Holy Trinity We Pray for the protection of the public servants of our community, locally and across the globe. For relief and resolution for those experiencing the catastrophic effects of war and violence. For the homeless, outcasts, and downtrodden of our community and nation, and for churches and families who offer them refuge and compassion. Let us pray to the Lord. Saturday May 25th 4:30 PM We Pray for the Repose of the Souls of Cresanta Castro, Joan Miller and Joe Thrasher We Pray for Healing for Beverly Collard Sunday May 26th 8:00 AM We Pray for the Repose of the souls of Flo and Stan Andreshak and Joe Thrasher We Pray for Healing for Beverly Collard and Lois Phipps Sunday May 26th 10:30 AM We Pray for the Repose of the souls of Joan Miller and Joe Thrasher We Pray for the Conversion of the Miller Family For all the intentions that we hold in the silence of our hearts.
Greetings for The Feast of the Holy Family 30 - 31 Dec 2023
Greeting for The Feast of the Holy Family of Jesus, Mary and Joseph Good Afternoon/Morning and Welcome to Blessed Sacrament Catholic Community. This weekend we celebrate The Feast of the Holy Family of Jesus, Mary and Joseph with our Celebrant Father Mike McCullough. Welcome back, Father Mike! No Second Collection. Our Readings for this weekend are on pages 66 through 71 in English and Spanish. Today’s Mass includes the following intentions. [SEE OVER] As you enter the Sanctuary in silence with reverence, please remember to silence your cell phone and use this precious time for quiet reflection and silent prayer.
Announcements for Feast of the Holy Family 30 - 31 Dec 2023 Announcements for The Feast of the Holy Family of Jesus, Mary and Joseph No Second Collection. Until Father Eliseus returns, Communion Services will be on January 2nd through January 4th. There will not be Communion Services from, Monday, January 8th through Monday January 15th. Daily Communion Services will resume as of Tuesday, January 16th until Wednesday, January 31st. Confession will continue to be on Saturdays at 3:30 PM here in the Church in the Reconciliation Room. The Church Office will remain closed for the Holidays and return to normal business hours on Tuesday, January 2 nd . This Monday, January 1st at 9:00 AM we will celebrate Mass for The Solemnity of Mary, The Holy Mother of God. Friday, January 5th at 9:00 AM is First Friday Mass. We have received our 2024 assigned, numbered offertory envelopes. You may pick them up after Mass in the back of the church. Blessed Sacrament is grateful for your ongoing donations and generosity. If you would like a copy of your annual donations for Tax purposes, you may call the Church Office during regular business hours. For more Church events and announcements, please see the weekly bulletin or visit the Blessed Sacrament Website.
Mass Intentions for The Feast of the Holy Family Mass Intentions for The Feast of the Holy Family of Jesus, Mary and Joseph May our Lord bless all peoples of the Holy Land in this time of war, especially the many innocent families and children suffering from acts of violence and especially for those who have died, that a true and lasting peace may return soon to the land of our Lord Jesus, the Prince of Peace. Let us pray to the Lord. Saturday December 30 th 4:30 PM We Pray for the Repose of the Souls of Terry Stump and Evelyn Sublett Sunday December 31 st 8:00 AM We Pray for the Repose of the Soul of Terry Stump We Pray for Healing for the visitors who were injured in the car accident on Pole Line Road last Thursday. Sunday December 31 st 10:30 AM We Pray for the Repose of the Souls of Joan Miller and Terry Stump. We Pray for the Conversion of the Miller Family.
Greeting for the Twenty-Ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time 15 = 16 Oct 2022
Greeting for The Twenty-Ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time Good Afternoon/Morning, and Welcome to Blessed Sacrament Catholic Community. This weekend we celebrate The Twenty-Ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time with our Celebrant Father Eliseus. Second Collection for DDF. Our Readings for this weekend are on pages 60 to 62. The Readings in Spanish are on pages 66 to 68 at the back of the Missal. Today’s Mass includes the following intentions. (See intentions on the next page) As our small community continues to cautiously protect those most vulnerable from Covid-19 and other illnesses, we continue to ask that those of us receiving Communion on the tongue, please remain seated until directed by an Usher to come forward. We invite you to continue to be as cautious as you feel is personally necessary regarding social distancing and hand sanitizing before Communion. At the end of Mass, the Ushers will continue to dismiss us from the back to the front. During these quiet moments before Mass, prepare your hearts and minds for receiving the Blessed Sacrament. Mindfully minimize your conversations to gift others with the opportunity for prayer and quiet reflection
Announcements for The Twenty-Ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Announcements for The Twenty-Ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time Second Collection for DDF. During this month, Respect Life Month, our Blessed Sacrament Knights of Columbus are collecting donations for our local Hi-Desert Pregnancy center. Please bring your donation of new (unopened) baby items and cleaning supplies to the donation box at the entrance of the Church. If you have already donated, we thank you, and appreciate your generosity, and ask that you vote NO on Proposition 1 this November. We will welcome a special guest from Nigeria this month. Father Eliseus and the Blessed Sacrament Community are excited to be hosting the Nigerian Director of Hospitals. We’re looking forward to this special guest speaking at all Masses the weekend of October 22nd & 23rd. For more Church events and announcements, Please see the weekly bulletin, visit the Blessed Sacrament Website or contact the Church Office. And now, we will read an approved message from the California Catholic Conference and the San Bernardino Diocese: [READ THE ATTACHED BULLETIN ANNOUNCEMENT ON THE NEXT PAGE] Bulletin Announcement For October 16, 2022 VOTE “NO” ON PROPOSITION 1 Proposition 1 is a worst-case scenario for abortion in California. It is an expensive and misleading ballot measure that allows unlimited late-term abortions — for any reason, at any time, even moments before birth, paid for by tax dollars. Remember Prop 1 isn’t needed. Sadly, California already has some of the most permissive abortion laws in the nation that would remain in effect without the amendment, including our current limit on late-term abortions that are permitted only for the life and health of the mother. Prop 1 destroys this common-sense limit. Do you know someone facing an unexpected or difficult pregnancy, in need of prenatal care, or support with young children? Our local pregnancy helpline here in Yucca Valley is 760-369-8512. WE HAVE A SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT FROM OUR TEEN YOUTH MINISTRY.
Mass Intentions for The Twenty- Ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Mass Intentions for The Twenty-Ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time “Accompany the choices of legislative assemblies with the light of your spirit, so that peoples and nations may recognize and respect the sacred nature of life, of every human life. Guide the work of scientists and doctors, so that all progress contributes to the integral well-being of the person, and no one endures suppression or injustice. And console the married couples who suffer because they are unable to have children and in your goodness provide for them. 1 ” Let us pray to the Lord. October 8 th 4:30 PM We Pray for the Bowman and Kirschinger Families We Pray for healing for Ken Monaghan We Pray for Birthday Blessings for Tabitha Zuniga We Pray for John and Mary Spencer October 9 th 8:00 AM We Pray for the private intentions of the Vasquez Family We Pray for Birthday Blessings for Dan Stubbs We Pray for Healing for Lily Candelaria October 9 th 10:30 AM We Pray for the Repose of the Soul of Joan Miller We Pray for the Conversion of the Miller family
Greeting for Solemnity Of Mary, The Holy Mother Of God Good Morning and Welcome to Blessed Sacrament Catholic Community. Today we celebrate Solemnity Of Mary, The Holy Mother Of God with our Celebrant Fr. Mike McCullough
Our Readings for this weekend are on pages 72 through 74 in English and Spanish Today’s Mass includes the following intentions. Wednesday
January 1 st 9:00 AM
We Pray for the repose of the soul of JoAnn Schmitt
Greeting for The Nativity Of The Lord (Christmas) At The Vigil Mass. Good evening and Welcome to Blessed Sacrament Catholic Community. Tonight, we celebrate The Nativity Of The Lord At The Vigil Mass with our Celebrant Fr. Eliseus. Our Readings for this weekend are on pages 50 through 55 in English and Spanish Today’s Mass includes the following intentions. Tuesday December 24th 5:15 PM
We Pray for the repose of the soul of Terry Stump
Greeting for The Nativity Of The Lord (Christmas) At The Mass During The Night Good evening and Welcome to Blessed Sacrament Catholic Community.
Tonight, we celebrate The Nativity Of The Lord At The Mass During The Night with our Celebrant Fr. Eliseus Our Readings for this weekend are on pages 56 through 59 in English and Spanish Today’s Mass includes the following intentions.Wednesday December 25th 12:00 AM We Pray for the repose of the soul of Terry Stump As you enter the Church in silence with reverence, please remember to silence your cell phones.
Greeting for The Nativity Of The Lord (Christmas) At The Mass During The day Good morning and Welcome to Blessed Sacrament Catholic Community. Today, we celebrate The Nativity Of The Lord At The Mass During The Day with our Celebrant Fr. Eliseus, Our Readings for this weekend are on pages 62 through 67 in English and Spanish Today’s Mass includes the following intentions. WednesdayDecember 25th 10:30 AM
We Pray for the repose of the soul of Terry Stump We Pray for the repose of the soul of Doly Chase
We Pray for the repose of the soul of Lois Phipps We Pray for healing for Jerry Phipps
We Pray for healing for George Collard
As you enter the Church in silence with reverence, please remember to silence your cell phone
Greetings for The Fifth Sunday in Lent 16 - 17 Mar 2024
Greeting for The Fifth Sunday of Lent Good Afternoon/Morning and Welcome to Blessed Sacrament Catholic Community. This weekend we celebrate The Fifth Sunday of Lent and St. Patrick’s Day with our Celebrant Father Eliseus. Second Collection for DDF. Our Readings for this weekend are on pages 142 through 147 in English and Spanish. Today’s Mass includes the following intentions. [SEE OVER] As you enter the Sanctuary in silence with reverence, please remember to silence your cell phone and use this precious time for quiet reflection and silent prayer.
Announcements for The Fifth Sunday of Lent 16 - 17 Mar 2024 Announcements for The Fifth Sunday of Lent Second Collection for DDF. We’d like to thank the Faith Formation Ministry for hosting Stations of the Cross last Friday. Eucharistic Adoration and Stations of the Cross will be held each Friday evening until Friday, March 29 th . Eucharistic Adoration will be from 3:00 PM to 6:00 PM and Stations of the Cross will be from 6:00 PM to 7:00 PM. However, on Friday, March 22nd at 3:00 PM Eucharistic Adoration is canceled because Father Eliseus will be at an all day meeting with the staff at the Diocese. Blessed Sacrament will not have a Lenten Penance Service during this Lenten Season and Confession will not be available on Saturday, March 30th. Father reminds us to use the opportunities for reconciliation during Confession each Saturday at 3:30 PM. If you are unable to come for Confession on a Saturday, you may schedule an appointment with Father during Business Hours during the week. Friday, March 29th, from 6:00 PM to 7:00 PM, we will join to Pray the Stations of the Cross for the last time this Lenten season with our Hispanic Ministry. The Good Friday Service immediately follows the Stations of the Cross.
Mass Intentions for The Fifth Sunday of Lent Mass Intentions for The Fifth Sunday of Lent We Pray for the protection of the public servants of our community, locally and across the globe. For relief and resolution for those experiencing the catastrophic effects of war and violence. For the homeless, outcasts, and downtrodden of our community and nation, and for churches and families who offer them refuge and compassion. Let us pray to the Lord. We Pray that our elect may ponder the work of God in their hearts and savor its meaning more fully day by day, let us pray to the Lord: We Pray that the elect may sincerely reject everything in their lives that is displeasing and contrary to Christ, let us pray to the Lord: Saturday March 16 th 4:30 PM We Pray for the repose of the soul of Alice Nelson We Pray for healing for Beverly Collard and Adolfo Dulatre Sunday March 17 th 8:00 AM We Pray the repose of the souls of Alice Nelson, FJ Carey and Burt Frasher We Pray for healing for Beverly Collard and Lois Phipps Sunday March 17 th 10:30 AM We Pray for the repose of the souls of Joan Miller, Alice Nelson and FJ Carey We Pray for the conversion of the Miller Family We Pray for healing for Beverly Collard and Lois Phipps For all the intentions that we hold in the silence of our hearts.
Greeting for the Third Sunday in Ordinary Time, 21 - 22 January 2023
Greeting for The Third Sunday in Ordinary Time Good Afternoon/Morning, and Welcome to Blessed Sacrament Catholic
Community. This weekend we celebrate The Third Sunday in Ordinary Time & Word of God Weekend with our Celebrant Father Mike McCullough. As we celebrate the Word of God Weekend this weekend, the Church continually invites us to return to God’s word. For when we pray with the Bible – personally and in our homes – our encounter with the living Word of God is a spiritually nourishing feast. And so after our Announcements today, Father Mike will Bless our Bibles. Second Collection for DDF. Our readings for this weekend are on pages 80 to 84 in English and Spanish. Today’s Mass includes the following intentions. Take advantage of this peaceful time to reflect and pray before Mass. Prepare your hearts and minds for receiving the Blessed Sacrament. Mindfully gift others with the opportunity for prayer and quiet reflection. Announcements for The Third Sunday in Ordinary Time Second Collection for DDF. Father Eliseus returns next weekend, January 28th. We will continue to offer daily Communion Service this Monday through Thursday at 8:00 AM. Confession will resume in the Hospitality Room with Father Eliseus on Saturdays at 3:30 PM. Blessed Sacrament Food For Life Ministry is seeking volunteers for all positions for their food distribution next Saturday, January 28th. If you would like to volunteer, please contact Corinne Dobler at 760-367-7605. Sunday’s, after Mass, Trail Life USA is selling Hybrid Lights, including some of the newer models, and most are solar-powered. Stop by and support our Trail Life USA Ministry. Our Youth Ministry has weekly Bible study and Youth Group meetings every Wednesday in room 5. Middle School students meet between 5:00 & 6:30 PM, and High School students meet between 7:00 & 8:30 PM. For more information, contact Mrs. Limon or Mrs. Amaro or leave them a message with the Church Office. Our Blessed Sacrament Community continues to come together each Wednesday at 4:30 PM in the Chapel to faithfully pray a Rosary through the Intercession of Our Blessed Mother. We invite you to join us each week to pray for the United States, Ukraine, Afghanistan, and all countries around the world that need the help of our Blessed Mother. We have received 2023 assigned, numbered offertory envelopes. You may pick them up after Mass, in the back of the church. Blessed Sacrament is grateful for your ongoing donations and generosity. If you would like a copy of your annual donations for Tax purposes, you may call the Church Office during regular business hours. Before Father Mike continues with the Blessing of our Bibles, we would like to offer a special Prayer for Father Mike. We thank you for your time here at Blessed Sacrament. Please join me in raising our hands. Gracious and loving God, we thank you for the gift of Father Mike McCullough and all priests. Through them, we experience Your presence in the sacraments. Help Father McCullough to be strong in his vocation and set his soul on fire with love for Your people. Grant him the wisdom, understanding, and strength he needs to follow in the footsteps of Jesus. Inspire him to experience joy in his ministry. Give him the words he needs to spread the Gospel and allow him to experience joy in his ministry. Help him to become an instrument of Your Divine Grace. We ask through Jesus Christ, who lives and reigns as our Eternal Priest. Amen. Father Mike will Bless Bibles for Word of God Weekend
Mass Intentions for The Third Sunday in Ordinary Time and across the globe. For relief and resolution for those experiencing the catastrophic effects of war and violence, for the outcasts and downtrodden of our community and nation, and for churches and families who offer them refuge and compassion. Let us pray to the Lord. January 21st 4:30 PM We Pray for the Bowman and Kirschinger Families We Pray for Healing for Adolfo Dulatre January 22nd 8:00 AM We Pray for the Repose of the Souls of Mark and Art Clemons, Lawrence Power, and Clarence Foose We Pray for Healing for Dana Rene Casey We Pray in Thanksgiving for the Vasquez Family Intentions January 22nd 10:30 AM We Pray for the Repose of the Souls of Joan Miller and Larry Briggs We Pray for the Conversion of the Miller family For all the intentions that we hold in the silence of our hearts
Greeting for the Twenty-Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time 8 - 9 Oct 2022
Good Afternoon/Morning, and Welcome to Blessed Sacrament Catholic Community. This weekend we celebrate The Twenty-Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time with our Celebrant Father Eliseus. No Second Collection.
Our Readings for this weekend are on pages 58 to 60. The Readings in Spanish are on pages 64 to 66 at the back of the Missal.
Today’s Mass includes the following intentions. (See intentions on the next page) As our small community continues to cautiously protect those most vulnerable from Covid-19 and other illnesses, we continue to ask that those of us receiving Communion on the tongue, please remain seated until directed by an Usher to come forward. We invite you to continue to be as cautious as you feel is personally necessary regarding social distancing and hand sanitizing before Communion. Our end of Mass Announcements, until November 8th, will focus on the “No on Prop 1” efforts. Please see the weekly bulletins, visit the Blessed Sacrament Website, or contact the Church Office for all other Church Announcements. At the end of Mass, the Ushers will continue to dismiss us from the back to the front. During these quiet moments before Mass, prepare your hearts and minds for receiving the Blessed Sacrament. Mindfully minimize your conversations to gift others with the opportunity for prayer and quiet reflection.
Announcements for The Twenty-Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time Our Blessed Sacrament Community continues its awareness, information, and prayer efforts to defeat Proposition 1. We invite you to participate by donating to the Knights of Columbus Baby Shower for all expectant mothers. Bring your donation of new (unopened) baby items and cleaning supplies to our Knights of Columbus. We have a donation box at the entrance of the Church for you to leave your donations. All donated items will benefit our local Hi-Desert Pregnancy center and our hi-desert communities. We will have more to announce in the coming weeks and will continue to share ways you can Pray, Donate and Collaborate in service to defeat Prop 1. We will welcome a special guest from Nigeria this month. Father Eliseus and the Blessed Sacrament Community are excited to be hosting the Nigerian Director of Hospitals. We’re looking forward to this special guest speaking at all Masses the weekend of October 22nd & 23rd. For more Church events and announcements, Please see the weekly bulletin, visit the Blessed Sacrament Website or contact the Church Office. And now, we will read an approved message from the California Catholic Conference and the San Bernardino Diocese: VOTE “NO” ON PROPOSITION 1Proposition 1 is a worst-case scenario for abortion in California. It is an expensive and misleading ballot measure that allows unlimited late-term abortions — for any reason, at any time, even moments before birth, paid for by tax dollars.Prop 1 isn’t needed. Sadly, California already has some of the most permissive abortion laws in the nation that would remain in effect without the amendment, including our current limit on late-term abortions that are permitted only for the life and health of the mother. Prop 1 destroys this common-sense limit. California does not limit state spending on abortion, and with thousands more traveling from other states, the cost will be in the hundreds of millions. Don’t hand lawmakers a blank check to pay for abortions, and don’t let them make California an “abortion sanctuary.”During this month of Respect Life, the bishops of California are inviting all Catholics to engage in prayer and fasting to end abortion and for an outpouring of the Holy Spirit to form the minds and hearts of California citizens to defeat Prop 1. Do you know someone facing an unexpected or difficult pregnancy, in need of prenatal care, or support with young children? Our local pregnancy helpline here in Yucca Valley is 760-369-8512.
Mass Intentions for The Twenty- Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time Mass Intentions for The Twenty-Seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time “Prostrated before You, source and lover of Life, truly present and alive among us, we beg You. Reawaken in us respect for every unborn life, make us capable of seeing in the fruit of the maternal womb the miraculous work of the Creator, open our hearts to generously welcoming every child that comes into life. 1 ” Let us pray to the Lord. October 8th 4:30 PM We Pray for the Bowman and Kirschinger Families, We Pray in Thanksgiving for Healing Liz, We Pray for the Candelaria Families October 9th 8:00 AM We Pray for the private intentions of the Vasquez Family, We Pray in Thanksgiving for Healing Liz, We Pray for Healing for Lily Candelaria, We Pray for the Candelaria Families. October 9th 10:30 AM We Pray for the Repose of the Soul of Joan Miller, Primerose Isidore and Gary Rossi. We Pray for Healing for LIly Candelaria, We Pray for the Conversion of the Miller family For all the intentions that we hold in the silence of our hearts
Greetings for Pentecost Sunday 18 - 19 May 2024
Greeting for Pentecost Sunday: At the Mass During the Day Good Afternoon/Morning and Welcome to Blessed Sacrament Catholic Community. This weekend we celebrate Pentecost Sunday with our Celebrant Father Eliseus. This weekend, we have a Second Collection for the Spring Combined Collection. The Combined Collection will support the following ministries: • Catholic Relief Services • Catholic Communication Campaign • Peter’s Pence • Catholic Campaign for Human Development Our Readings for this weekend are on pages 168 through 175 in English and Spanish. Today’s Mass includes the following intentions. [SEE OVER] As you enter the Sanctuary in silence with reverence, please remember to silence your cell phone and use this precious time for quiet reflection and silent prayer.
Announcements for Pentecost Sunday 18 - 19 May 2024 Announcements for Pentecost Sunday: At The Mass During the Day May the Ushers come forward to collect the Spring Combined Collection. The 2024 Spring Combined Collection will support the following ministries: ● Catholic Relief Services ● Catholic Communication Campaign ● Peter’s Pence ● Catholic Campaign for Human Development “Supporting the ministries via the Spring Combined Collection is our opportunity to put our faith in action. When you answer the call, you build up the Church so that it will continue to minister to all for generations to come.” - Bishop Alberto Rojas On June 29th the Altar Society is hosting a Prayer Breakfast here at the Church. For more details and to purchase tickets, visit Maureen on the Patio after Mass or contact the church office during the week. Praying the Rosary allows us to encounter Mary and enter the Mysteries of Jesus Christ. Please join us every Wednesday afternoon at 4:30 to pray a Rosary for peace in the world through the Intercession of our Blessed Mother. The Blessed Sacrament Scrip Program has merchant gift cards for sale. There are over a dozen different vendors to choose from. You can purchase Scrip on the patio after Mass, at the Church Office, or securely online through the Blessed Sacrament website. For each Scrip Gift Card purchase, the Church receives a percentage from that sale. We thank you for supporting the Blessed Sacrament Scrip Program. For more Church events and announcements, please see the weekly bulletin or visit the Blessed Sacrament Website.
Mass Intentions for Pentecost Sunday Mass Intentions for Pentecost Sunday: At The Mass During the Day We Pray for the protection of the public servants of our community, locally and across the globe. For relief and resolution for those experiencing the catastrophic effects of war and violence. For the homeless, outcasts, and downtrodden of our community and nation, and for churches and families who offer them refuge and compassion. Let us pray to the Lord. Saturday May 18 th 4:30 PM We Pray for the Repose of the Souls of Joan Miller and Joe Thrasher We Pray for Healing for Beverly Collard We Pray for the Conversion of the Miller Family Sunday May 19 th 8:00 AM We Pray for the Repose of the soul of Joe Thrasher We Pray for Healing for Beverly Collard and Lois Phipps Sunday May 19 th 10:30 AM We Pray for the Repose of the souls of Joan Miller and Joe Thrasher We Pray for the Conversion of the Miller Family For all the intentions that we hold in the silence of our hearts. (15 Seconds) Let us pray to the Lord.
Greeting for the Thirty-Second Sunday in Ordinary Time 05 - 06 Nov 2022
Greeting for The Thirty-Second Sunday in Ordinary Time Good Afternoon/Morning, and Welcome to Blessed Sacrament Catholic
Community. This weekend we celebrate The Thirty-Second Sunday in Ordinary Time with our Celebrant Father Eliseus. Second Collection to Defeat Proposition 1, and to support Life in California. Every first weekend of the month, our second reading will be in Spanish to nurture our connection to our Spanish Ministry. Our Readings for this weekend are on pages 69 to 71. The Readings in Spanish are on pages 70 to 72 at the back of the Missal.
Today’s Mass includes the following intentions. (See intentions on the next page) As our small community continues to cautiously protect those most vulnerable from Covid-19 and other illnesses, we continue to ask that those of us receiving Communion on the tongue, please remain seated until directed by an Usher to come forward. We invite you to continue to be as cautious as you feel is personally necessary regarding social distancing and hand sanitizing before Communion. At the end of Mass, the Ushers will continue to dismiss us from the back to the front. During these quiet moments before Mass, prepare your hearts and minds for receiving the Blessed Sacrament. Mindfully minimize your conversations to gift others with the opportunity for prayer and quiet reflection. Announcements forThe Thirty-Second Sunday in Ordinary Time Second Collection to Defeat Proposition 1, and to support Life in California. On Tuesday, November 8 th at 6:00 PM we will have a Baptism Class in the Church office. If you have any questions, contact Elaine Ashfield or call the Church office. This is the last weekend our Blessed Sacrament Knights of Columbus will collect donations for our local Hi-Desert Pregnancy center. Please bring your donation of new (unopened) baby items and cleaning supplies to the donation box at the entrance of the Church. If you have already donated, we thank you. We appreciate your generosity. The Blessed Sacrament Scrip Program continues to sell Scrip Gift Cards after Mass on the patio, in the Church Office, and securely online through the Blessed
Sacrament Website. Thank you for supporting the Blessed Sacrament Scrip Program. Each Wednesday afternoon at 4:30, our community continues to meet to Pray the Rosary through the Intercession of our Blessed Mother as well as Saints from Ukraine and Afghanistan and for peace in the world. [READ AT 4:30 PM MASS ONLY] This evening, “Hospitality to Go” is available in honor of our November Birthdays and Anniversaries. Please take home one of our packaged desserts. There are both sugar and sugar-free items available. For more Church events and announcements, Please see the weekly bulletin, visit the Blessed Sacrament Website or contact the Church Office. And now, we will read an approved message from the California Catholic Conference and the San Bernardino Diocese: Bulletin Announcement For November 6, 2022 VOTE “NO” ON PROPOSITION 1 Proposition 1 is a worst-case scenario for abortion in California. It is an expensive and misleading ballot measure that allows unlimited late-term abortions — for any reason, at any time, even moments before birth, paid for by tax dollars. Remember Prop 1 isn’t needed. Sadly, California already has some of the most permissive abortion laws in the nation that would remain in effect without the amendment, including our current limit on late-term abortions that are permitted only for the life and health of the mother. Prop 1 destroys this common-sense limit. Don’t forget! Election Day is Tuesday November 8th. If you vote by mail, your ballot must be postmarked on or before election day. November Birthday & Anniversary Blessings
Mass Intentions for The Thirty-Second Sunday in Ordinary Time “Accompany the choices of legislative assemblies with the light of your spirit, so that peoples and nations may recognize and respect the sacred nature of life, of every human life. Guide the work of scientists and doctors, so that all progress contributes to the integral well-being of the person, and no one endures suppression or injustice. And console the married couples who suffer because they are unable to have children and in your goodness provide for them. 1 ” Let us pray to the Lord. November 5th 4:30 PM We Pray for the Bowman and Kirschinger Families November 6 th 8:00 AM We Pray in Thanksgiving for the Vasquez Family Intentions November 6 th 10:30 AM We Pray for the Repose of the Soul of Joan Miller We Pray for the Conversion of the Miller family For all the intentions that we hold in the silence of our hearts
(15 Seconds) Let us pray to the Lord.
Greetings for The Epiphany of the Lord 06 - 07 Jan 2024
Greeting for The Epiphany of the Lord Good Afternoon/Morning and Welcome to Blessed Sacrament Catholic Community. This weekend we celebrate The Epiphany of the Lord with our Celebrant Father Mike McCullough. Second Collection for Maintenance and Education. Our Readings for this weekend are on pages 74 through 79 in English and Spanish. Today’s Mass includes the following intentions. [SEE OVER] As you enter the Sanctuary in silence with reverence, please remember to silence your cell phone and use this precious time for quiet reflection and silent prayer. Announcements for Epiphany of the Lord 06 - 07 Jan 2024
Announcements for The Epiphany of the Lord Second Collection for Maintenance and Education. Until Father Eliseus returns, we are having Communion Services on Monday through Thursday. However, there will not be Communion Services from Monday, January 8th through Monday January 15th. Daily Communion Services will resume as of Tuesday, January 16th until Wednesday, January 31st. Confession will continue to be on Saturdays at 3:30 PM here in the Church in the Reconciliation Room. We have received our 2024 assigned, numbered offertory envelopes. You may pick them up after Mass in the back of the church. Blessed Sacrament is grateful for your ongoing donations and generosity. If you would like a copy of your annual donations for Tax purposes, you may call the Church Office during regular business hours. [READ AT 4:30 PM AND 8:00 AM MASSES ONLY] Faith Formation classes will resume on Monday, January 7th. For more Church events and announcements, please see the weekly bulletin or visit the Blessed Sacrament Website. January Birthday and Anniversary Blessings
.Mass Intentions for The Epiphany of the Lord Mass Intentions for The Epiphany of the Lord. May our Lord bless all peoples of the Holy Land in this time of war, especially the many innocent families and children suffering from acts of violence and especially for those who have died, that a true and lasting peace may return soon to the land of our Lord Jesus, the Prince of Peace. Let us pray to the Lord. Saturday January 5 th 4:30 PM We Pray for the Repose of the Soul of Vicki Walker Sunday January 6 th 8:00 AM We Pray for the Repose of the Soul of JoAnn Schmitt Sunday January 6 th 10:30 AM We Pray for the Repose of the Souls of Joan Miller We Pray for Birthday Blessings for Lynn Ashfield We Pray for the Conversion of the Miller Family. For all the intentions that we hold in the silence of our hearts. Mass Intentions for The Second Sunday in Ordinary Time
Mass Intentions for The Second Sunday in Ordinary Time May our Lord bless all peoples of the Holy Land in this time of war, especially the many innocent families and children suffering from acts of violence and especially for those who have died, that a true and lasting peace may return soon to the land of our Lord Jesus, the Prince of Peace. Let us pray to the Lord. Saturday January 13 th 4:30 PM We Pray for healing for Beverly Collard and Karla Dehner Sunday January 14 th 8:00 AM We Pray for the repose of the soul of JoAnn Schmitt We Pray for heavenly birthday blessings for Camilla Schmitt We Pray for healing for Beverly Collard Sunday January 14 th 10:30 AM We Pray for the repose of the soul of Joan Miller We Pray for the conversion of the Miller Family We Pray for healing for Beverly Collard For all the intentions that we hold in the silence of our hearts.
Greeting for the Third Sunday of Advent, 10,11 December 2022
Good Afternoon/Morning, and Welcome to Blessed Sacrament Catholic Community. This weekend we celebrate The Third Sunday of Advent with our Celebrant Father Eliseus. Today we will be lighting the candle of Joy, the Third Candle of Advent. No Second Collection. Our readings for this weekend are on pages 42 to 44 in English and Spanish. Today’s Mass includes the following intentions. Take advantage of this peaceful time to reflect and pray before Mass. Prepare your hearts and minds for receiving the Blessed Sacrament. Mindfully gift others with the opportunity for prayer and quiet reflection. Announcements for The Third Sunday of Advent This Monday, December 12th at 6:00 PM we will celebrate Our Lady of Guadalupe as well as Fr. Eliseus’ 19th Anniversary of Ordination. Please join us for Mass and a celebration potluck hosted by our Hispanic Ministry. On Tuesday, December 13th at 6:00 PM, Blessed Sacrament will have a Penance Service. We invite you to take advantage of this unique opportunity for Confession and fellowship during this Advent and Christmas Season. We also invite you to join our Philippine Ministry in celebrating Simbang Gabi with nine devotional Masses in anticipation of Christmas. Simbang Gabi Masses will be celebrated from December 15th to the 23rd at 6:00 PM. You can strengthen your Advent celebration at home with a Magnificat Advent Prayer book. These books are available for purchase in the Church Office for $3.00. The proceeds will be used to purchase a new Divine Mercy Portrait for our church. Our Altar Society has Christmas items for sale after each Mass on the patio. These items make great gifts and enhance your Christmas festivities. Please see what they have to offer and support their fundraising efforts that contribute to the strength of our Parish Ministries. Do you need last minute Christmas gift cards? Buy your gift cards through the Blessed Sacrament Scrip program. The purchase of each gift card gives a percentage back to our Church. The Blessed Sacrament Scrip Program continues to sell Scrip Gift Cards after Mass in the Hospitality Room, in the Church Office, and securely online through the Blessed Sacrament Website. Our Youth Ministry has weekly Bible study and Youth Group meetings every Wednesday in room 5. Middle School students meet between 5:00 & 6:30 PM and High School students meet between 7:00 & 8:30 PM. For more information contact Mrs. Limon or Mrs. Amaro or leave them a message with the Church Office. Join us each Wednesday afternoon at 4:30 PM to Pray a Rosary through the Intercession of our Blessed Mother, as well as Saints from Ukraine and Afghanistan. The Rosary is a powerful weapon against the evils of the world, especially war. For more church events and announcements visit the Blessed Sacrament Website. For your convenience these announcements are also posted on the Bulletin Board on the Patio and the door of the Church office.
Mass Intentions for The Third Sunday of Advent. We Pray for the protection of the public servants of our community, locally and across the globe. For relief and resolution for those experiencing the catastrophic effects of war and violence and for the outcasts and downtrodden of our community and nation, and for churches and families who offer them refuge and compassion. Let us pray to the Lord. December 10th 4:30 PM We Pray for the Bowman and Kirschinger Families We Pray for the Repose of the Souls of Hubert Corbin and Terry Stump We Pray for Healing and Birthday Blessings for Ken Monaghan December 11th 8:00 AM We Pray for the Repose of Terry Stump We Pray in Thanksgiving for the Vasquez Family IntentionsWe Pray for healing for Lily Thrasher December 11th 10:30 AM We Pray for the Repose of the Souls of Joan Miller, Larry Briggs and Terry StumpWe Pray for the Conversion of the Miller family For all the intentions that we hold in the silence of our hearts
Greetings for the 10th Sunday in Ordinary Time. 08 - 09 June 2024
Good Afternoon/Morning and Welcome to Blessed Sacrament Catholic Community. No Second Collection. This weekend we celebrate The Tenth Sunday in Ordinary Time with our Celebrant Father Eliseus. Our Readings for this weekend are on pages 44 through 49 in English and Spanish. Today’s Mass includes the following intentions. [SEE OVER] As you enter the Sanctuary in silence with reverence, please remember to silence your cell phone and use this precious time for quiet reflection and silent prayer.
Announcements for the 10th Sunday in Ordinary Time 08 - 09 June 2024 Announcements for The Tenth Sunday in Ordinary Time No Second Collection On First Fridays, beginning June 7th , Father will have afternoon Adoration in the Church beginning at 3:00 and go until approximately 6:00 PM. This is in addition to the morning adoration after the 9:00 AM Mass. Father’s Day is next Sunday, June 16th. If you would like a Father’s Day Spiritual Prayer envelope with your intentions to be on the Altar on Father’s Day and the month of June, please find the envelopes in the pews or see an Usher after Mass and return your envelope with your intentions to the church office during the week or on Father’s Day. On June 29th the Altar Society is hosting a Prayer Breakfast here at the Church. For more details and to purchase tickets, visit Maureen on the Patio after Mass or contact the church office during the week. Praying the Rosary allows us to encounter Mary and enter the Mysteries of Jesus Christ. Please join us every Wednesday afternoon at 4:30 to pray a Rosary for peace in the world through the Intercession of our Blessed Mother. The Blessed Sacrament Scrip Program has merchant gift cards for sale. There are over a dozen different vendors to choose from. You can purchase Scrip on the patio after Mass, at the Church Office, or securely online through the Blessed Sacrament website. For each Scrip Gift Card purchase, the Church receives a percentage from that sale. We thank you for supporting the Blessed Sacrament Scrip Program. For more Church events and announcements, please see the weekly bulletin or visit the Blessed Sacrament Website.
Mass Intentions for the 10th Sunday in Ordinary Time Mass Intentions for The Tenth Sunday in Ordinary Time We Pray for the protection of the public servants of our community, locally and across the globe. For relief and resolution for those experiencing the catastrophic effects of war and violence. For the homeless, outcasts, and downtrodden of our community and nation, and for churches and families who offer them refuge and compassion. Let us pray to the Lord. Saturday June 8 th 4:30 PM Sunday June 9 th 8:00 AM We Pray for the Repose of the soul of Robert Whitaker We Pray for Healing for Lois Phipps Sunday June 9 th 10:30 AM We Pray for the Repose of the soul of Joan Miller We Pray for the conversion of the Miller family For all the intentions that we hold in the silence of our hearts. (15 Seconds) Let us pray to the Lord.
Greeting for the Thirty-First Sunday in Ordinary Time 29 - 30 Oct 2022
The Thirty-First Sunday in Ordinary Time Good Afternoon/Morning, and Welcome to Blessed Sacrament Catholic Community. This weekend we celebrate The Thirty-First Sunday in Ordinary Time with our Celebrant Father Eliseus. No Second Collection. Our Readings for this weekend are on pages 64 to 66. The Readings in Spanish are on pages 70 to 72 at the back of the Missal. Today’s Mass includes the following intentions. (See intentions on the next page) As our small community continues to cautiously protect those most vulnerable from Covid-19 and other illnesses, we continue to ask that those of us receiving Communion on the tongue, please remain seated until directed by an Usher to come forward. We invite you to continue to be as cautious as you feel is personally necessary regarding social distancing and hand sanitizing before Communion. At the end of Mass, the Ushers will continue to dismiss us from the back to the front. During these quiet moments before Mass, prepare your hearts and minds for receiving the Blessed Sacrament. Mindfully minimize your conversations to gift others with the opportunity for prayer and quiet reflection..
Announcements for The Thirty-First Sunday in Ordinary Time No Second Collection. This, Tuesday, November 1st , is All Saints Day, a Holy Day of Obligation. Masses will be celebrated at 9:00 AM and 7:00 PM. The 7:00 PM Mass will have Spanish and English readings. We invite you to bring your favorite Saint Statues from home to be Blessed during Mass. This, Wednesday, November 2nd , is All Souls Day. Masses will be celebrated at 9:00 AM, and 7:00 PM and you are invited to bring pictures of your loved ones to display during Mass for a special Blessing. Join us for the celebration of First Friday Mass this Friday, November 4th at 9:00 AM. The Altar Society will be meeting immediately following the 9:00 Mass in the Conference Room at the Church office. All Souls Day Prayer Intention Envelopes are available in the pews and at the entrance of the Church. Please use those envelopes for your special All Souls Day Prayer Intentions and a customary $10 donation. If you wish, you may send the special intention envelopes up during collection, as early as next weekend. Or you may drop them off at the Church office anytime before November 2nd. All Souls Day Prayer Intentions will be placed on the altar during the All Souls Day Mass, as we did last year. Our Blessed Sacrament Knights of Columbus continue to collect donations for our local Hi-Desert Pregnancy center during this Respect Life Month. Please bring your donation of new (unopened) baby items and cleaning supplies to the donation box at the entrance of the Church. If you have already donated, we thank you. We appreciate your generosity and ask that you please remember to vote NO on Proposition 1 on November 8th. For more Church events and announcements, Please see the weekly bulletin, visit the Blessed Sacrament Website or contact the Church Office. And now, we will read an approved message from the California Catholic Conference and the San Bernardino Diocese: [READ THE ATTACHED BULLETIN ANNOUNCEMENT ON THE NEXT PAGE] Bulletin Announcement For October 30, 2022 VOTE “NO” ON PROPOSITION 1 Proposition 1 is a worst-case scenario for abortion in California. It is an expensive and misleading ballot measure that allows unlimited late-term abortions — for any reason, at any time, even moments before birth, paid for by tax dollars. Remember Prop 1 isn’t needed. Sadly, California already has some of the most permissive abortion laws in the nation that would remain in effect without the amendment, including our current limit on late-term abortions that are permitted only for the life and health of the mother. Prop 1 destroys this common-sense limit. Don’t forget! If you vote by mail, your ballot must be postmarked on or before election day. Our local pregnancy helpline here in Yucca Valley is here to help if you or someone you know is facing an unexpected or difficult pregnancy, in need of prenatal care, or support with young children. You can reach this helpline by calling 760-369-8512. Mass Intentions for The Thirty-First Sunday in Ordinary Time
Mass Intentions for The Thirty-First Sunday in Ordinary Time “Accompany the choices of legislative assemblies with the light of your spirit, so that peoples and nations may recognize and respect the sacred nature of life, of every human life. Guide the work of scientists and doctors, so that all progress contributes to the integral well-being of the person, and no one endures suppression or injustice. And console the married couples who suffer because they are unable to have children and in your goodness provide for them. 1 ” Let us pray to the Lord. October 29 th 4:30 PM We Pray for the Bowman and Kirschinger Families We Pray for the Repose of the Soul of Lorraine Candelaria We Pray for Healing for Lily Candelaria We Pray for the Repose of the Souls of Adele and Barnaby Raymond and we Pray in gratitude for their generous donation of the Stained Glass windows here in our beautiful church. October 30 th 8:00 AM We Pray for the Repose of the Soul of Lorraine Candelaria We Pray for Birthday Blessings for Jesse M. Kelly Martinez October 30 th 10:30 AM We Pray for the Repose of the Soul of Joan Miller and Lorraine Candelaria We Pray for the Conversion of the Miller family
Greeting for the Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time, 28 - 20 January 2023
Greeting for The Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time Good Afternoon/Morning, and Welcome to Blessed Sacrament Catholic Community. This weekend we celebrate The Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time with our Celebrant Father Eliseus. Welcome back, Father Eliseus! No Second Collection. Our readings for this weekend are on pages 84 to 87 in English and Spanish. Today’s Mass includes the following intentions. Prepare your hearts and minds for receiving the Blessed Sacrament. Mindfully gift others with the opportunity for prayer and quiet reflection. Take advantage of this peaceful time to reflect and pray before Mass.
Announcements for The Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time No Second Collection. On February 3rd, First Friday Mass will be celebrated at 9:00 AM. We have received 2023 assigned, numbered offertory envelopes. You may pick them up after Mass, in the back of the church.
Blessed Sacrament is grateful for your ongoing donations and generosity. If you would like a copy of your annual donations for Tax purposes, you may call the Church Office during regular business hours. Sunday’s, after Mass, Trail Life USA is selling Hybrid Lights, including some of the newer models, and most are solar-powered. Stop by and support our Trail Life USA Ministry. The Blessed Sacrament Scrip Program continues to sell Scrip Gift Cards after Mass, in the Church Office, and securely online through the Blessed Sacrament Website. Our Youth Ministry has weekly Bible study and Youth Group meetings every Wednesday in room 5. Middle School students meet between 5:00 & 6:30 PM, and High School students meet between 7:00 & 8:30 PM. For more information, contact Mrs. Limon or Mrs. Amaro or leave them a message with the Church Office. Each Wednesday at 4:30 PM in the Chapel, our Blessed Sacrament Community continues to faithfully pray a Rosary through the intercession of Our Blessed Mother. Join us each week to pray for the countries and communities around the w your convenience, these announcements are also posted on the Bulletin Board on the Patio. Mass Intentions for The Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time We Pray for the protection of the public servants of our community, locally and across the globe. For relief and resolution for those experiencing the catastrophic effects of war and violence. For the homeless, January 28th 4:30 PM We Pray for the Repose of the Souls of Kathy, Frances and Robert Dehner and Linda Kirschinger January 29th 8:00 AM We Pray for the Repose of the Souls of Mark and Art Clemons, Lawrence Power, and Clarence Foose We Pray for Healing for Dana Rene Casey We Pray in Thanksgiving for the Vasquez Family Intentions January 29 th 10:30 AM We Pray for the Repose of the Soul of Joan Miller
We Pray for the Conversion of the Miller family For all the intentions that we hold in the silence of our hearts
Greeting for The Nativity of the Lord (Christmas): At the Vigil Mass 5:15 PM
24-25 Dec 2022, Good Evening and Welcome to Blessed Sacrament Catholic Community. Tonight we celebrate The Nativity of the Lord (Christmas) at the Vigil, Mass with our Celebrant Father Eliseus. No Second Collection. Our readings for this Mass are on pages 52 to 57 in English and Spanish. This Mass includes the following intentions. During our celebration, Father will Bless the Nativity Scene and our Children’s and Youth Ministries will reenact the Birth of Jesus. Take advantage of this peaceful time to reflect and pray before Mass. Prepare your hearts and minds for receiving the Blessed Sacrament. Mindfully gift others with the opportunity for prayer and quiet reflection. Greeting for The Nativity of the Lord (Christmas): At the Mass During the Night 12:00 AM Good Morning and Welcome to Blessed Sacrament Catholic Community. At this Mass, we celebrate The Nativity of the Lord (Christmas) at the Mass During the Night with our Celebrant Father Eliseus in both English and Spanish. No Second Collection. Our readings for this Mass are on pages 58 to 61 in English and Spanish. This Mass includes the following intentions. Take advantage of this peaceful time to reflect and pray before Mass. Prepare your hearts and minds for receiving the Blessed Sacrament. Mindfully gift others with the opportunity for prayer and quiet reflection. Greeting for The Nativity of the Lord (Christmas): At the Mass During the Night 12:00 AM Good Morning and Welcome to Blessed Sacrament Catholic Community. At this Mass, we celebrate The Nativity of the Lord (Christmas) at the Mass During the Night with our Celebrant Father Eliseus in both English and Spanish. No Second Collection. Our readings for this Mass are on pages 58 to 61 in English and Spanish. This Mass includes the following intentions. Take advantage of this peaceful time to reflect and pray before Mass. Prepare your hearts and minds for receiving the Blessed Sacrament. Mindfully gift others with the opportunity for prayer and quiet reflection. Greeting for The Nativity of the Lord (Christmas): At the Mass at Dawn 8:00 AM Good Morning and Welcome to Blessed Sacrament Catholic Community. This morning we celebrate The Nativity of the Lord (Christmas) at the Mass at Dawn with our Celebrant Father Eliseus. No Second Collection. Our readings for this Mass are on pages 62 to 64. This Mass includes the following intentions. Take advantage of this peaceful time to reflect and pray before Mass. Prepare your hearts and minds for receiving the Blessed Sacrament. Mindfully gift others with the opportunity for prayer and quiet reflection. Greeting for The Nativity of the Lord (Christmas): At Mass During the Day 10:30 AM Good Morning and Welcome to Blessed Sacrament Catholic Community. Today we celebrate The Nativity of the Lord (Christmas) at the Mass During the Day with our Celebrant Father Eliseus in English and Tagalog. No Second Collection. Our readings for this Mass are on pages 64 to 69 in English and Spanish. This Mass includes the following intentions. Take advantage of this peaceful time to reflect and pray before Mass. Prepare your hearts and minds for receiving the Blessed Sacrament. Mindfully gift others with the opportunity for prayer and quiet reflection. Announcements for The Nativity of the Lord (Christmas) | All Masses No Second Collection. Father Eliseus will be traveling to Nigeria again this year. Father will be away from Tuesday, December 27th to Friday, January 27th . While Father Eliseus is away, we will celebrate Mass with Father Mike McCullough. Join the Magi in welcoming Jesus at the Epiphany. Father Eliseus has Blessed water and salt. This water will be available after each Mass from December 31st through January 8th, which is Epiphany Sunday. For more church events and announcements visit the Blessed Sacrament Website. For your convenience these announcements are also posted on the Bulletin Board on the Patio and the door of the Church office. Mass Intentions for The Nativity of the Lord (Christmas) | All Masses We Pray for the protection of the public servants of our community, locally and across the globe. For relief and resolution for those experiencing the catastrophic effects of war and violence, for the outcasts and downtrodden of our community and nation, and for churches and families who offer them refuge and compassion. Let us pray to the Lord. December 24h 5:15 PM We Pray for the Bowman and Kirschinger Families We Pray for the Repose of the Souls of Frances and Rober Dehner and Terry Stump December 25th 12:00 AM We Pray for the Repose of Terry Stump December 25th 8:00 AM We Pray for the Repose of the Souls of Gloria and Loreta Loraza, Terry Stump, James and Lilian Pualoa, and Anthony Benaventa We Pray for in Thanksgiving for the Vasquez Family Intentions We Pray for Wedding Anniversary Blessings for Jorge and Maria Romero December 25th 10:30 AM We Pray for the Repose of Terry Stump We Pray in Thanksgiving for the Vasquez Family Intentions For all the intentions that we hold in the silence of our hearts Let us pray to the Lord.
Greeting for The Twenty-Third Sunday in Ordinary Time Good Afternoon/Morning and Welcome to Blessed Sacrament Catholic Community. Second Collection for Maintenance and Education This weekend we celebrate The Twenty-Third Sunday in Ordinary Time with our Fr. Eliseus Our Readings for this weekend are on pages 102 through 107 in English and Spanish. Today’s Mass includes the following intentions. [SEE OVER] As you enter the Sanctuary in silence with reverence, please remember to silence your cell phone and use this precious time for quiet reflection and silent prayer.
Announcements for The Twenty- Third Sunday in Ordinary Time There is a Second Collection for Maintenance and Education Our Adult Choir has returned from break, and we meet every Monday at 7:00PM for rehearsals. We will return to sing at 10:30 AM Mass on Sunday, 15 th of September. Please join us even if you don’t know how to read music.
We are also calling for any young singers to join us on specific Sundays at the 8:00 AM Mass who want to sing. If you are interested in either of these groups, please
call Cindy Minarik at 760-985-4000 or call the Parish Office at 760-367-3343. Remember, to sing is to pray twice. Faith Formation classes begin tomorrow / today at 9:15 to 10:15AM and OCIA classes begin on September 9 th at 6:00PM in the church office. Registration for both Faith Formation and OCIA will continue in the office. If you have questions,
please contact the church office. The Young Adult meet-up for September will be an early morning hike in the National Park. We will be meeting in the church parking lot at 6:45AM, Saturday Sept 14 th . Come dressed appropriately for a hike with plenty of water, and a snack. For more information contact Shannan Limon or see the flyer on the bulletin
board in the patio. Praying the Rosary allows us to encounter Mary and enter the Mysteries of Jesus Christ. Please join us every Wednesday afternoon at 4:30, in the small chapel at
the Church Office. The Blessed Sacrament Scrip program has merchant gift cards for sale. You can purchase them on the patio after Mass, at the Church Office, or securely online
through the Church website. For each card sold the church receives a percentage from that sale. We thank you for supporting the Blessed Sacrament Scrip Program.
For more church events and announcements, please see the weekly bulletin or visit the Blessed Sacrament Website. Now Father will bless all of those with Birthdays and Anniversaries for the month of September.
Mass Intentions for The Twenty-Third Sunday in Ordinary Time We Pray for the protection of the public servants of our community, locally and across the globe. For relief and resolution for those experiencing the catastrophic effects of war and violence. For the homeless, outcasts, and downtrodden of our community and nation, and for churches and families who offer them refuge and compassion. Let us pray to the Lord. Saturday September 7 th 4:30 PM We Pray for Healing for Mike Lyon Sunday September 1st 8:00 AM
We Pray for the repose of the soul of Burt Frasher We Pray for Healing for Lois and Jerry Phipps We Pray for Healing for Patrick Rosenthal
Sunday September 1st 10:30 AM We Pray for the repose of the soul of Joan Miller and for the conversion of the Miller family. We Pray for Healing for Patrick Rosenthal
For all the intentions that we hold in the silence of our hearts.
Greetings for The Easter Vigil and Easter Sunday. 30 - 31 Mar 2024
Greeting for The Easter Vigil in the Holy Night Good evening and welcome to Blessed Sacrament Catholic Community. Tonight we celebrate The Easter Vigil in the Holy Night with our Celebrant Father Eliseus. No Second Collection. The Liturgy of the Word will be proclaimed in three languages; English, Spanish and Tagalog. If you would like to follow along in English and Spanish on pages 58 to 105. Today’s Mass includes the following intentions. (See intentions on the next page) Please now join us in front of the sanctuary for The Blessing of the Fire and Preparation of the Easter Candle. If you feel more comfortable remaining in the Church, you will still be able to hear Fr. Eliseus and candles will be shared with you, by an Usher.
Greeting for The Easter Sunday of the Resurrection of the Lord Good Morning and Welcome to Blessed Sacrament Catholic Community. Today we celebrate The Easter Sunday of the Resurrection of the Lord with our Celebrant Father Eliseus. No Second Collection. We would like to extend a warm welcome to all of our visitors. We’re very happy that you are here and hope you’re enjoying your stay with us. We’re especially happy that you’re here to share this beautiful Easter Sunday with us. Our Mass readings are on pages 120 to 125 in English and and Spanish. Today’s Mass includes the following intentions. (See intentions on the next page) Our collective quiet moments before Mass are an opportunity for reflection and silent prayer. The lord is constantly laboring to love us and speak to us. In order for Him to enter more fully into our lives, both time and space are needed. He indeed gives us that time and space before Mass. Please take full advantage of this tremendous gift of quiet reflection and silent prayer.
Announcements for Easter Vigil and Easter Sunday. 30 - 31 Mar 2024 Announcements for The Easter Vigil in the Holy Night Thank you for joining our Blessed Sacrament Community this evening. We invite you to join us tomorrow to celebrate Easter Sunday. Mass times for tomorrow are 8:00 AM in English and Spanish, and 10:30 AM in English and Tagalog. After the 8:00 AM and 10:30 AM Mass there will be an Easter Bake Sale and a Children’s Easter Egg Hunt. The Easter Egg Hunt will be organized by age group and appropriate for children up to High School age.
Announcements for The Easter Sunday of the Resurrection of the Lord No Second Collection. We’d like to thank the Hispanic Ministry for hosting Stations of the Cross last Friday. [READ 8:00 AM MASS] Weather permitting, today, after Mass, there will be an Easter Bake Sale on the Patio. And after the 10:30 AM Mass, there will be a Children’s Easter Egg Hunt. The Easter Egg Hunt is open to children up to 12th grade and will be organized by age group. [READ 10:30 AM MASS] Weather permitting, meet today, after Mass on the patio. There will be an Easter Bake Sale, an Easter Meal and a Children’s Easter Egg Hunt. The Easter Egg Hunt is open to children up to 12th grade and will be organized by age group. Monday, April 1st, the Church Office is closed and will resume normal business hours on Tuesday, April 2nd. The High school youth group will continue to meet at 3pm through the month of April. The next Young Adult Dinner will be Saturday, April 13th. For more Church events and announcements, please see the weekly bulletin or visit the Blessed Sacrament Website. Happy Easter, Everyone!
Mass Intentions for Easter Vigil and Easter Sunday Mass Intentions for The Easter Vigil in the Holy Night We Pray for the protection of the public servants of our community, locally and across the globe. For relief and resolution for those experiencing the catastrophic effects of war and violence. For the homeless, outcasts, and downtrodden of our community and nation, and for churches and families who offer them refuge and compassion. Let us pray to the Lord. 7:00 PM We Pray for the Repose of the Soul of Betty Kocher We Pray for Healing for Beverly Collard We Pray for Birthday Blessings for Richard Dehner For all the intentions that we hold in the silence of our hearts
Mass Intentions for The Easter Sunday of the Resurrection of the Lord We Pray for the protection of the public servants of our community, locally and across the globe. For relief and resolution for those experiencing the catastrophic effects of war and violence. For the homeless, outcasts, and downtrodden of our community and nation, and for churches and families who offer them refuge and compassion. Let us pray to the Lord. 8:00 AM We Pray for the Repose of the Soul of Burt Frasher We Pray for Healing for Beverly Collard, Lois Phipps, Amelia and Rene Rodriguez and Rodolfo Martinez 10:30 AM We Pray for the Repose of the Souls of Joan Miller and Austin J. Duncan We Pray for Healing for Beverly Collard and Lois Phipps For all the intentions that we hold in the silence of our hearts
Greetings for Palm Sunday, the Passion of the Lord. 01 - 02 April 2023
Greeting for Palm Sunday of the Passion of the Lord Good Afternoon/Morning and Welcome to Blessed Sacrament Catholic Community. This weekend we celebrate Palm Sunday of the Passion of the Lord with our Celebrant Father Eliseus. Second Collection for Maintenance and Education. The Readings for this weekend are on pages 4 to 25 in English and Spanish. At the time of the Gospel, we will be reading the Passion, and if it is too long for you to stand, we invite you to sit. Today’s Mass includes the following intentions. (See intentions on the next page) Our collective quiet moments before Mass allow reflection and silent prayer. The Lord is constantly laboring to love us and speak to us. In order for Him to enter more fully into our lives, both time and space are needed. He indeed gives us that time and space before Mass. Please take full advantage of this tremendous gift of quiet reflection and silent prayer
Announcements for Palm Sunday, the Passion of the lord. 01 - 0 April 2023
Announcements for Palm Sunday of the Passion of the Lord Second Collection for Maintenance and Education. You may have noticed we have new Missals in the Pews dated April 2 nd to June 3 rd . We have a limited amount available for you to take one home. If you take one home with you, please put your name on it and bring it back and forth to Church each week. Friday, April 7th, from 6:00 PM to 7:00 PM, we will join to Pray the Stations of the Cross for the last time this Lenten season with our Lector Ministry. The Good Friday Service immediately follows the Stations of the Cross. The Service and Mass Times for the upcoming week are as follows: ● Thursday, April 6th at 7:00 PM Holy Thursday Mass will be celebrated in English and Spanish ● Friday, April 7th at 7:00 PM, we will have our Good Friday Service. As a reminder, we will not have a First Friday Mass on Good Friday. ● Saturday, April 8th at 7:00 PM Easter Vigil Mass will be celebrated in English, Spanish and Tagalog ● Sunday, April 9th Easter Sunday Mass will be celebrated at 8:00 AM in English and Spanish, and 10:30 AM in English and Tagalog. After the 10:30 AM Mass, there will be an Easter Bake Sale and a Children’s Easter Egg Hunt. The Easter Egg Hunt is open to children up to 12th grade and will be organized by age group. Page 1 of 2 April is Child Abuse Prevention Month. The Office of Child and Youth Protection invites children and youth (18 and under) from all parishes and families throughout the Diocese of San Bernardino to its 2023 First Annual April Child Abuse Prevention Month Art Poster Contest themed: “I am Loved!” the deadline for all entries is Friday, April 7th, 2023. For more information, contact our Parish Office. Many of our sick or elderly Parishioners cannot drive themselves to medical appointments. Father Eliseus is seeking generous volunteers willing to contribute a few hours each month to grant rides to those parishioners that need transportation. If you are willing to donate your time and give these parishioners a helping hand, please let Father Eliseus know or contact Gail in the Parish Office. You may have heard that Gail, our Parish Secretary, will be moving on, so the Blessed Sacrament Parish Office is hiring for a Secretary Position. If you are interested in the details of this position, please see Father Eliseus or contact Gail in the Parish Office. As a reminder, our announcements are posted on the bulletin board on our patio, and on the Blessed Sacrament Website.
Mass Intentions for Palm Sunday, the Passion of the Lord
Mass Intentions for Palm Sunday of the Passion of the Lord We Pray for the protection of the public servants of our community, locally and across the globe. For relief and resolution for those experiencing the catastrophic effects of war and violence. For the homeless, outcasts, and downtrodden of our community and nation, and for churches and families who offer them refuge and compassion. Let us pray to the Lord. April 1 st 4:30 PM We Pray for rapid recovery for Anne Lear April 2 nd 8:00 AM We Pray for rapid recovery for Anne Lear April 2 nd 10:30 AM We Pray for the Repose of the Souls of: Joan Miller and Alonzo Yepez We Pray for Healing for Zachary Scott We Pray for the conversion of the Miller family For all the intentions that we hold in the silence of our hearts
Greetings for the 32nd Sunday in Ordinary Time. 09 - 10 November 2024
Greeting for The Thirty-Second Sunday in Ordinary Time Good Afternoon/Morning and Welcome to Blessed Sacrament Catholic Community. Second Collection: For Maintenance and Education
This weekend we celebrate The Thirty-Second Sunday in Ordinary Time with our Celebrant Fr. Eliseus Our Readings for this weekend are on pages 146 through 149 in English and Spanish. Today’s Mass includes the following intentions. Saturday November 9th 4:30 PM We Pray for the repose of the soul of Robert Dehner Sunday November 10th 8:00 AM We Pray for the repose of the soul of Lois Phipps
We Pray for the repose of the soul of Kristopher Rose We Pray for Healing for Jerry Phipps Sunday November 10th 10:30 AM We Pray for the repose of the soul of Joan Miller We Pray for the conversion of the Miller family As you enter the Sanctuary in silence with reverence, please remember to silence your cell phone and use this precious time for quiet reflection and silent prayer. Type your paragraph here. Announcements for the 32nd Sunday in Ordinary Time 09 - 10 November 2024 .Announcements for Thirty-Second Sunday in Ordinary Time The ushers can now come forward for our second collection for Maintenance and Education. Since November is the month for praying for those that have died, we have placed The Book of The Dead in the back of the church for you to write the names of your loved ones that have passed away. The Book of The Dead will be out for the whole month of November. On November 14th the office will be closed for a Vicariate meeting in La Quinta. There will be a communion service at 8:00 AM on Thursday The Blessed Sacrament Youth Ministry will be having meet ups for the middle school youth group. For more information, please see the bulletin board on the patio or you can call Shannon Limon, Elizabeth Amaro or the office. On Monday we found out from our bank that a $100.00 counterfeit bill was found in our weekend collection. We are asking everyone to please check your bills, this was an older $100.00 bill. Bishop Rojas has sent a post-election letter for everyone to read. It is posted out on the bulletin board on the patio in English and Spanish. Praying the Rosary allows us to encounter Mary and enter the Mysteries of Jesus Christ. Please join us every Wednesday afternoon at 4:30, in the small chapel at the Church Office. The Blessed Sacrament Scrip program has merchant gift cards for sale. You can purchase them on the patio after Mass, at the Church Office, or securely online through the Church website. For each card sold the church receives a percentage from that sale. We thank you for supporting the Blessed Sacrament Scrip Program. For more church events and announcements, please see the weekly bulletin or visit the Blessed Sacrament Website. Prayer Intentions, 32nd Sunday in Ordinary Time Mass Intentions for The Thirty-Second Sunday in Ordinary Time That the anniversary of the end of World War I on Monday will strengthen our commitment to pray and work for peace in every way that is possible. Let us pray to the Lord. Saturday November 9th 4:30 PM We Pray for the repose of the soul of Robert Dehner Sunday November 10th 8:00 AM We Pray for the repose of the soul of Lois Phipps We Pray for the repose of the soul of Kristopher Rose We Pray for Healing for Jerry Phipps Sunday November 10th 10:30 AM We Pray for the repose of the soul of Joan Miller We Pray for the conversion of the Miller family That the example of Pope Francis to live a life of personal simplicity and of generosity towards the poor will inspire all Catholics to do likewise. Let us pray to the Lord. For all the intentions that we hold in the silence of our hearts.
(15 Seconds) Let us pray to the Lord.
Greetings for The Fourth Sunday of Easter 20 - 21 April 2024
Greeting for The Fourth Sunday of Easter Good Afternoon/Morning and Welcome to Blessed Sacrament Catholic Community. This weekend we celebrate The Fourth Sunday of Easter with our Celebrant Father Eliseus. Second Collection for DDF. Our Readings for this weekend are on pages 136 through 139 in English and Spanish. Today’s Mass includes the following intentions. [SEE OVER] As you enter the Sanctuary in silence with reverence, please remember to silence your cell phone and use this precious time for quiet reflection and silent prayer.
Announcements for The Fourth Sunday of Easter. 20 - 21 April 2024 Announcements for The Fourth Sunday of Easter Second Collection for DDF. Confirmation mass will be celebrated on Friday, April 26th at 7:00 PM, here at Blessed Sacrament with Monsignor Lopez and Father Eliseus. Everyone is invited to show support for our new fully initiated Catholics. You are all Invited to our very First Silent Auction hosted by our Hispanic Ministry. On Saturday May 4,2024 from 6pm to 9pm at Mercy Hall. Food and drinks will be provided. You will also get the exclusive opportunity to purchase Blessed Sacrament's own Hidden Treasures. All proceeds will go towards our Blessed Sacrament Beautification Program. This is our opportunity to help raise funds for this program so please be generous. Praying the Rosary allows us to encounter Mary and enter the Mysteries of Jesus Christ. Please join us every Wednesday afternoon at 4:30 to pray a Rosary for peace in the world through the Intercession of our Blessed Mother. The Blessed Sacrament Scrip Program has merchant gift cards for sale. There are over a dozen different vendors to choose from. You can purchase Scrip on the patio after Mass, at the Church Office, or securely online through the Blessed Sacrament website. For each Scrip Gift Card purchase, the Church receives a percentage from that sale. We thank you for supporting the Blessed Sacrament Scrip Program. For more Church events and announcements, please see the weekly bulletin or visit the Blessed Sacrament Website.
Mass Intentions for the Fourth Sunday of Easter Mass Intentions for The Fourth Sunday of Easter We Pray for the protection of the public servants of our community, locally and across the globe. For relief and resolution for those experiencing the catastrophic effects of war and violence. For the homeless, outcasts, and downtrodden of our community and nation, and for churches and families who offer them refuge and compassion. Let us pray to the Lord. Saturday April 20 th 4:30 PM We Pray for the repose of the soul of Brian Ellis We Pray for healing for Richard Merle Sunday April 21 st 8:00 AM We Pray the repose of the souls of Burt Frasher and Flo and Stan Andreshak We Pray for healing Lois Phipps Sunday April 21 st 10:30 AM We Pray for healing for Richard Merle For all the intentions that we hold in the silence of our hearts.
Greeting for Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe, 19 - 20 Nov 2022
Greeting for Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe Good Afternoon/Morning, and Welcome to Blessed Sacrament Catholic Community. This weekend we celebrate Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe with our Celebrant Father Eliseus. Second Collection for DDF. Our Readings for this weekend are on pages 73 to 75. The Readings in Spanish are on pages 80 to 82 at the back of the Missal. At the end of Mass, the Ushers will continue to dismiss us from the back to the front. We so often are burdened by our busy lives, take these quiet moments efore Mass to prayerfully prepare your hearts and minds for receiving the Blessed Sacrament. Mindfully gift others with the opportunity for prayer and quiet reflection. Announcements for Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe Announcements for Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe Second Collection for DDF.
Next week we will celebrate Thanksgiving with Mass on Thursday, November 24th at 9:00 AM. If you haven’t already, please take the pictures of your loved ones home this weekend, so we can prepare the sanctuary for Thanksgiving. Pictures that are left after Sunday will be on the table in the room with the glass window off of the Sanctuary. The Youth Ministry has weekly bible study and Youth Group meetings every Wednesday in room 5. Middle School students meet 5:00 - 6:30 PM and High School students meet 7:00 - 8:30 PM. For more information contact Mrs. Limon or Mrs. Amaro or them a message with the Church Office. Our Youth Group will be meeting this Wednesday at 7:00 PM at Sky's The Limit for a special star gazing event hosted by our own Mr. Mike Schmidt. This event is for 6th-12th graders. Dress warmly. Hot cocoa will be provided. That's this Wednesday, November 23rd, 7:00 PM at Sky's The Limit.
The First Sunday of Advent is only a week away. Strengthen your Advent celebration at home with a Magnificat Advent Prayer book. These books are available for purchase in the Church Office for $3.00. The proceeds will be used to purchase a new Divine Mercy Portrait for the church. 1 of 2 | See Next Page Our Blessed Mother said, “Say the Rosary every day, to bring peace to the world and end the war.” So, we continue to meet every Wednesday afternoon at 4:30 to Pray a Rosary through the Intercession of our Blessed Mother as well as Saints from Ukraine and Afghanistan & for peace in the world. The Blessed Sacrament Scrip Program continues to sell Scrip Gift Cards after Mass on the patio, in the Church Office, and securely online through the Blessed Sacrament Website. For more church events and announcements visit the Blessed Sacrament Website. For your convenience these announcements are also posted on the Bulletin Board on the Patio and the door of the Church office.
Mass Intentions for Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe.
Mass Intentions for Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the UniverseWe Pray for the protection of the public servants of our community, locally and across the globe. For relief and resolution for those experiencing the catastrophic effects of war and violence and for the outcasts and downtrodden of our community and nation, and for churches and families who offer them refuge and compassion. Let us pray to the Lord. November 19 th 4:30 PM We Pray for the Bowman and Kirschinger Families November 20th 8:00 AM We Pray in Thanksgiving for the Vasquez Family Intentions November 20th 10:30 AM We Pray for the Repose of the Soul of Joan Miller and Pat Bitter
We Pray for the Conversion of the Miller family For all the intentions that we hold in the silence of our hearts
Greetings for The Twenty-Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time. 30 Sept - 01 Oct 2023
Greeting for The Twenty-Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time Good Afternoon/Morning and Welcome to Blessed Sacrament Catholic Community. This weekend we celebrate The Twenty-Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time and the beginning of Respect Life Month with our Celebrant Father Eliseus. Special Second Collection for the Sanctity of Human Life. Our Readings for this weekend are on pages 118 to 121 in English and Spanish. Today’s Mass includes the following intentions. [SEE OVER] As you enter the Sanctuary in silence with reverence, please remember to silence your cell phone and use this precious time for quiet reflection and silent prayer.
Announcements for The Twenty- Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time 30 - 01 Oct 2023
Announcements for The Twenty-Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time Every October the Catholic Church in the United States celebrates Respect Life Month. This weekend we observe Respect Life Sunday. As Catholics, we are called to cherish, defend, and protect those who are most vulnerable from the beginning to the end of their lives, and at every point in between. During the month of October, the Church asks us to reflect more deeply on the dignity of human life. The theme for 2023’s Respect Life Month is Eucharistic and Radical Solidarity. The Eucharist fortifies us in our response against the culture of death so that every life from conception to natural death is respected, protected, and supported in the Body of Christ, His Church. This weekend we have a special Second Collection for the Sanctity of Human Life. The Ushers may now come forward for the Second Collection. This Wednesday, October 4th at 11:00 AM a funeral Mass will be celebrated for Dean Rodney Mirabal (Dino). Next Saturday, October 8th at 1:00 PM, Fr. Eliseus will be Blessing the Animals as we did in past years before the Pandemic. All animals are welcome whether leashed or in carriers. Please bring your beloved pets and join us on the Patio, next Saturday afternoon. All are welcome with or without a pet. SEE OVER → Eliminating child trafficking and empowering survivors has been a historic concern of the Catholic Church. Please join us every Wednesday afternoon at 4:30 to pray a Rosary for peace in the world and for an end to Child Trafficking throughout the world, but especially in our country, through the Intercession of our Blessed Mother. Now is the perfect time for Early Christmas shopping. Scrip Gift Cards make a great gift! With each Scrip Gift Card that you purchase, our Church receives a percentage from that sale. Often after Mass, a table will be set up on the patio, where you can purchase Scrip in person. Or you can purchase Scrip at the office or securely through a link on our Blessed Sacrament Website. Thank you for supporting the Blessed Sacrament Scrip Program. Remember, these announcements are posted on the Blessed Sacrament Website and in the Bulletin Board on the Patio.
Mass Intentions for The Twenty-Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Mass Intentions for The Twenty-Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time We Pray for the protection of the public servants of our community, locally and across the globe; for relief and resolution for those experiencing the catastrophic effects of war and violence; for the homeless, outcasts, and downtrodden of our community and nation, and for churches and families who offer them refuge and compassion. Let us pray to the Lord. Saturday September 30th 4:30 PM We Pray for Healing for Belinda Wright Sunday October 1 st 8:00 AM We Pray for the Repose of the Soul of Roberto Limon Sunday October 1 st 10:30 AM We Pray for the Repose of the Souls of Joan Miller and Roberto Limon We Pray for the Conversion of the Miller family For all the intentions that we hold in the silence of our hearts (15 Seconds) Let us pray to the Lord.
Greeting for The Twenty-Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time, 24 - 25 Sept 22
Greeting for The Twenty-Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time Good Afternoon/Morning, and Welcome to Blessed Sacrament Catholic Community. This weekend we celebrate The Twenty-Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time and Priesthood Sunday with our Celebrant Father Eliseus. No Second Collection. Our Readings for this weekend are on pages 54 to 56. Today’s Mass includes the following intentions. (See intentions on the next page) As our small community continues to cautiously protect those most vulnerable from Covid-19 and other illnesses, we continue to ask that those of us receiving Communion on the tongue, please remain seated until directed by an Usher to come forward. We invite you to continue to be as cautious as you feel is personally necessary regarding social distancing and hand sanitizing before Communion. Our end of Mass Announcements, until November 8 th , will focus on the “No on Prop 1” efforts. Please see the weekly bulletins, visit the Blessed Sacrament Website, or contact the Church Office for all other Church Announcements. At the end of Mass, the Ushers will continue to dismiss us from the back to the front. Announcements for The Twenty-Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Announcements for The Twenty-Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time No Second Collection. This week, from Monday, September 26 th to Friday, September 30 th , Father Eliseus will be out of town. Phillip Limon will hold Communion Services in place of Regular 8:00 AM Daily Masses. For Church events and announcements. Please see the weekly bulletin, visit the Blessed Sacrament Website or contact the Church Office. Our Blessed Sacrament Community recognizes and supports the efforts to defeat Prop 1. The California Legislature put Proposition 1 on the November Ballot. This is an extreme proposal that, if approved by voters, would override current law and will permanently allow taxpayer-funded late-term abortions without limit. The Knights of Columbus continue their Baby Shower for all expectant mothers. Bring your donation of new (unopened) baby items and cleaning supplies to our Knights of Columbus any weekend after Mass until November 8th. We have a donation box in the entrance of the Church for you to leave your donations. All donated items will benefit our local Hi-Desert Pregnancy center and our hi-desert communities. We will have more to announce in the coming weeks and will continue to share ways you can Pray, Donate and Collaborate in service to defeat Prop 1. And now, we will read an approved message from the California Catholic Conference and the San Bernardino County Diocese:
Mass Intentions for The Twenty- Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Mass Intentions for The Twenty-Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time For the safety and protection of our servicemen and women deployed overseas, especially in the neighboring countries of Ukraine. For our Police Men and Women who protect us, for all First Responders and Firemen, and for all those experiencing war and violence. Let us pray to the Lord. September 24 th 4:30 PM We Pray for the Bowman and Kirschinger Family We Pray for the Repose of the Soul of Ellie Toryfter September 25 th 8:00 AM We Pray for the Repose of the Soul of Bo Bowden We Pray in Thanksgiving for the Vasquez Family Intentions September 25 th 10:30 AM We Pray for the Repose of the Soul of Joan Miller We Pray for the Conversion of the Miller family
Greetings for The Nineteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time. 12- 13 Aug 2023
Greeting for The Nineteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time Good Afternoon/Morning and Welcome to Blessed Sacrament Catholic Community. This weekend we celebrate The Nineteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time with our Celebrant Father Mike McCullough. No Second Collection. Our Readings for this weekend are on pages 82 to 86 in English and Spanish. Today’s Mass includes the following intentions. (see over) Please remember to silence your cell phones and enter the sanctuary in silence with reverence. Our collective quiet moments before Mass allow us time for reflection and silent prayer. Our Lord is constantly laboring to love us and speak to us. In order for Him to enter more fully into our lives, both time and space are needed. He indeed gives us that time and space before Mass. Please take full advantage of this tremendous gift of quiet reflection and silent prayer
Announcements for The Nineteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time 12 - 13 Aug 2023
Greeting for The Nineteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time Good Afternoon/Morning and Welcome to Blessed Sacrament Catholic Community. This weekend we celebrate The Nineteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time with our Celebrant Father Mike McCullough. No Second Collection. Our Readings for this weekend are on pages 82 to 86 in English and Spanish. Today’s Mass includes the following intentions. (see over) Please remember to silence your cell phones and enter the sanctuary in silence with reverence. Our collective quiet moments before Mass allow us time for reflection and silent prayer. Our Lord is constantly laboring to love us and speak to us. In order for Him to enter more fully into our lives, both time and space are needed. He indeed gives us that time and space before Mass. Please take full advantage of this tremendous gift of quiet reflection and silent prayer
Mass Intentions for The Nineteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time Mass Intentions for The Nineteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time We pray for protection of the public servants of our community, locally and across the globe; for relief and resolution for those experiencing the catastrophic effects of war and violence; for the homeless, outcasts, and downtrodden of our community and nation; for churches and families who offer them refuge and compassion. And, we pray for an end to child trafficking in the world. Let us pray to the Lord. Saturday August 12 th 4:30 PM We Pray for Father Eliseus’s safety while visiting Nigeria We Pray for Birthday Blessings for Lisa Bowman Sunday August 13 th 8:00 AM We Pray for the Repose of the Souls of Primrose Isidore and Joann Schmitt We Pray in Thanksgiving for the Vasquez Family intentions We Pray for Father Eliseus’s safety while visiting Nigeria Sunday August 13 th 10:30 AM We Pray for the Repose of the Souls of Joan Miller, Marcos Hinojosa and Anotonio Hinojosa We Pray for the conversion of the Miller family We Pray for Father Eliseus’s safety while visiting Nigeria For all the intentions that we hold in the silence of our hearts
Greeting for The Twentieth Sunday in Ordinary Time, 13 - 14 Aug 22
Greeting for The Twentieth Sunday in Ordinary Time Good Afternoon/Morning and Welcome to Blessed Sacrament Catholic Community. This weekend we celebrate The Twentieth Sunday in Ordinary Time with our Celebrant, Father Eliseus. No Second Collection. Our Readings for this weekend are on pages 38 to 40. Today’s Mass includes the following intentions. (See intentions on the next page) Remember that we continue to be directed during Holy Communion, beginning with those in the front pews. Please maintain the 3ft. distance, and remember to use hand sanitizer before you leave your seat. We continue to ask those of us receiving Communion on the tongue to please remain seated until directed by an Usher to come forward. The Ushers continue to dismiss us from the back to the front. Prepare your hearts and minds for receiving the Blessed Sacrament, by taking full advantage of this quiet, prayerful time before Mass. Mindfully minimize your conversations to gift others with the opportunity for prayer and quiet reflection. Announcements for The Twentieth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Announcements for The Twentieth Sunday in Ordinary Time No Second Collection You may now register for Faith Formation and RCIA. If you have questions or are interested in registering, please visit Elaine on the patio after Mass. The Solemnity of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary, on August 15th , is not observed as a holy day of obligation this year, according to the USCCB’s Liturgical Calendar. However, Blessed Sacrament will have a regular daily Mass at 8:00 AM on Monday, August 15th . On Tuesday nights at 7:00 PM, the Altar Society (continues to host)hosts Movie Nights in Classroom 4 across the parking lot. Join us for inspirational movies and refreshments of popcorn and water. The next movie is Redemption Way, this Tuesday, August 16th . Saturday, August 27th is the upcoming Food For Life event. All volunteer information will be in the Bulletins over the next two weeks. If you have previously volunteered with Food For Life, you know what a treasured opportunity this is. If you haven’t volunteered before, please consider donating your time on Saturday, August 27th . Can you name the first priest who celebrated Mass at Blessed Sacrament? Mike Schmitt has discovered and published a hand-written journal that dates back to the 1940s. You can find the answer and even more Parish Historical information in a collection of the Blessed Sacrament Parish Archives. Support this fundraiser by buying your copy for $22 by visiting Gail, in the Church office, during the week. SEE OVER → Every Wednesday afternoon at 4:30, our community continues to meet to Pray the Rosary through the Intercession of our Blessed Mother as well as Saints from Ukraine and Afghanistan and for peace in the world. We have changed locations and will now meet weekly in the Chapel in the Office Building. Please continue to join us as often as you can. The Blessed Sacrament Scrip Program continues to sell Scrip Gift Cards after Mass on the patio, in the Church Office, and securely online through the Blessed Sacrament Website. Thank you for supporting the Blessed Sacrament Scrip Program. Unfortunately, our Blessed Sacrament Bulletins were delayed with the printer this week, and we hope to have them available soon. We appreciate your patience and understanding. As a reminder, our Announcements are posted on the door of the church office, on the bulletin board on our patio, and on the Blessed Sacrament Website. Our Ushers will continue to dismiss us at the end of Mass, from the back to the front
Mass Intentions for The Twentieth Sunday in Ordinary Time , Mass Intentions for The Twentieth Sunday in Ordinary Time For the safety and protection of our servicemen and women deployed overseas, especially in the neighboring countries of Ukraine. For our Police Men and Women who protect us, for all First Responders and Firemen, and for all those experiencing war and violence. Let us pray to the Lord. August 13 th 4:30 PM We Pray for the Bowman and Kirschinger Family We Pray for the Repose of the Soul of Ufemia Delantar We Pray for a Happy Birthday for Lily Candelaria August 14 th 8:00 AM We Pray for the Repose of the Soul of Tom Andreshak We Pray for Healing for Aaron Culver We Pray for a Happy Birthday for Lily Candelaria August 14 th 10:30 AM We Pray for the Repose of the Souls of: Fortunato Dela Cruz, Sr. and Antonia Dela Cruz and Joan Miller We Pray for the Conversion of the Miller family We Pray for a Happy Birthday for Lily Candelaria
Greetings for the 15th Sunday in Ordinary Time. 13 - 14 July 2024
Greeting for The Fifteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time Good Afternoon/Morning and Welcome to Blessed Sacrament Catholic Community. No Second Collection. This weekend we celebrate The Fifteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time with our Celebrant Father Eliseus. Our Readings for this weekend are on pages 66 through 71 in English and Spanish. Today’s Mass includes the following intentions. [SEE OVER] As you enter the Sanctuary in silence with reverence, please remember to silence your cell phone and use this precious time for quiet reflection and silent prayer.
Announcements for the 15th Sunday in Ordinary Time 13 - 14 July 2024 Announcements for The Fifteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time No Second Collection. Praying the Rosary allows us to encounter Mary and enter the Mysteries of Jesus Christ. Please join us every Wednesday afternoon at 4:30 to pray a Rosary for peace in the world through the Intercession of our Blessed Mother. The Blessed Sacrament Scrip Program has merchant gift cards for sale. There are over a dozen different vendors to choose from. You can purchase Scrip on the patio after Mass, at the Church Office, or securely online through the Blessed Sacrament website. For each Scrip Gift Card purchase, the Church receives a percentage from that sale. We thank you for supporting the Blessed Sacrament Scrip Program. For more Church events and announcements, please see the weekly bulletin or visit the Blessed Sacrament Website.
Mass Intentions for the 15th Sunday in Ordinary Time Mass Intentions for The Fifteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time We Pray for the protection of the public servants of our community, locally and across the globe. For relief and resolution for those experiencing the catastrophic effects of war and violence. For the homeless, outcasts, and downtrodden of our community and nation, and for churches and families who offer them refuge and compassion. Let us pray to the Lord. Saturday July 13th 4:30 PM We Pray for the Repose of the Soul of Roberto Limon Sunday July 14th 8:00 AM We Pray for healing for Jim Burdette Sunday July 14th 10:30 AM We Pray for the Repose of the Soul of Joan Miller We Pray for the conversion of the Miller family We Pray for Birthday Blessings for Austin Duncan We Pray for all our Youth Group Members For all the intentions that we hold in the silence of our hearts. (15 Seconds) Let us pray to the Lord.
Greetings for The Fifteent Sunday in Ordinary Times 15- 16 July 2023
Greeting for The Fifteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time Good Afternoon/Morning and Welcome to Blessed Sacrament Catholic Community. This weekend we celebrate The Fifteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time with our Celebrant, Father Eliseus. Second Collection for DDF. Our Readings for this weekend are on pages 66 to 71 in English and Spanish. Today’s Mass includes the following intentions. (see over) Please remember to silence your cell phones and enter the sanctuary in silence with reverence. Our collective quiet moments before Mass allow us time for reflection and silent prayer. Our Lord is constantly laboring to love us and speak to us. In order for Him to enter more fully into our lives, both time and space are needed. He indeed gives us that time and space before Mass. Please take full advantage of this tremendous gift of quiet reflection and silent prayer
Announcements for The Fifteenth Sunday in Ordinary Times 15 - 16 July 2023
Announcements for The Fifteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time Second Collection for DDF. Remember, that when we reach our DDF goal, the funds that exceed that goal, come directly back to our Parish. These funds are absolutely necessary to the vitality of our ministries and the maintenance of our Parish. We continue to meet every Wednesday afternoon at 4:30 to pray a Rosary for peace in the world through the Intercession of our Blessed Mother and Saints from Ukraine, Afghanistan & Nigeria. Please join us as often as you can. Our Blessed Sacrament Community is selling Scrip. Scrip gift cards are a wonderful way to support the Parish. For each Scrip Gift Card purchase, the Church receives a percentage from that sale. Often after Mass, a table will be set up on the patio, where you can purchase Scrip in person. Or you can purchase Scrip securely through a link on our Blessed Sacrament Website. Thank you for supporting the Blessed Sacrament Scrip Program. These announcements are posted on the Blessed Sacrament Website and on the Bulletin Board on the Patio.
Mass Intentions for The Fifteenth Sunday in Ordinary Times
Mass Intentions for The Fifteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time We Pray for the protection of the public servants of our community, locally and across the globe; for relief and resolution for those experiencing the catastrophic effects of war and violence; for the homeless, outcasts, and downtrodden of our community and nation, and for churches and families who offer them refuge and compassion. Let us pray to the Lord. Saturday July 15 th 4:30 PM We Pray for the Repose of Soul of Lily Candelaria We Pray for healing for Anne Lear Sunday July 16 th 8:00 AM We Pray for healing for Anne Lear We Pray in thanksgiving for the Vasquez family intentions Sunday July 16 th 10:30 AM We Pray for the Repose of the Soul of Joan Miller We Pray for healing for Anne Lear We Pray for the conversion of the Miller family We Pray for a safe trip home for our Youth Group For all the intentions that we hold in the silence of our hearts
Greeting for The Prensentation of the Lord. 01 - 02 February 2025
Greeting for The Presentation of the Lord Good Morning/Afternoon and Welcome to Blessed Sacrament Catholic. Community. There is a second collection for Maintenance/Education Today we celebrate The Presentation of the Lord with our Celebrant Fr. Eliseus Our Readings for this weekend are on pages 96 through 101 in English and Spanish Today’s Mass includes the following intentions. Saturday February 1 st 4:30PM We Pray for the repose of the soul of Ralph Garcia, We Pray for a Happy Heavenly Birthday for Gert Szymanowski We Pray for the repose of the soul of Evangeline Silverio-lee We Pray for the repose of the soul of Rodolfo Silverio Sunday February 2nd 8:00AM We Pray for the repose of the souls of Lois & Jerry Phipps, We Pray for Mary Brown for all her intentions We Pray for the repose of the soul of Mike Sokol Sunday, February 2 nd, 10:30AM We Pray for the repose of the soul of Joan Miller, We Pray for the repose of the souls of Lois & Jerry Phipps We pray for the conversion of the Miller Family As you enter the Church in silence with reverence, please remember to silence your cell phones.
Announcements for The Presentation of The Lord. 01-02 February 2025. Announcements for The Presentation Of The Lord\
The ushers can now come forward for the second collection for DDF The Funeral Mass for Jerry Phipps will be on February 8 th with the Rosary at 9:30 AM and the Mass at 10:00 AM Your 2025 Offertory Envelopes are now available at the back of the church. Please pick them up on your way out. You can now call or come by the office to request your 2024 contribution letters There is a Baptism class scheduled for February 12 th at 6pm in the church office. If you plan to attend, please call the office to let Elaine know. Praying the Rosary allows us to encounter Mary and enter the Mysteries of Jesus Christ. Please join us every Wednesday afternoon at 4:30, in the small chapel at the Church Office. The Blessed Sacrament Scrip program has merchant gift cards for sale. You can purchase them on the patio after Mass, at the Church Office, or securely online through the Church website. For each card sold the church receives a percentage from that sale. We thank you for supporting the Blessed Sacrament Scrip Program. We would like to welcome Fr. Eliseus back from his trip to Nigeria. Welcome back Father we all missed you very much!! For more church events and announcements, please see the weekly bulletin, the bulletin board by the patio, or the webpage We now have a short presentation from the Missionary Sisters Servants of the Word, Father will now bless those with Birthdays and Anniversaries for the month of February. Father will now do the blessing for the candles.
Mass Intensions for The Presentation of The Lord. 01-02 February 2025.uary 2025
Mass Intensions for The Presentation Of The Lord For all young people who are preparing this year for their First Holy Communion or to receive the sacrament of Confirmation, that they will always keep Jesus at the center of their lives. Let us pray to the Lord For all members of Religious Communities that the Spirit will renew them and empower them to give faithful witness to Christ who is the center of their lives Let us pray to the Lord Saturday February 1 st 4:30 PM We Pray for the repose of the soul of Ralph Garcia We Pray for a Happy Heavenly Birthday for Gert Szymanowski We Pray for the repose of the soul of Evangeline Silverio-Lee We Pray for the repose of the soul of Rodolfo Silverio Sunday February 2 nd 8:00 AM We Pray for the repose of the souls of Lois & Jerry Phipps We Pray for Mary Brown and all her intentions We Pray for the repose of the soul of Mike Sokol Let us Pray to the Lord Sunday February 2 nd 10:30 AMWe Pray for the repose of the soul of Joan Miller We Pray for the repose of the souls of Lois & Jerry Phipps We Pray for the conversion of the Miller family Let us Pray to the Lord For all the intensions that you hold in the silence of your hearts.
Greetings for The Fourth Sunday of Advent 23 - 24 Dec 2023
Greeting for The Fourth Sunday in Advent | Year B Good Afternoon/Morning and Welcome to Blessed Sacrament Catholic Community. This weekend we celebrate The Fourth Sunday in Advent with our Celebrant Father Eliseus. No Second Collection. Our Readings for this weekend are on pages 44 through 49 in English and Spanish. Today’s Mass includes the following intentions. [SEE OVER] As you enter the Sanctuary in silence with reverence, please remember to silence your cell phone and use this precious time for quiet reflection and silent prayer. Greeting for Christmas Vigil Mass, 24 Dec 2023 Greeting for The Nativity of the Lord (Christmas): At the Vigil Mass 5:15 PM Good Evening and Welcome to Blessed Sacrament Catholic Community. Tonight we celebrate The Nativity of the Lord (Christmas) at the Vigil Mass with our Celebrant Father Eliseus. No Second Collection. Our readings for this Mass are on pages 48 to 55 in English and Spanish. This Mass includes the following intentions. [SEE OVER] During our celebration, Father will Bless the Nativity Scene and our Children’s and Youth Ministries will reenact the Birth of Jesus. As you enter the Sanctuary in silence with reverence, please remember to silence your cell phone and use this precious time for quiet reflection and silent prayer. Greetings for Christmas Midnight Mass 25 Dec 2023 Greeting for The Nativity of the Lord (Christmas): During the Night | 12:00 AM Good Evening and Welcome to Blessed Sacrament Catholic Community. This morning we celebrate The Nativity of the Lord (Christmas) During the Night with our Celebrant Father Eliseus. No Second Collection. Our readings for this Mass are on pages 54 to 59 in English and Spanish. Our Second Reading will be read in Tagalog. Announcements for Fourth Sunday of Advent 23 - 24 Dec 2023 Announcements for The Fourth Sunday in Advent No Second Collection. Father Eliseus will be traveling to Nigeria again this year. Father will be away from Saturday, December 30th to Saturday, January 27th . While Father Eliseus is away, we will celebrate Mass with Father Mike McCullough. The Church Office will remain closed for the Holidays and return to normal business hours on Tuesday, January 2 nd . We invite you to join us for our Christmas Mass Celebrations. Our Christmas Mass Schedule is as follows: ● Sunday, December 24th at 5:15 PM: Join us for our Christmas Vigil Mass. Father will Bless the Nativity Scene and the Children’s and Youth Ministries will reenact the Birth of Jesus. ● Monday, December 25th at 12:00AM: We will celebrate our Christmas Midnight Mass with our Filipino Choir, and bi-lingual English and Tagalog readings. ● Monday, December 25th at 10:30AM: Join us on Christmas Day, for our celebration of The Nativity of the Lord. For more Church events and announcements, please see the weekly bulletin or visit the Blessed Sacrament Website. Announcement for Christmas All Masses, 24 - 25 Dec 2023 Announcements for The Nativity of the Lord (Christmas) | All Masses No Second Collection. Father Eliseus will be traveling to Nigeria again this year. Father will be away from Saturday, December 30th to Saturday, January 27th . While Father Eliseus is away, we will celebrate Mass with Father Mike McCullough. The Parish Office will remain closed for the Holiday’s and return to normal business hours on Tuesday, January 2 nd . Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. Mass Intentions for The Fourth Sunday of Advent Mass Intentions for The Fourth Sunday in Advent May our Lord bless all peoples of the Holy Land in this time of war, especially the many innocent families and children suffering from acts of violence and especially for those who have died, that a true and lasting peace may return soon to the land of our Lord Jesus, the Prince of Peace. Let us pray to the Lord. Saturday December 23 rd 4:30 PM We Pray for the Repose of the Soul of Terry Stump We Pray for healing for Adolfo Dulatre Sunday December 24 th 8:00 AM We Pray for the Repose of the Soul of Terry Stump Sunday December 24 th 10:30 AM We Pray for the Repose of the Soul of Joan Miller and Terry Stump. We Pray for the Conversion of the Miller Family. For all the intentions that we hold in the silence of our hearts. Mass Intentions for Christma, All Masses 24 - 25 Dec 2023 Mass Intentions for The Nativity of the Lord (Christmas) | All Masses We Pray for the protection of the public servants of our community, locally and across the globe. For relief and resolution for those experiencing the catastrophic effects of war and violence, for the outcasts and downtrodden of our community and nation, and for churches and families who offer them refuge and compassion. Let us pray to the Lord. Sunday December 24th 5:15 PM We Pray for the Repose of the Soul of Terry Stump Monday December 25th 12:00 AM We Pray for the Repose of the Soul of Terry Stump We Pray for Birthday Blessings for Robert Bowman III Monday December 25th 10:30 AM We Pray for the Repose of the Souls of JoAnn Schmitt and Terry Stump For all the intentions that we hold in the silence of our hearts
Greetings for the 5th Sunday of Lent, 25 - 26 March 2023
Greeting for The Fifth Sunday of Lent Good Afternoon/Morning, and Welcome to Blessed Sacrament Catholic Community. This weekend we celebrate The Fifth Sunday of Lent with our Celebrant, Father Eliseus. No second collection. Our readings for this weekend are on pages 140 to 145 in English and Spanish. Today’s Mass includes the following intentions. Mindfully gift others with the opportunity for prayer and quiet reflection. Prepare your hearts and minds for receiving the Blessed Sacrament. Take advantage of this peaceful time to reflect and pray before Mass.
Announcements for The 5th Sunday of Lent
No Second Collection. Join us for Stations of the Cross every Friday evening from 6:00 PM to 7:00 PM, until April 7th. We’d like to thank our Faith Formation Ministry for leading us this past week, and we’re looking forward to joining our Altar Society Ministry on Friday, March 31st. This Wednesday, March 29th, at 6:00 PM Blessed Sacrament will have a Lenten Penance Service. This Penance Service will be the final opportunity for confession until after Easter Sunday. We are collecting Palms from last year's Palm Sunday. If you still have Palms from last year, you may bring these Palms to be burned during our Easter Vigil Mass. Please deliver your palms before Wednesday, April 8th. Our Holy Week schedule is now posted on our Bulletin Board on the Patio and on our Blessed Sacrament website. Our Holy Week Schedule is as follows: ● Thursday, April 6th at 7:00 PM Holy Thursday Mass will be celebrated in English and Spanish ● Friday, April 7th at 7:00 PM, immediately following Stations of the Cross, we will have our Good Friday Service ● Saturday, April 8th at 7:00 PM Easter Vigil Mass will be celebrated in English, Spanish and Tagalog ● Sunday, April 9th Easter Sunday Mass will be celebrated at 8:00 AM in English and Spanish, and 10:30 AM in English and Tagalog. After the 10:30 AM Mass there will be an Easter Bake Sale and a Children’s Easter Egg Hunt. The Easter Egg Hunt will be organized by age group and appropriate for children up to High School age. April is Child Abuse Prevention Month. The Office of Child and Youth Protection invites children and youth (18 and under) from all parishes and families throughout the Diocese of San Bernardino to its 2023 First Annual April Child Abuse Prevention Month Art Poster Contest themed: “I am Loved!” the deadline for all entries is Friday, April 7th, 2023. For more information, contact our Parish Office. Many of our sick or elderly Parishioners cannot drive themselves to medical appointments. Father Eliseus is seeking generous volunteers willing to contribute a few hours each month to grant rides to those parishioners that need transportation. If you are willing to donate your time and give these parishioners a helping hand, please let Father Eliseus know or contact Gail in the Parish Office. You may have heard that Gail, our Parish Secretary, will be moving on, so the Blessed Sacrament Parish Office is hiring for a Secretary Position. If you are interested in the details of this position, please see Father Eliseus or contact Gail in the Parish Office. These announcements are posted on the Bulletin Board on the Patio and on our Blessed Sacrament Website. Have a Blessed Week.
Mass Intentions for The 5th Sunday of Lent Mass Intentions for The Fifth Sunday of Lent
We Pray for the protection of the public servants of our community, locally and across the globe. For relief and resolution for those experiencing the catastrophic effects of war and violence. For the homeless, outcasts, and downtrodden of our community and nation, and for churches and families who offer them refuge and compassion. Let us pray to the Lord. March25th 4:30 PM We Pray for the repose of the souls of Kathy, Frances and Robert Dehner March 26th 8:00 AM We Pray in thanksgiving for the Vasquez family intentions March 26th 10:30 AM We Pray for the repose of the souls of Lily Candelaria, Austin Duncan, Alonzo Yepez and Joan Miller We Pray for the conversion of the Miller family For all the intentions that we hold in the silence of our hear
Greetings for The Third Sunday of Advent 17 - 18 Dec 2023
Greeting for The Third Sunday in Advent | Year B Good Afternoon/Morning and Welcome to Blessed Sacrament Catholic Community. This weekend we celebrate The Third Sunday in Advent with our Celebrant Father Eliseus. Second Collection for DDF. Our Readings for this weekend are on pages 40 through 44 in English and Spanish. Today’s Mass includes the following intentions. [SEE OVER] As you enter the Sanctuary in silence with reverence, please remember to silence your cell phone and use this precious time for quiet reflection and silent prayer.
Announcements for The Third Sunday in Advent Second Collection for DDF. We invite you to join our Filipino Ministry in celebrating Simbang Gabi with Mass on nine devotional evenings in anticipation of Christmas. Simbang Gabi Mass will be from December 15th to the 23rd at 6:00 PM. And, on Wednesday, December 20th, the Simbang Gabi Mass will be at 5:00 PM. Also, on Wednesday, December 20th, at 6:00 PM, we will be having a Penance Service. Please take advantage of this unique opportunity for Confession during this Advent and Christmas Season. We invite you to join us for our Christmas Mass Celebrations. Our Christmas Season Mass Schedules are as follows: ● Sunday, December 24th at 5:15 PM: Join us for our Christmas Vigil Mass. Father will Bless the Nativity Scene and the Children’s and Youth Ministries will reenact the Birth of Jesus. ● Monday, December 25th, at 12:00AM: We will celebrate our Christmas Midnight Mass with our Filipino Choir, and bi-lingual English and Tagalog readings. ● Monday, December 25th, at 10:30AM: Join us on Christmas Day, for our celebration of The Nativity of the Lord.
Mass Intentions for The Third Sunday of Advent , Mass Intentions for The Third Sunday in Advent May our Lord bless all peoples of the Holy Land in this time of war, especially the many innocent families and children suffering from acts of violence and especially for those who have died, that a true and lasting peace may return soon to the land of our Lord Jesus, the Prince of Peace. Let us pray to the Lord. Saturday December 16 th 9:00 AM We Pray for the Repose of the Soul of Terry Stump We Pray_Sunday December 17 th 9:00 AM We Pray for the Repose of the Soul of Terry Stump We Pray We Pray_ Sunday December 17 th 10:30 AM We Pray for the Repose of the Soul of Joan Miller and Terry Stump. We Pray for the Conversion of the Miller Family. We Pray For all the intentions that are in our hearts.
Greetings for the 20th Sunday in Ordinary Time. 17 - 18 August 2024
Greeting for The Twentieth Sunday in Ordinary Time Good Afternoon/Morning and Welcome to Blessed Sacrament Catholic Community. Second Collection for DDF. This weekend we celebrate The Twentieth Sunday in Ordinary Time with our Celebrant Father Mike McCullough. Our Readings for this weekend are on pages 90 through 95 in English and Spanish. Today’s Mass includes the following intentions. [SEE OVER] As you enter the Sanctuary in silence with reverence, please remember to silence your cell phone and use this precious time for quiet reflection and silent prayer. .
Announcements for the 20th Sunday in Ordinary Time 17 - 18 August 2024 Announcements for The Twentiesth Sunday in Ordinary Time Second collection for DDF. Celebrate Father Eliseus’ Birthday with us on Tuesday, September 3rd at 5:30PM in Mercy Hall. The theme is Picnic, so bring your favorite BBQ Style food to share. It’s registration time for Faith Formation and OCIA (formerly RCIA). You may register for Faith Formation and OCIA after each Mass in August or with the Church Office during the week. To register for Faith Formation and OCIA there is a small cost associated, however if payment cannot be made at registration, it is still strongly encouraged to register as soon as possible. The Faith Formation cost is $50 for the first child and $10 for each additional child in a family. The OCIA cost is $20. The first day of Faith Formation class is Sunday, September 8th. OCIA class begins on Monday, September 9th. If you have questions or need more information, contact the church office or see the Catechetical Ministry on the patio after Mass. We will continue to sell the Stained Glass Window Folders after each mass on the patio throughout the rest of August. The cost of the is $20.00 and will benefit many projects that need to be done around the church, office, and school. Thank you again for supporting this fundraiser. Praying the Rosary allows us to encounter Mary and enter the Mysteries of Jesus Christ. Please join us every Wednesday afternoon at 4:30 to pray a Rosary for peace in the world through the Intercession of our Blessed Mother. The Blessed Sacrament Scrip Program has merchant gift cards for sale. There are over a dozen different vendors to choose from. You can purchase Scrip on the patio after Mass, at the Church Office, or securely online through the Blessed Sacrament website. For each Scrip Gift Card purchase, the Church receives a percentage from that sale. We thank you for supporting the Blessed Sacrament Scrip Program. For more Church events and announcements, please see the weekly bulletin or visit the Blessed Sacrament Website.
Prayer Intentions, 20th Sunday in Ordinary Time Mass Intentions for The Twentieth Sunday in Ordinary Time We Pray for the protection of the public servants of our community, locally and across the globe. For relief and resolution for those experiencing the catastrophic effects of war and violence. For the homeless, outcasts, and downtrodden of our community and nation, and for churches and families who offer them refuge and compassion. Let us pray to the Lord. Saturday August 17 th 4:30 PM We Pray for Healing for Dana Renee Casey and Patty Smith Sunday August 17 th 8:00 AM We Pray for Healing for Lois Phipps and Mike Lyon Sunday August 18 th 10:30 AM We Pray for the Repose of the Soul of Joan Miller, Art and Mark Clemons and Clarence Foose We Pray for Healing for Dana Renee Casey and Patty Smith We Pray for the conversion of the Miller family For all the intentions that we hold in the silence of our hearts. (15 Seconds) Let us pray to the Lord.
Greetings for The Twenty-Ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time. 21- 22 Oct 2023
Greeting for The Twenty-Ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time Good Afternoon/Morning and Welcome to Blessed Sacrament Catholic Community. This weekend we celebrate The Twenty-Ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time with our Celebrants Father Eliseus and Father Gregory. Second Collection for World Mission Sunday. Our Readings for this weekend are on pages 130 to 133 in English and Spanish. Today’s Mass includes the following intentions. [SEE OVER] As you enter the Sanctuary in silence with reverence, please remember to silence your cell phone and use this precious time for quiet reflection and silent prayer.
Announcements for The Twenty- Ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time 21 - 22 Oct 2023
Announcements for The Twenty-Ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time This weekend we have a Second Collection for World Mission Sunday. Contributions directly support the Society of the Propagation of the Faith which promotes and fosters the missionary endeavors of the Catholic Church in parishes, schools, religious education groups, private organizations and individual persons of the Diocese through prayer, awareness and sacrificial donations. Pope Francis at the end of his general audience this week announced another day of prayer and fasting for an end to the Israel-Hamas war. The Pope said, Friday, October 27th will be “a day of penance to which I invite sisters and brothers of various Christian denominations, those belonging to other religions, and all those who have at heart the cause of peace in the world to join as they see fit.”1 Wednesday, November 1 st , is All Saints Day, a Holy Day of Obligation. Masses will be celebrated at 9:00 AM in English and 7:00 PM in English and Spanish. We invite you to bring your favorite Saint Statues from home, to be Blessed during Mass. Thursday, November 2 nd , is All Souls Day. Masses will be celebrated at 9:00 AM in English, and 7:00 PM in English and Spanish. You are invited to bring pictures of your loved ones to display during Mass for a special Blessing. After the Mass concludes, please take the photos of your loved ones home with you. 1 The Catholic News Agency Report by Matthew Santucci SEE OVER → All Souls Day Prayer Intention Envelopes are available in the pews and at the entrance of the Church. Please use those envelopes for your special All Souls Day Prayer Intentions and a customary $10 donation. If you wish, you may put the special intention envelopes in the collection basket, as early as next weekend. Or you may drop them off at the Church office anytime before November 2 nd . All Souls Day Prayer Intentions will be placed on the altar during the All Souls Day Masses as well as throughout the month of November. On Sunday, November 5th, Daylight Savings Time ends. Don’t forget to set your clocks back on Saturday evening, November 4th. At 6:00 PM on Wednesday, November 8th, there will be a Baptism class held in the Church Office. For more information or to RSVP, contact the Parish Office. Remember, these announcements are posted on the Blessed Sacrament Website and in the Bulletin Board on the Patio.
Mass Intentions for The Twenty-Ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Mass Intentions for The Twenty-Ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time May our Lord Bless all peoples of the Holy Land in this time of war, especially the many innocent families and children suffering from acts of violence and especially for those who have died, that a true and lasting peace may return soon to the land of our Lord Jesus, the Prince of Peace. Let us pray to the Lord. Saturday October 21st 4:30 PM We Pray for the Repose of the Souls of Johann Kirschinger Sr., Robert Bowman Sr. and Sean Blair We Pray for Healing for Adolfo Dulatre Sunday October 22nd 8:00 AM We Pray in Thanksgiving and the Private Prayer Intentions of the Vasquez Family. Sunday October 22nd 10:30 AM We Pray for the Repose of the Souls of Joan Miller, Sean Blair and Diana Hinojosa We Pray for the conversion of the Miller Family For all the intentions that we hold in the silence of our hearts (15 Seconds) Let us pray to the Lord.
Greeting for The Eighteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time, 30 - 31 July 22
Greeting for The Eighteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time Good Afternoon/Morning and Welcome to Blessed Sacrament Catholic Community. This weekend we celebrate The Eighteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time with our Celebrant, Father Eliseus. Welcome back, Father Eliseus! No Second Collection Our Readings for this weekend are on pages 34 to 35. Today’s Mass includes the following intentions. (See intentions on the next page) Remember that we continue to be directed during Holy Communion beginning with those in the front pews. Please maintain the 3ft. distance, and remember to use hand sanitizer before you leave your seat. We continue to ask those of us receiving Communion on the tongue to please remain seated until directed by an Usher to come forward. The Ushers are continuing to dismiss us from the back to the front. Pope Francis reminds us that “Prayer is first and foremost dialogue, a personal relationship with God.” Pope Francis stresses that our time before Mass is a time for “silent prayer when we prepare our hearts for an encounter with the Lord1 ”. Please take full advantage of this tremendous gift of quiet reflection and silent praye
Announcements for The Eighteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time No Second Collection Blessed Sacrament Parish began in October of 1940, but did you ever wonder where our Parish celebrated its first Sunday Mass? You can find the answer and even more Parish Historical information in a collection of the Blessed Sacrament Parish Archive. Mike Schmitt has found and published a hand-written journal that dates back to the 1940s. You can support this fundraiser by buying your copy for $22 with Mike on the Patio after Mass or you can visit Gail, in the Church office, during the week. Join us for the celebration of First Friday Mass this Friday, July 5th at 9:00 AM. On Tuesday nights at 7:00 PM, the Altar Society hosts Movie Nights in Classroom 4 across the parking lot. Join us for inspirational movies and refreshments of popcorn and water. The next movie is Augustine, this Tuesday, August 4th . The Blessed Sacrament Thrift Shop will reopen this Monday, August 1st. As a reminder, please do not drop-off donation items at the Church or the Church Office. Contact Lois Phipps at 760-220-7330 to schedule an appointment to drop-off your items. Each Wednesday afternoon at 4:30, our community continues to meet to Pray the Rosary through the Intercession of our Blessed Mother as well as Saints from Ukraine and Afghanistan and for peace in the world. We have changed locations and will now meet weekly in the Chapel in the Office Building. Please continue to join us as often as you can. SEE OVER → The Blessed Sacrament Scrip Program continues to sell Scrip Gift Cards after Mass on the patio, in the Church Office, and securely online through the Blessed Sacrament Website. Thank you for supporting the Blessed Sacrament Scrip Program. As a reminder, our Announcements are posted on the door of the church office, on the bulletin board on our patio, and on the Blessed Sacrament Website. Our Ushers will continue to dismiss us at the end of Mass, from the back to the front. [READ AT 10:30 AM MASS ONLY] Today, we have a special presentation from our Teen Youth Ministry.
Mass Intentions for The Eighteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time For the safety and protection of our servicemen and women deployed overseas, especially in the neighboring countries of Ukraine. For our Police Men and Women who protect us, for all First Responders and Firemen, and for all those experiencing war and violence. Let us pray to the Lord. July 30th 4:30 PM We Pray for the Bowman and Kirschinger Family July 31st 8:00 AM We Pray for the Repose of the Souls of: Terry Stump, Debbie Danucci and Robert, Frances and Kathy Dehner June 31st 10:30 AM We Pray for the Repose of the Souls of: Fortunato Dela Cruz, Sr. and Antonia Dela Cruz, Joan Miller and Terry Stump We Pray for the Conversion of the Miller family For all the intentions that we hold in the silence of our hearts (15 Seconds) Let us pray to the Lord.
Greetings for The First Sunday of Advent 02 - 03 Dec 2023
Greeting for The First Sunday of Advent | Year B Good Afternoon/Morning and Welcome to Blessed Sacrament Catholic Community. This weekend we celebrate The First Sunday of Advent with our Celebrants Bishop Rojas and Father Eliseus. Second Collection for Maintenance and Education. Our Readings for this weekend are on pages 24 through 29 in English and Spanish in the new Missal in your pew. Today’s Mass includes the following intentions. [SEE OVER] As you enter the Sanctuary in silence with reverence, please remember to silence your cell phone and use this precious time for quiet reflection and silent prayer.
Announcements for First Sunday of Advent 02 - 03 Dec 2023
Announcements for The First Sunday in Advent Second Collection for Maintenance and Education. Friday, December 8th is the Feast of the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary. Mass will be at 9:00 AM in English and 7:00 PM in English & Spanish. Next weekend, December 9 th and 10 th , we will have a Special Second Collection for the Retirement Fund for Religious. There is more information about this Special Second Collection in the Bulletin, and on the envelopes in the pews. The next Young Adult Meet Up will be Saturday, December 9 th , at 7:00 PM in room 5. All young adults, age 18 to 39 are invited to join us for dinner and fellowship. Tuesday, December 12th at 7:00 PM we celebrate Our Lady of Guadalupe. This is also the 20th Anniversary of Father Eliseus’ Priestly Ordination. Please join us for Mass and a celebration potluck hosted by our Hispanic Ministry. We invite you to join our Filipino Ministry in celebrating Simbang Gabi with Mass on nine devotional evenings in anticipation of Christmas. Simbang Gabi Mass will be from December 15th to the 23rd at 6:00 PM. And, on Wednesday, December 20th, the Simbang Gabi Mass will be at 5:00 PM. SEE OVER → Also, on Wednesday, December 20th, at 6:00 PM, we will be having a Penance Service. Please take advantage of this unique opportunity for Confession during this Advent and Christmas Season. ***TO BE READ ON SUNDAY ONLY*** As you leave the church after Mass this morning, be sure to stop by the patio and see what the Altar Society is selling for Christmas gifts this year. For the past few years Maureen Franklin and the members of the Altar Society have been selling Christmas items such as wreaths, candles, statues, stocking stuffers and much more for very reasonable prices for your friends & family. And, don’t forget that you’ll be supporting Blessed Sacrament at the same time. For more Church events and announcements, please see the weekly bulletin, visit the Blessed Sacrament Website or contact the Church office. Blessings for Birthdays & Anniversaries
Mass Intentions for The First Sunday of Advent
Mass Intentions for The First Sunday of Advent May our Lord bless all peoples of the Holy Land in this time of war, especially the many innocent families and children suffering from acts of violence and especially for those who have died, that a true and lasting peace may return soon to the land of our Lord Jesus, the Prince of Peace. Let us pray to the Lord. Saturday December 2 nd 9:00 AM We Pray in Thanksgiving for Bishop Rojas, for his visit to our Parish, and that he has safe travels. We Pray for the Repose of the Soul of Ed Ginder. Sunday December 3 rd 9:00 AM We Pray in Thanksgiving for Bishop Rojas, for his visit to our Parish, and that he has safe travels. We Pray for the Repose of the Soul of Aaron Culver. Sunday December 3 rd 10:30 AM We Pray in Thanksgiving for Bishop Rojas, for his visit to our Parish, and that he has safe travels. We Pray for the Repose of the Soul of Joan Miller. We Pray for the Conversion of the Miller Family. For all the intentions that we hold in the silence of our hearts.
Greetings for The Twenty-First Sunday in Ordinary Time. 26 -27 Aug 2023
Greeting for The Twenty-First Sunday in Ordinary Time Good Afternoon/Morning and Welcome to Blessed Sacrament Catholic Community. This weekend we celebrate The Twenty-First Sunday in Ordinary Time with our Celebrant Father Mike McCullough. No Second Collection. Our Readings for this weekend are on pages 96 to 101 in English and Spanish. Today’s Mass includes the following intentions. [SEE OVER] Please remember to silence your cell phones and enter the sanctuary in silence with reverence. Use this precious time for quiet reflection and silent prayer.
Announcements for The Twenty-First Sunday in Ordinary Time 26 - 27 Aug 2023
Announcements for The Twenty-First Sunday in Ordinary Time No Second Collection. Please remember that this weekend is the last opportunity for you to register after Masses for Faith Formation and RCIA. If you have questions about registration or would like more information about Faith Formation or RCIA, contact Elaine Ashfield at the Church Office. Please join us every Wednesday afternoon at 4:30 to pray a Rosary for peace in the world and for an end to Child Trafficking through the Intercession of our Blessed Mother. As Summer comes to a close, and you are shopping for back-to-school, consider shopping at the Blessed Sacrament Thrift Shop. The Thrift Shop serves our local community with quality affordable goods. Remember, to sing is to pray twice. The Adult choir will be returning to 10:30 AM Mass on Sunday, September 10th, after a short break and seeking passionate singers to join them. They will also begin to invite young singers, who attend the 8:00 AM Mass to join the Choir at the front of the Church. If you are interested in this exciting opportunity, the bulletin has additional details including meeting times. You may also contact the Music Director, Cindy Minarik, at 760-985-4000 or the Parish Office at 760-367-3343. Remember, these announcements are posted on the Blessed Sacrament Website and on the Bulletin Board on the Patio. Father Eliseus will return next weekend. Our Blessed Sacrament Community thanks Father Mike for spending this Month celebrating Masses with us. We appreciate your kindness and dedication to our Parish. We Pray that the Lord Blesses you bountifully
Mass Intentions for The Twenty-First Sunday in Ordinary Time
Mass Intentions for The Twenty-First Sunday in Ordinary Time We pray for protection of the public servants of our community, locally and across the globe; for relief and resolution for those experiencing the catastrophic effects of war and violence; for the homeless, outcasts, and downtrodden of our community and nation; for churches and families who offer them refuge and compassion. And, we pray for an end to child trafficking in the world. Let us pray to the Lord. Saturday August 26 th 4:30 PM We Pray for Father Eliseus’s safe return from Nigeria We Pray for all those in Maui affected by the devastating wildfire Sunday August 27 th 8:00 AM We Pray for the Repose of the Soul of JoAnn Schmitt We Pray for Father Eliseus’s safe return from Nigeria We Pray for all those in Maui affected by the devastating wildfire Sunday August 27 th 10:30 AM We Pray for the Repose of the Soul of Joan Miller We Pray for the conversion of the Miller family We Pray in Thanksgiving for the Vasquez Family Intentions We Pray for Father Eliseus’s safe return from Nigeria We Pray for all those in Maui affected by the devastating wildfire For all the intentions that we hold in the silence of our hearts
Greeting for The 5th Sunday in Ordinary Time. 08 - 09 February 2025
Greeting for The Fifth Sunday In Ordinary Time Good Morning/Afternoon and Welcome to Blessed Sacrament Catholic Community. There is no second collection today Today we celebrate The Fifth Sunday In Ordinary Time with our Celebrant Fr. Eliseus Our Readings for this weekend are on pages 100 through 104 in English and Spanish Today’s Mass includes the following ntentions. Saturday February 8 th 4:30PM We Pray for the repose of the souls of Lois & Jerry Phipps Sunday February 9 th 8:00AM We Pray for the repose of the souls of Lois & Jerry Phipps We Pray for the repose of the soul of Mike Sokol We Pray for Mary Brown and all her intentions Sunday February 9 th 10:30AM We Pray for the repose of the soul of Joan Miller We Pray for the repose of the soul of Evangeline Silverio Lee We Pray for the repose of the soul of Rodolfo Silverio We Pray for Happy Heavenly Birthday for Primo L Marquez We pray for the conversion of the Miller Family As you enter the Church in silence with reverence, please remember to silence your cell phones. Announcements for The 5th Sunday in Ordinary Time. 08-09 February 2025. Announcements for The Fifth Sunday In Ordinary Time There is no second collection, Your 2025 Offertory Envelopes are now available at the back of the church. Please pick them up on your way out. You can now call or come by the office to request your 2024 contribution letters There is a Baptism class scheduled for February 12 th at 6pm in the church office. If you plan to attend, please call the office to let Elaine know. Next week we will celebrate World Marriage Day. Please feel free to bring in your wedding pictures to be placed in the them corner during the Mass. The Altar Society has decided to do some restructuring. Maureen Franklin, who has been the head of the Altar Society for over 20 years has decided to step down. We would like to thank Maureen for all her dedicated years to leading the Altar Society Going forward all members of the Altar Society can send or bring your dues to Leslie in the office. Leslie will be sending emails to all the members of the Altar Society with all the new information. Praying the Rosary allows us to encounter Mary and enter the Mysteries of Jesus Christ. Please join us every Wednesday afternoon at 4:30, in the small chapel at the Church Office. The Blessed Sacrament Scrip program has merchant gift cards for sale. You can purchase them on the patio after Mass, at the Church Office, or securely online through the Church website. For each card sold the church receives a percentage from that sale. We thank you for supporting the Blessed Sacrament Scrip Program. For more church events and announcements, please see the weekly bulletin, the bulletin board by the patio, or the webpage,
Mass Intensions for The 5th Sundy in Ordinary Time. 08-09 February 2025. Mass Intensions for The Fifth Sunday In Ordinary Time For all brokenhearted people, that the mender of souls may bring them healing. Let us pray to the Lord For all the sick — at home, in hospitals or nursing homes — that in moments of despair they may know God's love and support Let us pray to the Lord Saturday February 8 th 4:30 PM We Pray for the repose of the souls of Lois & Jerry Phipps Sunday February 9 th 8:00 AM We Pray for the repose of the souls of Lois & Jerry Phipps We Pray for the repose of the soul of Mike Sokol We Pray for Mary Brown and all her intentions, Let us Pray to the Lord Sunday February 9 th 10:30 AM We Pray for the repose of the soul of Joan Miller We Pray for the repose of the soul of Evangeline Silverio Lee We Pray for the repose of the soul of Rodolfo Silverio We Pray for Happy Heavenly Birthday for Primo L Marquez We Pray for the conversion of the Miller family Let us Pray to the Lord
Greetings for The Fourteenth Sunday in Ordinary Times 08- 0 July 2023
Greeting forThe Fourteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Good Afternoon/Morning and Welcome to Blessed Sacrament Catholic Community.
This weekend we celebrate The Fourteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time with our Celebrant, Father Eliseus. Second Collection for Retired Priests. Our Readings for this weekend are on pages 62 to 67 in English and Spanish.
Today’s Mass includes the following intentions. (see over) Please remember to silence your cell phones and enter the sanctuary in silence with reverence. Our collective quiet moments before Mass allow us time for reflection and silent prayer. Our Lord is constantly laboring to love us and speak to us. In order for Him to enter more fully into our lives, both time and space are needed. He indeed gives us that time and space before Mass. Please take full advantage of this tremendous gift of quiet reflection and silent prayer.
Announcements for The Fourteenth Sunday in Ordinary Times 08 - 09 July 2023, Announcements for The Fourteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time Second Collection for Retired Priests.
We continue to meet every Wednesday afternoon at 4:30 to pray a Rosary for peace in the world through the Intercession of our Blessed Mother and Saints from Ukraine, Afghanistan & Nigeria. Please join us as often as you can. Our Blessed Sacrament Community is selling Scrip. Scrip gift cards are a
wonderful way to support the Parish. For each Scrip Gift Card purchase, the Church receives a percentage from that sale. Often after Mass, a table will be set up on the patio, where you can purchase Scrip in person. Or you can purchase Scrip securely through a link on our Blessed Sacrament Website. Thank you for supporting the BlessedSacrament Scrip Program. These announcements are posted on the Blessed Sacrament Website and on the Bulletin Board on the Patio.
Mass Intentions for The Fourteenth Sunday in Ordinary Times Mass Intentions for The Fourteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time We Pray for the protection of the public servants of our community, locally and across the globe; for relief and resolution for those experiencing the catastrophic effects of war and violence; for the homeless, outcasts, and downtrodden of our community and nation, and for churches and families who offer them refuge and compassion. Let us pray to the Lord.
Saturday July 08th 4:30 PM We Pray for the Repose of Souls of Lily Candelaria and Ann Bowman We Pray for healing for Anne Lear We Pray for Birthday Blessings for Bob Bowman Sunday July 09th 8:00 AM We Pray for the Repose of Soul of Anthony Benavente We Pray for healing for Anne Lear We Pray in thanksgiving for the Vasquez family intentions Sunday July 09 th 10:30 AM We Pray for the Repose of the Soul of Joan Miller We Pray for healing for Anne Lear We Pray for the conversion of the Miller family
For all the intentions that we hold in the silence of our hearts
Greetings for The Fourth Sunday in Lent 09 - 10 Mar 2024
Greeting for The Fourth Sunday of Lent Good Afternoon/Morning and Welcome to Blessed Sacrament Catholic
Community. This weekend we celebrate The Fourth Sunday of Lent with our Celebrant Father Eliseus. No Second Collection. Our Readings for this weekend are on pages 132 through 139 in English and Spanish. Today’s Mass includes the following intentions. As you enter the Sanctuary in silence with reverence, please remember to silence your cell phone and use this precious time for quiet reflection and silent prayer.
Announcements for The Fourth Sunday of Lent 09 - 10 Mar 2024 Announcements for The Fourth Sunday of Lent No Second Collection.
On Saturday, March 16th at 11:00 AM a training for Eucharistic Ministers will be held. If you were a Eucharistic Minister in the past or if you are interested in becoming a Eucharistic Minister, and are confirmed Catholic, over 18 years of age, please join us for this training. If you have not yet picked up your Assigned Offertory Envelopes, you may pick them up in the back of the church this weekend, then in the Church Office beginning next week. We’d like to thank the Choir and Thrift Store Ministries for hosting Stations of the Cross last Friday. Don’t forget, Eucharistic Adoration and Stations of the Cross will be held each Friday evening until Friday, March 29th. Eucharistic Adoration will be from 3:00 PM to 6:00 PM and Stations of the Cross will be from 6:00 PM to 7:00 PM. Blessed Sacrament will not have a Lenten Penance Service during this Lenten Season and Confession will not be available on Saturday, March 30th. Father reminds us to use the opportunities for reconciliation during Confession each Saturday at 3:30 PM. If you are unable to come for Confession on a Saturday, you may schedule an appointment with Father during Business Hours during the week. We are currently accepting donations for floral arrangements to enhance the beauty of our Easter Celebrations at Blessed Sacrament this year. You can find special Floral Donation envelopes conveniently placed in the pews and in the Church Office. If you wish to contribute to the Floral Arrangements, kindly provide the name of a loved one you would like to receive a special blessing. Their name will be included on the floral arrangements placed on the Altar during our Easter celebrations. Your generosity will add a meaningful touch to this joyous occasion. pcoming dates and times regarding Easter Mass Times and seasonal event services will soon be posted to our Bulletin Board on the patio, the Blessed Sacrament Website, and shared in our announcements 1 to 2 weeks before our upcoming events. Volunteers are needed to participate in the Foot Washing ritual at Holy Thursday Mass on Thursday, March 28th at 7:00 PM. To volunteer please contact the Church Office. For more Church events and announcements, please see the weekly bulletin or visit the Blessed Sacrament Website.
Mass Intentions for The Fourth Sunday of Lent Mass Intentions for The Fourth Sunday of Lent
We Pray for the protection of the public servants of our community, locally and across the globe. For relief and resolution for those experiencing the catastrophic effects of war and violence. For the homeless, outcasts, and downtrodden of our community and nation, and for churches and families who offer them refuge and compassion. Let us pray to the Lord. We Pray that our elect may ponder the work of God in their hearts and savor its meaning more fully day by day, let us pray to the Lord: We Pray that the elect my sincerely reject everything in their lives that is
displeasing and contrary to Christ, let us pray to the Lord: Saturday March 9th 4:30 PM We Pray for the repose of the souls of Robert, Frances and Kathy Dehner We Pray for strength and healing for Julie and Steve MorenoWe Pray for healing for Beverly Collard
Sunday March 10 th 8:00 AM We Pray for healing for Beverly Collard and Lois Phipps Sunday March 10 th 10:30 AM We Pray for the repose of the soul of Joan Miller We Pray for the conversion of the Miller Family e Pray for healing for Beverly Collard and Lois Phipps
For all the intentions that we hold in the silence of our hearts.
Greetings for the Third Sunday of Advent. 14 Dec - 15 Dec 2024
Greeting for The Third Sunday of Advent. Good Afternoon/Morning and Welcome to Blessed Sacrament Catholic Community. There is no second collection. This weekend we celebrate The Third Sunday of Advent with our Celebrant Fr. Eliseus Our Readings for this weekend are on pages 42 through 47 in English and Spanish Today’s Mass includes the following intentions. SaturdayDecember 14th 4:30 PM We Pray for healing for Adolfo Dulatre We Pray for healing for Jim Burdett Sunday December 15th 8:00 AM We Pray for the repose of the soul of Lois Phipps We Pray for healing for Jerry Phipps SundayDecember 15th10:30 AM We Pray for the repose of the soul of Joan Miller We Pray for the conversion of the Miller family As you enter the Church in silence with reverence, please remember to silence your cell phones.
Announcements for the Third Sunday of Advent . 14 Dec - 15 Dec 2024 Announcements for the Third Sunday of Advent here is no second collection The Blessed Sacrament Youth Ministry will be having meet ups for the middle school youth group. For more information, please see the bulletin board on the patio or you can call Shannon Limon, Elizabeth Amaro or the office. Our Young Adult group will be meeting on Sunday, December 15. We will be traveling together to Palm Desert to attend the Latin Mass at Sacred Heart Parish, followed by dinner at La Quinta Brewing in Palm Desert. If you are between 18 and 39 and would like to join us, we will be meeting here in the parking lot on the 15th, at 12:45pm to carpool down to Palm Desert. Please RSVP to Shaun Shiotani or Shannan Limon so we can make dinner reservations. Both numbers are on the young adult flyer on the bulletin board or call the office. The Altar Society is again offering items for sale during the Sundays of Advent. They will have tables on the patio after 8am and 10:30am Masses with items such as Advent Wreaths, candles, Advent calendars, Christmas items and stocking stuffers. There are now flower offering envelopes in the pews for Christmas. If you would like to purchase a poinsettia in memory of a loved one you can return the envelope in the weekend collection or at the office. There will be a Penance service on December 18th at 5:00 PM in the church. The Simbang Gabi Novena Masses start on December 13th thru December 21st at 6:00 PM except for December 18th which will be at 7:00 PM. The 4:30 Wednesday Rosary will be canceled until January 8th 2025 due to the upcoming holidays and Penance service.
Trail Life will be on the patio selling the hybrid flashlights to support the Troop. You can also purchase a flashlight and give it to Father Eliseus to take to Nigeria. The Blessed Sacrament Scrip program has merchant gift cards for sale. You can purchase them on the patio after Mass, at the Church Office, or securely online through the Church website. For each card sold the church receives a percentage from that sale. We thank you for supporting the Blessed Sacrament Scrip Program. For more church events and announcements, please see the weekly bulletin or visit the Blessed Sacrament Website.
Prayer Intentions for the Third Sunday of Advent Mass Intensions for The Third Sunday of Advent. For our own community that, in keeping Advent well, our hearts may be opened to God’s love. Let us pray to the Lord. For the sick, the lonely and those who feel abandoned, that God’s face may shine upon them and bring them healing, wholeness and peace. Saturday December 14th 4:30 PM We Pray for healing for Adolfo Dulatre We Pray for healing for Jim Burdett Sunday December 15th 8:00 AM We Pray for the repose of the soul of Lois Phipps We Pray for healing for Jerry Phipps Sunday December 15th10:30 AM We Pray for the repose of the soul of Joan Miller We Pray for the conversion of the Miller family Let us pray to the Lord For all the intensions that you hold in the silence of your hearts. (15 Seconds) Let us pray to the Lord.
Greetings for the Third Sunday of Easter, 22- - 23 April 2023
Greeting for The Third Sunday of Easter Good Afternoon/Morning, and Welcome to Blessed Sacrament Catholic Community. This weekend we celebrate The Third Sunday of Easter with our Celebrant, Father Eliseus. No Second Collection. Our readings for this weekend are on pages 130 to 135 in English and Spanish. Today’s Mass includes the following intentions. (see over) Please remember to silence your cell phone, as our collective quiet moments before Mass are an opportunity for reflection and silent prayer. The Lord is constantly laboring to love us and speak to us. In order for Him to enter more fully into our lives, both time and space are needed. He indeed gives us that time and space before Mass. Please take full advantage of this tremendous gift of quiet reflection and silent prayer.
Announcements for Third Sunday of Easter, 22 - 23 April 2023 Announcements for The Third Sunday of Easter No Second Collection. Monday, April 24th to Friday, April 28th, Father Eliseus will be away at a Priest Retreat, therefore, there will be no weekday Masses. During this week, George Collard will be doing a Communion Service on Monday, April 24th through Thursday, April 27th at 8:00 AM. Did you know that April is National Volunteer Month? Blessed Sacrament has many valuable ways for you to generously contribute your time. Here are just two examples: Food For Life is seeking volunteers for all positions on Saturday, April 29th. Food For Life is a rewarding way to serve our local communities. If you are interested in participating, please contact James Walsh at 760-550-7356. Many of our sick or elderly Parishioners cannot drive themselves to medical appointments. Father Eliseus is seeking volunteers willing to contribute a few hours to grant rides to those parishioners who need transportation. If you are willing to donate your time, please let Father Eliseus know or contact Gail in the Parish Office. Sunday, April 30th, is World Day of Prayer. For more information, see the flyers on the bulletin board on the patio. Father Eliseus is currently accepting applications for the Parish Secretary position. If you are interested in the details of this position, please see Father Eliseus or contact Gail in the Parish Office. We continue to meet every Wednesday afternoon at 4:30 in the Chapel to Pray a Rosary through the Intercession of our Blessed Mother as well as Saints from Ukraine and Afghanistan & for peace in the world. We encourage all of you to join us as often as you can. We hope to see you there. Don’t forget that we have merchant gift cards for sale with over a dozen different vendors to choose from. You can purchase Scrip on the patio after Mass, at the Church Office, or securely online through the Blessed Sacrament website. These announcements are posted on the Blessed Sacrament Website and the Bulletin Board on the Patio.
Mass Intentions for Third Sunday of Easter, Mass Intentions for The Third Sunday of Easter We Pray for the protection of the public servants of our community, locally and across the globe; for relief and resolution for those experiencing the catastrophic effects of war and violence; for the homeless, outcasts, and downtrodden of our community and nation, and for churches and families who offer them refuge and compassion. Let us pray to the Lord. Saturday April 22 nd 4:30 PM We Pray for the Repose of the Soul of Nora Judea We Pray for Healing for Adolfo Dulatre and Nancy Clapper Sunday April 23 rd 8:00 AM We Pray for the Repose of the Souls of Flo and Stan Andreshak We Pray in Thanksgiving for the Vasquez Family Intentions Sunday April 23 rd 10:30 AM We Pray for the Repose of the Souls of Erica Mariscal, Lily Candelaria, Joan Miller and Alonzo Yepez We Pray for the conversion of the Miller family For all the intentions that we hold in the silence of our hearts
Mass Announncements for The Sixteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time, July 16,17 2022
Good Afternoon/Morning and Welcome to Blessed Sacrament Catholic Community. This weekend we celebrate The Sixteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time with our Celebrant, Father Mike McCullough. No Second Collection Our Readings for this weekend are on pages 29 to 31. Today’s Mass includes the following intentions. (See intentions on the next page) Remember that we continue to be directed during Holy Communion beginning with those in the front pews. Please maintain the 3ft. distance, and remember to use hand sanitizer before you leave your seat. We continue to ask those of us receiving Communion on the tongue to please remain seated until directed by an Usher to come forward. The Ushers are continuing to dismiss us from the back to the front. ope Francis reminds us that “Prayer is first and foremost dialogue, a personal relationship with God.” Pope Francis stresses that our time before Mass is a time for “silent prayer when we prepare our hearts for an encounter with the Lord”. Please take full advantage of this tremendous gift of quiet reflection and silent prayer. Announcements for The Sixteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time No Second Collection You may or may not have heard that the Altar Society is resuming Movie Night at our Church in the Hospitality Room. We will show inspirational movies, with refreshments of popcorn and water, for the next six weeks on Tuesdays at 7:00 PM. The next movie is A Candle in the Dark, the Story of William Carey, this Tuesday, July 19th. The Teen Youth Ministry is continuing to collect Thank You cards for Fr. Eliseus. They will be on the patio this weekend, and next, providing blank cards and collecting completed cards. If you haven’t done so, please help them "shower Father with thanks." If you took a blank card home, please bring it back by next weekend. Collected cards will be presented to Father at the 10:30 AM Mass on July 31st.
The Blessed Sacrament Thrift Shop will be closed from Monday, July 18th to Sunday, July 31st, and will reopen on Monday, August 1st. Our Blessed Mother said, “Say the Rosary every day, to bring peace to the world and end the war.” So, we continue to meet every Wednesday afternoon at 4:30 to Pray a Rosary through the Intercession of our Blessed Mother as well as Saints from Ukraine and Afghanistan & for peace in the world. We encourage all of you to join us as often as you can. We hope to see you here in the church. The Blessed Sacrament Scrip Program continues to sell Scrip Gift Cards after Mass on the patio, in the Church Office, and securely online through the Blessed Sacrament Website. We continue to look for volunteers to sell Scrip after each Mass. Contact Joel Klink if interested. As a reminder, our Announcements are posted on the door of the church office, on the bulletin board on our patio, and on the Blessed Sacrament Website. Our Ushers will continue to dismiss us at the end of Mass, from the back to the front.
Mass Intentions for The Sixteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time For the safety and protection of our servicemen and women deployed overseas, especially in the neighboring countries of Ukraine. For our PoliceMen and Women who protect us, for all First Responders and Firemen, and for all those experiencing war and violence. Let us pray to the Lord. July 16th 4:30 PM We Pray for the Bowman and Kirschinger Family
July 17th 8:00 AM We Pray for the Repose of the Souls of: Bud Garrett, Terry Stump and Bo Bowden June 17th 10:30 AM We Pray for the Repose of the Souls of: Fortunato Dela Cruz, Sr. and Antonia Dela Cruz, Joan Miller and Terry Stump We Pray for the Conversion of the Miller family For all the intentions that we hold in the silence of our hearts (15 Seconds) Let us pray to the Lord.
Greetings for The Twenty-Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time. 16 - 17 Sept 2023
Greeting for The Twenty-Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time Good Afternoon/Morning and Welcome to Blessed Sacrament Catholic Community. This weekend we celebrate The Twenty-Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time with our Celebrant Father Eliseus. Second Collection for DDF. Our Readings for this weekend are on pages 110 to 114 in English and Spanish. Today’s Mass includes the following intentions. [SEE OVER] As you enter the Sanctuary in silence with reverence, please remember to silence your cell phone and use this precious time for quiet reflection and silent prayer.
Announcements for The Twenty- Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time 15 - 17 Sept 2023
Announcements for The Twenty-Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time Second Collection for DDF. On Wednesday, October 4th at 11:00 AM a funeral Mass will be celebrated for Dean Rodney Mirabal (Dino). Eliminating child trafficking and empowering survivors has been a historic concern of the Catholic Church. Please join us every Wednesday afternoon at 4:30 to pray a Rosary for peace in the world and for an end to Child Trafficking throughout the world, but especially in our country, through the Intercession of our Blessed Mother. Another great opportunity to give back to our Parish, is to buy Scrip. With each Scrip Gift Card that you purchase, our Church receives a percentage from that sale. Often after Mass, a table will be set up on the patio, where you can purchase Scrip in person. Or you can purchase Scrip at the office or securely through a link on our Blessed Sacrament Website. Thank you for supporting the Blessed Sacrament Scrip Program. Remember, these announcements are posted on the Blessed Sacrament Website and in the Bulletin Board on the Patio.
Mass Intentions for The Twenty-Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Mass Intentions for The Twenty-Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time We Pray for the people of Morocco and Libya, and communities across the globe experiencing the catastrophic events of dangerous flooding and storms. We Pray for the people of Morocco, may our compassionate Lord still the tremors of the earth and of their anxious hearts, bringing comfort, aid, and relief to all who are in need, let us pray to the Lord. We Pray for all who have been displaced, injured, and affected by the floods in Libya, may the Lord of all goodness guard and guide them in their journey toward healing and recovery, let us pray to the Lord. We Pray for all who have died in the floodwaters of Libya and the earthquake in Morocco. May God who is Mercy and Love bring all who have called upon Him in this life to eternity with Him in the next. Let us pray to the Lord. Saturday September 16th 4:30 PM We Pray for the Repose of the Souls of Robert, Frances, and Kathy Dehner We Pray for Birthday Blessings for Ryan Bowman We Pray for Heavenly Birthday Blessings for Lolita Zeigenhagn Sunday September 17th 8:00 AM We Pray for the Repose of the Soul of Judy Andreshak We Pray for Heavenly Birthday Blessings for Lolita Zeigenhagn Sunday September 17th 10:30 AM We Pray for the Repose of the Soul of Joan Miller We Pray for Birthday Blessings for Laura Ashfield and Allison Prieto We Pray for the Conversion of the Miller family For all the intentions that we hold in the silence of our hearts (15 Seconds)
Greeting for the Epiphany of the Lord, 07 - 08 January 2023
Greeting for The Epiphany of the Lord Good Afternoon/Morning, and Welcome to Blessed Sacrament Catholic Community. This weekend we celebrate The Epiphany of the Lord, with our Celebrant Father Mike McCullough. Second Collection for Maintenance and Education. Our readings for this weekend are on pages 72 to 77 in English and Spanish. Our Assigned, numbered offertory envelopes for 2023 are en route and should be received by the office soon. Meanwhile, please use the envelopes in the pew, and put your assigned offertory number on it, if you have one. Today’s Mass includes the following intentions. Take advantage of this peaceful time to reflect and pray before Mass. Prepare your hearts and minds for receiving the Blessed Sacrament. Mindfully gift others with the opportunity for prayer and quiet reflection. Announcements for The Epiphany of the Lord second Collection for Maintenance and Education. Blessed Sacrament Food For Life Ministry is seeking volunteers for all positions for their food distribution on Saturday, January 28 th . If you would like to volunteer, please contact Corinne Dobler at 760-367-7605. Until Father Eliseus returns on January 27 th , daily Communion Service is offered Monday through Thursday at 8:00 AM. Confession will continue to be on Saturdays at 3:30 PM here at the Church in the Reconciliation Room. Our Youth Ministry has weekly Bible study and Youth Group meetings every Wednesday in room 5. Middle School students meet between 5:00 & 6:30 PM, and High School students meet between 7:00 & 8:30 PM. For more information, contact Mrs. Limon or Mrs. Amaro or leave them a message with the Church Office. Our Blessed Sacrament Community continues to come together each Wednesday at 4:30 PM, in the Chapel, to faithfully pray a Rosary through the Intercession of Our Blessed Mother. We invite you to join us each week to pray for our United States, Afghanistan, and all countries around the world that need the help of our Blessed Mother. [READ AT 4:30 PM MASS ONLY] This evening, “Hospitality to Go” is available in honor of our January Birthdays and Anniversaries. Please take home one of our packaged desserts. There are both sugar and sugar-free items available. For more church events and announcements, visit the Blessed Sacrament Website. For your convenience, these announcements are also posted on the Bulletin Board on the Patio and the Church office door. Birthday and Anniversary Blessings Mass Intentions for The Epiphany of the Lord Mass Intentions for The Epiphany of the Lord We Pray for the protection of the public servants of our community, locally and across the globe. For relief and resolution for those experiencing the catastrophic effects of war and violence, for the outcasts and downtrodden of our community and nation, and for churches and families who offer them refuge and compassion. Let us pray to the Lord. January 7th 4:30PM We Pray for the Bowman and Kirschinger Families We Pray for Healing for Betty Kocher We Pray for Birthday Blessings for Lynn Ashfield January 8 th 8:00 AM We Pray for the Repose of the Souls of Mark and Art Clemons, Gloria and Loreto Laroza, Lawrence Power and Clarence Foose We Pray for Healing for Dana Rene Casey January 8 th 10:30 AM We Pray for the Repose of the Souls of Joan Miller and Larry Briggs We Pray for the Conversion of the Miller family We Pray for Birthday Blessings for Derrin Rudick
Greeting for The 6th Sunday in Ordinary Time. 15 - 16 February 2025
Greeting for The Sixth Sunday In Ordinary Time/World Marriage Day
Good Morning/Afternoon and Welcome to Blessed Sacrament Catholic Community. There is a second collection today for DDF Today we celebrate The Sixth Sunday In Ordinary Time/World Marriage Day with our Celebrant Fr. Eliseus Our Readings for this weekend are on pages 104 through 108 in English and Spanish Today’s Mass includes the following intentions. Saturday February 15th 4:30PM We Pray for the repose of the souls of Evangeline Silverio Lee and Rodolfo Silverio We Pray for Happy Heavenly Birthday for Carlos A. Adame Sunday February 16th 8:00AM We Pray for the repose of the souls of Lois & Jerry Phipps We Pray for Healing for Pete Jiminez Sunday February 16th 10:30AM We Pray for the repose of the soul of Joan Miller We Pray for Mary Brown for all her intentions We pray for the conversion of the Miller Family As you enter the Church in silence with reverence, please remember to silence your cell phones.
Announcements for The 6th Sunday in Ordinary Time. 15-16 February 2025. Announcements for The Sixth Sunday In Ordinary Time/World Marriage Day The Ushers can now come forward for our second collection for DDF Your 2025 Offertory Envelopes are now available at the back of the church. Please pick them up on your way out. You can now call or come by the office to request your 2024 contribution letters With Ash Wednesday coming soon we would like to ask everyone to please bring in all your old palms. There will be a box in the back to place them in. The Blessed Sacrament Thrift Store now has new hours of operation. They will now be open Monday through Friday from 9am to 2pm. The church office will be closed on Monday February 17th for the Presidents Day holiday and will reopen for regular hours on Tuesday the 18th. Praying the Rosary allows us to encounter Mary and enter the Mysteries of Jesus Christ. Please join us every Wednesday afternoon at 4:30, in the small chapel at the Church Office. The Blessed Sacrament Scrip program has merchant gift cards for sale. You can purchase them on the patio after Mass, at the Church Office, or securely online through the Church website. For each card sold the church receives a percentage from that sale. We thank you for supporting the Blessed Sacrament Scrip Program. For more church events and announcements, please see the weekly bulletin, the bulletin board by the patio, or the church webpage. We now have a small presentation for World Marriage Day with Father Blessing the longest and shortest marriages.
Mass Intensions for The 6th Sundy in Ordinary Time. 15-16 February 2025.Mass Intensions for The Sixth Sunday In Ordinary Time/World Marriage Day May all couples live in eternity with the Son and the Holy Spirit in oneness of life and communion of love Let us pray to the Lord Lord God, please grant that all married couples will be mindful of the covenant of love they pledged to each other through the sacrament of marriage and never fail in fidelity. Let us pray to the Lord Saturday February 15th 4:30 PM We Pray for the repose of the souls of Evangeline Silverio Lee and Rodolfo Silverio We Pray for Happy Heavenly Birthday for Carlos A. Adame Sunday February 16th 8:00 AM We Pray for the repose of the souls of Lois & Jerry Phipps We Pete Jiminez for Healing, Let us Pray to the Lord Sunday February 16th 10:30 AM We Pray for the repose of the soul of Joan Miller We Pray for Mary Brown and all her intentions We Pray for the conversion of the Miller family Let us Pray to the LordFor all the intensions that you hold in the silence of your hearts.
Greetings for The First Sunday if Lent 17 - 18 Feb 2024
Greeting for The First Sunday of Lent Good Afternoon/Morning and Welcome to Blessed Sacrament Catholic Community. This weekend we celebrate The First Sunday of Lent with our Celebrant Father Eliseus. Second Collection for DDF. Our Readings for this weekend are on pages 112 through 115 in English and Spanish. Today’s Mass includes the following intentions. [SEE OVER] As you enter the Sanctuary in silence with reverence, please remember to silence your cell phone and use this precious time for quiet reflection and silent prayer.
Announcements for The First Sunday of Lent 17 - 18 Feb 2024
Announcements for The First Sunday of Lent Second Collection for DDF. Our Parish Office will be closed on Monday, February 19 th for President’s Day, and will return to normal business hours on Tuesday, February 20 th . We’d like to thank the Filipino Ministry for hosting Stations of the Cross last Friday. Don’t forget, Eucharistic Adoration and Stations of the Cross will be held each Friday evening until Friday, March 29 th . Eucharistic Adoration will be from 3:00 PM to 6:00 PM and Stations of the Cross will be from 6:00 PM to 7:00 PM. Blessed Sacrament will not have a Lenten Penance Service this year and Confession will not be available on Saturday, March 30th. Father reminds us to use the opportunities for reconciliation during Confession each Saturday at 3:30 PM. If you are unable to come for Confession on a Saturday, you may schedule an appointment with Father during Business Hours during the week. St. Marys in Yucca Valley will have a Penance Service on Tuesday, February 20th at 6:30 PM. For more Church events and announcements, please see the weekly bulletin or visit the Blessed Sacrament Website
Mass Intentions for The First Sunday of Lent
Mass Intentions for The First Sunday of Lent We Pray for the protection of the public servants of our community, locally and across the globe. For relief and resolution for those experiencing the catastrophic effects of war and violence. For the homeless, outcasts, and downtrodden of our community and nation, and for churches and families who offer them refuge and compassion. Let us pray to the Lord. Saturday February 17 th 4:30 PM We Pray for the repose of the souls of Corinne Dobler and Arthur Schweer We Pray for healing for Beverly Collard Sunday February 18 th 8:00 AM We Pray for the repose of the soul of Corinne Dobler We Pray for healing for Beverly Collard Sunday February 18 th 10:30 AM We Pray for the repose of the souls of Joan Miller and Corinne Dobler We Pray for the conversion of the Miller Family We Pray for healing for Beverly Collard We Pray for a Happy Heavenly Birthday for Ann Clift For all the intentions that we hold in the silence of our hearts.
Announcements for Solemnity Of Mary, The holy Mother Of God
We would like to welcome Fr. Mike back with us. Fr. Mike will be here for the whole month of January to cover the weekend Masses and Saturday confessions while Fr. Eliseus is away in Nigeria.
Weekday celebrations in January will be Communion Services Monday through Thursday. January 3 rd is First Friday; Mass will be at 9:00 AM Fr. Mike will have a healing of the sick but there will not be morning or afternoon Adoration. Your 2025 Offertory Envelopes are now available at the back of the church. Please pick them up on your way out.
For more church events and announcements, please see the weekly bulletin or visit the Blessed Sacrament Website.
Announcements for Nivity Of The Lord At the Vigil Mass, The office will be closed for the Holidays beginning December 23rd through January 1st. The office phone will be checked so please feel free to leave messages and someone will get back to you. You can also leave mass intensions in the office mailbox. The office will reopen on January 2nd for regular business hours. The Blessed Sacrament Thrift Store will be closed from December 23rd through January 1st. There will be Mass tonight at midnight with the Filipino Choir singing. Christmas morning Mass is at 10:30 AM. Father Eliseus’s last day before he leaves for Nigeria is Christmas Day. The weekend of December 28th and 29th Fr James will be our Celebrant along with Saturday confession. Starting January 1st Fr Mike McCullough will be covering all weekend Masses and Saturday confessions while Fr Eliseus is away. Weekday celebrations in January will be Communion Services Monday through Thursday. The Diocese has decided that January 1st, which is The Solemnity Of Mary, is not considered a Holy Day of Obligation this year. We will have just one Mass at 9:00AM on January 1st. January 3rd is First Friday, and Fr. Mike will be our Celebrant for our 9:00AM Mass. Fr will have a healing of the sick but there will not be morning or afternoon Adoration. It is that time of year again to get your calendars for 2025 which are provided for you by Farmers Insurance. They are at the back of the church. Please only take one per family. Your 2025 Offertory Envelopes are now available at the back of the church. Please pick them up on your way out. For more church events and announcements, please see the weekly bulletin or visit the Blessed Sacrament Website.
Announcements for he Nativity Of The Lord (Christmas): At The Mass During Night The office will be closed for the Holidays beginning December 23rd through January 1st. The office phone will be checked so please feel free to leave messages and someone will get back to you. You can also leave mass intensions in the office mailbox. The office will reopen on January 2nd for regular business hours. The Blessed Sacrament Thrift Store will be closed from December 23rd through January 1st. Today there will be one more Christmas Mass at 10:30 AM Father Eliseus’s last day before he leaves for Nigeria is Christmas Day. The weekend of December 28th and 29th Fr James will be our Celebrant along with Saturday confession. Starting January 1st Fr Mike McCullough will be covering all weekend Masses and Saturday confessions while Fr Eliseus is away. Weekday celebrations in January will be Communion Services Monday through Thursday. The Diocese has decided that January 1st, which is The Solemnity Of Mary, is not considered a Holy Day of Obligation this year. We will have just one Mass at 9:00AM on January 1st. January 3rd is First Friday, and Fr. Mike will be our Celebrant for our 9:00AM Mass. Fr will have a healing of the sick but there will not be morning or afternoon Adoration. It is that time of year again to get your calendars for 2025 which are provided for you by Farmers Insurance. They are at the back of the church. Please only take one per family.Your 2025 Offertory Envelopes are now available at the back of the church. Please pick them up on your way out.For more church events and announcements, please see the weekly bulletin or visit the Blessed Sacrament Website.
Announcements for The Nativity Of The Lord (Christmas): At The Mass During The Day
The office will be closed for the Holidays beginning December 23rd through January 1st. The office phone will be checked so please feel free to leave messages and someone will get back to you. You can also leave mass intensions in the office mailbox. The office will reopen on January 2nd for regular business hours.The Blessed Sacrament Thrift Store will be closed from December 23rd through January 1st.Father Eliseus’s last day before he leaves for Nigeria is today.The weekend of December 28th and 29th Fr James will be our Celebrant along with Saturday confession.Starting January 1st Fr Mike McCullough will be covering all weekend Masses and Saturday confessions while Fr Eliseus is away.Weekday celebrations in January will be Communion Services Monday through Thursday.The Diocese has decided that January 1st, which is The Solemnity Of Mary, is not considered a Holy Day of Obligation this year. We will have just one Mass at 9:00AM on January 1st.January 3rd is First Friday, and Fr. Mike will be our Celebrant for our 9:00AM Mass. Fr will have a healing of the sick but there will not be morning or afternoon Adoration.It is that time of year again to get your calendars for 2025 which are provided for you by Farmers Insurance. They are at the back of the church. Please only take one per family. Your 2025 Offertory Envelopes are now available at the back of the church. Please pick them up on your way out.For more church events and announcements, please see the weekly bulletin or visit the Blessed Sacrament Website. Now we would like to say a Blessing for Father ahead of his travels to Nigeria Lord, at every moment and in every place, you are near to those who serve you.Be Father Eliseus’ guide and protector as he sets out on this journey. Make him feel your presence and know that you are with him & bring him home safely.For this we pray to the Lord,Lord, Hear Our Prayer.
Greeting for The Third Sunday in Ordinary Times 25-26 January 2025
Greeting for The Third Sunday In Ordinary Time. Good Morning/Afternoon and Welcome to Blessed Sacrament Catholic Community. There is no second collection Today we celebrate The Third Sunday In Ordinary Time with our Celebrant Fr. Mike McCullough Our Readings for this weekend are on pages 86 through 91 in English and Spanish Today’s Mass includes the following intentions. Saturday January 25 th 4:30PM We Pray for the repose of the souls of Lois & Jerry Phipps Sunday January 26 th 8:00AM We Pray for the repose of the souls of Lois & Jerry Phipps We Pray for Mary Brown for all her intentions Sunday January 26 th 10:30AM We Pray for the repose of the soul of Joan Miller We Pray for the repose of the souls of Lois & Jerry Phipps We pray for the conversion of the Miller Family As you enter the Church in silence with reverence, please remember to silence your cell phones.
Announcements for The Third Sunday In Ordinary Time. There is no second collection
The Funeral Mass for Jerry Phipps will be on February 8 th with the Rosary at 9:30 AM and the Mass at 10:00 AM. Your 2025 Offertory Envelopes are now available at the back of the church. Please pick them up on your way out. February 2 nd is Candlemas so you can bring your candles to be blessed after Mass. You can now call or come by the office to request your 2024 contribution letters Praying the Rosary allows us to encounter Mary and enter the Mysteries of Jesus Christ. Please join us every Wednesday afternoon at 4:30, in the small chapel at the Church Office. The Blessed Sacrament Scrip program has merchant gift cards for sale. You can purchase them on the patio after Mass, at the Church Office, or securely online through the Church website. For each card sold the church receives a percentage from that sale. We thank you for supporting the Blessed Sacrament Scrip Program. For more church events and announcements, please see the weekly bulletin or visit the Blessed Sacrament Website. This is Fr. Mike’s Last weekend celebrating our Mass with us. We would like to thank Fr. Mike for being with us throughout the month of January while Fr. Eliseus was away in Nigeria. We would like to say a prayer for Fr. Mike; We pray that you may always experience the joy of the Gospel in your ministry and that your life may reflect the love of Christ to all who encounter you; Amen. Thank you, Fr. Mike, for all you do for us and this community.
Mass Intensions for The Third Sunday in Ordinary Times. 25 - 26 January 2025
Mass Intensions for The Third Sunday In Ordinary Time “Let us pray for the families affected by the recent wildfires in the Los Angeles are that they receive relief in rebuilding and returning to their homes and for all first responders for their safety; grant eternal life to those who have died and protection to the affected communities and bring life and hope out of the ashes, Saturday January 25 th 4:30 PM We Pray for the repose of the souls of Lois & Jerry Phipps Sunday January 26 th 8:00 AM We Pray for the repose of the souls of Lois & Jerry Phipps
We Pray for Mary Brown and all her intentions Let us Pray to the Lord Sunday January 19 th 10:30 AM Sunday January 26 th 10:30 AM We Pray for the repose of the soul of Joan Miller
We Pray for the repose of the souls of Lois & Jerry Phipps We Pray for the conversion of the Miller family Let us Pray to the Lord For all the intensions that you hold in the silence of your hearts. (15 Seconds) Let us pray to the Lord.
Greeting for The First Sunday of Advent, 26 - 27 Nov 2022
Good Afternoon/Morning, and Welcome to Blessed Sacrament Catholic Community. This weekend we celebrate The First Sunday of Advent with
our Celebrant Father Eliseus. Today we will be Blessing and lighting the First Candle of Advent. No Second Collection. In the Pews you will find the new Missals for the Advent to Lent Liturgical Season. In this new format, weekly readings are presented in both English and Spanish side-by-side. So, our readings for this weekend are on pages 24 to 29 in English and Spanish. Today’s Mass includes the following intentions. At the end of Mass, the Ushers will continue to dismiss us from the back to the front. We so often are burdened by our busy lives, take these quiet moments before Mass to prayerfully prepare your hearts and minds for receiving the Blessed Sacrament. Mindfully gift others with the opportunity for prayer and quiet reflection. Announcements for The First Sunday of Advent No Second Collection.
The Youth Ministry has weekly Bible study and Youth Group meetings every Wednesday in room 5. Middle School students meet between 5:00 - 6:30 PM and High School students meet between 7:00 - 8:30 PM. For more information contact Mrs. Limon or Mrs. Amaro or leave them a message with the Church Office. Strengthen your Advent celebration at home with a Magnificat Advent Prayer book. These books are available for purchase in the Church Office for $3.00. The proceeds will be used to purchase a new Divine Mercy Portrait for our church. Join us each Wednesday afternoon at 4:30 PM to Pray a Rosary through the Intercession of our Blessed Mother, as well as Saints from Ukraine and Afghanistan. The Rosary is a powerful weapon against the evils of the world, especially war. We must pray for peace between world powers, peace in our families, peace in our communities and schools, peace in our relationships, and even peace within ourselves. The peace of God is something we must constantly ask for. The Blessed Sacrament Scrip Program continues to sell Scrip Gift Cards after Mass in the Hospitality Room, in the Church Office, and securely online through the Blessed Sacrament Website. For more church events and announcements visit the Blessed Sacrament Website. For your convenience these announcements are also posted on the Bulletin Board on the Patio and the door of the Church office. Mass Intentions for The First Sunday of Advent. Mass Intentions for The First Sunday of Advent We Pray for the protection of the public servants of our community, locally and across the globe. For relief and resolution for those experiencing the catastrophic effects of war and violence and for the outcasts and downtrodden of our community and nation, and for churches and families who offer them refuge and compassion. Let us pray to the Lord. November 27th 4:30 PM We Pray for the Bowman and Kirschinger Families We Pray for the Repose of the Soul of Pat Bitter We Pray for Healing for Lily Candelaria November 28th 8:00 AM We Pray in Thanksgiving for the Vasquez Family Intentions We Pray for the Repose of the Soul of Pat Bitter We Pray for Healing for Lily Candelaria November 28th 10:30 AM We Pray for the Repose of the Souls of Joan Miller and Larry Briggs We Pray for the Conversion of the Miller family
Greetings for The Thirtysecond Sunday in Ordinary Time. 11- 12 Nov 2023
Greeting for The Thirty-Second Sunday in Ordinary Time Good Afternoon/Morning and Welcome to Blessed Sacrament Catholic Community. This weekend we celebrate The Thirty-Second Sunday in Ordinary Time with our Celebrant Father Eliseus. No Second Collection. Our Readings for this weekend are on pages 148 to 151 in English and Spanish. Today’s Mass includes the following intentions. [SEE OVER] As you enter the Sanctuary in silence with reverence, please remember to silence your cell phone and use this precious time for quiet reflection and silent prayer.
Announcements for The Thirtysecond Sunday in Ordinary Time
Announcements for The Thirty-Second Sunday in Ordinary Time No Second Collection. It’s the season of Gratitude and Thanksgiving. On Thursday, November 23rd , Thanksgiving Day Mass will be celebrated at 9:00AM. You may bring food items, like Bread and Pie, to be Blessed during Mass. There are no Faith Formation classes this weekend. Classes will resume on Saturday, November 26th and Sunday the 27th . Eliminating child trafficking and empowering survivors has been a historic concern of the Catholic Church. Please join us every Wednesday afternoon at 4:30 to pray a Rosary for peace in the world and for an end to Child Trafficking throughout the world, but especially in our country, through the Intercession of our Blessed Mother. We would love to see more of you joining us on Wednesday afternoons. Now is the perfect time for Early Christmas shopping. Scrip Gift Cards make a great gift! With each Scrip Gift Card that you purchase, our Church receives a percentage from that sale. Often after Mass, a table will be set up on the patio where you can purchase Scrip in person. Or you can purchase Scrip at the office or securely through a link on our Blessed Sacrament Website. Thank you for supporting the Blessed Sacrament Scrip Program. For more Church events and announcements, please see the weekly bulletin, visit the Blessed Sacrament Website or contact the Church Office. Blessing for Veterans
Mass Intentions for The Thirtysecond Sunday in Ordinary Time
Mass Intentions for The Thirty-Second Sunday in Ordinary Time May our Lord bless all peoples of the Holy Land in this time of war, especially the many innocent families and children suffering from acts of violence and especially for those who have died, that a true and lasting peace may return soon to the land of our Lord Jesus, the Prince of Peace. Let us pray to the Lord. Saturday November 11th 4:30 PM We Pray for the Repose of the Souls of Deacon John Stanley and Robert, Frances and Kathy Dehner Sunday November 12th 8:00 AM We Pray for the Repose of the Soul of Deacon John Stanley Sunday November 12th 10:30 AM We Pray for the Repose of the Souls of Deacon John Stanley, Joan Miller and Felicidad Verastigue We Pray for the conversion of the Miller Family For all the intentions that we hold in the silence of our hearts (15 Seconds) Let us pray to the Lord.
Greetings for The Assention of the Lord 11 - 12 May 2024 Greeting for The Ascension of the Lord
Good Afternoon/Morning and Welcome to Blessed Sacrament Catholic Community. This weekend we celebrate The Ascension of the Lord with our Celebrant Father Eliseus. No Second Collection.
Our Readings for this weekend are on pages 146 through 153 in English and Spanish. Today’s Mass includes the following intentions. [SEE OVER] As you enter the Sanctuary in silence with reverence, please remember to silence your cell phone and use this precious time for quiet reflection and silent praye
Announcements for The Assention of the Lord 11 - 12 May 2024 Announcements for The Ascension of the Lord Happy Mother’s Day! It’s not too late to submit your Mother’s Day Spiritual Bouquet Intentions to be on the Altar during Mass this month. If you would like your special Mother’s Day intentions to be on the Altar, please find the envelopes in the pews or see an Usher after Mass. You may return your envelope to the Ushers now or to the church office during the week. May the Ushers come forward to collect Mother’s Day Bouquet Intentions. 2024 Spring Combined Collection materials from the diocese have been delayed and will take place the weekend of May 25th and 26th. The Combined Collection will support the following ministries: Catholic Relief Services Catholic Communication Campaign Peter’s Pence Catholic Campaign for Human Development “Supporting the ministries via the Spring Combined Collection is our opportunity to put our faith in action. When you answer the call, you build up the Church so that it will continue to minister to all for generations to come.” - Bishop Alberto Rojas Our DDF collection for the Month of May will be next weekend, the 18th and 19th of May. Next weekend, we celebrate Pentecost Sunday with Father Eliseus and just as the Acts of the Apostles describes, we will have an opportunity to Pray in our native languages. During Mass Father Eliseus will invite those that speak other languages to share a prayer of intention during Mass. Also, next Sunday, at 10:30 AM Mass, we will have our children in formation make their First Communion. It is also the last Faith Formation class for this school year. Praying the Rosary allows us to encounter Mary and enter the Mysteries of Jesus Christ. Please join us every Wednesday afternoon at 4:30 to pray a Rosary for peace in the world through the Intercession of our Blessed Mother. The Blessed Sacrament Scrip Program has merchant gift cards for sale. There are over a dozen different vendors to choose from. You can purchase Scrip on the patio after Mass, at the Church Office, or securely online through the Blessed Sacrament website. For each Scrip Gift Card purchase, the Church receives a percentage from that sale. We thank you for supporting the Blessed Sacrament Scrip Program. For more Church events and announcements, please see the weekly bulletin or visit the Blessed Sacrament Website. Mother’s Day Blessings
Mass Intentions for the Assention of the Lord Mass Intentions for The Ascension of the Lord We Pray for the protection of the public servants of our community, locally and across the globe. For relief and resolution for those experiencing the catastrophic effects of war and violence. For the homeless, outcasts, and downtrodden of our community and nation, and for churches and families who offer them refuge and compassion. Let us pray to the Lord. Saturday May 11th 4:30 PM Sunday May 12th 8:00 AM We Pray for the Repose of the souls of Judy Andreshak and Joe Thrasher We Pray for Healing for Beverly Collard and Lois Phipps Sunday May 12th 10:30 AM We Pray for the Repose of the soul of Joe Thrasher For all the intentions that we hold in the silence of our hearts. Let us pray to the Lord.
Greetings for Second Sunday of Easter, Divine Mercy 15- - 16 April 2023
Greeting for The Second Sunday of Easter (Sunday of Divine Mercy) Good Afternoon/Morning, and Welcome to Blessed Sacrament Catholic Community. This weekend we celebrate The Second Sunday of Easter, the Sunday of Divine Mercy, with our Celebrant, Father Eliseus. Second Collection for DDF. Our readings for today are on pages 126 to 131 in English and Spanish. Today’s Mass includes the following intentions. (see over) Our collective quiet moments before Mass are an opportunity for reflection and silent prayer. The lord is constantly laboring to love us and speak to us. In order for Him to enter more fully into our lives, both time and space are needed. He indeed gives us that time and space before Mass. Please take full advantage of this tremendous gift of quiet reflection and silent prayer.
Announcements for Second Sunday of Easter, Divine Mercy Sunday 15 - 16 April 2023
Announcements for The Second Sunday of Easter (Sunday of Divine Mercy) Second Collection for DDF. On Wednesday, April 19th at 6:00 PM there will be a Baptism Class in the Church Office. If you are interested in attending please call the Parish Office to RSVP. Youth Confirmation is Friday, April 21st at 7:00 PM, here at Blessed Sacrament, all are welcome to come and show support for our Youth. Father Eliseus is currently accepting applications for the Parish Secretary position. If you are interested in the details of this position, please see Father Eliseus or contact Gail in the Parish Office. Did you know, April is National Volunteer Month? If you are willing to donate your time, many of our sick or elderly Parishioners cannot drive themselves to medical appointments. Father Eliseus is seeking generous volunteers willing to contribute a few hours to grant rides to those parishioners that need transportation. If you are willing to donate your time, please let Father Eliseus know or contact Gail in the Parish Office. We continue to meet every Wednesday afternoon at 4:30 in the Chapel to Pray a Rosary through the Intercession of our Blessed Mother as well as Saints from Ukraine and Afghanistan & for peace in the world. We encourage all of you to join us as often as you can. We hope to see you there. The Blessed Sacrament Scrip Program has merchant gift cards for sale. There are over a dozen different vendors to choose from. You can purchase Scrip on the patio after Mass, at the Church Office, or securely online through the Blessed Sacrament website. For each Scrip Gift Card purchase, the Church receives a percentage from that sale. We thank you for supporting the Blessed Sacrament Scrip Program. These announcements are posted on the Blessed Sacrament Website and the Bulletin Board on the Patio.
Mass Intentions for Second Sunday of Easter, Divine Mercy Sunday.
Mass Intentions for The Second Sunday of Easter (Sunday of Divine Mercy) We Pray for the protection of the public servants of our community, locally and across the globe. For relief and resolution for those experiencing the catastrophic effects of war and violence. For the homeless, outcasts, and downtrodden of our community and nation, and for churches and families who offer them refuge and compassion. We Pray for the Benue State of Nigeria and those affected by the violence in the Christian Communities throughout Holy Week. Let us pray to the Lord. Saturday April 15 th 4:30 PM We Pray for Healing for Nancy Clapper and the Phillips Family Sunday April 16 th 8:00 AM We Pray for the Repose of the Souls of Lily Candelaria and Judy Andreshak We Pray in Thanksgiving for the Vasquez Family Intentions Sunday April 16 th 10:30 AM We Pray for the Repose of the Souls of Lily Candelaria, Joan Miller and Alonzo Yepez We Pray for the conversion of the Miller family For all the intentions that we hold in the silence of our hearts
Greeting for The Twenty-Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time GREETNGS 10 - 11 SEPT 2022
Good Afternoon/Morning, and Welcome to Blessed Sacrament Catholic Community. This weekend we celebrate The Twenty-Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time with our Celebrant, Father Eliseus.No Second Collection. Our Readings for this weekend are on pages 49 to 52. Today’s Mass includes the following intentions. (See intentions on the next page) As we celebrate Mass with eased Covid concerns, for the protection of the vulnerable, we continue to ask that those of us receiving Communion on the tongue please remain seated until directed by an Usher to come forward. We invite you to continue to be as cautious as you feel is personally necessary regarding social distancing and hand sanitizing before Communion. Our end of Mass Announcements ,until November 8 th , will focus on the “No on Prop 1” efforts. Please see the weekly bulletins, visit the Blessed Sacrament Website or contact the Church Office for all other Church Announcements. At the end of Mass, the Ushers will continue to dismiss us from the back to the front. During these quiet moments before Mass, prepare your hearts and minds for receiving the Blessed Sacrament. Mindfully minimize your conversations to gift others with the opportunity for prayer and quiet reflection.
Announcements for The Twenty-Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time No Second Collection. Trail Life USA is having their annual kickoff event this weekend, Sunday September 11th at 3:00 PM in the school courtyard. Trail Life is for boys, grades Kindergarten through 12th grade. For questions or for more information, you can see Leanne outside after Mass. For more Church events and announcements. Please see the weekly bulletin, visit the Blessed Sacrament Website or contact the Church Office for all other Church Announcements. Our Blessed Sacrament Community recognizes and supports the efforts to defeat Prop 1. The California Legislature put Proposition 1 on the November Ballot. This is an extreme proposal that, if approved by voters, would override current law and will permanently allow taxpayer-funded late-term abortions without limit. The Knights of Columbus are throwing a Baby Shower for all expectant mothers. Bring your donation of new (unopened) baby items and cleaning supplies to our Knights of Columbus any weekend after Mass until November 8th. We have a donation box in the entrance of the Church for you to leave your donations. All donated items will benefit the local Hi-Desert Pregnancy center and our hi-desert communities. We will have more to announce in the coming weeks and will continue to share ways you can Pray, Donate and Collaborate in service to defeat Prop 1. And now, we will read an approved message from the California Catholic Conference and the San Bernardino County Diocese:
Mass Intentions for The Twenty- Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Mass Intentions for The Twenty-Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time For the safety and protection of our servicemen and women deployed overseas, especially in the neighboring countries of Ukraine. For our Police Men and Women who protect us, for all First Responders and Firemen, and for all those experiencing war and violence. Let us pray to the Lord. September 10 th 4:30 PM We Pray for the Bowman and Kirschinger Family We Pray for Healing for Ken Monaghan We Pray for a Happy 18 th Birthday for Patricia Zuniga September 11 th 8:00 AM We Pray in Thanksgiving for the Vasquez Family Intentions September 11 th 10:30 AM We Pray for the Repose of the Souls of: Fortunato Dela Cruz, Sr. and Antonia Dela Cruz, Deborah Hagberg and Joan Miller We Pray for the Conversion of the Miller family
Greetings for The Twentieth Sunday in Ordinary Time. 19- 20 Aug 2023
Greeting for The Twentieth Sunday in Ordinary Time Good Afternoon/Morning and Welcome to Blessed Sacrament Catholic Community. This weekend we celebrate The Twentieth Sunday in Ordinary Time with our Celebrant Father Mike McCullough. Second Collection for DDF. Our Readings for this weekend are on pages 94 to 97 in English and Spanish. Today’s Mass includes the following intentions. [SEE OVER] Please remember to silence your cell phones and enter the sanctuary in silence with reverence. Use this precious time for quiet reflection and silent prayer.
Announcements for The Twentieth Sunday in Ordinary Time 19 - 20 Aug 2023
Announcements for The Twentieth Sunday in Ordinary Time Second Collection for DDF. Food for Life volunteers are needed on Saturday, August 26 th beginning at 9:00 AM. Volunteers provide support with food preparation, cooking, packing to-go containers and deliveries. Please consider giving your time to volunteer on August 26th at 9:00 AM. Contact Jim Walsh at 760-550-7356 for location information and to help with this much needed Community Service. Next weekend, Saturday, August 26 th and Sunday, August 27 th is the last opportunity for you to register after Masses for Faith Formation and RCIA. If you have questions about registration or would like more information about Faith Formation or RCIA, contact Elaine Ashfield at the Church Office. Blessed Pope Pius IX said, “I could conquer the world if I had an army to say the Rosary.” Join us every Wednesday afternoon at 4:30 to pray a Rosary for peace in the world and for an end to Child Trafficking through the Intercession of our Blessed Mother. As Summer comes to a close, and you are shopping for back-to-school, consider shopping at the Blessed Sacrament Thrift Shop. The Thrift Shop serves our local community with quality affordable goods. Another great opportunity to give back to our Parish, is to buy Scrip. With each Scrip Gift Card that you purchase, our Church receives a percentage from that sale. Often after Mass, a table will be set up on the patio, where you can purchase Scrip in person. Or you can purchase Scrip at the office or securely through a link on our Blessed Sacrament Website. Thank you for supporting the Blessed Sacrament Scrip Program. These announcements are posted on the Blessed Sacrament Website and on the Bulletin Board on the Patio.Greetings for The Twentieth Sunday in Ordinary Time. 19- 20 Aug 2023
Greeting for The Twentieth Sunday in Ordinary Time Good Afternoon/Morning and Welcome to Blessed Sacrament Catholic Community. This weekend we celebrate The Twentieth Sunday in Ordinary Time with our Celebrant Father Mike McCullough. Second Collection for DDF. Our Readings for this weekend are on pages 94 to 97 in English and Spanish. Today’s Mass includes the following intentions. [SEE OVER] Please remember to silence your cell phones and enter the sanctuary in silence with reverence. Use this precious time for quiet reflection and silent prayer.
Mass Intentions for The Twentieth Sunday in Ordinary Time Mass Intentions for The Twentieth Sunday in Ordinary Time We pray for protection of the public servants of our community, locally and across the globe; for relief and resolution for those experiencing the catastrophic effects of war and violence; for the homeless, outcasts, and downtrodden of our community and nation; for churches and families who offer them refuge and compassion. And, we pray for an end to child trafficking in the world. Let us pray to the Lord. Saturday August 19 th 4:30 PM We Pray for the Repose of the Souls of Ines and Regina Ogaldez We Pray for Father Eliseus’s safety while visiting Nigeria We Pray for all those in Maui affected by the devastating wildfire Sunday August 20 th 8:00 AM We Pray for the Repose of the Souls of Robert Whitaker and JoAnn Schmitt We Pray in Thanksgiving for the Vasquez Family intentions We Pray for Father Eliseus’s safety while visiting Nigeria We Pray for all those in Maui affected by the devastating wildfire Sunday August 20 th 10:30 AM We Pray for the Repose of the Soul of Joan Miller We Pray for the conversion of the Miller family We Pray for Father Eliseus’s safety while visiting Nigeria We Pray for all those in Maui affected by the devastating wildfire For all the intentions that we hold in the silence of our hearts
Greetings for The Fifth Sunday of Easter 27 - 28 April 2024
Greeting for The Fifth Sunday of Easter Good Afternoon/Morning and Welcome to Blessed Sacrament Catholic Community. This weekend we celebrate The Fifth Sunday of Easter with our Celebrant Father Eliseus. No Second Collection. Our Readings for this weekend are on pages 140 through 143 in English and Spanish. Today’s Mass includes the following intentions. [SEE OVER] As you enter the Sanctuary in silence with reverence, please remember to silence your cell phone and use this precious time for quiet reflection and silent prayer.
Announcements for The Fifth Sunday of Easter. 27 - 28 April 2024 Announcements for The Fifth Sunday of Easter No Second Collection. You are all Invited to our very First Silent Auction hosted by our Hispanic Ministry. On Saturday May 4,2024 from 6pm to 9pm at Mercy Hall. Food and drinks will be provided. You will also get the exclusive opportunity to purchase Blessed Sacrament's own Hidden Treasures. All proceeds will go towards our Blessed Sacrament Beautification Program. This is our opportunity to help raise funds for this program so please be generous. Praying the Rosary allows us to encounter Mary and enter the Mysteries of Jesus Christ. Please join us every Wednesday afternoon at 4:30 to pray a Rosary for peace in the world through the Intercession of our Blessed Mother. The Blessed Sacrament Scrip Program has merchant gift cards for sale. There are over a dozen different vendors to choose from. You can purchase Scrip on the patio after Mass, at the Church Office, or securely online through the Blessed Sacrament website. For each Scrip Gift Card purchase, the Church receives a percentage from that sale. We thank you for supporting the Blessed Sacrament Scrip Program. For more Church events and announcements, please see the weekly bulletin or visit the Blessed Sacrament Website.
Mass Intentions for the Fifth Sunday of Easter Fifth Sunday of Easter April 28, 2024 Introduction to the Celebration From all the ends of the earth, we remember and turn to the Lord with thanks and praise. Penitential Act Lord Jesus, you are the vine and we are the branches. Lord, have mercy. Christ Jesus, you command us to bear fruit. Christ, have mercy. Lord Jesus, you glorify the Father. Lord, have mercy. Prayer of the Faithful Priest Celebrant We have confidence in our merciful God who gives us whatever we ask. Deacon or Lector A For proclaimers of the good news, and for all who share their time, talent, and treasure, let us pray to the Lord: B For wise leaders of the world’s nations and for careful stewards of the earth’s resources, let us pray to the Lord: C For greater awareness of human trafcking and a greater efort to eradicate it, let us pray to the Lord: For high school and college seniors preparing for graduation and for the parents and teachers who have guided them, let us pray to the Lord: D For abundant blessings on this community gathered in the truth, and for a renewed commitment to the deeds of justice, let us pray to the Lord: Priest Celebrant All-knowing God, we are the fruit of your Son’s vine. Do not cut us of, but hear us. We ask this in the name of Jesus Christ our Lord.
Greetings for The Most Holy Trinity Sunday 03- 04 June 2023
Greeting for The Most Holy Trinity 4:30 PM | Saturday | 03 June 2023 Good Afternoon, and Welcome to Blessed Sacrament Catholic Community. This weekend we celebrate The Most Holy Trinity with our Celebrant, Father Eliseus. After Mass, Father will Bless those with Birthdays and Anniversaries in the month of June. Second Collection for Maintenance and Education. Our Readings for this weekend are on pages 30 to 33. Today’s Mass includes the following intentions. (see over) Remember to silence your cell phones and enter the sanctuary in silence with reverence. The collective quiet moments before Mass allow for reflection and silent prayer. The Lord is constantly laboring to love us and speak to us. In order for Him to enter more fully into our lives, both time and space are needed. He indeed gives us that time and space before Mass. Please take full advantage of this tremendous gift of quiet reflection and silent prayer. Greeting for The Most Holy Trinity 8:00 AM | Sunday | 04 June 2023 Good Morning, and Welcome to Blessed Sacrament Catholic Community. This weekend we celebrate The Most Holy Trinity with our Celebrant, Father Eliseus. After Mass, Father will Bless those with Birthdays and Anniversaries in the month of June. Second Collection for Maintenance and Education. Every first weekend of the month, our second reading will be in Spanish to nurture our connection to our Spanish Ministry. Our Readings for this weekend are on pages 30 to 33. Today’s Mass includes the following intentions. (see over) Remember to silence your cell phones and enter the sanctuary in silence with reverence. The collective quiet moments before Mass allow for reflection and silent prayer. The Lord is constantly laboring to love us and speak to us. In order for Him to enter more fully into our lives, both time and space are needed. He indeed gives us that time and space before Mass. Please take full advantage of this tremendous gift of quiet reflection and silent prayer. Greeting for The Most Holy Trinity 10:30 AM | Sunday | 04 June 2023 Good Morning, and Welcome to Blessed Sacrament Catholic Community. This weekend we celebrate The Most Holy Trinity with our Celebrant, Father Eliseus. After Mass, Father will Bless those with Birthdays and Anniversaries in the month of June, as well as recognize our High School and College Graduates. Second Collection for Maintenance and Education. Our Readings for this weekend are on pages 30 to 33. Today’s Mass includes the following intentions. (see over) Remember to silence your cell phones and enter the sanctuary in silence with reverence. The collective quiet moments before Mass allow for reflection and silent prayer. The Lord is constantly laboring to love us and speak to us. In order for Him to enter more fully into our lives, both time and space are needed. He indeed gives us that time and space before Mass. Please take full advantage of this tremendous gift of quiet reflection and silent prayer.
Announcements for The Most Holy Trinity Second Collection for Maintenance and Education. On Wednesday, June 14th, at 6:00 PM, a Baptism Class will be held in the Church. If you are interested in attending or have questions, please contact the Parish Office. On Monday, June 19th new floors will be installed in the Parish Office. This is a much-needed improvement and we’re Blessed with this opportunity to renovate. We need your willing participation on Saturday, June 17th, and Sunday, June 18th to relocate the equipment in the office so that the new floors can be installed. Many hands make for light work, and we need as many volunteers as possible. If you want to volunteer your time, please join us from 8:00AM to 2:00PM on Saturday and if necessary 1:00 PM to 4:00 PM on Sunday. Our Parish Secretary position is currently vacant. Therefore, Father Eliseus continues to accept applications for this position. Please contact Father Eliseus or the Parish office if you are interested in the details of this position. We continue to meet every Wednesday afternoon at 4:30 in the Chapel to pray a Rosary for peace in the world through the Intercession of our Blessed Mother as well as Saints from Ukraine, Afghanistan & Nigeria. We encourage all of you to join us as often as you can and we thank our new members who have come to join us in prayer. We hope to see more of you there. SEE OVER → Don’t forget that we have merchant gift cards for sale with over a dozen different vendors to choose from. You can purchase Scrip on the patio after Mass, at the Church Office, or securely online through the Blessed Sacrament website. [READ AT 4:30 PM MASS ONLY] This evening, “Hospitality to Go” is available in honor of our June Birthdays and Anniversaries. Please take home one of our packaged desserts. There are both sugar and sugar-free items available. These announcements are posted on the Blessed Sacrament Website and in the Bulletin Board on the Patio. And we are thrilled to announce that we have a volunteer to lovingly maintain our Bulletin Board. Thank you very much Terry Burdett. Birthday and Anniversary Blessings [10:30 AM Mass|Recognition of High School and College Graduates].
Mass Intentions for The Most Holy Trinity Sunday Mass Intentions for The Most Holy Trinity We Pray for the protection of the public servants of our community, locally and across the globe; for relief and resolution for those experiencing the catastrophic effects of war and violence; for the homeless, outcasts, and downtrodden of our community and nation and for churches and families who offer them refuge and compassion. Let us pray to the Lord. Saturday June 03 rd 4:30 PM We Pray for the Repose of Souls of Ines and Regina Ogaldez Sunday June 4 th 8:00 AM We Pray for the Repose of the Souls of Joe Thrasher and Ellie Toryfter We Pray in Thanksgiving for the Vasquez Family Intentions Sunday June 4 th 10:30 AM We Pray for the Repose of the Soul of Joan Miller We Pray for the conversion of the Miller family We Pray for our High School and College Graduates that they may continue sharing their talents with our Parish and our community. For all the intentions that we hold in the silence of our hearts Santísima Trinidad 4 de junio de 2023 Introducción a la Misa En el Bautismo, somos adoptados en la vida de la familia de Dios: Padre, Hijo y Espíritu Santo. Alegres, demos gracias a nuestro Dios Trinitario. Acto Penitencial Señor Jesús, Tú nos muestras el camino a la Vida nueva. Señor, ten piedad. Cristo Jesús, Tú eres la fuente de la Verdad. Cristo, ten piedad. Señor Jesús, Tú eres señal del amor del Padre. Señor, ten piedad. Plegaria Universal Celebrante Con confianza, presentamos nuestras peticiones ante nuestro Dios fiel, quien escucha nuestras necesidades. Diácono o Lector/a A Por las vocaciones a todos los ministerios de la Iglesia, roguemos al Señor: B Por las vocaciones a los ministerios públicos: por los promotores de la educación, salud y el servicio comunitario, roguemos al Señor: C Por las vocaciones a los ministerios de la vida litúrgica y piadosa a través de la conversión de los corazones y de la mente, roguemos al Señor: Por la fuerza para enmendarnos y vivir en paz, roguemos al Señor: D Por las vocaciones a los ministerios de construir una comunidad fuerte y de enfrentarse al mundo con sentimientos de amor y paz, roguemos al Señor: Celebrante Dios Santo, Tú unes a la gente con amor. Escucha las oraciones que te ofrecemos por la Iglesia y por el mundo. Por Jesucristo, nuestro Señor.
Greeting for The Twenty-Third Sunday in Ordinary Time, 03 - 04 Sept 22
Greeting for The Twenty-Third Sunday in Ordinary Time Good Afternoon/Morning, and Welcome to Blessed Sacrament Catholic Community. This weekend we celebrate The Twenty-Third Sunday in Ordinary Time with our Celebrant, Father Eliseus and Deacon Amarito. Second Collection for Maintenance and Education. Beginning this weekend, every first weekend of the month, our second reading will be in Spanish to nurture our connection to our Spanish Ministry. Our Readings for this weekend are on pages 47 to 48. The Readings in Spanish are on pages 50 to 52 at the back of the Missal. Today’s Mass includes the following intentions. (See intentions on the next page) As we celebrate Mass with eased Covid concerns, for the protection of the vulnerable, we continue to ask that those of us receiving Communion on the tongue please remain seated until directed by an Usher to come forward. We invite you to continue to be as cautious as you feel is personally necessary regarding social distancing and hand sanitizing before Communion. Our after Mass Announcements from this weekend until November 8 th will focus on the “No on Prop 1” efforts. Please visit the Blessed Sacrament Website or contact the Church Office for all other Church Announcements. At the end of Mass, the Ushers will continue to dismiss us from the back to the front. During these quiet moments before Mass, prepare your hearts and minds for receiving the Blessed Sacrament. Mindfully minimize your conversations to gift others with the opportunity for prayer and quiet reflection.
Announcements for The Twenty-Third Sunday in Ordinary Time
Announcements for The Twenty-Third Sunday in Ordinary Time Second Collection for Maintenance and Education Our Blessed Sacrament Community recognizes and supports the efforts to defeat Prop 1. The California Legislature put Proposition 1 on the November Ballot. This is an extreme proposal that, if approved by voters, would override current law and will permanently allow taxpayer-funded late-term abortions without limit. Beginning this weekend, The Knights of Columbus are throwing a Baby Shower for all expectant mothers. Bring your donation of new (unopened) baby items and cleaning supplies to our Knights of Columbus any weekend after Mass until November 8th. And this weekend, at the 10:30 AM Mass, we will have packaged sweet treats to kick off the event. We will have more to announce in the coming weeks and will continue to share ways you can Pray, Donate and Collaborate in service to defeat Prop 1. And now, we will read an approved message from the California Catholic Conference and the San Bernardino County Diocese:
Mass Intentions for The Twenty- Third Sunday in Ordinary Time
Mass Intentions for The Twenty-Third Sunday in Ordinary Time For the safety and protection of our servicemen and women deployed overseas, especially in the neighboring countries of Ukraine. For our Police Men and Women who protect us, for all First Responders and Firemen, and for all those experiencing war and violence. Let us pray to the Lord. September 3 rd 4:30 PM We Pray for the Bowman and Kirschinger Family September 4 th 8:00 AM We Pray for Healing for Aaron Culver We Pray in Thanksgiving for the Vasquez Family Intentions September 4 th 10:30 AM We Pray for the Repose of the Souls of: Fortunato Dela Cruz, Sr. and Antonia Dela Cruz and Joan Miller We Pray for Healing for Kerry Lewis We Pray for the Conversion of the Miller family
Greetings for The Sixteenth Sunday in Ordinary Times 22- 23 July 2023
Greeting for The Sixteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time Good Afternoon/Morning and Welcome to Blessed Sacrament Catholic Community. This weekend we celebrate The Sixteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time with our Celebrant, Father Eliseus. No Second Collection. Our Readings for this weekend are on pages 70 to 75 in English and Spanish. Today’s Mass includes the following intentions. (see over) Please remember to silence your cell phones and enter the sanctuary in silence with reverence. Our collective quiet moments before Mass allow us time for reflection and silent prayer. Our Lord is constantly laboring to love us and speak to us. In order for Him to enter more fully into our lives, both time and space are needed. He indeed gives us that time and space before Mass. Please take full advantage of this tremendous gift of quiet reflection and silent prayer.
Announcements for The Sixteenth Sunday in Ordinary Times 22 - 23 July 2023, Announcements for The Sixteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time While Father Eliseus is traveling to Nigeria, during the month of August, Father Mike McCullough will join us for weekend Masses and Confession and Communion Services will be offered Monday through Thursday at 8:00AM. The next Young Adult meetup will be August 12th from 7:00PM to 8:30PM. For more information or to RSVP please contact Shannan Limon or the Parish Office. Next weekend, July 29th and 30th, we will have a Second Collection for a Mission Appeal. Deacon Fernando Heredia will join us at all Masses to speak with us about the Mission Appeal. Please consider prayerfully making a donation. Donation envelopes will be available, or you can contact the Parish Office directly. Join us every Wednesday afternoon at 4:30 to pray a Rosary for peace in the world through the Intercession of our Blessed Mother and Saints from Ukraine, Afghanistan & Nigeria. Our Blessed Sacrament Community is selling Scrip. Scrip gift cards are a wonderful way to support the Parish. For each Scrip Gift Card purchase, the Church receives a percentage from that sale. Often after Mass, a table will be set up on the patio, where you can purchase Scrip in person. Or you can purchase Scrip at the office or securely through a link on our Blessed Sacrament Website. Thank you for supporting the Blessed Sacrament Scrip Program. These announcements are posted on the Blessed Sacrament Website and on the Bulletin Board on the Patio.
Mass Intentions for The Sixteenth Sunday in Ordinary Times Mass Intentions for The Sixteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time We Pray for the protection of the public servants of our community, locally and across the globe; for relief and resolution for those experiencing the catastrophic effects of war and violence; for the homeless, outcasts, and downtrodden of our community and nation, and for churches and families who offer them refuge and compassion. Let us pray to the Lord. Saturday July 22 nd 4:30 PM We Pray for the Repose of Soul of Lily Candelaria We Pray for continued healing for Anne Lear We Pray for the People of our Parish Sunday July 23 rd 8:00 AM We Pray for the Repose of Soul of Bo Bowden We Pray for continued healing for Anne Lear Sunday July 23 rd 10:30 AM We Pray for the Repose of the Soul of Joan Miller We Pray for continued healing for Anne Lear We Pray for the conversion of the Miller family For all the intentions that we hold in the silence of our hearts
Greetings for the Fifth Sunday of Easter 06- 07 May 2023
Greeting for The Fifth Sunday of Easter Good Afternoon/Morning, and Welcome to Blessed Sacrament Catholic Community. This weekend we celebrate The Fifth Sunday of Easter with our Celebrant, Father Eliseus. Second Collection for Maintenance and Education. [8:00 AM ONLY] Every first weekend of the month, our second reading will be in Spanish to nurture our connection to our Spanish Ministry. Our readings for this weekend are on pages 138 to 143 in English and Spanish. [4:30 PM and 10:30 AM ONLY] Our readings for this weekend are on pages 138 to 143 in English and Spanish. Today’s Mass includes the following intentions. (see over) Please remember to silence your cell phone, as our collective quiet moments before Mass are an opportunity for reflection and silent prayer. The Lord is constantly laboring to love us and speak to us. In order for Him to enter more fully into our lives, both time and space are needed. He indeed gives us that time and space before Mass. Please take full advantage of this tremendous gift of quiet reflection and silent prayer
Announcements for Fifth Sunday of Easter, 06 -07 May 2023
Greeting for The Fifth Sunday of Easter Good Afternoon/Morning, and Welcome to Blessed Sacrament Catholic Community. This weekend we celebrate The Fifth Sunday of Easter with our Celebrant, Father Eliseus. Second Collection for Maintenance and Education. [8:00 AM ONLY] Every first weekend of the month, our second reading will be in Spanish to nurture our connection to our Spanish Ministry. Our readings for this weekend are on pages 138 to 143 in English and Spanish. [4:30 PM and 10:30 AM ONLY] Our readings for this weekend are on pages 138 to 143 in English and Spanish. Today’s Mass includes the following intentions. (see over) Please remember to silence your cell phone, as our collective quiet moments before Mass are an opportunity for reflection and silent prayer. The Lord is constantly laboring to love us and speak to us. In order for Him to enter more fully into our lives, both time and space are needed. He indeed gives us that time and space before Mass. Please take full advantage of this tremendous gift of quiet reflection and silent prayer
Mass Intentions for Fifth Sunday of Easter,
Mass Intentions for The Fifth Sunday of Easter We Pray for the protection of the public servants of our community, locally and across the globe; for relief and resolution for those experiencing the catastrophic effects of war and violence; for the homeless, outcasts, and downtrodden of our community and nation, and for churches and families who offer them refuge and compassion. Let us pray to the Lord. Saturday May 6 th 4:30 PM We Pray for Healing for Nancy Clapper Sunday May 7 th 8:00 AM We Pray for the Repose of the Soul of Bo Bowden We Pray in Thanksgiving for the Vasquez Family Intentions Sunday May 7 th 10:30 AM We Pray for the Repose of the Souls Joan Miller and Alonzo Yepez We Pray for the conversion of the Miller family For all the intentions that we hold in the silence of our hearts
Greeting for The Bsptism of the Lord 11-12 January 2025
Greeting for The Baptism Of The Lord Good Morning/Afternoon and Welcome to Blessed Sacrament Catholic Community. There is no second collection today. Today we celebrate The Baptism Of The Lord with our Celebrant Fr. Mike McCullough. Our Readings for this weekend are on pages 78 through 83 in English and Spanish Today’s Mass includes the following intentions. Saturday January 11 th 4:30PM We Pray for Mary Brown and all her intensions We Pray for health and safety for Fr. Eliseus Sunday January 12 th 8:00AM
We Pray for Heavenly Birthday for Lois Phipps We Pray for healing for Jerry Phipps Sunday January 12 th 10:30AM We Pray for the soul of Joan Miller We Pray for Mary Brown and all her intensions We Pray for a Heavenly Birthday for Lois Phipps We Pray for healing for Jerry Phipps We pray for the conversion of the Miller Family As you enter the Church in silence with reverence, please remember to silence your cell phones.
Announcements for The Baptism of the Lord, 11-12 January 2025. Announcements forThe Baptism Of The Lord There is no second collection. Your 2025 Offertory Envelopes are now available at the back of the church. Please pick them up on your way out. If you purchased a Poinsettia plant during Christmas time please feel free after the mass to find your plant and take it home with you. All the plants have names on them. praying the Rosary allows us to encounter Mary and enter the Mysteries of Jesus Christ. Please join us every Wednesday afternoon at 4:30, in the small chapel at the Church Office. The Blessed Sacrament Scrip program has merchant gift cards for sale. You can purchase them on the patio after Mass, at the Church Office, or securely online through the Church website. For each card sold the church receives a percentage from that sale. We thank you for supporting the Blessed Sacrament Scrip Program.
For more church events and announcements, please see the weekly bulletin or visit the Blessed Sacrament Website.
Mass Intensions for The Baptism Of The Lord. 11-12 JANUARY 2025 Mass Intensions for The Baptism Of The Lord We ask God to renew the grace of baptism so that people can reflect the image of Jesus Christ Let us pray to the Lord. “Let us pray for the families affected by the recent wildfires in the Los Angeles are that they receive relief in rebuilding and returning to their homes and for all first responders for their safety; grant eternal life to those who ave died and protection to the affected communities and bring life and hope out of the ashes, Let us pray to the Lord aturday January 11 th 4:30 PM We Pray for health and safety for Fr. Eliseus We Pray for Mary Brown and all her intensions Let us Pray to the Lord
Sunday January 12 th 8:00 AM We Pray for health and safety for Fr. Eliseus We Pray for Mary Brown and all her intensions Let us Pray to the LordSunday January 12 th 10:30 AM
We Pray for the repose of the soul of Joan Miller We Pray for a Heavenly Birthday for Lois Phipps We Pray for healing for Jerry Phipps We Pray for Mary Brown and all her intensions
We Pray for the conversion of the Miller family Let us Pray to the Lord For all the intensions that you hold in the silence of your hearts. (15 Seconds) Let us pray to the Lord.
Greetings for Easter Sunday of the Resurrection of the lord. 08- - 09 April 2023
Greeting for The Easter Sunday of the Resurrection of the Lord Good Morning, and Welcome to Blessed Sacrament Catholic Community. This weekend we celebrate The Easter Sunday of the Resurrection of the Lord with our Celebrant, Father Eliseus. No second collection. We would like to extend a warm welcome to all of our visitors. We’re delighted you are here and hope you enjoy your stay with us. We’re especially happy you’re here to share this beautiful Easter Sunday with us. Our readings for today are on pages 120 to 127 in English and Spanish. Today’s Mass includes the following intentions. Our collective quiet moments before Mass are an opportunity for reflection and silent prayer. The lord is constantly laboring to love us and speak to us. In order for Him to enter more fully into our lives, both time and space are needed. He indeed gives us that time and space before Mass. Please take full advantage of this tremendous gift of quiet reflection and silent prayer.
Announcements for Easter Sunday of the Resurrection of the Lord. 08 - 09 April 2023, Announcements for The Easter Sunday of the Resurrection of the Lord No Second Collection. Today, after the 10:30 AM Mass there will be an Easter Bake Sale and a Children’s Easter Egg Hunt. The Easter Egg Hunt will be organized by age group and appropriate for children up to High School age. Many of our sick or elderly Parishioners cannot drive themselves to medical appointments. Father Eliseus is seeking generous volunteers willing to contribute a few hours each month to grant rides to those parishioners that need transportation. If you are willing to donate your time and give these parishioners a helping hand, please let Father Eliseus know or contact Gail in the Parish Office. You may have heard that Gail, our Parish Secretary, will be moving on, so the Blessed Sacrament Parish Office is hiring for a Secretary Position. If you are interested in the details of this position, please see Father Eliseus or contact Gail in the Parish Office. These announcements are posted on the Bulletin Board on the Patio and on our Blessed Sacrament Website. Have a Blessed Week. Happy Easter, Everyone!
Mass Intentions for Easter Sunday of the Resurrection of the Lord. Mass Intentions for The Easter Sunday of the Resurrection of the Lord We Pray for the protection of the public servants of our community, locally and across the globe. For relief and resolution for those experiencing the catastrophic effects of war and violence. For the homeless, outcasts, and downtrodden of our community and nation, and for churches and families who offer them refuge and compassion. Let us pray to the Lord. 8:00 AM We Pray for the Repose of the Souls of Lily Candelaria and Judy Andreshak We Pray for Anniversary Blessings for Jerry and Lois Phipps We Pray in thanksgiving for the Vasquez family intentions March 26 th 10:30 AM We Pray for the repose of the souls of Lily Candelaria, Butch Jereczek, Alonzo Yepez and Joan Miller We Pray for the conversion of the Miller family
Greetings for the 22nd Sunday in Ordinary Time. 31 - 01 September 2024
Greeting for The Twenty-Second Sunday in Ordinary Time
Good Afternoon/Morning and Welcome to Blessed Sacrament Catholic ommunity. No Second Collection. This weekend we celebrate The Twenty-Second Sunday in Ordinary Time with our Celebrant Father Mike McCullough/Father Eliseus. Our Readings for this weekend are on pages 98 through 103 in English and Spanish. Today’s Mass includes the following intentions. [SEE OVER] As you enter the Sanctuary in silence with reverence, please remember to silence your cell phone and use this precious time for quiet reflection and silent prayer.
Announcements for the 22nd Sunday in Ordinary Time 31 - 01 September 2024
Announcements for The Twenty-Second Sunday in Ordinary Time No Second Collection.
Celebrate Father Eliseus’ Birthday with us on Tuesday, September 3rd at 5:30PM in Mercy Hall. The theme is Picnic! Please bring your favorite, already prepared, BBQ-Style food to share. Our Adult Choir has returned from break, and we meet every Monday at 7:00PM for rehearsals except Labor Day. We will return to sing at the 10:30 AM Mass on Sunday, the 15th of September. Please join us even if you don’t know how to read music. We are also calling for any young singers to join us on specific Sundays at the 8:00AM Mass who want to sing. If you are interested in either of these groups, please call Cindy Minarik at 760-985-4000 or call the Parish Office at 760-367-3343. Remember, to sing is to pray twice. Faith Formation classes begin on September 8th from 9:15 to 10:15AM and OCIA classes begin on September 9th at 6:00PM in the church office. Registrations for both Faith Formation and OCIA will continue in the church office until classes begin. If you have questions, please contact the church office. Praying the Rosary allows us to encounter Mary and enter the Mysteries of Jesus Christ. Please join us every Wednesday afternoon at 4:30, in thesmall chapel at the Church Office, to pray a Rosary for peace in the world through the Intercession of our Blessed Mother. The Blessed Sacrament Scrip Program has merchant gift cards for sale. There are over a dozen different vendors to choose from. You can purchase Scrip on the patio after Mass, at the Church Office, or securely online through the Blessed Sacrament website. For each Scrip Gift Card purchase, the Church receives a percentage from that sale. We thank you for supporting the Blessed Sacrament Scrip Program. For more Church events and announcements, please see the weekly bulletin or visit the Blessed Sacrament Website. Prayer Intentions, 22nd Sunday in Ordinary Time Mass Intentions for The Twenty-Second Sunday in Ordinary Time We Pray for the protection of the public servants of our community, locally and across the globe. For relief and resolution for those experiencing the catastrophic effects of war and violence. For the homeless, outcasts, and downtrodden of our community and nation, and for churches and families who offer them refuge and compassion. Let us pray to the Lord. Saturday August 31st 4:30 PM
We Pray for the Repose of the Souls of Art and Mark Clemons We Pray for Healing for Dana Renee Casey and Patty Smith Sunday September 1st 8:00 AM We Pray for the Repose of the Souls of Burt Frasher and Eduardo Aranilla We Pray for Healing for Lois and Jerry Phipps Sunday September 1st 10:30 AM We Pray for Healing for Dana Renee Casey and Patty Smith We Pray for Birthday Blessings for Brian Mejia For all the intentions that we hold in the silence of our hearts.
Greetings for the 29th Sunday in Ordinary Time. 19 - 20 October 2024
Greeting for The Twenty-Ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Good Afternoon/Morning and Welcome to Blessed Sacrament Catholic Community. Second Collection: World Mission Sunday This weekend we celebrate The Twenty-Ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time with our Celebrant Fr. Eliseus Our Readings for this weekend are on pages 128 through 131 in English and Spanish. Today’s Mass includes the following intentions. [SEE OVER] As you enter the Sanctuary in silence with reverence, please remember to silence your cell phone and use this precious time for quiet reflection and silent prayer. Announcements for the 29th Sunday in Ordinary Time 19 - 20 October 2024 Announcements for The Twenty-Ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time The ushers can now come forward for the second collection for World Mission Sunday If you are interested in becoming a Eucharistic Minister or are already one and need a little refreshing, we have a class scheduled for Oct. 26th at 10AM in the church. If you are interested in attending this class, please call or come to the office to sign up ahead of time. If you are in need a priest for anointing of the sick or dying, please do not wait until the last minute, if possible, to call for the priest. A priest is not always available at a moment’s notice. They do not want someone to miss out on an anointing because of a last-minute call. Praying the Rosary allows us to encounter Mary and enter the Mysteries of Jesus Christ. Please join us every Wednesday afternoon at 4:30, in the small chapel at the Church Office. The Blessed Sacrament Scrip program has merchant gift cards for sale. You can purchase them on the patio after Mass, at the Church Office, or securely online through the Church website. For each card sold the church receives a percentage from that sale. We thank you for supporting the Blessed Sacrament Scrip Program. For more church events and announcements, please see the weekly bulletin or visit the Blessed Sacrament Website.
Prayer Intentions, 29th Sunday in Ordinary Time Mass Intentions for The Twenty-Ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time
We Pray for the protection of the public servants of our community, locally and across the globe. For relief and resolution for those experiencing the catastrophic effects of war and violence. For the homeless, outcasts, and downtrodden of our community and nation, and for churches and families who offer them refuge and compassion. Let us pray to the Lord. Saturday October 19th 4:30 PM We Pray for the repose of the soul of Sharon Tremblay We Pray for Healing for Father Mike McCullough. Sunday October 20th 8:00 AM We Pray for the repose of the soul of Lois Phipps We Pray for the repose of the soul of Burt Frasher We Pray for Healing for Jerry Phipps Sunday October 20th 10:30 AM
We Pray for the repose of the soul of Joan Miller and the conversion of the Miller family For all the intentions that we hold in the silence of our hearts. (15 Seconds) Let us pray to the Lord.
Greetings for the First Sunday of Advent. 30 Nov - 1 Dec 2024
Greeting for The First Sunday of Advent Good Afternoon/Morning and Welcome to Blessed Sacrament Catholic Community. There is no second collection This weekend we celebrate The First Sunday of Advent with our Celebrant Fr. Eliseus Our Readings for this weekend are on pages 26 through 31 in English and Spanish Today’s Mass includes the following intentions. Saturday November 30th 4:30 PM We Pray for the repose of the soul Adolfo Dulatre We Pray for the healing for Virgi Rossi We Pray for the healing for Sasha Tomcabag Sunday December 1st 8:00 AM We Pray for the repose of the soul of Lois Phipps We Pray for healing for Jerry Phipps We Pray for healing for Virgi Rossi We Pray for healing for Sasha Tomcabag We Pray for Birthday Blessings for Lyn Whitaker. Announcements for the First Sunday of Advent . 30 Nov - 1 Dec 2024 Announcements for the Frst Sunday of Advent There is no second collection The Blessed Sacrament Youth Ministry will be having meet ups for the middle school youth group. For more information, please see the bulletin board on the patio or you can call Shannon Limon, Elizabeth Amaro or the office. This year’s Gingerbread House Decorating Contest will be on Saturday, December 14th from noon to 2PM. All houses and decorating supplies will be provided along with lunch. This is a free event open to the whole parish, so whether you want to decorate a house or not, come for lunch. A link to RSVP can be found on the flyer on the bulletin board or contact Shannan Limon or the office. Due to the Gingerbread House event on Saturday, December 14, our Young Adult group will be meeting on Sunday, December 15. We will be traveling together to Palm Desert to attend the Latin Mass at Sacred Heart Parish, followed by dinner at La Quinta Brewing in Palm Desert. If you are between 18 and 39 and would like to join us, we will be meeting here in the parking lot on the 15th, at 12:45pm to carpool down to Palm Desert. Please RSVP to Shaun Shiotani or Shannan Limon so we can make dinner reservations. Both numbers are on the young adult flyer on the bulletin board or call the office. The Altar Society is again offering items for sale during the Sundays of Advent starting on December 1st. They will have tables on the patio after 8am and 10:30am Masses with items such as Advent Wreaths, candles, Advent calendars, Christmas items and stocking stuffers. This year the Immaculate Conception, which is a Holy Day of Obligation, is being celebrated on Monday December 9th. Since it falls on the second Sunday of Advent it is then transferred to Monday. There will be two Masses, one at 9AM and one at 7PM. The 7PM Mass will be in English and Spanish. On Thursday December 12th we will have a 6PM Mass to celebrate Our Lady of Guadalupe. This Mass will be in English and Spanish. Following the Mass please join us for a potluck in Mercy Hall to celebrate Father Eliseus’s 21st anniversary of his Ordination. Praying the Rosary allows us to encounter Mary and enter the Mysteries of Jesus Christ. Please join us every Wednesday afternoon at 4:30, in the small chapel at the Church Office. The Blessed Sacrament Scrip program has merchant gift cards for sale. You can purchase them on the patio after Mass, at the Church Office, or securely online through the Church website. For each card sold the church receives a percentage from that sale. We thank you for supporting the Blessed Sacrament Scrip Program. For more church events and announcements, please see the weekly bulletin or visit the Blessed Sacrament Website. Prayer Intentions for the First Sunday of Advent Mass Intensions for The First Sunday of Advent For our own community that, in keeping Advent well, our hearts may be opened to God’s love. Let us pray to the Lord. For the sick, the lonely and those who feel abandoned, that God’s face may shine upon them and bring them healing, wholeness and peace. Let us pray to the Lord Saturday November 30th 4:30 PM We Pray for the repose of the soul of Adolfo Dulatre We Pray for healing for Virgi Rossi We Pray for healing for Sasha Tomcabag Sunday December 1st 8:00 AM We Pray for the repose of the soul of Lois Phipps We Pray for healing for Jerry Phipps We Pray for healing for Virgi Rossi We Pray for healing for Sasha Tomcabag We Pray for Birthday Blessings for Lyn Whitaker Sunday December 1st 10:30 AM e Pray for the repose of the soul of Joan Miller We Pray for the repose of the soul of Lois Phipps We Pray for healing for Jerry Phipps We Pray for healing for Virgi Rossi We Pray for healing for Sasha Tomcabag We Pray for the conversion of the Miller family For all the intensions that you hold in the silence of your hearts. (15 Seconds) Let us pray to the Lord.
Greetings for the 30th Sunday in Ordinary Time. 26 - 27 October 2024
Greeting for The Thirtieth Sunday in Ordinary Time Good Afternoon/Morning and Welcome to Blessed Sacrament Catholic Community. Second Collection: DDF This weekend we celebrate The Thirtieth Sunday in Ordinary Time with our Celebrant Fr. Eliseus Our Readings for this weekend are on pages 130 through 135 in English and Spanish. Today’s Mass includes the following intentions. [SEE OVER] As you enter the Sanctuary in silence with reverence, please remember to silence your cell phone and use this precious time for quiet reflection and silent prayer.
Announcements for the 30th Sunday in Ordinary Time 26 - 27 October 2024 Announcements for the Thirtieth Sunday in Ordinary Time
The Ushers can now come forward for the second collection for DDF The youth group pumpkin carving contest will be Wednesday, October 30th at 6PM in Mercy Hall. For more information contact Shannan Limon, Elizabeth Amaro or call the office. Praying the Rosary allows us to encounter Mary and enter the Mysteries of Jesus Christ. Please join us every Wednesday afternoon at 4:30, in the small chapel at the Church Office. The Blessed Sacrament Scrip program has merchant gift cards for sale. Scrip cards are a great gift for Christmas, Birthdays and Anniversaries. They are a perfect gift for that person that is hard to buy for. If you are planning to do your grocery shopping, make sure and get your Stater Bros cards after mass. You can purchase them on the patio after Mass, at the Church Office, or securely online through the Church website. For each card sold the church receives a percentage from that sale. We thank you for supporting the Blessed Sacrament Scrip Program. For more church events and announcements, please see the weekly bulletin or visit the Blessed Sacrament Website. Now we have a letter from the Mission Office of the Diocese to read to you. Prayer Intentions, 30th Sunday in Ordinary Time Mass Intentions for the Thirtieth Sunday in Ordinary Time We Pray for all people of the world who have felt the tremors of the earth, the floods, the fires, the extremes of nature that bring devastation and death. Let us pray to the Lord. We Pray for the people of the world who are at war deep in Your Heart. Give the nations of the world the courage and wisdom to stand up for justice and the courage to dare to give-generously. Teach the world how to live in love and dignity and respect-following your example. Let us pray to the Lord. Saturday October 26th 4:30 PM We Pray for the repose of the soul of Shane Kocker We Pray for Healing for Father Mike McCullough. Sunday October 27th 8:00 AM We Pray for the repose of the soul of Lois Phipps We Pray for the repose of the soul of Anne Lear We Pray for Healing for Jerry Phipps Sunday October 27th 10:30 AM We Pray for the repose of the soul of Joan Miller
We Pray for the repose of the soul of Butch Jereczek We Pray for the conversion of the Miller family For all the intentions that we hold in the silence of our hearts. (15 Seconds) Let us pray to the Lord.
Greetings for The Third Sunday of Easter 12 - 13 April 2024
Greeting for The Third Sunday of Easter Good Afternoon/Morning and Welcome to Blessed Sacrament Catholic Community. This weekend we celebrate The Third Sunday of Easter with our Celebrant Father Eliseus. No Second Collection. Our Readings for this weekend are on pages 132 through 137 in English and Spanish. Today’s Mass includes the following intentions. [SEE OVER] As you enter the Sanctuary in silence with reverence, please remember to silence your cell phone and use this precious time for quiet reflection and silent prayer.
Announcements for The Third Sunday of Easter. 12 - 13 April 2024 Announcements for The Third Sunday of Easter No Second Collection. You may have noticed the new attached tables in the patio area. The Parish wants to thank Walter, Yvonne, and Hope Vonstockhausen for building these tables which gives us more space to enjoy Hospitality after Mass. Thank you for sharing your talents and generosity with our Parish. Praying the Rosary allows us to encounter Mary and enter the Mysteries of Jesus Christ. Please join us every Wednesday afternoon at 4:30 to pray a Rosary for peace in the world through the Intercession of our Blessed Mother. The Blessed Sacrament Scrip Program has merchant gift cards for sale. There are over a dozen different vendors to choose from. You can purchase Scrip on the patio after Mass, at the Church Office, or securely online through the Blessed Sacrament website. For each Scrip Gift Card purchase, the Church receives a percentage from that sale. We thank you for supporting the Blessed Sacrament Scrip Program. For more Church events and announcements, please see the weekly bulletin or visit the Blessed Sacrament Website.
Mass Intentions for the Third Sunday of Easter Mass Intentions for The Third Sunday of Easter We Pray for the protection of the public servants of our community, locally and across the globe. For relief and resolution for those experiencing the catastrophic effects of war and violence. For the homeless, outcasts, and downtrodden of our community and nation, and for churches and families who offer them refuge and compassion. Let us pray to the Lord. Saturday April 13 th 4:30 PM We Pray for the repose of the souls of Robert, Frances, and Kathy Dehner We Pray for healing for Richard Merle Sunday April 14 th 8:00 AM We Pray the repose of the soul of Mary Ann Andreshak We Pray for healing for Richard Merle and Lois Phipps Sunday April 14 th 10:30 AM We Pray for the repose of the souls of Joan Miller and Butch Jereczek. We Pray for the conversion of the Miller Family We Pray for healing for Beverly Collard For all the intentions that we hold in the silence of our hearts.
Greetings for The Thirtythird Sunday in Ordinary Time. 18- 19 Nov 2023
Greeting for The Thirty-Third Sunday in Ordinary Time Good Afternoon/Morning and Welcome to Blessed Sacrament Catholic Community. This weekend we celebrate The Thirty-Third Sunday in Ordinary Time with our Celebrant Father Eliseus. Second Collection for DDF. Our Readings for this weekend are on pages 150 to 155 in English and Spanish. Today’s Mass includes the following intentions. [SEE OVER] As you enter the Sanctuary in silence with reverence, please remember to silence your cell phone and use this precious time for quiet reflection and silent prayer.
Announcements for The Thirtythird Sunday in Ordinary Time
Announcements for The Thirty-Third Sunday in Ordinary Time Second Collection for DDF. It’s the season of Gratitude and Thanksgiving. On Thursday, November 23 rd , Thanksgiving Day Mass will be celebrated at 9:00AM. You may bring food items, like Bread and Pie, to be Blessed during Mass. There are no Faith Formation classes this weekend. Classes will resume on Saturday, November 26 th and Sunday the 27 th . On Sunday, December 3 rd , Bishop Alberto Rojas will celebrate Masses with us at 8:00 AM and 10:30 AM. After each Mass there will be a “Town Hall” and Potluck on the patio. You may bring your favorite dish to share, but please be advised that Bishop Rojas is allergic to Pork. Please DO NOT bring any meals with Pork. The Patio will be heated and we look forward to seeing all of you there. Eliminating child trafficking and empowering survivors has been a historic concern of the Catholic Church. Please join us every Wednesday afternoon at 4:30 to pray a Rosary for peace in the world and for an end to Child Trafficking throughout the world, but especially in our country, through the intercession of our Blessed Mother. We would love to see more of you joining us on Wednesday afternoons. Now is the perfect time for early Christmas shopping. Scrip Gift Cards make a great gift! With each Scrip Gift Card that you purchase, our Church receives a percentage from that sale. Often after Mass, a table will be set up on the patio where you can purchase Scrip in person. Or, you can purchase Scrip at the office or securely through a link on our Blessed Sacrament Website. Thank you for supporting the Blessed Sacrament Scrip Program. For more Church events and announcements, please see the weekly bulletin, visit the Blessed Sacrament Website or contact the Church Office.
Mass Intentions for The Thirtythird Sunday in Ordinary Time
Mass Intentions for The Thirty-Third Sunday in Ordinary Time May our Lord bless all peoples of the Holy Land in this time of war, especially the many innocent families and children suffering from acts of violence and especially for those who have died, that a true and lasting peace may return soon to the land of our Lord Jesus, the Prince of Peace. Let us pray to the Lord. Saturday November 18th 4:30 PM We Pray for Healing for Adolfo Dulatre Sunday November 19th 8:00 AM We Pray for the Repose of the Soul of Bert Frasher We Pray for the safety of all Thanksgiving travelers Sunday November 19th 10:30 AM We Pray for the Repose of the soul of Joan Miller We Pray for the conversion of the Miller Family For all the intentions that we hold in the silence of our hearts
Greeting for the Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time, 04 - 05 February 2023
Greeting for The Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time Good Afternoon/Morning, and Welcome to Blessed Sacrament Catholic Community. This weekend we celebrate The Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time with our Celebrant Father Eliseus. Second Collection for Maintenance & Education. Our readings for this weekend are on pages 96 to 98 in English and Spanish. Today’s Mass includes the following intentions. Prepare your hearts and minds for receiving the Blessed Sacrament. Mindfully gift others with the opportunity for prayer and quiet reflection. Take advantage of this peaceful time to reflect and pray before Mass. Announcements for The Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Announcements for The Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time Second Collection for Maintenance & Education.
Continuing this week - until Saturday, February 11th - the Filipino Ministry invites us to celebrate Mass in honor of the Lady of Lourdes Feast Day here in the Church, all are welcome. For a full Novena Mass schedule, please see the Bulletin Board on the Patio. On Monday, February 6th, Daily Mass and the Our Lady of Lourdes Novena Mass will be celebrated at 7:00 AM, so that Father Eliseus may attend the Funeral Mass of Monsignor Tom Wallace. Next weekend, Saturday, February 11th, and Sunday, February 12th, we celebrate World Marriage Day. This is the one weekend a year that is set apart to honor the Sacrament of Matrimony. And so we will be honoring married couples with a special acknowledgment to those couples who have been married the most amount of years and those couples most recently married. Please join us. Blessed Sacrament is grateful for your ongoing donations and generosity. If you would like a copy of your annual donations for Tax purposes, you may call the Church Office during regular business hours. On Saturday, March 4th from 7:30 AM to 4:00 PM, The Morongo Basin Healthcare District and their sponsors are hosting the Flying Doctors at Copper Mountain College. This special program offers FREE dental and vision care for adults and children. You MUST have an appointment to be guaranteed services. To schedule your appointment call the Joshua Tree VFW between 11:00 AM and 4:00 PM at 760-366-2717. This information is also posted on the bulletin board on the patio. Sunday’s, after Mass, Trail Life USA is selling Hybrid Lights, including some of the newer models, and most are solar-powered. Stop by and support our Trail Life USA Ministry. The Blessed Sacrament Scrip Program continues to sell Scrip Gift Cards after Mass, in the Church Office, and securely online through the Blessed Sacrament Website. Our Youth Ministry has weekly Bible study and Youth Group meetings every Wednesday in room 5. Middle School students meet between 5:00 & 6:30 PM, and High School students meet between 7:00 & 8:30 PM. For more information, contact Mrs. Limon or Mrs. Amaro or leave them a message with the Church Office. Each Wednesday at 4:30 PM in the Chapel, our Blessed Sacrament Community continues to faithfully pray a Rosary through the intercession of Our Blessed Mother. Join us each week to pray for the countries and communities around the world that need the help of our Blessed Mother. [READ AT 4:30 PM MASS ONLY] This evening, “Hospitality to Go” is available in honor of our February Birthdays and Anniversaries. Please take home one of our packaged desserts. There are both sugar and sugar-free items available. For more church events and announcements, visit the Blessed Sacrament Website. For your convenience, these announcements are also posted on the Bulletin Board on the Patio. Blessing for February Birthdays & Anniversaries
Mass Intentions for The Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time Mass Intentions for The Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time We Pray for the protection of the public servants of our community, locally and across the globe. For relief and resolution for those experiencing the catastrophic effects of war and violence. For the homeless, outcasts, and downtrodden of our community and nation, and for churches and families who offer them refuge and compassion. Let us pray to the Lord.
February 4th 4:30 PM We Pray for Healing for Betty Kocher February 5 th 8:00 AM We Pray for the Repose of the soul of Lawrence Power February 5th 10:30 AM We Pray for the Repose of the Souls of Mark and Art Clemons,
Angel Guerro, Clarence Foose, and Joan Miller We Pray for Healing for Dana Rene Casey We Pray for the Conversion of the Miller family For all the intentions that we hold in the silence of our hearts
Greeting for the Seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time, 18 - 19 February 2023
Greeting for The Seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time Good Afternoon/Morning, and Welcome to Blessed Sacrament Catholic Community. This weekend we celebrate The Seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time with our Celebrant Father Eliseus. Second Collection DDF. Our readings for this weekend are on pages 104 to 107 in English and Spanish. Today’s Mass includes the following intentions. Prepare your hearts and minds for receiving the Blessed Sacrament. Mindfully gift others with the opportunity for prayer and quiet reflection. Take advantage of this peaceful time to reflect and pray before Mass. Announcements for The Seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time
Announcements for The Seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time
Second Collection for DDF. This coming Wednesday, February 22nd, Ash Wednesday will be celebrated with Mass at 9:00 AM and 7:00 PM. The 7:00 PM Mass will have English and Spanish readings. Beginning Friday, February 24th, and concluding Friday, March 31st, Stations of the Cross will be celebrated each Friday evening from 6:00 PM to 7:00 PM. This Tuesday, February 21st, at 6:00 PM, the Blessed Sacrament Youth Group will have a Family Mardi Gras Dinner. On Wednesday, February 22nd, Youth Groups will not have a meeting because of our Ash Wednesday celebration. This is the final weekend to purchase Hybrid Lights from the Trail Life USA Ministry. Visit the Trail Life USA Ministry on the patio after Mass. -On Saturday, March 4th, from 7:30 AM to 4:00 PM, The Morongo Basin Healthcare District and its sponsors are hosting the Flying Doctors at Copper Mountain College. This special program offers FREE dental and vision care for adults and children. You MUST have an appointment to be guaranteed services. To schedule, your appointment, call the Joshua Tree VFW between 11:00 AM and 4:00 PM at 360-366-2717. This information is also posted on the bulletin board on the patio. Each Wednesday at 4:30 PM in the Chapel, our Blessed Sacrament Community continues to faithfully pray a Rosary through the intercession of Our Blessed Mother. Join us each week to pray for the countries and communities around the world that need the help of our Blessed Mother. Our Blessed Sacrament Community is selling Scrip. Scrip gift cards are a wonderful way to support the Parish. We have over a dozen different vendors to choose from like Stater Bros. Walmart, Amazon, and Gas Cards. For each Scrip Gift Card purchase, the Church receives a percentage from that sale. Often after Mass, a table will be set up on the patio, where you can purchase Scrip in person. Or you can purchase Scrip securely through a link on our Blessed Sacrament Website. Thank you for supporting the Blessed Sacrament Scrip Program. To keep announcements brief, many of our upcoming dates and times regarding Lenten Mass Times and seasonal event services will be posted to our Bulletin Board on the patio, the Blessed Sacrament Website and shared in our announcements 1 to 2 weeks before our upcoming events.
Mass Intentions for The Seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time Mass Intentions for The Seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time
We Pray for the protection of the public servants of our community, locally and across the globe. For relief and resolution for those experiencing the catastrophic effects of war and violence. For the homeless, outcasts, and downtrodden of our community and nation, and for churches and families who offer them refuge and compassion. Let us pray to the Lord. February 18th 4:30 PM We Pray for the Repose of the Soul of Lily Candelaria We Pray for Healing for Adolfo Dulatre We Pray for Birthday Blessings for April Rudick February 19th 8:00 AM We Pray for the Repose of the souls of Lily Candelaria, Lawrence Power and Mark and Art Clemons We Pray for Healing for Dana Rene Casey We Pray in Thanksgiving for the Vasquez Family intentions February 19th 10:30 AM We Pray for the Repose of the Souls of Lily Candelaria, Joan Miller and Anthony Benevente We Pray for the Conversion of the Miller family For all the intentions that we hold in the silence of our hearts
Greetings for the 33rd Sunday in Ordinary Time. 16 - 17 November 2024
Greeting for The Thirty-Third Sunday in Ordinary Time
Good Afternoon/Morning and Welcome to Blessed Sacrament Catholic Community. There is no second collection This weekend we celebrate The Thirty-Third Sunday in Ordinary Time with our Celebrant Fr. Eliseus, Our Readings for this weekend are on pages 150 through 153 in English and Spanish. Today’s Mass includes the following intentions. Saturday November 16th 4:30 PM We Pray for the repose of the soul of Tyler Rosbum Sunday November 17th 8:00 AM We Pray for the repose of the soul of Burt Frasher Sunday November 18th 10:30 AM We Pray for the repose of the soul of Joan Miller We Pray for the conversion of the Miller family
Announcements for the 33rd Sunday in Ordinary Time 16 - 17 November 2024 .Announcements for The Thirty-Third Sunday in Ordinary Time
There is no second collection The Blessed Sacrament Youth Ministry will be having meet ups for the middle school youth group. For more information, please see the bulletin board on the patio or you can call Shannon Limon, Elizabeth Amaro or the office.This year’s Gingerbread House Decorating Contest will be Saturday, December 14th from noon to 2PM. All houses and decorating supplies will be provided along with lunch. This is a free event open to the whole parish, so whether you want to decorate a house or not, come for lunch. A link to RSVP can be found on the flyer on the bulletin board or contact Shannan Limon or the office. The Alter Society will have their annual Christmas sale on Sunday December 1st on the patio after the 8:00AM and 10:30AM masses. Praying the Rosary allows us to encounter Mary and enter the Mysteries of Jesus Christ. Please join us every Wednesday afternoon at 4:30, in the small chapel at the Church Office. The Blessed Sacrament Scrip program has merchant gift cards for sale. You can purchase them on the patio after Mass, at the Church Office, or securely online through the Church website. For each card sold the church receives a percentage from that sale. We thank you for supporting the Blessed Sacrament Scrip Program. For more church events and announcements, please see the weekly bulletin or visit the Blessed Sacrament Website.
Prayer Intentions, 33rd Sunday in Ordinary Time Mass Intentions for The Thirty-Third Sunday in Ordinary Time We pray for our Confirmation students who are on retreat this weekend that the Holy Spirit may guide them to a fuller understanding of God’s love for them. Let us pray to the Lord. Saturday November 16th 4:30 PM
We Pray for the repose of the soul of Tyler Rosbum Sunday November 17th 8:00 AM We Pray for the repose of the soul of Burt Frasher Sunday November 17th 10:30 AM We Pray for the repose of the soul of Joan Miller We Pray for the conversion of the Miller family That the example of Pope Francis to live a life of personal simplicity and of generosity towards the poor will inspire all Catholics to do likewise. Let us pray to the Lord. For all the intentions that we hold in the silence of our hearts. (15 Seconds) Let us pray to the Lord.
Greetings for The Twenty-Third Sunday in Ordinary Time. 09 - 10 Sept 2023
Greeting for The Twenty-Third Sunday in Ordinary Time Good Afternoon/Morning and Welcome to Blessed Sacrament Catholic Community. This weekend we celebrate The Twenty-Third Sunday in Ordinary Time with our Celebrants Father Eliseus, Father Gregory & Father Sebastian. No Second Collection. Our Readings for this weekend are on pages 104 to 107 in English and Spanish. Today’s Mass includes the following intentions. [SEE OVER] As you enter the Sanctuary in silence with reverence, please remember to silence your cell phone and use this precious time for quiet reflection and silent prayer.
Announcements for The Twenty-Third Sunday in Ordinary Time 09 - 10 Sept 2023
Announcements for The Twenty-Third Sunday in Ordinary Time No Second Collection. Trail Life USA is having their annual kick off (tomorrow/today), Sunday September 10th at 3:00 PM in the school courtyard. We are a Christ-centered outdoor adventure, leadership and character development ministry. Trail Life is for boys in Kindergarten through 18 years of age. We invite you to come out and have some fun! You can contact the troop at [please read the email address slowly]. Faith Formation begins this weekend, on Sunday, between the 8:00 AM and 10:30 AM Masses. If you are interested in Faith Formation and RCIA please contact the Parish Office. Eliminating child trafficking and empowering survivors has been a historic concern of the Catholic Church. Please join us every Wednesday afternoon at 4:30 to pray a Rosary for peace in the world and for an end to Child Trafficking throughout the world, but especially in our country, through the Intercession of our Blessed Mother. Remember, these announcements are posted on the Blessed Sacrament Website and in the Bulletin Board on the Patio.Greetings for The Twenty-Third Sunday in Ordinary Time. 09 - 10 Sept 2023 prayer.
Mass Intentions for The Twenty-Third Sunday in Ordinary Time
Mass Intentions for The Twenty-Third Sunday in Ordinary Time We pray for protection of the public servants of our community, locally and across the globe; for relief and resolution for those experiencing the catastrophic effects of war and violence; for the homeless, outcasts, and downtrodden of our community and nation; for churches and families who offer them refuge and compassion. And, we pray for an end to child trafficking in the world. Let us pray to the Lord. Saturday September 9 th 4:30 PM We Pray for the Repose of the Soul of Mike Phillips Sunday September 10 th 8:00 AM We Pray for the Repose of the Soul of Aaron Culver Sunday September 10 th 10:30 AM We Pray for the Repose of the Soul of Joan Miller We Pray for Healing for Zachary Scott We Pray for the Conversion of the Miller family For all the intentions that we hold in the silence of our hearts
Greeting for the 1st Sunday of Lent, 25 - 26 February 2023
Greeting for The First Sunday of Lent Good Afternoon/Morning, and Welcome to Blessed Sacrament Catholic Community. This weekend we celebrate The First Sunday of Lent with our Celebrant, Father Eliseus. This weekend we have a special collection to support the people in Turkey and Syria. Our readings for this weekend are on pages 114 to 119 in English and Spanish. Today’s Mass includes the following intentions. Mindfully gift others with the opportunity for prayer and quiet reflection. Prepare your hearts and minds for receiving the Blessed Sacrament. Take advantage of this peaceful time to reflect and pray before Mass.
Announcements for The First Sunday of Lent
Our second collection, this weekend, supports those in Turkey and Syria suffering from the devastating effects of the earthquakes. The Candelaria family has asked us to share that the Funeral Mass for Lily Candelaria is this Monday, February 27th, at 10:00 AM, with a viewing at 9:00 AM and a Rosary beginning at 9:30 AM. Therefore, there will not be an 8:00 AM Daily Mass. Please join us each Friday evening from 6:00 PM to 7:00 PM, until March 31st, our Blessed Sacrament Community will celebrate Stations of the Cross. And as we journey through this Lenten Season, Father would like to remind everyone that the schedule for Confession is Saturdays at 3:30 PM. The location continues to be in the Hospitality Room. A Lenten Penance Service will be on Wednesday, March 29th, at 6:00 PM. This Penance Service will be the final opportunity for confession until after Easter Sunday. We are collecting Palms from last year's Palm Sunday. If you still have Palms from last year, you may bring these Palms to be burned during our Easter Vigil Mass. Please deliver your palms before Wednesday, April 8th. Pope Francis calls volunteers the “Strength of the Church.” Our Blessed Sacrament ministries invite you to come forward and offer your time and talents with us, especially during this Lenten Season as we prepare for Easter. If you want to support our Parish for Lenten and Easter activities, please see Father after Mass or call Gail in the church office; they will connect you with a Ministry leader. We continue to invite you to join our Blessed Sacrament Community each Wednesday at 4:30 PM in the Chapel to pray a Rosary through the intercession of our Blessed Mother. Our country and countries worldwide need our Blessed Mother's help. Our Blessed Sacrament Community is selling Scrip. Scrip gift cards are a wonderful way to support the Parish. For each Scrip Gift Card purchase, the Church receives a percentage from that sale. Often after Mass, a table will be set up on the patio, where you can purchase Scrip in person. Or you can purchase Scrip securely through a link on our Blessed Sacrament Website. Thank you for supporting the Blessed Sacrament Scrip Program. To keep announcements brief, many of our upcoming dates and times regarding Lenten Mass Times and seasonal event services will soon be posted to our Bulletin Board on the patio, the Blessed Sacrament Website, and shared in our announcements 1 to 2 weeks before our upcoming events.
Mass Intentions for The 1st Sunday of Lent Mass Intentions for
The First Sunday of Lent We Pray for the protection of the public servants of our community, locally and across the globe. For relief and resolution for those experiencing the catastrophic effects of war
and violence. For the homeless, outcasts, and downtrodden of our community and nation, and for churches and families who offer them refuge and compassion. We Pray for those in Turkey and Syria suffering the devastating effects of the earthquakes. We Pray for the first responders and families searching for their loved ones. Let us pray to the Lord. February 25th 4:30 PM We Pray for the Repose of the Souls of Lily Candelaria, John Burns and Kathy, Frances and Robert Dehner February 26th 8:00 AM We Pray for the Repose of the souls of Lily Candelaria and Lawrence Power We Pray in Thanksgiving for the Vasquez Family intentions February 26th 10:30 AM We Pray for the Repose of the Souls of Lily Candelaria, Tom Wolfe, Ann Clift and Joan Miller We Pray for the Conversion of the Miller family For all the intentions that we hold in the silence of our hearts
Greetings for The Third Sunday in Ordinary Time 20 - 21 Jan 2024
Greeting for The Third Sunday in Ordinary Time Good Afternoon/Morning and Welcome to Blessed Sacrament Catholic Community. This weekend we celebrate The Third Sunday in Ordinary Time with our Celebrant Father Mike McCullough. Second Collection DDF. Our Readings for this weekend are on pages 82 through 87 in English and Spanish. Today’s Mass includes the following intentions. [SEE OVER] As you enter the Sanctuary in silence with reverence, please remember to silence your cell phone and use this precious time for quiet reflection and silent prayer.
Announcements for The Third Sunday in Ordinary Time 20 - 21 Jan 2024
Announcements for The Third Sunday in Ordinary Time Second Collection for DDF. Father Eliseus will have returned from Nigeria and celebrate Mass with us next Saturday, January 27th and Sunday, January 28th. Until Father Eliseus returns, Daily Mass and Communion Services are canceled. We have received our 2024 assigned, numbered offertory envelopes. You may pick them up after Mass in the back of the church. Blessed Sacrament is grateful for your ongoing donations and generosity. If you would like a copy of your annual donations for Tax purposes, you may call the Church Office during regular business hours. Please join us every Wednesday afternoon at 4:30 to pray a Rosary for peace in the world through the Intercession of our Blessed Mother. Purchasing Scrip is a great opportunity to give back to our Parish. With each Scrip Gift Card that you purchase, our Church receives a percentage from that sale. Often after Mass, a table will be set up on the patio, where you can purchase Scrip in person. Or you can purchase Scrip at the office or securely through a link on our Blessed Sacrament Website. Thank you for supporting the Blessed Sacrament Scrip Program. For more Church events and announcements, please see the weekly bulletin or visit the Blessed Sacrament Website.
Mass Intentions for The Third Sunday in Ordinary Time
Mass Intentions for The Third Sunday in Ordinary Time May our Lord bless all peoples of the Holy Land in this time of war, especially the many innocent families and children suffering from acts of violence and especially for those who have died, that a true and lasting peace may return soon to the land of our Lord Jesus, the Prince of Peace. Let us pray to the Lord. Saturday January 20 th 4:30 PM We Pray for healing for Beverly Collard and Sharon Hanna Sunday January 20 st 8:00 AM We Pray for the repose of the soul of JoAnn Schmitt We Pray for healing for Beverly Collard Sunday January 21 st 10:30 AM We Pray for the repose of the soul of Joan Miller We Pray for the conversion of the Miller Family We Pray for healing for Beverly Collard For all the intentions that we hold in the silence of our hearts.
Greetings for Pentecost Sunday 27- 28 May 2023
Greeting for Pentecost Sunday Good Afternoon/Morning, and Welcome to Blessed Sacrament Catholic Community. This weekend we celebrate Pentecost Sunday with our Celebrant, Father Eliseus. No Second Collection. Our readings for this weekend are on pages 168 to 173 in English and Spanish. Today’s Mass includes the following intentions. (see over) Remember to silence your cell phones and enter the sanctuary in silence with reverence.
The collective quiet moments before Mass are an opportunity for reflection and silent prayer. The Lord is constantly laboring to love us and speak to us. In order for Him to enter more fully into our lives, both
time and space are needed. He indeed gives us that time and space before Mass. Please take full advantage of this tremendous gift of quiet reflection and silent prayer.
Announcements for Pentecost Sunday, 27 - 28 May 2023 Announcements for Pentecost Sunday, No Second Collection. Next Sunday, June 4th, at the 10:30 AM Mass, we will celebrate our High School and College Graduates. If you are graduating or already have graduated this year, contact the Church office at 760-367-3343 and RSVP to be recognized on this special day. On Monday, June 19th new floors will be installed in the Parish Office. This is a much needed improvement, and we’re Blessed with this opportunity to renovate. We need your willing participation on Saturday, June 17th and Sunday, June 18th, to relocate the equipment in the office so that the new floors can be installed. Many hands make for light work and we would like to have as many volunteers as possible. If you would like to volunteer your time, please contact the Parish Office to coordinate volunteer hours.
Do you enjoy creating eye-catching visuals? Our Parish can use your talents! The Bulletin Board on the Patio is a critical communication tool for our Parish. It has been lovingly crafted and updated by Beth, however, she’ll be
moving to her new home in June. Please prayerfully consider offering your time and talent to crafting and updating our Bulletin Board. For information on this volunteer opportunity, contact the Parish Office to be connected with the Ministry leader. You may have heard that Gail’s last day, as Secretary, in our Parish Office is June 2nd. We pray for her future successes in her new home. Therefore, Father Eliseus continues to accept applications for the Parish Secretary position. Please contact Father Eliseus or the Parish office if you are
interested in the details of this position. We continue to meet every Wednesday afternoon at 4:30 in the Chapel to pray a Rosary for peace in the world through the Intercession of our Blessed Mother as well as Saints from Ukraine, Afghanistan & Nigeria. We encourage all of you to join us as often as you can and we thank our new members who have come to join us in prayer. We hope to see more of you there. Don’t forget that we have merchant gift cards for sale with over a dozen different vendors to choose from. You can purchase Scrip on the patio after Mass, at the Church Office, or securely online through the Blessed Sacrament website. These announcements are posted on the Blessed Sacrament Website and in the Bulletin Board on the Patio.
Mass Intentions for Pentecost Sunday Pentecost Sunday: May 28, 2023
At the Mass during the Day Introduction to the Celebration We remember the coming of the Holy Spirit upon the apostles and give thanks for the Spirit’s presence in our lives. Penitential Act Lord Jesus, you promised we would not be orphans. Lord, have mercy. Christ Jesus, you prepare us to receive your life-giving Spirit. Christ, have mercy. ord Jesus, you give your Spirit as our comforter and advocate. Lord, have mercy. Prayer of the Faithful Priest Celebrant As we listen to the Spirit crying within us, we present our petitions to God. Deacon or Lector A For all entrusted with the word of God, for preachers, presbyters, pastors, and parents, let us pray to the Lord: B For firefighters, postal workers, garbage collectors, for all who work to keep this complex world going, let us pray to the Lord: C For all who have lost loved ones in the cause of freedom, that they be comforted by memories of noble service, let us pray to the Lord: For the faithful of all nations, for those who share Christ’s good news in varied languages, let us pray to the Lord: D For the newly baptized and confirmed, for all members of this assembly, let us pray to the Lord: Priest Celebrant Father, Creator, you send your Spirit with gifts for each of us. In that same Spirit, we ask you to hear the prayers we offer through Christ our Lord.
Greetings for the 17th Sunday in Ordinary Time. 27 - 2 July 2024 Greeting for The Seventeenth Sunday in Ordinary Time Good Afternoon/Morning and Welcome to Blessed Sacrament Catholic Community. Special collection for the 2024 Mission Appeal. This weekend we celebrate The Seventeenth Sunday in Ordinary Time with our Celebrant Father Restituto Galang. Welcome Father Galang! Our Readings for this weekend are on pages 74 through 77 in English and Spanish. Today’s Mass includes the following intentions. [SEE OVER] As you enter the Sanctuary in silence with reverence, please remember to silence your cell phone and use this precious time for quiet reflection and silent prayer.
Announcements for the 17th Sunday in Ordinary Time 27 - 28 July 2024 Announcements for The Seventeenth Sunday in Ordinary Time Special Collection for the 2024 Mission Appeal. On Friday, August 2nd at 9:00AM join us for First Friday Mass. Praying the Rosary allows us to encounter Mary and enter the Mysteries of Jesus Christ. Please join us every Wednesday afternoon at 4:30 to pray a Rosary for peace in the world through the Intercession of our Blessed Mother. The Blessed Sacrament Scrip Program has merchant gift cards for sale. There are over a dozen different vendors to choose from. You can purchase Scrip on the patio after Mass, at the Church Office, or securely online through the Blessed Sacrament website. For each Scrip Gift Card purchase, the Church receives a percentage from that sale. We thank you for supporting the Blessed Sacrament Scrip Program. For more Church events and announcements, please see the weekly bulletin or visit the Blessed Sacrament Website.
Mass Intentions for the 17th Sunday in Ordinary Time Mass Intentions for The Seventeenth Sunday in Ordinary Time We Pray for the protection of the public servants of our community, locally and across the globe. For relief and resolution for those experiencing the catastrophic effects of war and violence. For the homeless, outcasts, and downtrodden of our community and nation, and for churches and families who offer them refuge and compassion. Let us pray to the Lord. Saturday July 27 th 4:30 PM We Pray for the Repose of the Souls of Anne Lear and Rodolfo Silverio We Pray for the Repose of the Soul of Anne O’Dowd for whom the Saints Anne and Joachim stained glass windows are dedicated. Sunday July 28 th 8:00 AM We Pray for the Repose of the Soul of JoAnn Schmitt We Pray for Healing for Lois Phipps and Mike Lyon Sunday July 28 th 10:30 AM We Pray for the Repose of the Souls of Joan Miller and Butch Jeseczek We Pray for the conversion of the Miller family We Pray for Birthday Blessings for Leo Mejia For all the intentions that we hold in the silence of our hearts.
Greeting for the Thirtieth Sunday in Ordinary Time 22 = 23 Oct 2022
Greeting for The Thirtieth Sunday in Ordinary Time Good Afternoon/Morning, and Welcome to Blessed Sacrament Catholic Community. This weekend we celebrate The Thirtieth Sunday in Ordinary Time with our Celebrant Father Eliseus. 4:30 PM Mass ONLY: This evening, we welcome Dr. Josephat. Dr. Josephat is the Director of Hospitals in Nigeria. We’re very happy you’re here! Second Collection for World Missions Sunday. Our Readings for this weekend are on pages 62 to 64. The Readings in Spanish are on pages 70 to 72 at the back of the Missal. Today’s Mass includes the following intentions. (See intentions on the next page) As our small community continues to cautiously protect those most vulnerable from Covid-19 and other illnesses, we continue to ask that those of us receiving Communion on the tongue, please remain seated until directed by an Usher to come forward. We invite you to continue to be as cautious as you feel is personally necessary regarding social distancing and hand sanitizing before Communion. At the end of Mass, the Ushers will continue to dismiss us from the back to the front. During these quiet moments before Mass, prepare your hearts and minds for receiving the Blessed Sacrament. Mindfully minimize your conversations to gift others with the opportunity for prayer and quiet reflection. Announcements for The Thirtieth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Announcements for The Thirtieth Sunday in Ordinary Time Second Collection for World Missions Sunday. Tuesday, November 1st, is All Saints Day, a Holy Day of Obligation. Masses will be celebrated at 9:00 AM and 7:00 PM. We invite you to bring your favorite Saint Statues from home, to be Blessed during Mass. Wednesday, November 2nd, is All Souls Day. Masses will be celebrated at 9:00 AM, and 7:00 PM and you are invited to bring pictures of your loved ones to display during Mass for a special Blessing. All Souls Day Prayer Intention Envelopes are available in the pews and at the entrance of the Church. Please use those envelopes for your special All Souls Day Prayer Intentions and a customary $10 donation. If you wish, you may send the special intention envelopes up during collection, as early as next weekend. Or you may drop them off at the Church office anytime before November 2nd. All Souls Day Prayer Intentions will be placed on the altar during the All Souls Day Mass, as we did last year. Our Blessed Sacrament Knights of Columbus continue to collect donations for our local Hi-Desert Pregnancy center during this Respect Life Month. Please bring your donation of new (unopened) baby items and cleaning supplies to the donation box at the entrance of the Church. If you have already donated, we thank you. We appreciate your generosity and ask that you please remember to vote NO on Proposition 1 on November 8th. For more Church events and announcements, Please see the weekly bulletin, visit the Blessed Sacrament Website or contact the Church Office. And now, we will read an approved message from the California Catholic Conference and the San Bernardino Diocese: [READ THE ATTACHED BULLETIN ANNOUNCEMENT ON THE NEXT PAGE] Bulletin Announcement For October 16, 2022 VOTE “NO” ON PROPOSITION 1 Proposition 1 is a worst-case scenario for abortion in California. It is an expensive and misleading ballot measure that allows unlimited late-term abortions — for any reason, at any time, even moments before birth, paid for by tax dollars. Remember Prop 1 isn’t needed. Sadly, California already has some of the most permissive abortion laws in the nation that would remain in effect without the amendment, including our current limit on late-term abortions that are permitted only for the life and health of the mother. Prop 1 destroys this common-sense limit. Are you registered to vote? Participate in this critical election to save lives by registering to vote. You can register to vote and check your voter status at To VOTE NO on Prop 1, you must be registered before October 24. Do you know someone facing an unexpected or difficult pregnancy, in need of prenatal care, or support with young children? Our local pregnancy helpline here in Yucca Valley is 760-369-8512.
Mass Intentions for The Thirtieth Sunday in Ordinary Time Mass Intentions for The Thirtieth Sunday in Ordinary Time “Accompany the choices of legislative assemblies with the light of your spirit, so that peoples and nations may recognize and respect the sacred nature of life, of every human life. Guide the work of scientists and doctors, so that all progress contributes to the integral well-being of the person, and no one endures suppression or injustice. And console the married couples who suffer because they are unable to have children and in your goodness provide for them. 1 ” Let us pray to the Lord. October 22 nd 4:30 PM We Pray for the Repose of the Soul of Sean Blair We Pray for the Bowman and Kirschinger Families October 23 rd 8:00 AM We Pray for the Repose of the Soul of Sean Blair We Pray for the private intentions of the Vasquez Family We Pray for Birthday Blessings for Mitchell Harkley October 23 rd 10:30 AM We Pray for the Repose of the Soul of Joan Miller We Pray for the Conversion of the Miller family
Greetings for the 13th Sunday in Ordinary Time. 29 - 30 June 2024
Greeting for The Thirteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time Good Afternoon/Morning and Welcome to Blessed Sacrament Catholic Community. No Second Collection. This weekend we celebrate The Thirteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time with our Celebrant Father Eliseus. Our Readings for this weekend are on pages 58 through 63 in English and Spanish. Today’s Mass includes the following intentions. [SEE OVER] As you enter the Sanctuary in silence with reverence, please remember to silence your cell phone and use this precious time for quiet reflection and silent prayer.
Announcements for the 13th Sunday in Ordinary Time 29 - 30 June 2024, Announcements for The Thirteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time No Second Collection. Father Eliseus will be extending two blessings for us this July. The first is the blessing of St.Benedict medals–-the only medals that have their own special blessing in the Roman Ritual. It will be on the great Abbott’s feast day: Thursday, July 11th at the 8:00 daily mass. The second is the blessing for those who wear the brown scapular. It will be on the feast day of Our Lady of Carmel: Tuesday, July 16th at the 8:00 daily mass. Tradition holds this is the day our Blessed Mother gave the brown scapular to St. Simon Stock, the Carmelite. We have a few scapulars that will be for sale after mass. As we did for Candlemas, if you cannot attend the mass please bring your items to be blessed in labeled containers to next weekend’s masses or drop them off at the office. We will place them out to be blessed and you may pick them up at the masses on the following weekend. At each ceremony there will handouts to explain the blessings, the benefits, and how to participate in the ceremonies. Praying the Rosary allows us to encounter Mary and enter the Mysteries of Jesus Christ. Please join us every Wednesday afternoon at 4:30 to pray a Rosary for peace in the world through the Intercession of our Blessed Mother. The Blessed Sacrament Scrip Program has merchant gift cards for sale. There are over a dozen different vendors to choose from. You can purchase Scrip on the patio after Mass, at the Church Office, or securely online through the Blessed Sacrament website. For each Scrip Gift Card purchase, the Church receives a percentage from that sale. We thank you for supporting the Blessed Sacrament Scrip Program. For more Church events and announcements, please see the weekly bulletin or visit the Blessed Sacrament Website.
Mass Intentions for the 13th Sunday in Ordinary Time Mass Intentions for The Thirteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time We Pray for the protection of the public servants of our community, locally and across the globe. For relief and resolution for those experiencing the catastrophic effects of war and violence. For the homeless, outcasts, and downtrodden of our community and nation, and for churches and families who offer them refuge and compassion. Let us pray to the Lord. Saturday June 29 th 4:30 PM We Pray for the Repose of the Souls of James and Catherine Woods for whom the Saints Peter and Paul windows in the Choir loft are dedicated. We Pray for the Repose of the Souls of Bud and Betty Garrett Sunday June 30th 8:00 AM We Pray for the Repose of the Souls of Bud and Betty Garrett and Anthony Benevente We Pray for Healing for Jimmy Burdett Sunday June 30th 10:30 AM We Pray for the Repose of the Souls Bud and Betty Garrett and Joan Miller We Pray for the conversion of the Miller family For all the intentions that we hold in the silence of our hearts.
Greetings for Christ The King 23 - 24 Nvember 2024
The Last Sunday in Ordinary Time Celebrating Our Lord Jesus Christ, King Of The Universe Good Afternoon/Morning and Welcome to Blessed Sacrament Catholic Community. There is a second collection for DDF This weekend we celebrate Our Lord Jesus Christ, King Of The Universe with our Celebrant Fr. Eliseus. Our Readings for this weekend are on pages 152 through 157 in English and Spanish. Today’s Mass includes the following intentions. SaturdayNovember 23rd 4:30 PM We Pray for the repose of the soul of Jay Pearce We Pray for the repose of the soul of Dolly Chase Sunday November 24th 8:00 AM We Pray for the repose of the soul of Lois Phipps We Pray for healing for Jerry Phipps Sunday November 24th 10:30 AM We Pray for the repose of the soul of Joan Miller We Pray for the repose of the soul of Lois Phipps We Pray for healing for Jerry Phipps We Pray for the conversion of the Miller family Announcements for Christ The King 23 - 24 November 2024
Announcements for Last Sunday in Ordinary Time Celebrating Or Lord Jesus Christ, King Of the Universe
The ushers can now come forward for the second collection for DDF. The Blessed Sacrament Youth Ministry will be having meet ups for the middle school youth group. For more information, please see the bulletin board on the patio or you can call Shannon Limon, Elizabeth Amaro or the office. This year’s Gingerbread House Decorating Contest will be on Saturday, December 14th from noon to 2PM. All houses and decorating supplies will be provided along with lunch. This is a free event open to the whole parish, so whether you want to decorate a house or not, come for lunch. A link to RSVP can be found on the flyer on the bulletin board or contact Shannan Limon or the office. Due to the Gingerbread House event on Saturday, December 14, our Young Adult group will be meeting on Sunday, December 15. We will be traveling together to Palm Desert to attend the Latin Mass at Sacred Heart Parish, followed by dinner at La Quinta Brewing in Palm Desert. If you are between 18 and 39 and would like to join us, we will be meeting here in the parking lot on the 15th, at 12:45pm to carpool down to Palm Desert. Please RSVP to Shaun Shiotani or Shannan Limon so we can make dinner reservations. Both numbers are on the young adult flyer on the bulletin board or call the office. The Altar Society is again offering items for sale during the Sundays of Advent starting on December 1st. They will have tables on the patio after 8am and 10:30am Masses with items such as Advent Wreaths, candles, Advent calendars, Christmas items and stocking stuffers. This year the Immaculate Conception, which is a Holy Day of Obligation, is being celebrated on Monday December 9th. Since it falls on the second Sunday of Advent it is then transferred to Monday. There will be two Masses, one at 9AM and one at 7PM. The 7PM Mass will be in English and Spanish. Praying the Rosary allows us to encounter Mary and enter the Mysteries of Jesus Christ. Please join us every Wednesday afternoon at 4:30, in the small chapel at the Church Office. The Blessed Sacrament Scrip program has merchant gift cards for sale. You can purchase them on the patio after Mass, at the Church Office, or securely online through the Church website. For each card sold the church receives a percentage from that sale. We thank you for supporting the Blessed Sacrament Scrip Program. For more church events and announcements, please see the weekly bulletin or visit the Blessed Sacrament Website. Prayer Intentions for Christ The King Mass Intentions for The Last Sunday in Ordinary Time Celebrating Our Lord Jesus Christ, King Of the Universe For the Church, that our belief in Christ as King will lead us to value the things of God’s kingdom more than the things of earth. Let us pray to the Lord. Saturday November 23rd 4:30 PM We Pray for the repose of the soul of Jay Pearce We Pray for the repose of the soul of Dolly Chase Sunday November 24th 8:00 AM We Pray for the repose of the soul of Lois Phipps We Pray for healing for Jerry Phipps Sunday November 24th 10:30 AM We Pray for the repose of the soul of Joan Miller We Pray for the repose of the soul of Lois Phipps We Pray for healing for Jerry Phipps We Pray for the conversion of the Miller family For all who lack food, water, shelter and clothing, that those who have an abundance will share willingly and generously with those who have little or nothing. Let us pray to the Lord.
Greetings for the 26th Sunday in Ordinary Time. 28 - 29 September 2024
Greeting for The Twenty-Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time Good Afternoon/Morning and Welcome to Blessed Sacrament Catholic Community. Second Collection: Fall Combined Collection This weekend we celebrate The Twenty-Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time with our Fr. Eliseus Our Readings for this weekend are on pages 116 through 121 in English and Spanish. Today’s Mass includes the following intentions. [SEE OVER] As you enter the Sanctuary in silence with reverence, please remember to silence your cell phone and use this precious time for quiet reflection and silent prayer.
Announcements for the 26th Sunday in Ordinary Time 28 - 29 September 2024 Announcements for The Twenty-Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time The ushers can now come forward for the second collection for the Fall Combined Collection Our Adult Choir has returned from break, and we meet every Monday at 7:00PM for rehearsals. If anyone is still interested in joining, you can show up at rehearsals. We are also calling for any young singers to join us on specific Sundays at the 8:00 AM Mass who want to sing. If you are interested in either of these groups, please call Cindy Minarik at 760-985-4000 or call the Parish Office at 760-367-3343. Remember, to sing is to pray twice. Praying the Rosary allows us to encounter Mary and enter the Mysteries of Jesus Christ. Please join us every Wednesday afternoon at 4:30, in the small chapel at the Church Office. The Blessed Sacrament Scrip program has merchant gift cards for sale. You can purchase them on the patio after Mass, at the Church Office, or securely online through the Church website. For each card sold the church receives a percentage from that sale. We thank you for supporting the Blessed Sacrament Scrip Program. For more church events and announcements, please see the weekly bulletin or visit the Blessed Sacrament Website.
Prayer Intentions, 26th Sunday in Ordinary Time Prayer Intentions, 26th Sunday in Ordinary Time Mass Intentions for The Twenty-Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time We Pray for the protection of the public servants of our community, locally and across the globe. For relief and resolution for those experiencing the catastrophic effects of war and violence. For the homeless, outcasts, and downtrodden of our community and nation, and for churches and families who offer them refuge and compassion. Let us pray to the Lord. Saturday September 28th 4:30 PM We Pray for Heavenly Birthday Blessings to Anne Lear & her brother George Lear. Sunday September 29th 8:00 AM We Pray for the repose of the soul of Lois Phipps We Pray for the repose of the soul of Burt Frasher We Pray for Healing for Jerry Phipps Sunday September 29th 10:30 AM We Pray for the repose of the soul of Joan Miller and the conversion of the miller family We Pray for the Healing for Patrick RosenthalMass Intentions for The Twenty-Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time
We Pray for the protection of the public servants of our community, locally and across the globe. For relief and resolution for those experiencing the catastrophic effects of war and violence. For the homeless, outcasts, and downtrodden of our community and nation, and for churches and families who offer them refuge and compassion. Let us pray to the Lord. Saturday September 28th 4:30 PM We Pray for Heavenly Birthday Blessings to Anne Lear & her brother George Lear. Sunday September 29th 8:00 AM We Pray for the repose of the soul of Lois Phipps We Pray for the repose of the soul of Burt Frasher We Pray for Healing for Jerry Phipps
Sunday September 29th 10:30 AM We Pray for the repose of the soul of Joan Miller and the conversion of the miller family We Pray for the Healing for Patrick Rosenthal
Greetings for The Solemnity of Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe. 25- 26 Nov 2023
Greeting for The Solemnity of Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe Good Afternoon/Morning and Welcome to Blessed Sacrament Catholic Community. No Second Collection. This morning we celebrate The Solemnity of Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe with our Celebrant Father Eliseus. Our Readings for this weekend are on pages 160 to 163 in English and Spanish. Today’s Mass includes the following intentions. [SEE OVER] As you enter the Sanctuary in silence with reverence, please remember to silence your cell phone and use this precious time for quiet reflection and silent prayer.
Announcements for Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe
Announcements for Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe Faith Formation Classes resume this weekend/today on Sunday, November 26 th and RCIA resumes on Monday the 27 th . Friday, December 1 st is First Friday. Mass will be celebrated at 9:00 AM. On Tuesday, December 5 th at 6:00 PM, St. Mary of the Valley Catholic Church will have a Penance Service. Next Sunday, December 3 rd , Bishop Alberto Rojas will celebrate Masses with us at 8:00 AM and 10:30 AM. After each Mass there will be a “Town Hall” and Potluck on the patio. You may bring your favorite dish to share, but please be advised that Bishop Rojas is allergic to Pork. Please DO NOT bring any meals with Pork. The Patio will be heated and we look forward to seeing all of you there. Eliminating child trafficking and empowering survivors has been a historic concern of the Catholic Church. Please join us every Wednesday afternoon at 4:30 to pray a Rosary for peace in the world and for an end to Child Trafficking throughout the world, but especially in our country, through the Intercession of our Blessed Mother. We would love to see more of you joining us on Wednesday afternoons. Now is the perfect time for early Christmas shopping. Scrip Gift Cards make a great gift! With each Scrip Gift Card that you purchase, our Church receives a percentage from that sale. Often after Mass, a table will be set up on the patio where you can purchase Scrip in person. Or, you can purchase Scrip at the office or securely through a link on our Blessed Sacrament Website. Thank you for supporting the Blessed Sacrament Scrip Program. For more Church events and announcements, please see the weekly bulletin, visit the Blessed Sacrament Website or contact the Church Office.
Mass Intentions for Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe.
Mass Intentions for The Solemnity of Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe May our Lord bless all peoples of the Holy Land in this time of war, especially the many innocent families and children suffering from acts of violence and especially for those who have died, that a true and lasting peace may return soon to the land of our Lord Jesus, the Prince of Peace. Let us pray to the Lord. Saturday November 25th 9:00 AM We Pray for the Repose of the Souls of Robert Bowman Sr. and Ervin Johnson Sunday November 26th 9:00 AM We Pray for the Repose of the Soul of Aaron Culver Sunday November 26th 9:00 AM We Pray for the Repose of the Soul of Joan Miller We Pray for the Conversion of the Miller Family For all the intentions that we hold in the silence of our hearts
Greetings for The Thirtieth Sunday in Ordinary Time. 28- 29 Oct 2023
Greeting for The Thirtieth Sunday in Ordinary Time Good Afternoon/Morning and Welcome to Blessed Sacrament Catholic Community. This weekend we celebrate The Thirtieth Sunday in Ordinary Time with our Celebrants Father Eliseus and Father Gregory. No Second Collection. Our Readings for this weekend are on pages 132 to 135 in English and Spanish. Today’s Mass includes the following intentions. [SEE OVER] As you enter the Sanctuary in silence with reverence, please remember to silence your cell phone and use this precious time for quiet reflection and silent prayer.
Announcements for The Thirtieth Sunday in Ordinary Time 28 - 29 Oct 2023
Announcements for The Thirtieth Sunday in Ordinary Time No Second Collection. Wednesday, November 1 st , is All Saints Day, a Holy Day of Obligation. Masses will be celebrated at 9:00 AM in English and 7:00 PM in English and Spanish. We invite you to bring your favorite Saint Statues from home, to be Blessed during Mass. Thursday, November 2 nd , is All Souls Day. Masses will be celebrated at 9:00 AM in English, and 7:00 PM in English and Spanish. You are invited to bring pictures of your loved ones to display during Mass for a special Blessing. After the Mass concludes, please take the photos of your loved ones home with you. All Souls Day Prayer Intention Envelopes are available in the pews and at the entrance of the Church. Please use those envelopes for your special All Souls Day Prayer Intentions and a customary $10 donation. If you wish, you may put the special intention envelopes in the collection basket, as early as next weekend. Or you may drop them off at the Church office anytime before November 2 nd . All Souls Day Prayer Intentions will be placed on the altar during the All Souls Day Masses as well as throughout the month of November. On Sunday, November 5th, Daylight Savings Time ends. Don’t forget to set your clocks back on Saturday evening, November 4th. SEE OVER → At 6:00 PM on Wednesday, November 8th, there will be a Baptism class held in the Church Office. For more information or to RSVP, contact the Parish Office. The Funeral Mass for Burt Frasher will be on Thursday, November 9th at 10:00 a.m. Preceding the Mass a viewing will be from 8:30-9:30 and a Rosary will begin at 9:30. Remember, these announcements are posted on the Blessed Sacrament Website and in the Bulletin Board on the Patio
Mass Intentions for The Thirtieth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Mass Intentions for The Thirtieth Sunday in Ordinary Time May our Lord bless all peoples of the Holy Land in this time of war, especially the many innocent families and children suffering from acts of violence and especially for those who have died, that a true and lasting peace may return soon to the land of our Lord Jesus, the Prince of Peace. Let us pray to the Lord. Saturday October 28th 4:30 PM We Pray for the Repose of the Souls of Kathy, Frances, and Robert Dehner Sunday October 29th 8:00 AM We Pray for the Repose of the Soul of Burt Frasher We Pray in Thanksgiving and the Private Prayer Intentions of the Vasquez Family. Sunday October 29th 10:30 AM We Pray for the Repose of the Souls of Joan Miller and Diana Hinojosa We Pray for the conversion of the Miller Family For all the intentions that we hold in the silence of our hearts (15 Seconds) Let us pray to the Lord.
Greetings for The Twelfth Sunday in Ordinary Times 24- 25 June 2023
Greeting for The Twelfth Sunday in Ordinary Time Good Afternoon/Morning and Welcome to Blessed Sacrament Catholic Community. This weekend we celebrate The Twelfth Sunday in Ordinary Time with our Celebrant, Father Eliseus. No second collection. Our Readings for this weekend are on pages 56 to 59 in English and Spanish. Today’s Mass includes the following intentions. (see over) Remember to silence your cell phones and enter the sanctuary in silence with reverence. The collective quiet moments before Mass allow for reflection and silent prayer. The Lord is constantly laboring to love us and speak to us. In order for Him to enter more fully into our lives, both time and space are needed. He indeed gives us that time and space before Mass. Please take full advantage of this tremendous gift of quiet reflection and silent prayer.
Announcements for The Twelfth Sunday in Ordinary Times 24 - 25 June 2023 Announcements for The Twelfth Sunday in Ordinary Time No second collection this weekend. However, on Saturday, July 8th, and Sunday, July 9th, there will be a special second collection for Retired Priests. Flagpoles display patriotism and express unity across the United States and the world. Our maintenance ministry is sourcing prices to replace our wind-damaged flagpole in the front of our Church. A weather-resistant flagpole may cost as much as $3,000. Father mentioned last weekend that much of what is donated through our DDF help replace items here at our own Parish. If you are interested in supporting our mission to replace the flagpole please prayerfully consider a donation to our Maintenance and Education fund earmarked for the new flagpole. Simply write on the envelope FOR FLAGPOLE. We continue to meet every Wednesday afternoon at 4:30 to pray a Rosary for peace in the world through the Intercession of our Blessed Mother and Saints from Ukraine, Afghanistan & Nigeria. Don’t forget that we have merchant gift cards for sale with over a dozen vendors. You can purchase Scrip on the patio after Mass, at the Church Office, or securely online through the Blessed Sacrament website. These announcements are posted on the Blessed Sacrament Website and on the Bulletin Board on the Patio.
Mass Intentions for The Twelfth Sunday in Ordinary Times Mass Intentions for The Twelfth Sunday in Ordinary Time We Pray for the protection of the public servants of our community, locally and across the globe; for relief and resolution for those experiencing the catastrophic effects of war and violence; for the homeless, outcasts and downtrodden of our community and nation and for churches and families who offer them refuge and compassion. Let us pray to the Lord. Saturday June 23 rd 4:30 PM We Pray for the Repose of Soul of Lily Candelaria We Pray for healing for Anne Lear Sunday June 24 th 8:00 AM We Pray for healing for Anne Lear We Pray in thanksgiving for the Vasquez family intentions Sunday June 24 th 10:30 AM We Pray for the Repose of the Soul of Joan Miller We Pray for healing for Anne Lear We Pray for the conversion of the Miller family For all the intentions that we hold in the silence of our hearts
Greetings for the 4th Sunday of Lent, 18 - 19 March 2023
Greeting for The Fourth Sunday of Lent, Good Afternoon/Morning, and Welcome to Blessed Sacrament Catholic Community. This weekend we celebrate The Fourth Sunday of Lent with our Celebrant, Father Eliseus. This weekend, during the announcements, we will have our DDF Kickoff Presentation and a Second Collection for DDF. Our readings for this weekend are on pages 126 to 133 in English and Spanish. Today’s Mass includes the following intentions. Mindfully gift others with the opportunity for prayer and quiet reflection. Prepare your hearts and minds for receiving the Blessed Sacrament. Take advantage of this peaceful time to reflect and pray before Mass..
Announcements for The 4th Sunday of Lent , Announcements for The Fourth Sunday of Lent Second collection for DDF. Join us for Stations of the Cross every Friday evening from 6:00 PM to 7:00 PM, until April 7th. We’d like to thank our Choir and Thrift Store Ministries for leading us this past week, and we’re looking forward to joining our Faith Formation Ministry on Friday, March 24th. And as we journey through this Lenten Season, Father would like to remind everyone that the schedule for Confession is Saturdays at 3:30 PM. The location continues to be in the Hospitality Room. A Lenten Penance Service will be on Wednesday, March 29th, at 6:00 PM. This Penance Service will be the final opportunity for confession until after Easter Sunday. ms before Wednesday, April 8th. Our Holy Week schedule is now posted to our Bulletin Board on the Patio and our Blessed Sacrament website. Our Holy Week Schedule is as follows: ● Thursday, April 6th at 7:00 PM Holy Thursday Mass will be celebrated in English and Spanish. Our celebration will include The Washing of Feet this year. If you would like to have your feet washed, please contact George Collard or the Parish Office. ● Friday, April 7th at 7:00 PM, immediately following Stations of the Cross, we will have our Good Friday Service ● Saturday, April 8th at 7:00 PM Easter Vigil Mass will be celebrated in English, Spanish and Tagalog ● Sunday, April 9th Easter Sunday Mass will be celebrated at 8:00 AM in English and Spanish, and 10:30 AM in English and Tagalog This weekend we have a special presentation for our 2023 DDF Kickoff.
Mass Intentions for The 4th Sunday of Lent , Mass Intentions for The Fourth Sunday of Lent
We Pray for the protection of the public servants of our community, locally and across the globe. For relief and resolution for those experiencing the catastrophic effects of war and violence. For the homeless, outcasts, and downtrodden of our community and nation, and for churches and families who offer them refuge and compassion. Let us pray to the Lord. March 18th 4:30 PM, We Pray for the repose of the souls of Johann Kirschinger Sr., Ann Bowman and Lily Candelaria We Pray for healing for Adolfo Dulatre We Pray for the personal intentions of David and Helen Blackwood and family March 19th 8:00 AM We Pray for the repose of the souls of Lily Candelaria and Conrad Dobler We Pray in thanksgiving for the Vasquez family intentions March 19th 10:30 AM We Pray for the repose of the souls of Lily Candelaria, Austin Duncan, Alonzo Yepez and Joan Miller We Pray for the conversion of the Miller family For all the intentions that we hold in the silence of our hearts
Greetings for The Thired Sunday in Lent 02 - 03 Mar 2024
Greeting for The Third Sunday of Lent, Good Afternoon/Morning and Welcome to Blessed Sacrament Catholic Community. This weekend we celebrate The Third Sunday of Lent with our Celebrant Father Eliseus. Second Collection for Maintenance and Education. Our Readings for this weekend are on pages 122 through 129 in English and Spanish. Today’s Mass includes the following intentions. [SEE OVER] As you enter the Sanctuary in silence with reverence, please remember
to silence your cell phone and use this precious time for quiet reflection and silent prayer. Announcements for The Third Sunday of Lent 02 - 03 Mar 2024 Announcements for The Third Sunday of Lent Second Collection for Maintenance and Education. On Sunday, March 10th, Daylight Savings time begins. Don’t forget to move your clocks ahead. The next Young Adult Dinner is Saturday, March 9th. The High School Youth Group will be moving its time to each Wednesday during April at 3:00 PM to 4:30 PM to accommodate our members on the Swim Team. We’d like to thank the Men's Fellowship and Altar Servers Ministries for hosting Stations of the Cross last Friday. Don’t forget, Eucharistic Adoration and Stations of the Cross will be held each Friday evening until Friday, March 29th . Eucharistic Adoration will be from 3:00 PM to 6:00 PM and Stations of the Cross will be from 6:00 PM to 7:00 PM. Blessed Sacrament will not have a Lenten Penance Service during this Lenten Season and Confession will not be available on Saturday, March 30th. Father reminds us to use the opportunities for reconciliation during Confession each Saturday at 3:30 PM. If you are unable to come for Confession on a Saturday, you may schedule an appointment with Father during Business Hours during the week. We are currently accepting donations for floral arrangements to enhance the beauty of our Easter Celebrations at Blessed Sacrament this year. You can find special Floral Donation envelopes conveniently placed in the pews and at the back of the church. If you wish to contribute to the Floral Arrangements, kindly provide the name of a loved one you would like to receive a special blessing. Their name will be included on the floral arrangements placed on the Altar during our Easter celebrations. Your generosity will add a meaningful touch to this joyous occasion. [READ AT 4:30 PM MASS ONLY] This evening, “Hospitality to Go” is available in honor of our March Birthdays and Anniversaries. Please take home one of our packaged desserts. There are both sugar and sugar-free items available. For more Church events and announcements, please see the weekly bulletin or visit the Blessed Sacrament Website. Birthday & Anniversary Blessings
Mass Intentions for The Third Sunday of Lent Mass Intentions for The Third Sunday of Lent. We Pray for the protection of the public servants of our community, locally and across the globe. For relief and resolution for those experiencing the catastrophic effects of war and violence. For the homeless, outcasts, and downtrodden of our community and nation, and for churches and families who offer them refuge and compassion. Let us pray to the Lord. We Pray that our elect may ponder the work of God in their hearts and savor its meaning more fully day by day, let us pray to the Lord: We Pray that the elect my sincerely reject everything in their lives that is displeasing and contrary to Christ, let us pray to the Lord: Saturday March 2 nd 4:30 PM
We Pray for Birthday Blessings for Tom Dehner We Pray for healing for Beverly Collard Sunday March 3rd 8:00 AM We Pray for Heavenly Birthday Blessings for JoAnn Schmitt We Pray for healing for Beverly Collard Sunday March 3rd 10:30 AM
We Pray for the repose of the soul of Joan Miller We Pray for the conversion of the Miller Family We Pray for healing for Beverly Collard For all the intentions that we hold in the silence of our hearts. (15 Seconds) Let us pray to the Lord.
Greetings for The Second Sunday of Easter 06 - 07 April 2024
Greeting for The Second Sunday of Easter (Sunday of Divine Mercy), Good Afternoon/Morning and Welcome to Blessed Sacrament Catholic Community. This weekend we celebrate The Second Sunday of Easter (Sunday of Divine Mercy) with our Celebrant Father Eliseus. Second Collection for Maintenance and Education. Our Readings for this weekend are on pages 126 through 129 in English and Spanish. Today’s Mass includes the following intentions. [SEE OVER] As you enter the Sanctuary in silence with reverence, please remember to silence your cell phone and use this precious time for quiet reflection and silent prayer.
Announcements for The Second Sunday of Easter. 06 - 07 April 2024, Announcements for The Second Sunday of Easter, Second Collection for Maintenance and Education. [READ AT 8:00AM MASS] Today at the 10:30AM Mass, as we celebrate the Sunday of Divine Mercy, Father Eliseus will Bless our new Divine Mercy Picture then we invite you to join us to pray the Divine Mercy Chaplet. [READ AT 10:30AM MASS] As we celebrate the Sunday of Divine Mercy today. After Mass, we invite you to stay and pray the Divine Mercy Chaplet with us. High school youth group remains at 3pm through the month of April. The next Young Adult Dinner is Saturday, April 13th. On Saturday, April 13th from 8:30 AM to 4:00 PM all ministry leaders will have the EOC (Emergency Operations Center) Training. All ministry leaders should attend. For additional questions, please contact the Parish Office. Please join us every Wednesday afternoon at 4:30 to pray a Rosary for peace in the world through the Intercession of our Blessed Mother. The Blessed Sacrament Scrip Program has merchant gift cards for sale. There are over a dozen different vendors to choose from. You can purchase Scrip on the patio after Mass, at the Church Office, or securely online through the Blessed Sacrament website. For each Scrip Gift Card purchase, the Church receives a percentage from that sale. We thank you for supporting the Blessed Sacrament Scrip Program. For more Church events and announcements, please see the weekly bulletin or visit the Blessed Sacrament Website.
Mass Intentions for the Second Sunday of Easter Mass Intentions for The Second Sunday of Easter We Pray for the protection of the public servants of our community, locally and
across the globe. For relief and resolution for those experiencing the catastrophic effects of war and violence. For the homeless, outcasts, and downtrodden of our community and nation, and for churches and families who offer them refuge and ompassion. Let us pray to the Lord. Saturday April 6th 4:30 PM We Pray for healing for Beverly Collard, Lois Phipps and Diane Hylton
Sunday April 7th 8:00 AM We Pray the repose of the soul of Judy Andreshak We Pray for healing for Beverly Collard and Lois Phipps Sunday April 7th 10:30 AM We Pray for the repose of the soul of Joan Miller We Pray for the conversion of the Miller Family We Pray for healing for Beverly Collard and Lois Phipps For all the intentions that we hold in the silence of our hearts.
Greetings for the Sixth Sunday of Easter 13- 14 May 2023
Greeting for The Sixth Sunday of Easter Good Afternoon/Morning, and Welcome to Blessed Sacrament Catholic Community. This weekend we celebrate The Sixth Sunday of Easter and Mother’s Day with our Celebrant, Father Eliseus. Happy Mother’s Day! Second Collection for DDF. Our readings for this weekend are on pages 144 to 147 in English and Spanish. Today’s Mass includes the following intentions. (see over) Please remember to silence your cell phone, as our collective quiet moments before Mass are an opportunity for reflection and silent prayer. The Lord is constantly laboring to love us and speak to us. In order for Him to enter more fully into our lives, both time and space are needed. He indeed gives us that time and space before Mass. Please take full advantage of this tremendous gift of quiet reflection and silent prayer.
Announcements for Sixth Sunday of Easter, 13 -13 May 2023
Announcements for The Sixth Sunday of Easter Happy Mother’s Day! It’s not too late to submit your Mother’s Day Spiritual Bouquet Intentions to be on the Altar during Mass this month. If you would like your special Mother’s Day intentions to be on the Altar, please find the envelopes in the pews or see an Usher after Mass. You may return your envelope with your intentions during the second collection or to the church office during the week. Second Collection for DDF and we will collect any Mother’s Day Bouquet Intentions. The 2023 Spring Combined Collection will take place next weekend, May 20th and 21st . The Combined Collection will support the following ministries: ● Catholic Relief Services ● Catholic Communication Campaign ● Peter’s Pence ● Catholic Campaign for Human Development “Supporting these ministries via the Spring Combined Collection is our opportunity to put our faith in action. When you answer the call, you build up the Church so that it can continue to minister to all for generations to come.” - Bishop Alberto Rojas On Sunday, June 4th, at the 10:30 AM Mass, we will celebrate our High School and College Graduates. If you are graduating or already have graduated this year, contact the Church office at 760-367-3343 and RSVP to be recognized on this special day. SEE OVER → Father Eliseus is continuing to accept applications for the Parish Secretary position. Contact Father Eliseus or the Parish office if you are interested in the details of this position. We continue to meet every Wednesday afternoon at 4:30 in the Chapel to Pray a Rosary through the Intercession of our Blessed Mother as well as Saints from Ukraine and Afghanistan & for peace in the world. We encourage all of you to join us as often as you can. We hope to see you there. Don’t forget that we have merchant gift cards for sale with over a dozen different vendors to choose from. You can purchase Scrip on the patio after Mass, at the Church Office, or securely online through the Blessed Sacrament website. These announcements are posted on the Blessed Sacrament Website and the Bulletin Board on the Patio. [READ AT 4:30 PM MASS ONLY] This evening, “Hospitality to Go” is available in honor of Mother’s Day. Please take home one of our packaged desserts. There are both sugar and sugar-free items available. Mother’s Day Blessings!
Mass Intentions for Sixth Sunday of Easter,
Mass Intentions for The Sixth Sunday of Easter We Pray for the protection of the public servants of our community, locally and across the globe; for relief and resolution for those experiencing the catastrophic effects of war and violence; for the homeless, outcasts, and downtrodden of our community and nation, and for churches and families who offer them refuge and compassion. Let us pray to the Lord. We Pray for all mothers, living and deceased, on this Mother’s Day weekend. Let us pray to the Lord. Saturday May 13 th 4:30 PM We Pray for the Repose of Soul of Frances Dehner We Pray for Birthday Blessings for Sarah Bowman Sunday May 14 th 8:00 AM We Pray for the Repose of the Souls of Joe Thrasher and Judy Andreshak We Pray for Healing for Nancy Luise Graham We Pray in Thanksgiving for the Vasquez Family Intentions Sunday May 14 th 10:30 AM We Pray for the Repose of the Soul of Joan Miller We Pray for the conversion of the Miller family For all the intentions that we hold in the silence of our hearts
Greetings for the 31st Sunday in Ordinary Time. 02 - 03 November 2024
Greeting for The Commemoration of All the Faithful Departed (All Souls Day) Good Morning and Welcome to Blessed Sacrament Catholic Community.
Today we celebrate All Souls Day with our Celebrant Fr. Eliseus Our Readings for today are on pages 138 through 143 in English and Spanish.
Today’s Mass includes the following intentions. Saturday November 2nd 9:00 AM We Pray for a Heavenly Birthday for Angelina Gordinez
As you enter the Sanctuary in silence with reverence, please remember to silence your cell phone and use this precious time for quiet reflection and silent prayer.
Announcements for the 31st Sunday in Ordinary Time 02 - 03 November 2024 .Announcements for The commemoration of All the Faithfull Departed (All Souls Day) At 11:00 AM today, please join father at the 29 Palms cemetery for a short service and blessing for our departed loved ones. Please make sure to take your pictures of your loved ones back with you after the mass today. Sunday November 3rd is the end of daylight savings time. Please make sure to turn your clocks back tonight before you go to bed. Thank you and have a blessed day. Prayer Intentions, 31st Sunday in Ordinary Time
Mass Intentions for The Commemoration of All the Faithful Departed (All Souls Day)Lord, in your mercy, Hear our prayer. We pray for the family and friends of the dead. As they struggle with the many faces of grief, may God grant them the courage to continue to work through it, and may they feel the love and support of their communities. Let us pray to the Lord. Saturday November 2nd 9:00 AM We Happy Heavenly Birthday to Angelina Gordinez.
For all the intentions that we hold in the silence of our hearts. (15 Seconds) Let us pray to the Lord.
Greetings for the 3rd Sunday of Lent, 11 - 12 March 2023
Greeting for The Third Sunday of Lent. Good Afternoon/Morning, and Welcome to Blessed Sacrament Catholic Community. This weekend we celebrate The Third Sunday of Lent with our
Celebrant, Father Eliseus. No Second Collection. Our readings for this weekend are on pages 122 to 127 in English and Spanish. Today’s Mass includes the following intentions. Mindfully gift others with the opportunity for prayer and quiet reflection. Prepare your hearts and minds for receiving the Blessed Sacrament. Take advantage of this peaceful time to reflect and pray before Mass.
Announcements for The 3rd Sunday of Lent
Announcements for The Third Sunday of Lent No Second Collection. Pope Francis calls volunteers the “Strength of the Church.” Our Filipino ministry generously donated their time to clean our Sanctuary last week. We thank you, and appreciate your generosity and commitment to our Parish. Our Blessed Sacrament ministries invite you to come forward and offer your time and talents with us, especially during this Lenten Season as we prepare for Easter. If you want to support our Parish for Lenten and Easter activities, please see Father after Mass or call Gail in the church office; they will connect you with a Ministry leader. Join us for Stations of the Cross every Friday evening from 6:00 PM to 7:00 PM, until April 7th. We’d like to thank our Hispanic Ministry for leading us this past week, and we’re looking forward to joining our Choir and Thrift Store Ministries on Friday, March 17th. And as we journey through this Lenten Season, Father would like to remind everyone that the schedule for Confession is Saturdays at 3:30 PM. The location continues to be in the Hospitality Room. A Lenten Penance Service will be on Wednesday, March 29th, at 6:00 PM. This Penance Service will be the final opportunity for confession until after Easter Sunday. We are collecting Palms from last year's Palm Sunday. If you still have Palms from last year, you may bring these Palms to be burned during our Easter Vigil Mass. Please deliver your palms before Wednesday, April 8th. We continue to invite you to join our Blessed Sacrament Community each Wednesday at 4:30 PM in the Chapel to pray a Rosary through the intercession of our Blessed Mother. Our country and countries worldwide need our Blessed Mother's help. Our Blessed Sacrament Community is selling Scrip. For each Scrip Gift Card purchase, the Church receives a percentage from that sale. Often after Mass, a table will be set up on the patio, where you can purchase Scrip in person. Or you can purchase Scrip securely through a link on our Blessed Sacrament Website. To keep announcements brief, many of our upcoming dates and times regarding Easter Mass Times and seasonal event services will soon be posted to our Bulletin Board on the patio, the Blessed Sacrament Website, and shared in our announcements 1 to 2 weeks before our upcoming events.
Mass Intentions for The 3rd Sunday of Lent Mass Intentions for The Third Sunday of Lent
We Pray for the protection of the public servants of our community, locally and across the globe. For relief and resolution for those experiencing the catastrophic effects of war and violence. For the homeless, outcasts, and downtrodden of our community and nation, and for churches and families who offer them refuge and compassion. Let us pray to the Lord.
March 11th 4:30 PM We Pray for the Repose of the souls of Lily Candelaria and Katie Hahn
March 12th 8:00 AM We Pray for the Repose of the souls of Lily Candelaria and Conrad Dobler
We Pray in Thanksgiving for the Vasquez family intentions March 11th 10:30 AM
We Pray for the Repose of the souls of Lily Candelaria, Austin Duncan and Joan Miller
We Pray for the Conversion of the Miller family For all the intentions that we hold in the silence of our hearts
Greetings for The Second Sunday in Lent 24 - 25 Feb 2024
Greeting for The Second Sunday of Lent Good Afternoon/Morning and Welcome to Blessed Sacrament Catholic Community. This weekend we celebrate The Second Sunday of Lent with our Celebrant Father Eliseus. No Second Collection. Our Readings for this weekend are on pages 114 through 119 in English and Spanish. Today’s Mass includes the following intentions. [SEE OVER] As you enter the Sanctuary in silence with reverence, please remember to silence your cell phone and use this precious time for quiet reflection and silent prayer.
Announcements for The Second Sunday of Lent 24 - 25 Feb 2024
Announcements for The Second Sunday of Lent No Second Collection. The next Young Adult Dinner is Saturday, March 9th. The High School Youth Group will be moving its time to each Wednesday during April at 3:00 PM to 4:30 PM to accommodate our members on the Swim Team. We’d like to thank the Lector Ministry for hosting Stations of the Cross last Friday. Don’t forget, Eucharistic Adoration and Stations of the Cross will be held each Friday evening until Friday, March 29 th . Eucharistic Adoration will be from 3:00 PM to 6:00 PM and Stations of the Cross will be from 6:00 PM to 7:00 PM. Blessed Sacrament will not have a Lenten Penance Service this year and Confession will not be available on Saturday, March 30th. Father reminds us to use the opportunities for reconciliation during Confession each Saturday at 3:30 PM. If you are unable to come for Confession on a Saturday, you may schedule an appointment with Father during Business Hours during the week. For more Church events and announcements, please see the weekly bulletin or visit the Blessed Sacrament Website. This weekend we have a special information presentation about DDF.
Mass Intentions for The Second Sunday of Lent
Mass Intentions for The Second Sunday of Lent We Pray for the protection of the public servants of our community, locally and across the globe. For relief and resolution for those experiencing the catastrophic effects of war and violence. For the homeless, outcasts, and downtrodden of our community and nation, and for churches and families who offer them refuge and compassion. Let us pray to the Lord. Saturday February 14 th 4:30 PM We Pray for the repose of the souls of Robert, Frances and Kathy Dehner and Francisco and Gloria Angas We Pray for healing for Beverly Collard We Pray for a Happy Heavenly Birthday for Gary Rossi Sunday February 25 th 8:00 AM We Pray for the repose of the soul of Burt Frasher We Pray for healing for Beverly Collard Sunday February 25 th 10:30 AM We Pray for the repose of the souls of Joan Miller and Corinne Dobler We Pray for the conversion of the Miller Family We Pray for healing for Beverly Collard For all the intentions that we hold in the silence of our hearts.
Greetings for The Twenty-Seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time. 07- 08 Oct 2023
Greeting for The Twenty-Seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time Good Afternoon/Morning and Welcome to Blessed Sacrament Catholic Community. This weekend we celebrate The Twenty-Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time and Our Lady of the Rosary with our Celebrant Father Eliseus. Second Collection for Maintenance and Education. Our Readings for this weekend are on pages 122 to 125 in English and Spanish. As you enter the Sanctuary in silence with reverence, please remember to silence your cell phone and use this precious time for quiet reflection and silent prayer
Announcements for The Twenty- Seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time 07 - 08 Oct 2023
Announcements for The Twenty-Seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time Second Collection for Maintenance and Education. Tomorrow/Today, October 8th at 1:00 PM, Fr. Eliseus will be Blessing the Animals as we did in past years before the Pandemic. All animals are welcome whether leashed or in carriers. Please bring your beloved pets and join us on the Patio. All are welcome with or without a pet. The next Young Adult Meet Up will be a Dia de los Muertos themed paint night. If you are a young adult, aged 18 to 39, we'd love to have you join us on Saturday, October 14, 7pm till 8:30, in Room 5. Dinner will be provided. Eliminating child trafficking and empowering survivors has been a historic concern of the Catholic Church. Please join us every Wednesday afternoon at 4:30 to pray a Rosary for peace in the world and for an end to Child Trafficking throughout the world, but especially in our country, through the Intercession of our Blessed Mother. Now is the perfect time for Early Christmas shopping. Scrip Gift Cards make a great gift! With each Scrip Gift Card that you purchase, our Church receives a percentage from that sale. Often after Mass, a table will be set up on the patio, where you can purchase Scrip in person. Or you can purchase Scrip at the office or securely through a link on our Blessed Sacrament Website. Thank you for supporting the Blessed Sacrament Scrip Program
Mass Intentions for The Twenty-Seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time
Mass Intentions for The Twenty-Seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time We Pray for the protection of the public servants of our community, locally and across the globe; for relief and resolution for those experiencing the catastrophic effects of war and violence; for the homeless, outcasts, and downtrodden of our community and nation, and for churches and families who offer them refuge and compassion. Let us pray to the Lord. Saturday October 7 th 4:30 PM We Pray for Repose of the Souls of Roberto Limon and Jim Locken Sunday October 8 th 8:00 AM We Pray for Happy 21st Birthday Blessings for Ethly Amaro Sunday October 8 th 10:30 AM We Pray for the Repose of the Souls of Joan Miller, Roberto Limon, and Diana Hinojosa We Pray for the conversion of the Miller Family For all the intentions that we hold in the silence of our hearts (15 Seconds)
Greeting for The Eleventh Sunday in Ordinary Time Good Afternoon/Morning and Welcome to Blessed Sacrament Catholic Community. Second Collection for the Retired Priests Fund. This weekend we celebrate The Eleventh Sunday in Ordinary Time and Father’s Day with our Celebrant Father Eliseus. Our Readings for this weekend are on pages 48 through 51 in English and Spanish. Today’s Mass includes the following intentions. [SEE OVER] As you enter the Sanctuary in silence with reverence, please remember to silence your cell phone and use this precious time for quiet reflection and silent prayer.
Announcements for the 11th Sunday in Ordinary Time 15 - 16 June 2024, Announcements for The Eleventh Sunday in Ordinary Time Happy Father’s Day! It’s not too late to submit your Father’s Day Prayer Intentions to be on the Altar during Mass this month. If you would like your Father’s Day intentions to be on the Altar, please find the envelopes in the pews or see an Usher after Mass. You may return your envelope with your intentions during the second collection or to the church office during the week. Second Collection for the Retired Priests Fund and and Father’s Day Prayer Intention Envelopes. On First Fridays, Father will have afternoon Adoration in the Church beginning at 3:00 and go until approximately 6:00 PM. This is in addition to the morning adoration after the 9:00 AM Mass. On June 29th the Altar Society is hosting a Prayer Breakfast here at the Church. For more details and to purchase tickets, visit Maureen on the Patio after Mass or contact the church office during the week. Praying the Rosary allows us to encounter Mary and enter the Mysteries of Jesus Christ. Please join us every Wednesday afternoon at 4:30 to pray a Rosary for peace in the world through the Intercession of our Blessed Mother. The Blessed Sacrament Scrip Program has merchant gift cards for sale. There are over a dozen different vendors to choose from. You can purchase Scrip on the patio after Mass, at the Church Office, or securely online through the Blessed Sacrament website. For each Scrip Gift Card purchase, the Church receives a percentage from that sale. We thank you for supporting the Blessed Sacrament Scrip Program. For more Church events and announcements, please see the weekly bulletin or visit the Blessed Sacrament Website. Blessings for Father’s Day
Mass Intentions for the 11th Sunday in Ordinary Time Mass Intentions for The Eleventh Sunday in Ordinary Time We Pray for the protection of the public servants of our community, locally and across the globe. For relief and resolution for those experiencing the catastrophic effects of war and violence. For the homeless, outcasts, and downtrodden of our community and nation, and for churches and families who offer them refuge and compassion. Let us pray to the Lord. Saturday June 15th 4:30 PM Sunday June 16th 8:00 AM We Pray for Healing for Lois Phipps Sunday June 16th 10:30 AM We Pray for the Repose of the soul of Joan Miller We Pray for the conversion of the Miller family For all the intentions that we hold in the silence of our hearts. (15 Seconds) Let us pray to the Lord
Greetings for the 27th Sunday in Ordinary Time. 05 - 06 October 2024
Greeting for The Twenty-Seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time Good Afternoon/Morning and Welcome to Blessed Sacrament Catholic Community. Second Collection: Maintenance and Education This weekend we celebrate The Twenty-Seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time and Respect Life Sunday with our Celebrant Fr. Eliseus Our Readings for this weekend are on pages 120 through 125 in English and Spanish. Today’s Mass includes the following intentions. [SEE OVER] As you enter the Sanctuary in silence with reverence, please remember to silence your cell phone and use this precious time for quiet reflection and silent prayer. Announcements for the 27th Sunday in Ordinary Time 05 - 06 October 2024 Announcements for The Twenty-Seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time The ushers can now come forward for the second collection for maintenance and education On October 13th at 1PM we will be having Blessing of the animals on the patio. Please have your dogs on leashes and your cats need to be in a carrier. All other kinds of animals should also be in their carrier and on a leash. The young adult dinner will be on Saturday October 12th at 7PM in room 5. If you are between the ages of 18 to 39, please join us for fellowship and hospitality. If you are interested or have any questions, please call the church office. If you have been interested in becoming a Eucharistic Minister, we will be holding a training on October 19th at 10:00AM in the church. Please call or come to the church office to sign up ahead of time.If you are in need a priest for anointing of the sick or dying, please do not wait until the last minute, if possible, to call for the priest. A priest is not always available at a moment’s notice. They do not want someone to miss out on an anointing because of a last-minute call. Praying the Rosary allows us to encounter Mary and enter the Mysteries of Jesus Christ. Please join us every Wednesday afternoon at 4:30, in the small chapel at the Church Office. The Blessed Sacrament Scrip program has merchant gift cards for sale. You can purchase them on the patio after Mass, at the Church Office, or securely online through the Church website. For each card sold the church receives a percentage from that sale. We thank you for supporting the Blessed Sacrament Scrip Program. For more church events and announcements, please see the weekly bulletin or visit the Blessed Sacrament Website. And now Father will be blessing those with Birthdays and Anniversaries for the month of October. Prayer Intentions, 27th Sunday in Ordinary Time
Mass Intentions for The Twenty-Seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time We Pray for the protection of the public servants of our community, locally and across the globe. For the homeless, outcasts, and downtrodden of our community and nation, and for churches and families who offer them refuge and compassion. Let us pray to the Lord. May Our Lord bless all peoples of the Holy Land in this time of war, especially the many innocent families and children suffering from acts of violence and especially for those who have died, that a true and lasting peace might return soon to the land of Our Lord Jesus, the Prince of Peace. Let us pray to the Lord. For those devastated by Hurricane Helene, may they find hope in God’s love, and may God’s grace sustain them in the work of recovery and rebuilding. Let us pray to the Lord. Saturday October 5th 4:30 PM We Pray for Healing for Becky Dehner Sunday October 6th 8:00 AM We Pray for the repose of the soul of Lois Phipps We Pray for the repose of the soul of Burt Frasher We Pray for the repose of the soul of Peter West We Pray for Healing for Jerry Phipps
Sunday October 6th 10:30 AM We Pray for the repose of the soul of Lois Phipps. We Pray for the repose of the soul of Joan Miller and the conversion of the Miller family For all the intentions that we hold in the silence of our hearts. (15 Seconds) Let us pray to the Lord.
Greetings for The Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time 27 - 28 Jan 2024 Greeting for The Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time. Good Afternoon/Morning and Welcome to Blessed Sacrament Catholic Community. This weekend we celebrate The Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time with our Celebrant Father Eliseus. Welcome back, Father Eliseus! No Second Collection. Our Readings for this weekend are on pages 86 through 89 in English and Spanish. Today’s Mass includes the following intentions. [SEE OVER] As you enter the Sanctuary in silence with reverence, please remember to silence your cell phone and use this precious time for quiet reflection and silent prayer. Announcements for The Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time 27 - 28 Jan 2024 Announcements for The Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time No Second Collection. Next Friday, February 2nd at 9:00 AM we celebrate First Friday Mass, which is also Candlemas. Candlemas commemorates Simeon’s famous prophecy that Jesus would be a “light of revelation to the Gentiles.” Please bring your candles to be Blessed in this annual ceremony. If you are unable to attendMass, please drop off your bag of candles – clearly labled as yours - by January 31st at the back of the church in the “Candlemas” box and we will place them on the altar for you to be blessed. The next Young Adult Dinner will be Saturday, February 10. Please join us every Wednesday afternoon at 4:30 to pray a Rosary for peace in the world through the Intercession of our Blessed Mother. Purchasing Scrip is a great opportunity to give back to our Parish. With each Scrip Gift Card that you purchase, our Church receives a percentage from that sale. Often after Mass, a table will be set up on the patio, where you can purchase Scrip in person. Or you can purchase Scrip at the office or securely through a link on our Blessed Sacrament Website. Thank you for supporting the Blessed Sacrament Scrip Program. For more Church events and announcements, please see the weekly bulletin or visit the Blessed Sacrament Website. Mass Intentions for The Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Mass Intentions for The Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time May our Lord bless all peoples of the Holy Land in this time of war, especially the
many innocent families and children suffering from acts of violence and especially for those who have died, that a true and lasting peace may return soon to the land
of our Lord Jesus, the Prince of Peace. Let us pray to the Lord. Saturday January 27 th 4:30 PM We Pray for the repose of the souls of Robert, Frances and Kathy Dehner
We Pray for healing for Beverly Collard Sunday January 28 th 8:00 AM We Pray for the repose of the soul of JoAnn Schmitt We Pray for healing for Beverly Collard
Sunday January 28 th 10:30 AM We Pray for the repose of the souls of Joan Miller We Pray for the conversion of the Miller Family We Pray for healing for Beverly Collard [IN SPANISH SEE PRINTOUT] We Pray for the repose of the souls of Lucio Castro and Hermino Rodriguez Dueñas For all the intentions that we hold in the silence of our hearts.
Greetings for the Ascension of the Lord 20- 21 May 2023
Greeting for The Ascension of the Lord Good. Afternoon/Morning, and Welcome to Blessed Sacrament Catholic Community. This weekend we celebrate The Ascension of the Lord with our Celebrant, Father Eliseus. Our Second Collection this weekend is for the Spring Combined Collection. The Combined Collection will support the following ministries: ● Catholic Relief Services ● Catholic Communication Campaign ● Peter’s Pence ● Catholic Campaign for Human Development Our readings for this weekend are on pages 146 to 151 in English and Spanish. Today’s Mass includes the following intentions. (see over) Please remember to silence your cell phone, as our collective quiet moments before Mass are an opportunity for reflection and silent prayer. The Lord is constantly laboring to love us and speak to us. In order for Him to enter more fully into our lives, both time and space are needed. He indeed gives us that time and space before Mass. Please take full advantage of this tremendous gift of quiet reflection and silent prayer.
Announcements for the Ascension of the Lord, 20 - 21 May 2023
Announcements for The Ascension of the Lord Ushers may now come forward for the 2023 Spring Combined Collection. The Combined Collection will support the following ministries: ● Catholic Relief Services ● Catholic Communication Campaign ● Peter’s Pence ● Catholic Campaign for Human Development “Supporting these ministries via the Spring Combined Collection is our opportunity to put our faith in action. When you answer the call, you build up the Church so that it can continue to minister to all for generations to come.” - Bishop Alberto Rojas On Sunday, June 4th, at the 10:30 AM Mass, we will celebrate our High School and College Graduates. If you are graduating or already have graduated this year, contact the Church office at 760-367-3343 and RSVP to be recognized on this special day. Father Eliseus is continuing to accept applications for the Parish Secretary position. Please contact Father Eliseus or the Parish office if you are interested in the details of this position. We continue to meet every Wednesday afternoon at 4:30 in the Chapel to pray a Rosary for peace in the world through the Intercession of our Blessed Mother as well as Saints from Ukraine, Afghanistan & Nigeria. We encourage all of you to join us as often as you can and we thank our new members who have come to join us in prayer. We hope to see more of you there. Don’t forget that we have merchant gift cards for sale with over a dozen different vendors to choose from. You can purchase Scrip on the patio after Mass, at the Church Office, or securely online through the Blessed Sacrament website. These announcements are posted on the Blessed Sacrament Website and in the Bulletin Board on the Patio
Mass Intentions for the Ascension of the Lord.
Mass Intentions for The Ascension of the Lord We Pray for the protection of the public servants of our community, locally and across the globe; for relief and resolution for those experiencing the catastrophic effects of war and violence; for the homeless, outcasts, and downtrodden of our community and nation, and for churches and families who offer them refuge and compassion. Let us pray to the Lord. Saturday May 20 th 4:30 PM We Pray for the Repose of Soul of Jeff Matthews Sunday May 21 st 8:00 AM We Pray for the Repose of the Souls of Joe Thrasher and Marlene Mitchell We Pray in Thanksgiving for the Vasquez Family Intentions Sunday May 21 st 10:30 AM We Pray for the Repose of the Soul of Joan Miller We Pray for the conversion of the Miller family We Pray for healing for Zachary Scott For all the intentions that we hold in the silence of our hearts
Greetings for The Twenty-Eight Sunday in Ordinary Time. 14- 15 Oct 2023
Greeting for The Twenty-Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time Good Afternoon/Morning and Welcome to Blessed Sacrament Catholic Community. This weekend we celebrate The Twenty-Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time with our Celebrant Father Eliseus. No Second Collection. Our Readings for this weekend are on pages 126 to 129 in English and Spanish. Today’s Mass includes the following intentions. [SEE OVER] As you enter the Sanctuary in silence with reverence, please remember to silence your cell phone and use this precious time for quiet reflection and silent prayer.
Announcements for The Twenty- Eight Sunday in Ordinary Time 14 - 15 Oct 2023
Announcements for The Twenty-Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time No Second Collection. A letter from Bishop Alberto Rojas Dear Brothers and Sisters: We are once again witnessing tragic bloodshed in the Holy Land following the attacks of the Hamas group on Israel beginning last weekend. Our hearts ache at the sight of so much loss of innocent life, especially in a place so meaningful to our faith. It is the Holiest of ground, where the Lord Jesus was born and where the Gospel truly unfolded. This death and destruction is not what God wants for His children. I echo the words of Pope Francis in calling for an end to the attacks and the weapons that are claiming human lives that God holds so precious. I also call on the Catholic Faithful in our Diocese to join in solidarity with people of faith all over the world for a Day of Prayer and Fasting on October, 17. Let us bring our lamentations and our hopes for peace to God, for we can do nothing to change this situation without His power and His grace. Thank you for your attention to this matter and may God bless you. -Bishop Alberto Rojas SEE OVER → Next weekend, Saturday, October 21st and Sunday, 22nd we observe World Mission Sunday. We will have a Special Second Collection for the Society of the Propagation of the Faith which promotes and fosters the missionary endeavors of the Catholic Church in parishes, schools, religious education groups, private organizations and individual persons of the Diocese through prayer, awareness and sacrificial donations. Remember, these announcements are posted on the Blessed Sacrament Website and in the Bulletin Board on the Patio.
Mass Intentions for The Twenty-Eight Sunday in Ordinary Time
Mass Intentions for The Twenty-Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time May our Lord Bless all peoples of the Holy Land in this time of war, especially the many innocent families and children suffering from acts of violence and especially for those who have died, that a true and lasting peace may return soon to the land of our Lord Jesus, the Prince of Peace. Let us pray to the Lord. Saturday October 7 th 4:30 PM We Pray for Repose of the Soul of Roberto Limon We Pray for Healing for Frannie Dehner Sunday October 8 th 8:00 AM We Pray in Thanksgiving and for the Private Prayer Intentions of the Vasquez Family. Sunday October 8 th 10:30 AM We Pray for the Repose of the Souls of Joan Miller and Diana Hinojosa We Pray for the conversion of the Miller Family For all the intentions that we hold in the silence of our hearts (15 Seconds) Let us pray to the Lord.
Greeting for The Second Sunday in Ordinary Time Good Afternoon/Morning and Welcome to Blessed Sacrament Catholic Community. This weekend we celebrate The Second Sunday in Ordinary Time with our Celebrant Father Mike McCullough. No Second Collection. Our Readings for this weekend are on pages 78 through 83 in English and Spanish. Today’s Mass includes the following intentions. [SEE OVER] As you enter the Sanctuary in silence with reverence, please remember to silence your cell phone and use this precious time for quiet reflection and silent prayer.
Announcements for The Second Sunday in Ordinary Time 13 - 14 Jan 2024
Announcements for The Second Sunday in Ordinary Time No Second Collection. Father Eliseus will have returned from Nigeria and celebrate Mass with us on Saturday, January 27th and Sunday, January 28th. Until Father Eliseus returns, Daily Mass and Communion Services are canceled. We have received our 2024 assigned, numbered offertory envelopes. You may pick them up after Mass in the back of the church. Blessed Sacrament is grateful for your ongoing donations and generosity. If you would like a copy of your annual donations for Tax purposes, you may call the Church Office during regular business hours. Please join us every Wednesday afternoon at 4:30 to pray a Rosary for peace in the world through the Intercession of our Blessed Mother. Purchasing Scrip is a great opportunity to give back to our Parish. With each Scrip Gift Card that you purchase, our Church receives a percentage from that sale. Often after Mass, a table will be set up on the patio, where you can purchase Scrip in person. Or you can purchase Scrip at the office or securely through a link on our Blessed Sacrament Website. Thank you for supporting the Blessed Sacrament Scrip Program. For more Church events and announcements, please see the weekly bulletin or visit the Blessed Sacrament Website. Mass Intentions for The Second Sunday in Ordinary Time
Mass Intentions for The Second Sunday in Ordinary Time May our Lord bless all peoples of the Holy Land in this time of war, especially the many innocent families and children suffering from acts of violence and especially for those who have died, that a true and lasting peace may return soon to the land of our Lord Jesus, the Prince of Peace. Let us pray to the Lord. Saturday January 13 th 4:30 PM We Pray for healing for Beverly Collard and Karla Dehner Sunday January 14 th 8:00 AM We Pray for the repose of the soul of JoAnn Schmitt We Pray for heavenly birthday blessings for Camilla Schmitt We Pray for healing for Beverly Collard Sunday January 14 th 10:30 AM We Pray for the repose of the soul of Joan Miller We Pray for the conversion of the Miller Family We Pray for healing for Beverly Collard For all the intentions that we hold in the silence of our hearts.
Greetings for the Secsond Sunday of Advent. 07 Dec - 08 Dec 2024
Greeting for The Second Sunday of Advent Good Afternoon/Morning and Welcome to Blessed Sacrament Catholic Community. The second collection is for maintenance and education. This weekend we celebrate The Second Sunday of Advent with our Celebrant Fr. Eliseus Our Readings for this weekend are on pages 32 through 35 in English and Spanish Today’s Mass includes the following intentions. Saturday December 7th 4:30 PM We Pray for healing for Adolfo Dulatre We Pray for the healing for Jim Burdett Sunday December 8th 8:00 AMWe Pray for the repose of the soul of Lois PhippsWe Pray for healing for Jerry Phipps We Pray for healing for Jim Burdett Sunday December 8th 10:30 AM We Pray for the repose of the soul of Joan Miller We Pray for the repose of the soul of Lois Phipps We Pray for healing for Jerry Phipps We Pray for healing for Jim Burdett We Pray for the conversion of the Miller family We Pray for the conversion of the Miller family As you enter the Sanctuary in silence with reverence, please remember to silence your cell phone and use this precious time for quiet reflection and silent prayer. Announcements for the Second Sunday of Advent . 07 Dec - 08 Dec 2024 Announcements for Second Sunday of Advent The ushers can now come forward for the second collection for Maintenance and education The Blessed Sacrament Youth Ministry will be having meet ups for the middle school youth group. For more information, please see the bulletin board on the patio or you can call Shannon Limon, Elizabeth Amaro or the office. This year’s Gingerbread House Decorating Contest will be on Saturday, December 14th from noon to 2PM. All houses and decorating supplies will be provided along with lunch. This is a free event open to the whole parish, so whether you want to decorate a house or not, come for lunch. A link to RSVP can be found on the flyer on the bulletin board or contact Shannan Limon or the office. Due to the Gingerbread House event on Saturday, December 14, our Young Adult group will be meeting on Sunday, December 15. We will be traveling together to Palm Desert to attend the Latin Mass at Sacred Heart Parish, followed by dinner at La Quinta Brewing in Palm Desert. If you are between 18 and 39 and would like to join us, we will be meeting here in the parking lot on the 15th, at 12:45pm to carpool down to Palm Desert. Please RSVP to Shaun Shiotani or Shannan Limon so we can make dinner reservations. Both numbers are on the young adult flyer on the bulletin board or call the office. The Altar Society is again offering items for sale during the Sundays of Advent starting on December 1st. They will have tables on the patio after 8am and 10:30am Masses with items such as Advent Wreaths, candles, Advent calendars, Christmas items and stocking stuffers. This year the Immaculate Conception, which is a Holy Day of Obligation, is being celebrated on Monday December 9th. Since it falls on the second Sunday of Advent it is then transferred to Monday. There will be two Masses, one at 9AM and one at 7PM. The 7PM Mass will be in English and Spanish. On Thursday December 12th we will have a 6PM Mass to celebrate Our Lady of Guadalupe. This Mass will be in English and Spanish. Following the Mass please join us for a potluck in Mercy Hall to celebrate Father Eliseus’s 21st anniversary of his Ordination. There are now flower offering envelopes in the pews for Christmas. If you would like to purchase a poinsettia in memory of a loved one you can return the envelope in the weekend collection or at the office. There will be a Penance service on December 18th at 5:00 PM in the church. The Simbang Gabi Novena Masses start on December 15th thru December 23rd at 6:00 PM except for December 18th which will be at 7:00 PM. Praying the Rosary allows us to encounter Mary and enter the Mysteries of Jesus Christ. Please join us every Wednesday afternoon at 4:30, in the small chapel at the Church Office. The Blessed Sacrament Scrip program has merchant gift cards for sale. You can purchase them on the patio after Mass, at the Church Office, or securely online through the Church website. For each card sold the church receives a percentage from that sale. We thank you for supporting the Blessed Sacrament Scrip Program. For more church events and announcements, please see the weekly bulletin or visit the Blessed Sacrament Website. Now Father will be blessing those will Birthdays and Anniversaries in December Prayer Intentions for the Second Sunday of Advent Mass Intensions for The Second Sunday of Advent For our own community that, in keeping Advent well, our hearts may be opened to God’s love. Let us pray to the Lord. For the sick, the lonely and those who feel abandoned, that God’s face may shine upon them and bring them healing, wholeness and peace. Let us pray to the Lord Saturday December 7th 4:30 PM We Pray for healing for Adolfo Dulatre We Pray for healing for Jim Burdett Sunday December 8th 8:00 AM We Pray for the repose of the soul of Lois Phipps We Pray for healing for Jerry Phipps We Pray for healing for Jim Burdett Sunday December 8th 10:30 AM We Pray for the repose of the soul of Joan Miller We Pray for the repose of the soul of Lois Phipps We Pray for healing for Jerry Phipps We Pray for healing for Jim Burdett We Pray for the conversion of the Miller family For all the intensions that you hold in the silence of your hearts. (15 Seconds) Let us pray to the Lord.
Greetings for the 28th Sunday in Ordinary Time. 12 - 13 October 2024
Greeting for The Twenty-Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time Good Afternoon/Morning and Welcome to Blessed Sacrament Catholic Community. Second Collection: Sanctity of Human Life This weekend we celebrate The Twenty-Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time with our Celebrant Fr. Eliseus Our Readings for this weekend are on pages 124 through 127 in English and Spanish. Today’s Mass includes the following intentions. [SEE OVER] As you enter the Sanctuary in silence with reverence, please remember to silence your cell phone and use this precious time for quiet reflection and silent prayer.
Announcements for the 28th Sunday in Ordinary Time 12 - 13 October 2024 Announcements for The Twenty-Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time The ushers can now come forward for the second collection for the Sanctity of Human Life
On October 13th at 1PM we will be having Blessing of the animals on the patio. Please have your dogs on leashes and your cats need to be in a carrier. All other kinds of animals should also be in their carrier and on a leash. Today at 1PM we will be having Blessing of the animals on the patio. Please have your dogs on leashes and your cats need to be in a carrier. All other kinds of animals should also be in their carrier and on a leash. The young adult dinner will be on Saturday October 12th at 7PM in room 5. If you are between the ages of 18 to 39, please join us for fellowship and hospitality. If you are interested or have any questions, please call the church office. The Eucharistic Minister class originally scheduled for Oct. 19th has been changed to Oct. 26th at 10AM in the church. If you are interested in attending this class, please call or come to the office to sign up ahead of time. If you are in need a priest for anointing of the sick or dying, please do not wait until the last minute, if possible, to call for the priest. A priest is not always available at a moment’s notice. They do not want someone to miss out on an anointing because of a last-minute call. Praying the Rosary allows us to encounter Mary and enter the Mysteries of Jesus Christ. Please join us every Wednesday afternoon at 4:30, in the small chapel at the Church Office. The Blessed Sacrament Scrip program has merchant gift cards for sale. You can purchase them on the patio after Mass, at the Church Office, or securely online through the Church website. For each card sold the church receives a percentage from that sale. We thank you for supporting the Blessed Sacrament Scrip Program. For more church events and announcements, please see the weekly bulletin or visit the Blessed Sacrament Website.
Prayer Intentions, 28th Sunday in Ordinary Time Mass Intentions for The Twenty-Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time We Pray for the protection of the public servants of our community, locally and across the globe. For relief and resolution for those experiencing the catastrophic effects of war and violence. For the homeless, outcasts, and downtrodden of our community and nation, and for churches and families who offer them refuge and compassion. Let us pray to the Lord. For those devastated by Hurricane Helene and Milton, may they find hope in God’s love, and may God’s grace sustain them in the work of recovery and rebuilding. Let us pray to the Lord. Saturday October 12th 4:30 PM We Pray for the repose of the soul of Zenaida Harris We Pray for Healing for Father Mike McCullough.Sunday October 13th 8:00 AM We Pray for the repose of the soul of Lois Phipps We Pray for the repose of the soul of Burt Frasher We Pray for the repose of the soul of Zenaida Harris We Pray for Healing for Jerry Phipps
Sunday October 13th 10:30 AM We Pray for the repose of the soul of Lois Phipps.We Pray for the repose of the soul of Joan Miller and the conversion of the Miller family For all the intentions that we hold in the silence of our hearts. (15 Seconds) Let us pray to the Lord.
Greetings for The Twenty-Second Sunday in Ordinary Time. 02 -03 Sept 2023
Greeting for The Twenty-Second Sunday in Ordinary Time Good Afternoon/Morning and Welcome to Blessed Sacrament Catholic Community. This weekend we celebrate The Twenty-Second Sunday in Ordinary Time with our Celebrant Father Eliseus. Welcome back Father Eliseus! And, we welcome Fr. Sebastian & Fr. Gregory this weekend. Second Collection Maintenance and Education. Our Readings for this weekend are on pages 100 to 103 in English and Spanish. Today’s Mass includes the following intentions. [SEE OVER] As you enter the Sanctuary in silence with reverence, please remember to silence your cell phone and use this precious time for quiet reflection and silent prayer.
Announcements for The Twenty-Second Sunday in Ordinary Time 02 - 03 Sept 2023
Announcements for The Twenty-Second Sunday in Ordinary Time Second Collection for Maintenance and Education. Trail Life USA is having their annual kick off on Sunday September 10th at 3:00 PM in the school Courtyard. We are a Christ-centered outdoor adventure, leadership and character development ministry. Trail Life is for boys in Kindergarten through 18 years of age. We invite you to come out and have some fun! You can contact the troop at [please read the email address slowly]. As Summer comes to a close, and you are shopping for back-to-school, consider shopping at the Blessed Sacrament Thrift Shop. The Thrift Shop serves our local community with quality & affordable goods. Please join us every Wednesday afternoon at 4:30 to pray a Rosary for peace in the world and for an end to Child Trafficking throughout the world, but especially in our country, through the Intercession of our Blessed Mother. Remember, to sing is to pray twice. The Adult choir will be returning to 10:30 AM Mass on Sunday, September 10th, after a short break and they are seeking passionate singers to join them. They will also begin to invite young singers, who attend the 8:00 AM Mass to join the Choir at the front of the Church. If you are interested in this exciting opportunity, the bulletin has additional details including meeting times. You may also contact the Music Director, Cindy Minarik, at 760-985-4000 or the Parish Office at 760-367-3343. SEE OVER → Remember, these announcements are posted on the Blessed Sacrament Website and on the Bulletin Board on the Patio. [READ AT 4:30 PM MASS ONLY] This evening, “Hospitality to Go” is available in honor of our September Birthdays and Anniversaries. Please take home one of our packaged desserts. There are both sugar and sugar-free items available. A special thank you to Serina Zuniga for hosting this month. Tomorrow, Sunday, September 3rd, is Father Eliseus’ Birthday! Happy Birthday Father Eliseus. [READ AT 8:00 and 10:30 AM MASS ONLY] Father Eliseus’ birthday today, September 3rd. In honor of Father Eliseus’ Birthday and our September Birthdays, there will be food and cake after the 8:00 & 10:30 Masses this weekend. Now we will honor our Birthdays & Anniversaries for the month of September with a Blessing.
Mass Intentions for The Twenty-Second Sunday in Ordinary Time
Mass Intentions for The Twenty-Second Sunday in Ordinary Time We pray for protection of the public servants of our community, locally and across the globe; for relief and resolution for those experiencing the catastrophic effects of war and violence; for the homeless, outcasts, and downtrodden of our community and nation; for churches and families who offer them refuge and compassion. And, we pray for an end to child trafficking in the world. Let us pray to the Lord. Saturday September 2 nd 4:30 PM We Pray for the Repose of the Souls of Cathy Combs and Henorio Orquia Sunday September 3 rd 8:00 AM We Pray for the Repose of the Soul of Aaron Culver Sunday September 3 rd 10:30 AM We Pray for the Repose of the Soul of Joan Miller We Pray for the Conversion of the Miller family For all the intentions that we hold in the silence of our hearts (15 Seconds) Let us pray to the Lord.
Greeting for The Second Sunday in Ordinary Times 18-19 January 2025
Greeting for The Second Sunday In Ordinary Time. Good Morning/Afternoon and Welcome to Blessed Sacrament Catholic Community. Second Collection: Is for DDF. Today we celebrate The Second Sunday In Ordinary Time with our Celebrant Fr. Mike McCullough Our Readings for this weekend are on pages 82 through 87 in English and Spanish Today’s Mass includes the following intentions.
Saturday January 18th 4:30PM We Pray for Healing for Jerry Phipps We Pray for Mary Brown for all her intentions Sunday January 19th 8:00AM, We Pray for the repose of the soul of Lois Phipps We Pray for healing for Jerry Phipps Sunday January 19th 10:30AM We Pray for the repose of the soul of Joan Miller We Pray for the repose of the soul of Lois Phipps ,We Pray for a healing for Jerry Phipps We Pray for a Happy Birthday for Cathy Szymanowski We Pray for Mary Brown for all her intentions We pray for the conversion of the Miller Family As you enter the Church in silence with reverence, please remember to silence your cell phones.
Announcements for The Second Sunday in Ordinary Times. 18-19 January 2025. Announcements for The Second Sunday In Ordinary Time. The ushers can now come forward for our second collection for DDF. Your 2025 Offertory Envelopes are now available at the back of the church. Please pick them up on your way out. The Office will be closed on January 20th in observance of Martin Luther King Day. The office will also be closed on January 22nd for a Vicariate meeting. February 2nd is Candlemas so you can bring your candles to be blessed after Mass. You can now call or come by the office to request your 2024 contribution letters Praying the Rosary allows us to encounter Mary and enter the Mysteries of Jesus Christ. Please join us every Wednesday afternoon at 4:30, in the small chapel at the Church Office. The Blessed Sacrament Scrip program has merchant gift cards for sale. You can purchase them on the patio after Mass, at the Church Office, or securely online through the Church website. For each card sold the church receives a percentage from that sale. We thank you for supporting the Blessed Sacrament Scrip Program. For more church events and announcements, please see the weekly bulletin or visit the Blessed Sacrament Website. .
Mass Intensions for The Second Sunday in Ordinary Times. 18 - 19 January 2025, Mass Intensions for The Second Sunday In Ordinary Time, “Let us pray for the families affected by the recent wildfires in the Los Angeles are that they receive relief in rebuilding and returning to their homes and for all first responders for their safety; grant eternal life to those who have died and protection to the affected communities and bring life and hope out of the ashes, Let us pray to the Lord Saturday January 18th 4:30 PM , We Pray for Healing for Jerry Phipps We Pray for Mary Brown and all her intensions, Let us Pray to the Lord Sunday January 19th 8:00 AM We Pray for the repose of the soul of Lois Phipps We Pray for Healing for Jerry Phipps, Let us Pray to the Lord Sunday January 19th 10:30 AM
Sunday January 19th 10:30 AM We Pray for the repose of the soul of Joan Miller We Pray for the repose of the soul of Lois Phipps We Pray for healing for Jerry Phipps We For a Happy Birthday for Cathy Szymanowski We Pray for Mary Brown and all her intensions We Pray for the conversion of the Miller family, Let us Pray to the Lord For all the intensions that you hold in the silence of your hearts.
Greetings for the Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ. 01 - 01 June 2024
Greeting for The Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ (Corpus Christi) Good Afternoon/Morning and Welcome to Blessed Sacrament Catholic Community. Second Collection for Maintenance and Education. This weekend we celebrate The Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ (Corpus Christi) with our Celebrant Father Eliseus. Our Readings for this weekend are on pages 34 through 39 in English and Spanish. Today’s Mass includes the following intentions. [SEE OVER] As you enter the Sanctuary in silence with reverence, please remember to silence your cell phone and use this precious time for quiet reflection and silent prayer.
Announcements for the Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ 01 - 02 June 2024, Announcements for The Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ (Corpus Christi) Second Collection for Maintenance and Education. On First Fridays, beginning June 7th , Father will have afternoon Adoration in the Church beginning at 3:00 and go until approximately 6:00 PM. This is in addition to the morning adoration after the 9:00 AM Mass. On Sunday, June 9th at 10:30 AM a Baccalaureate Mass will be celebrated. Graduates must contact the Church Office to participate. On June 29th the Altar Society is hosting a Prayer Breakfast here at the Church. For more details and to purchase tickets, visit Maureen on the Patio after Mass or contact the church office during the week. Praying the Rosary allows us to encounter Mary and enter the Mysteries of Jesus Christ. Please join us every Wednesday afternoon at 4:30 to pray a Rosary for peace in the world through the Intercession of our Blessed Mother. The Blessed Sacrament Scrip Program has merchant gift cards for sale. There are over a dozen different vendors to choose from. You can purchase Scrip on the patio after Mass, at the Church Office, or securely online through the Blessed Sacrament website. For each Scrip Gift Card purchase, the Church receives a percentage from that sale. We thank you for supporting the Blessed Sacrament Scrip Program. For more Church events and announcements, please see the weekly bulletin or visit the Blessed Sacrament Website.
Mass Intentions for the Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ Mass Intentions for The Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ (Corpus Christi) We Pray for the protection of the public servants of our community, locally and across the globe. For relief and resolution for those experiencing the catastrophic effects of war and violence. For the homeless, outcasts, and downtrodden of our community and nation, and for churches and families who offer them refuge and compassion. Let us pray to the Lord. Saturday June 1 st 4:30 PM Sunday June 2 nd 8:00 AM We Pray for the Repose of the soul of Earlene Jones We Pray for Healing for Lois Phipps We pray for Ignace and Katherine Ledinski, in whose honor the Body and Blood stained glass window, here in the sanctuary, is dedicated Sunday June 2 nd 10:30 AM We Pray for the Repose of the soul of Joan Miller For all the intentions that we hold in the silence of our hearts
Greetings for The Eleventh Sunday in Ordinary Times 17- 18 June 2023
Greeting for The Eleventh Sunday in Ordinary Time Good Morning and Welcome to Blessed Sacrament Catholic Community. This weekend we celebrate The Eleventh Sunday in Oridnary Time and Father’s Day with our Celebrant, Father Eliseus. Happy Father’s Day! Second Collection for Maintenance and Education. Our Readings for this weekend are on pages 44 to 47 in English and Spanish. Today’s Mass includes the following intentions. (see over) Remember to silence your cell phones and enter the sanctuary in silence with reverence. The collective quiet moments before Mass allow for reflection and silent prayer. The Lord is constantly laboring to love us and speak to us. In order for Him to enter more fully into our lives, both time and space are needed. He indeed gives us that time and space before Mass. Please take full advantage of this tremendous gift of quiet reflection and silent prayer
Announcements for The Eleventh Sunday in Ordinary Times 17 - 18 June 2023
Announcements for The Eleventh Sunday in Ordinary Time Happy Father’s Day! It’s not too late to submit your Father’s Day Prayer Intentions to be on the Altar during Mass this month. If you would like your Father’s Day intentions to be on the Altar, please find the envelopes in the pews or see an Usher after Mass. You may return your envelope with your intentions during the second collection or to the church office during the week. Second Collection for DDF and we will collect any Father’s Day Prayer Intentions. As a reminder, this Monday, June 19th new floors will be installed in the Parish Office. This is a much-needed improvement and we’re Blessed with this opportunity to renovate. Thank you to the volunteers that joined us this weekend to prepare the office for the floor installation. As a Diocese we continue to join in the National Eucharistic Revival. We will gather as a local church on Saturday, June 24th at Aquinas High School for a Eucharistic Congress. This will be a day for us to recommit ourselves to the real presence of the Body and Blood of Our Lord Jesus Christ in the Eucharist. We will listen to keynote talks, attend breakout sessions, participate in Adoration and celebrate a closing Mass with Bishop Alberto Rojas. What a Blessed moment it will be for us to proclaim the Holy Eucharist as the center of love in faith. For more information about this event we have more information in our bulletin, contact the church office, or you can visit to register. SEE OVER → We continue to meet every Wednesday afternoon at 4:30 to pray a Rosary for peace in the world through the Intercession of our Blessed Mother as well as Saints from Ukraine, Afghanistan & Nigeria. Please note, this week on Wednesday, June 21st, we will meet here in the Church, instead of the Chapel, as the new floors are being installed in the office building. Don’t forget that we have merchant gift cards for sale with over a dozen different vendors to choose from. You can purchase Scrip on the patio after Mass, at the Church Office, or securely online through the Blessed Sacrament website. These announcements are posted on the Blessed Sacrament Website and in the Bulletin Board on the Patio. Father’s Day Blessings
Mass Intentions for The Eleventh Sunday in Ordinary Times
Mass Intentions for The Eleventh Sunday in Ordinary Time We Pray for the protection of the public servants of our community, locally and across the globe; for relief and resolution for those experiencing the catastrophic effects of war and violence; for the homeless, outcasts, and downtrodden of our community and nation and for churches and families who offer them refuge and compassion. Let us pray to the Lord. Saturday June 17 th 4:30 PM We Pray for the Repose of Souls of Monsignor Cesar “Ching” Encinares and Michael Mosiniak Sunday June 18 th 8:00 AM We Pray for the Repose of the Soul of Monsignor Cesar “Ching” Encinares Sunday June 18 th 10:30 AM We Pray for the Repose of the Souls of Monsingor Cesar “Ching” Encinares, Joan Miller and Robert Dehner We Pray for the conversion of the Miller family For all the intentions that we hold in the silence of our hearts
Greeting for The Twenty-Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time, 17 - 18 Sept 22
Greeting for The Twenty-Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time Good Afternoon/Morning, and Welcome to Blessed Sacrament Catholic Community. This weekend we celebrate The Twenty-Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time and Catetchical Sunday with our Celebrant, Father Eliseus and we welcome back Father Daniel. Second Collection Fall Combined Collection. Our Readings for this weekend are on pages 52 to 54. Today’s Mass includes the following intentions. (See intentions on the next page) As we celebrate Mass with eased Covid concerns, for the protection of the vulnerable, we continue to ask that those of us receiving Communion on the tongue please remain seated until directed by an Usher to come forward. We invite you to continue to be as cautious as you feel is personally necessary regarding social distancing and hand sanitizing before Communion. Our end of Mass Announcements, until November 8 th , will focus on the “No on Prop 1” efforts. Please see the weekly bulletins, visit the Blessed Sacrament Website or contact the Church Office for all other Church Announcements. At the end of Mass, the Ushers will continue to dismiss us from the back to the front. During these quiet moments before Mass, prepare your hearts and minds for receiving the Blessed Sacrament. Mindfully minimize your conversations to gift others with the opportunity for prayer and quiet reflection.
Announcements for The Twenty-Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Announcements for The Twenty-Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time Second Collection Fall Combined Collection. The Teen Youth Ministry will start their next bible study, In Pursuit - Seeking the moral life, this Wednesday at 7pm in Room 5. If your teen is interested in our youth group we'd love to see you this Wednesday. Our Middle School bible study will be forming in October. More details to come. For Church events and announcements. Please see the weekly bulletin, visit the Blessed Sacrament Website or contact the Church Office. Our Blessed Sacrament Community recognizes and supports the efforts to defeat Prop 1. The California Legislature put Proposition 1 on the November Ballot. This is an extreme proposal that, if approved by voters, would override current law and will permanently allow taxpayer-funded late-term abortions without limit. The Knights of Columbus are throwing a Baby Shower for all expectant mothers. Bring your donation of new (unopened) baby items and cleaning supplies to our Knights of Columbus any weekend after Mass until November 8th. We have a donation box in the entrance of the Church for you to leave your donations. All donated items will benefit the local Hi-Desert Pregnancy center and our hi-desert communities. We will have more to announce in the coming weeks and will continue to share ways you can Pray, Donate and Collaborate in service to defeat Prop 1. And now, we will read an approved message from the California Catholic Conference and the San Bernardino County Diocese:
Mass Intentions for The Twenty- Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Mass Intentions for The Twenty-Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time For the safety and protection of our servicemen and women deployed overseas, especially in the neighboring countries of Ukraine. For our Police Men and Women who protect us, for all First Responders and Firemen, and for all those experiencing war and violence. Let us pray to the Lord. September 17 th 4:30 PM We Pray for the Bowman and Kirschinger Family We Pray for a Happy Birthday for Michael Harkley and Maria Threats September 18 th 8:00 AM We Pray for the Repose of the Soul of Judy Andreshak We Pray in Thanksgiving for the Vasquez Family Intentions September 18 th 10:30 AM We Pray for the Repose of the Soul of Joan Miller We Pray for the Conversion of the Miller family
Greeting for the Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time, 11 - 12 February 2023
Greeting for The Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time Good Afternoon/Morning, and Welcome to Blessed Sacrament Catholic Community. This weekend we celebrate The Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time as well as World Marriage Day with our Celebrant Father Eliseus. This is the one weekend a year that is set apart to honor the Sacrament of Matrimony. It is all the more important at this time in history that we honor this Sacrament, considering so much effort being put into the destruction of the Sanctity of Marriage and Family Life. So, today before the final blessing, we will honor married couples with a special acknowledgment to those couples who have been married the most amount of years and those couples most recently married. No Second Collection. Our readings for this weekend are on pages 98 to 103 in English and Spanish. Today’s Mass includes the following intentions. Prepare your hearts and minds for receiving the Blessed Sacrament. Mindfully gift others with the opportunity for prayer and quiet reflection. Take advantage of this peaceful time to reflect and pray before Mass.
Announcements for The Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Announcements for The Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time No Second Collection. On Saturday, March 4th from 7:30 AM to 4:00 PM, The Morongo Basin Healthcare District and their sponsors are hosting the Flying Doctors at Copper Mountain College. This special program offers FREE dental and vision care for adults and children. You MUST have an appointment to be guaranteed services. To schedule your appointment call the Joshua Tree VFW between 11:00 AM and 4:00 PM at 760-366-2717. This information is also posted on the bulletin board on the patio. Sunday’s, after Mass, Trail Life USA continues to sell Hybrid Lights, including some of the newer models, and most are solar-powered. Stop by and support our Trail Life USA Ministry. The Blessed Sacrament Scrip Program continues to sell Scrip Gift Cards after Mass on the patio, in the Church Office during regular business hours, and securely online through the Blessed Sacrament Website. Our Youth Ministry has weekly Bible study and Youth Group meetings every Wednesday in room 5. Middle School students meet between 5:00 & 6:30 PM, and High School students meet between 7:00 & 8:30 PM. For more information, contact Mrs. Limon or Mrs. Amaro or leave them a message with the Church Office. SEE OVER → Each Wednesday at 4:30 PM in the Chapel, our Blessed Sacrament Community continues to faithfully pray a Rosary through the intercession of Our Blessed Mother. Join us each week to pray for the countries and communities around the world that need the help of our Blessed Mother. As we enter the Lenten Season in the coming weeks, updates regarding Mass Times and seasonal event services will soon be posted to our Bulletin board on the patio. For more church events and announcements, visit the Blessed Sacrament Website. For your convenience, these announcements are also posted on the Bulletin Board on the Patio. And now, we will honor married couples with a special acknowledgment to couples who have been married for the most amount of years and those most recently married.
Mass Intentions for The Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time Mass Intentions for The Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time We Pray for the protection of the public servants of our community, locally and across the globe. For relief and resolution for those experiencing the catastrophic effects of war and violence. For the homeless, outcasts, and downtrodden of our community and nation, and for churches and families who offer them refuge and compassion. Let us pray to the Lord. February 11th 4:30 PM We Pray for the Repose of the Souls of Gary Gunderson andTome Davis We Pray for Peace and Healing for Lilly Candelaria and William Davis We Pray for Anniversary Blessings for Betty and Jerry Laferriere February 12th 8:00 AM We Pray for the Repose of the souls of Lawrence Power, Tony Benevente, Mark and Art Clemons, and Clarence Foose We Pray for Healing for Dana Rene Casey
We Pray for Anniversary Blessings for Betty and Jerry Laferriere We Pray in Thanksgiving for the Vasquez Family intentions February 12th 10:30 AM We Pray for the Repose of the Soul of Joan Miller We Pray for the Conversion of the Miller family For all the intentions that we hold in the silence of our hearts
Greetings for the Forth Sunday of Advent.21 Dec - 22 Dec 2024
Greeting for The Fourth Sunday of AdventGood Afternoon/Morning and Welcome to Blessed Sacrament Catholic Community. There is a second collection for DDF This weekend we celebrate The Fourth Sunday of Advent with our Celebrant Fr. Eliseus Our Readings for this weekend are on pages 46 through 49 in English and Spanish Today’s Mass includes the following intentions.Saturday December 21st 4:30 PM
We Pray for the repose of the soul of Joan Miller
Sunday December 22nd 8:00 AM
We Pray for the repose of the soul of Lois Phipps We Pray for the repose of the soul of Terry Stump
We Pray for healing for Jerry Phipps
Sunday December 22nd 10:30 AM
We Pray for the repose of the soul of Joan Miller
We Pray for the conversion of the Miller family
This is your last weekend to turn in your flower envelopes for Christmas. If you would like to purchase a poinsettia in memory of a loved one you can return the envelope in this weekend’s collection.
As you enter the Church in silence with reverence, please remember to silence your cell phones.
Announcements for the Forth Sunday of Advent . 21 Dec - 22 Dec 2024
Announcements furth Sunday of Advent The Ushers can now come forward for the second collection for DDF
The office will be closed for the Holidays beginning December 23rd through January 1st. The office phone will be checked so please feel free to leave messages and someone will get back to you. You can also leave mass intensions in the office mailbox. The office will reopen on January 2nd for regular business hours.
The Blessed Sacrament Thrift Store will be closed from December 23rd through January 1st.Our Christmas Mass schedule is as follows: Christmas Eve Children’s reenactment Mass is at 5:15PM on Tuesday December 24th. Midnight Mass is at Midnight on Christmas Day Wednesday December 25th. Christmas morning Mass is at 10:30 AM. The Altar Society will have their annual Christmas bake sale on Sunday the 22nd after the 8:00AM and 10:30AM Masses. Be sure to stop by and get all your Christmas goodies. Trail of Life will be outside selling solar-powered hybrid lights right outside the main entrance of the church to support our troop. The lights make great Christmas gifts, and you can also purchase one to donate to Father Uju for those in need of light in Nigeria. Please stop by and check them out. Father Eliseus’s last day before he leaves for Nigeria is Christmas Day. The weekend of December 28th and 29th Fr James will be our Celebrant along with Saturday confession.Starting January 1st Fr Mike McCullough will be covering all weekend Masses and Saturday confessions while Fr Eliseus is away. Weekday celebrations in January will be Communion Services Monday through Thursday.
The Diocese has decided that January 1st, which is The Solemnity Of Mary, is not considered a Holy Day of Obligation this year. We will have just one Mass at 9:00AM on January 1st. January 3rd is First Friday, and Fr. Mike will be our Celebrant for our 9:00AM Mass. Fr will have a healing of the sick but there will not be morning or afternoon Adoration. It is that time of year again to get your calendars for 2025 which are provided for you by Farmers Insurance. They are at the back of the church. Please only take one per family. Your 2025 Offertory Envelopes are now available at the back of the church. Please pick them up on your way out. This is your last weekend to purchase your gift cards for Christmas. You can purchase them on the patio after Mass. We thank you for supporting the Blessed Sacrament Scrip Program. For more church events and announcements, please see the weekly bulletin or visit the Blessed Sacrament Website.
Prayer Intentions for the Forth Sunday of Advent Mass Intensions for The Fourth Sunday of Advent
For our own community that, in keeping Advent well, our hearts may be opened to God’s love. Let us pray to the Lord.
For the sick, the lonely and those who feel abandoned, that God’s face may shine upon them and bring them healing, wholeness and peace.
Saturday December 21st 4:30 PM We Pray for the repose of the soul of Joan Miller Sunday December 22nd 8:00 AM We Pray for the repose of the soul of Lois PhippsWe Pray for the repose of the soul of Terry Stump We Pray for healing for Jerry Phipps Sunday December 22nd 10:30 AM
We Pray for the repose of the soul of Joan Miller We Pray for the conversion of the Miller family Let us pray to the Lord
For all the intensions that you hold in the silence of your hearts. (15 Seconds) Let us pray to the Lord.
Greetings for The Sixth Sunday of Easter 04 - 05 May 2024
Greeting for The Sixth Sunday of Easter Good Afternoon/Morning and Welcome to Blessed Sacrament Catholic Community. This weekend we celebrate The Sixth Sunday of Easter with our Celebrant Father Eliseus. Second Collection for Maintenance and Education. Our Readings for this weekend are on pages 144 through 147 in English and Spanish. Today’s Mass includes the following intentions. [SEE OVER] As you enter the Sanctuary in silence with reverence, please remember to silence your cell phone and use this precious time for quiet reflection and silent prayer.Announcements for The Sixth Sunday of Easter. 04 - 05 May 2024
Announcements for The Sixth Sunday of Easter Second Collection for Maintenance and Education. [READ AT 4:30 PM MASS ONLY] You are all Invited to our very First Silent Auction hosted by our Hispanic Ministry this evening, after Mass from 6:00 to 9:00 PM in Mercy Hall. Food and drinks will be provided. You will also get the exclusive opportunity to purchase Blessed Sacrament's own Hidden Treasures. All proceeds will go towards our Blessed Sacrament Beautification Program. This is our opportunity to help raise funds for this program so please be generous. This evening, “Hospitality to Go” is available in honor of our May Birthdays and Anniversaries. Please take home one of our packaged desserts. There are both sugar and sugar-free items available. [SATURDAY & SUNDAY ANNOUNCEMENTS] For Mother’s Day, next Sunday, May 11th you may petition Special Mass Intentions. During Mass on Mother’s Day, Father Eliseus will have these special intentions on the Altar. Please see an usher after Mass if you would like a Mother’s Day Spiritual Bouquet Mass Intention Envelope. You can submit your special intentions directly to the Church office or to an Usher after Mass. 2024 Spring Combined Collection will take place next weekend, May 18th and 19th . The Combined Collection will support the following ministries: ● Catholic Relief Services ● Catholic Communication Campaign ● Peter’s Pence ● Catholic Campaign for Human Development SEE OVER → “Supporting the ministries via the Spring Combined Collection is our opportunity to put our faith in action. When you answer the call, you build up the Church so that it will continue to minister to all for generations to come.” - Bishop Alberto Rojas Praying the Rosary allows us to encounter Mary and enter the Mysteries of Jesus Christ. Please join us every Wednesday afternoon at 4:30 to pray a Rosary for peace in the world through the Intercession of our Blessed Mother. The Blessed Sacrament Scrip Program has merchant gift cards for sale. There are over a dozen different vendors to choose from. You can purchase Scrip on the patio after Mass, at the Church Office, or securely online through the Blessed Sacrament website. For each Scrip Gift Card purchase, the Church receives a percentage from that sale. We thank you for supporting the Blessed Sacrament Scrip Program. For more Church events and announcements, please see the weekly bulletin or visit the Blessed Sacrament Website. BIRTHDAY & ANNIVERSARY BLESSINGS for MONTH OF MAYGreetings for The Sixth Sunday of Easter 04 - 05 May 2024
Greeting for The Sixth Sunday of Easter Good Afternoon/Morning and Welcome to Blessed Sacrament Catholic Community. This weekend we celebrate The Sixth Sunday of Easter with our Celebrant Father Eliseus. Second Collection for Maintenance and Education. Our Readings for this weekend are on pages 144 through 147 in English and Spanish. Today’s Mass includes the following intentions. [SEE OVER] As you enter the Sanctuary in silence with reverence, please remember to silence your cell phone and use this precious time for quiet reflection and silent prayer.
Mass Intentions for the Sixth Sunday of Easter Sixth Sunday of Easter May 5, 2024 Introduction to the Celebration Christ died to bring us life in the Spirit. Let us give thanks and praise to God. Penitential Act Lord Jesus, you lay down your life for us. Lord, have mercy. Christ Jesus, you free us from the slavery of sin. Christ, have mercy. Lord Jesus, you call us to love one another. Lord, have mercy. Prayer of the Faithful Priest Celebrant Jesus said, “Whatever you ask the Father in my name will be granted.” Terefore, let us place our needs before God. Deacon or Lector A Tat those searching for faith in a chaotic world encounter Christ in every member of the Church, let us pray to the Lord: B Tat nations cooperate to develop compassionate immigration policies, let us pray to the Lord: C Tat all who live with mental illness may feel Christ’s comforting arms of love, let us pray to the Lord: Tat all who have lost a child and all whose longing for children has gone unfulflled, fnd grace and peace in Christ, let us pray to the Lord: D Tat all who gather here see the face of Jesus in one another, let us pray to the Lord: Priest Celebrant Triune God, we feel your presence in our lives. Draw us closer to you through the power of the Spirit and grant our prayers in the name of Jesus our Lord.
Greeting for The Twenty-Second Sunday in Ordinary Time, 27 - 28 Aug 22
Greeting for The Twenty-Second Sunday in Ordinary Time Good Afternoon/Morning, and Welcome to Blessed Sacrament Catholic Community. This weekend we celebrate The Twenty-Second Sunday in Ordinary Time with our Celebrant, Father Eliseus and Deacon Amarito. Deacon Amarito will be with us over the next three weeks. Welcome! No Second Collection Our Readings for this weekend are on pages 44 to 46. Today’s Mass includes the following intentions. (See intentions on the next page) As we celebrate Mass with eased Covid concerns, for the protection of the vulnerable, we (continue to) ask that those of us receiving Communion on the tongue, please remain seated until directed by an Usher to come forward. We invite you to continue to be as cautious as you feel is personally necessary regarding social distancing and hand sanitizing before Communion. At the end of Mass, the Ushers will continue to dismiss us from the back to the front. During these quiet moments before Mass, prepare your hearts and minds for receiving the Blessed Sacrament. Mindfully minimize your conversations to gift others (with) the opportunity for prayer and quiet reflection.
Announcements for The Twenty-Second Sunday in Ordinary Time
Announcements for The Twenty-Second Sunday in Ordinary Time No Second Collection. Our Blessed Sacrament Parish Office has been without Internet for a week due to a shortage and availability of technicians, and we do not expect the internet to be restored quickly. However, Gail and the Parish Staff have done an amazing job working through the adversity and have several backup methods to keep things running until the internet is restored. You can still reach the Parish office by calling the phone number. Alternatively, you can reach Father, Gail, or Elaine directly on their cell phones. We have their phone numbers listed on the bulletin board on the patio, the door of the church office, and on the Blessed Sacrament Website. We appreciate your kindness and patience during this internet outage. Registration for Faith Formation and RCIA has begun. You can register this weekend with Elaine on the patio after Mass, during the week, by visiting the church office or contacting Elaine directly. On Tuesday nights at 7:00 PM, the Altar Society continues to host Movie Nights in Classroom 4 across the parking lot. Join us for inspirational movies and refreshments of popcorn and water. The next movie is The Miracle of the Sun, this Tuesday, August 30 th . This movie is based on the spiritual true story of Our Lady of Fatima. “In the contemplative prayer that is the recitation of the Rosary, Mary has given us a simple yet powerful weapon for the spiritual warfare that is part of daily life in this “valley of tears.” It is not a weapon of violence or intimidation but rather one of peace and healing.” 1 Our community continues to meet to Pray the Rosary through the intercession of our Blessed Mother as well as Saints from Ukraine and Afghanistan for peace in the world. Join us every Wednesday afternoon at 4:30 in the Chapel in the office building. 1; Archbishop Wenski SEE OVER → Do you know how many parishioners were present at a reception to welcome Father Hahn to 29 Palms in 1940? It might be more parishioners than you think. You can find the answer and even more Parish Historical information in a collection of the Blessed Sacrament Parish Archives. Mike Schmitt has discovered and published a hand-written journal that dates back to the 1940s and recently found original videos of the Church and surrounding areas from the same decade. You can purchase your own copy of Parish historical archives. Support this fundraiser by buying your copies of the journal and video by visiting Gail, in the Church office, during the week. Scrip Gift Cards are more than gift cards; these cards directly contribute money to the Church when you buy them. You can use them at various locations, including Stater Brothers, online stores, and gas stations. For more information or to purchase Scrip Gift Cards securely online through the Blessed Sacrament Website or with Gail in the Church Office. Our Blessed Sacrament Community recognizes and supports the efforts to defeat Prop 1. The California Legislature put Proposition 1 on the November Ballot. This is an extreme proposal that, if approved by voters, would override current law and will permanently allow taxpayer-funded late-term abortions without limit. From September 4th to November 8th, you will see various ways we will recognize and support this effort. Beginning next weekend, September 3 rd and 4 th , The Knights of Columbus are throwing a Baby Shower for all expectant mothers. Bring your donation of new (unopened) baby items and cleaning supplies to our Knights of Columbus any weekend after Mass until November 8th. And, on September 4th, at the 10:30 AM Mass, we will have packaged sweet treats to kick off the event. We will have more to announce in the coming weeks and will continue to share ways you can Pray, Donate and Collaborate in service to defeat Prop 1. SEE OVER → [READ ON SATURDAY] On Sunday after the 10:30 AM Mass, Bunny Cradick will be available on the patio to honor Butch Jerezcek. She would love to meet and speak with anyone who knew her uncle to learn more about him. [READ ON SUNDAY at 8:00 AM] Today, after the 10:30 AM Mass, Bunny Cradick will be available on the patio to honor Butch Jerezcek. She would love to meet and speak with anyone who knew her uncle to learn more about him. [READ ON SUNDAY at 10:30 AM] Today, after Mass, Bunny Cradick will be available on the patio to honor Butch Jerezcek. She would love to meet and speak with anyone who knew her uncle to learn more about him. As a reminder, our Announcements are posted on the door of the church office, on the bulletin board on our patio, and on the Blessed Sacrament Website. Our Ushers will continue to dismiss us at the end of Mass, from the back to the front.
Mass Intentions for The Twenty- Second Sunday in Ordinary Time
Mass Intentions for The Twenty-Second Sunday in Ordinary Time For the safety and protection of our servicemen and women deployed overseas, especially in the neighboring countries of Ukraine. For our Police Men and Women who protect us, for all First Responders and Firemen, and for all those experiencing war and violence. Let us pray to the Lord. August 27 th 4:30 PM We Pray for the Bowman and Kirschinger Family We Pray for the Repose of the Souls of: Florentina Quito and Tito Candelaria Sr. August 28 th 8:00 AM We Pray for the Repose of the Soul of Colonel Bud Garrett We Pray for Healing for Aaron Culver We Pray in Thanksgiving for the Vasquez Family Intentions August 28 th 10:30 AM We Pray for the Repose of the Souls of: Fortunato Dela Cruz, Sr. and Antonia Dela Cruz, Butch Jereczek and Joan Miller We Pray for the Conversion of the Miller family We Pray for Happy Birthday’s for Maria Mendosa and Jose Roberto Negrete
Greetings for The Second Sunday of Advent 09 - 10 Dec 2023
Greeting for The Second Sunday of Advent | Year B Good Afternoon/Morning and Welcome to Blessed Sacrament Catholic Community. This weekend we celebrate The Second Sunday of Advent with our Celebrants Bishop Rojas and Father Eliseus. Second Collection for Retirement Fund for the Religious. Our Readings for this weekend are on pages 34 through 37 in English and Spanish in the new Missal in your pew. Today’s Mass includes the following intentions. As you enter the Sanctuary in silence with reverence, please remember to silence your cell phone and use this precious time for quiet reflection and silent prayer.
Announcements for Second Sunday of Advent 09 - 10 Dec 2023
Announcements for The Second Sunday in Advent Second Collection for The Retirement Fund of the Religious. Tuesday, December 12th at 7:00 PM we celebrate Our Lady of Guadalupe. This is also the 20th Anniversary of Father Eliseus’ Priestly Ordination. Please join us for Mass and a celebration potluck hosted by our Hispanic Ministry. We invite you to join our Filipino Ministry in celebrating Simbang Gabi with Mass on nine devotional evenings in anticipation of Christmas. Simbang Gabi Mass will be from December 15th to the 23rd at 6:00 PM. And, on Wednesday, December 20th, the Simbang Gabi Mass will be at 5:00 PM. Also, on Wednesday, December 20th, at 6:00 PM, we will be having a Penance Service. Please take advantage of this unique opportunity for Confession during this Advent and Christmas Season. [TO BE READ ON SUNDAY ONLY] As you leave the church after Mass, be sure to stop by the patio and see what the Altar Society and Trail Life USA are selling for Christmas gifts this year. For the past few years Maureen Franklin and the members of the Altar Society have been selling Christmas items such as wreaths, candles, statues, stocking stuffers and much more for very reasonable prices for your friends & family. SEE OVER → Trail Life USA is having their annual solar powered Hybrid Light Fundraiser after the 8:00 AM and 10:30 AM Mass. Thank you for supporting the troop and the Altar Society. Remember that with each dollar raised it supports Blessed Sacrament and its ministries. For more Church events and announcements, please see the weekly bulletin, visit the Blessed Sacrament Website or contact the Church office. Announcement from Shannan Limon.
Mass Intentions for The Second Sunday of Advent
Mass Intentions for The Second Sunday of Advent May our Lord bless all peoples of the Holy Land in this time of war, especially the many innocent families and children suffering from acts of violence and especially for those who have died, that a true and lasting peace may return soon to the land of our Lord Jesus, the Prince of Peace. Let us pray to the Lord. Saturday December 9 th 9:00 AM We Pray for a Happy Heavenly Birthday for Hubert Corbin We Pray for the Repose of the Soul of Terry Stump Sunday December 10 th 9:00 AM We Pray for the Repose of the Soul of Terry Stump Sunday December 10 th 10:30 AM We Pray for the Repose of the Soul of Joan Miller and Terry Stump. We Pray for the Conversion of the Miller Family. For all the intentions that we hold in the silence of our hearts. (15 Seconds)
Greeting for The Twenty-First Sunday in Ordinary Time, 20 - 21 Aug 22
The Twenty-First Sunday in Ordinary Time Good Afternoon/Morning and Welcome to Blessed Sacrament Catholic Community. This weekend we celebrate The Twenty-First Sunday in Ordinary Time with our Celebrant, Father Eliseus. Second Collection for DDF. Our Readings for this weekend are on pages 43 to 44. Today’s Mass includes the following intentions. (See intentions on the next page) Remember that we continue to be directed during Holy Communion, beginning with those in the front pews. Please maintain the 3ft. distance, and remember to use hand sanitizer before you leave your seat. We continue to ask those of us receiving Communion on the tongue to please remain seated until directed by an Usher to come forward. The Ushers continue to dismiss us from the back to the front. Prepare your hearts and minds for receiving the Blessed Sacrament by taking full advantage of this quiet, prayerful time before Mass. Mindfully minimize your conversations to gift others the opportunity for prayer and quiet reflection.
Announcements for The Twenty-First Sunday in Ordinary Time The Twenty-First Sunday in Ordinary Time Second Collection for DDF. We have begun registration for Faith Formation and RCIA. If you have questions or are interested in registering, please visit Elaine on the patio after Mass. On Tuesday nights at 7:00 PM, the Altar Society continues to host Movie Nights in Classroom 4 across the parking lot. Join us for inspirational movies and refreshments of popcorn and water. The next movie is The Lost Valentine, this Tuesday, August 23 rd . Next Saturday, August 27 th is the upcoming Food For Life event. All volunteer information is in the Bulletins. If you have previously volunteered with Food For Life, you know what a treasured opportunity this is. If you haven’t volunteered before, please consider donating your time on Saturday, August 27 th . “In the contemplative prayer that is the recitation of the Rosary, Mary has given us a simple yet powerful weapon for the spiritual warfare that is part of daily life in this “valley of tears.” It is not a weapon of violence or intimidation but rather one of peace and healing.” 1 Our community continues to meet to Pray the Rosary through the intercession of our Blessed Mother as well as Saints from Ukraine and Afghanistan for peace in the world. Join us every Wednesday afternoon at 4:30 in the Chapel in the office building. Do you know on what day the first week day mass was held in Father Hahn’s home? Mike Schmitt has discovered and published a hand-written journal that dates back to the 1940s. You can find the answer and even more Parish Historical information in a collection of the Blessed Sacrament Parish Archives. Support this fundraiser by buying your copy for $22 by visiting Gail, in the Church office, during the week. 1; Archbishop Wenski SEE OVER → Scrip Gift Cards are more than gift cards; these are cards that directly contribute money to the Church when you buy them. You can use them at various locations, including Stater Brothers, online stores, and gas stations. For more information or to purchase Scrip Gift Cards, you can visit the Scrip Program on the patio after Mass, purchase securely online through the Blessed Sacrament Website, or with Gail in the Church Office. As a reminder, our Announcements are posted on the door of the church office, on the bulletin board on our patio, and on the Blessed Sacrament Website. Our Ushers will continue to dismiss us at the end of Mass, from the back to the front.
Mass Intentions for The Twenty-First Sunday in Ordinary Time
Mass Intentions for The Twenty-First Sunday in Ordinary Time For the safety and protection of our servicemen and women deployed overseas, especially in the neighboring countries of Ukraine. For our Police Men and Women who protect us, for all First Responders and Firemen, and for all those experiencing war and violence. Let us pray to the Lord. August 20 th 4:30 PM We Pray for the Bowman and Kirschinger Family August 21 st 8:00 AM We Pray for the Repose of the Souls of: Don “Ski” Zawojski and Robert Whitaker We Pray for Healing for Aaron Culver August 21 st 10:30 AM We Pray for the Repose of the Souls of: Fortunato Dela Cruz, Sr. and Antonia Dela Cruz and Joan Miller We Pray for the Conversion of the Miller family
Greetings for The Transfiguration of the Lord. 05- 06 Aug 2023
Greeting for The Transfiguration of the Lord Good Afternoon/Morning and Welcome to Blessed Sacrament Catholic Community. This weekend we celebrate The Transfiguration of the Lord with our Celebrant Father McCullough. Second Collection for Maintenance and Education. Our Readings for this weekend are on pages 80 to 82 in English and Spanish. Today’s Mass includes the following intentions. (see over) Please remember to silence your cell phones and enter the sanctuary in silence with reverence. Our collective quiet moments before Mass allow us time for reflection and silent prayer. Our Lord is constantly laboring to love us and speak to us. In order for Him to enter more fully into our lives, both time and space are needed. He indeed gives us that time and space before Mass. Please take full advantage of this tremendous gift of quiet reflection and silent prayer.
Announcements for The Transfiguration of the Lord 05 - 06 Aug 2023 Announcements for The Transfiguration of the Lord Second Collection | Maintenance and Education Faith Formation and RCIA Registration will continue after all Masses in the month of August. If you have questions about registration or would like more information about Faith Formation or RCIA, contact Elaine Ashfield or the Church Office. The upcoming Young Adult Meetup will be next Saturday, August 12th from 7:00PM to 8:30PM. For more information or to RSVP please contact Shannan Limon or the Parish Office. While Father Eliseus is in Nigeria, during the month of August, Father Mike McCullough will join us for weekend Masses and Confession. There will be a Communion Service Monday through Thursday at 8:00AM. Pope Saint Pius X said, “The Rosary is the most beautiful and the most rich in graces of all Prayers.” Join us every Wednesday afternoon at 4:30 to pray a Rosary for peace in the world through the Intercession of our Blessed Mother. Support our Blessed Sacrament Scrip Program. Each Scrip Gift Card purchased, the Church receives a percentage from that sale. Often after Mass, a table will be set up on the patio, where you can purchase Scrip in person. Or you can purchase Scrip at the office or securely through a link on our Blessed Sacrament Website. Thank you for supporting the Blessed Sacrament Scrip Program. 1 of 2 [READ AT 4:30 PM MASS ONLY] This evening, “Hospitality to Go” is available in honor of our August Birthdays and Anniversaries. Please take home one of our packaged desserts. There are both sugar and sugar-free items available. If anyone would like to host the September 2nd Hospitality-To-Go, please contact Lisa Bowman at 760-362-5215. These announcements are posted on the Blessed Sacrament Website and on the Bulletin Board on the Patio.
Mass Intentions for The Transfiguration of the Lord Mass Intentions for The Transfiguration of the Lord We Pray for the protection of the public servants of our community, locally and across the globe; for relief and resolution for those experiencing the catastrophic effects of war and violence; for the homeless, outcasts, and downtrodden of our community and nation, and for churches and families who offer them refuge and compassion. Let us pray to the Lord. Saturday August 5 th 4:30 PM We Pray for Father Eliseus’s safety while visiting Nigeria We Pray for protection for those fighting against child trafficking Sunday August 6 th 8:00 AM We Pray for the Repose of Souls of Lily Candelaria, JoAnn Schmitt and Linda Minarik We Pray for Healing for Jimmy Minarik We Pray for Father Eliseus’s safety while visiting Nigeria Sunday August 6 th 10:30 AM We Pray for the Repose of the Soul of Joan Miller We Pray for the conversion of the Miller family We Pray in Thanksgiving for the Vasquez Family intentions We Pray for Father Eliseus’s safety while visiting Nigeria For all the intentions that we hold in the silence of our hearts
Greeting for the Solemnity of Mary, 31 - Dec - 01 January 2023
Greeting for The Solemnity of Mary, The Holy Mother of God Good Afternoon/Morning, and Welcome to Blessed Sacrament Catholic Community. This weekend we celebrate The Solemnity of Mary, The Holy other of God, with our Celebrant Father Mike McCullough. Happy New Year, Everyone and welcome back, Father Mike; we are glad you are here! No Second Collection. Our readings for this weekend are on pages 70 to 72 in English and Spanish. Our Assigned, numbered offertory envelopes for 2023 are en route and should be received by the office soon. Meanwhile, please use the envelopes in the pew, and put your assigned offertory number on it, if you have one. Today’s Mass includes the following intentions. Take advantage of this peaceful time to reflect and pray before Mass. Prepare your hearts and minds for receiving the Blessed Sacrament. Mindfully gift others with the opportunity for prayer and quiet reflection. Announcements for The Solemnity of Mary Announcements for The Solemnity of Mary, The Holy Mother of God No Second Collection. Until Father Eliseus returns on January 27th, daily Communion Service is offered Monday through Thursday at 8:00 AM. Confession will continue to be on Saturdays at 3:30 PM here at the Church in the Reconciliation Room. First Friday Mass will be celebrated on January 6th at 9:00 AM with Father Mike. Our Youth Ministry has weekly Bible study and Youth Group meetings every Wednesday in room 5. Middle School students meet between 5:00 & 6:30 PM, and High School students meet between 7:00 & 8:30 PM. For more information, contact Mrs. Limon or Mrs. Amaro or leave them a message with the Church Office. “As believers, we need to see beyond the chaos of current events and seek to find the Will of God in the present moment. For this, Mary holds the key because it is through her that Jesus Christ entered into human history. And He is still at work, shaping the world’s course and direction.” Join us each Wednesday afternoon at 4:30 PM to Pray a Rosary through the Intercession of our Blessed Mother for our country and the world. The Blessed Sacrament Scrip Program continues to sell Scrip Gift Cards after Mass in the Hospitality Room or on the patio, in the Church Office, and securely online through the Blessed Sacrament Website. For more church events and announcements, visit the Blessed Sacrament Website. For your convenience, these announcements are also posted on the Bulletin Board on the Patio and the Church office door. Mass Intentions for The Solemnity of Mary. Mass Intentions for The Solemnity of Mary, The Holy Mother of God We Pray for the protection of the public servants of our community, locally and across the globe. For relief and resolution for those experiencing the catastrophic effects of war and violence, for the outcasts and downtrodden of our community and nation, and for churches and families who offer them refuge and compassion. Let us pray to the Lord. December 31st 4:30 PM We Pray for the Bowman and Kirschinger Families We Pray for Healing for Adolfo Dulatre We Pray for the Repose of the Souls of Terry Stump, Barbara Bowman, Viola Bowman and Father Eliseus’ parents Marcel and Ann Uju January 1st 8:00 AM We Pray for the Repose of the Souls of Terry Stump, Gloria and Loreto Laroza and Father Eliseus’ parents Marcel and Ann Uju January 1st 10:30 AM We Pray for the Repose of the Souls of Joan Miller, Larry Briggs, Terry Stump and Father Eliseus’ parents Marcel and Ann Uju We Pray for the Conversion of the Miller family We Pray for Birthday Blessings for Beth Regland For all the intentions that we hold in the silence of our hearts
Greetings for the 12th Sunday in Ordinary Time. 22 - 23 June 2024
Greeting for The Twelfth Sunday in Ordinary Time Good Afternoon/Morning and Welcome to Blessed Sacrament Catholic Community. Second Collection for DDF. This weekend we celebrate The Twelfth Sunday in Ordinary Time with our Celebrant Father Eliseus. Our Readings for this weekend are on pages 52 through 55 in English and Spanish. Today’s Mass includes the following intentions. [SEE OVER] As you enter the Sanctuary in silence with reverence, please remember to silence your cell phone and use this precious time for quiet reflection and silent prayer.
Announcements for the 12th Sunday in Ordinary Time 22 - 23 June 2024 Announcements for The Twelfth Sunday in Ordinary Time Second Collection for DDF. On First Fridays, Father will have afternoon Adoration in the Church beginning at 3:00 and go until approximately 6:00 PM. This is in addition to the morning adoration after the 9:00 AM Mass. On Saturday, June 29th , the Altar Society is hosting a Prayer Breakfast here at the Church. For more details and to purchase tickets, visit Maureen on the Patio after Mass or contact the church office during the week. Praying the Rosary allows us to encounter Mary and enter the Mysteries of Jesus Christ. Please join us every Wednesday afternoon at 4:30 to pray a Rosary for peace in the world through the Intercession of our Blessed Mother. The Blessed Sacrament Scrip Program has merchant gift cards for sale. There are over a dozen different vendors to choose from. You can purchase Scrip on the patio after Mass, at the Church Office, or securely online through the Blessed Sacrament website. For each Scrip Gift Card purchase, the Church receives a percentage from that sale. We thank you for supporting the Blessed Sacrament Scrip Program. For more Church events and announcements, please see the weekly bulletin or visit the Blessed Sacrament Website.
Mass Intentions for the 12th Sunday in OrdinaryTime Mass Intentions for The Twelfth Sunday in Ordinary Time We Pray for the protection of the public servants of our community, locally and across the globe. For relief and resolution for those experiencing the catastrophic effects of war and violence. For the homeless, outcasts, and downtrodden of our community and nation, and for churches and families who offer them refuge and compassion. Let us pray to the Lord. Saturday June 22nd 4:30 PM We Pray for the Repose of the Soul of Anne Lear Sunday June 23rd 8:00 AM We Pray for Healing for Lois Phipps Sunday June 23rd 10:30 AM We Pray for the Repose of the soul of Joan Miller We Pray for the conversion of the Miller family For all the intentions that we hold in the silence of our hearts.
Greetings for The Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time 03 - 04 Feb 2024
Greeting for The Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time Good Afternoon/Morning and Welcome to Blessed Sacrament Catholic Community. This weekend we celebrate The Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time with our Celebrant Father Eliseus. Second Collection for Maintenance and Education. Our Readings for this weekend are on pages 138 through 141 in English and Spanish. Today’s Mass includes the following intentions. [SEE OVER] As you enter the Sanctuary in silence with reverence, please remember to silence your cell phone and use this precious time for quiet reflection and silent prayer.
Announcements for The Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time 03 - 04 Feb 2024
Announcements for The Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time Second Collection for Maintenance and Education As you leave the Church parking areas today, please be especially mindful of the speed limit on Cottonwood. Some of our neighbors have raised concerns that there has been speeding down Cottonwood, and we want to be good stewards to our neighbors. Training for Eucharistic Ministers will be held on February 17th at 11:00 AM. If you were a Eucharistic Minister in the past or if you are interested in becoming a Eucharistic Minister, and are confirmed Catholic, over 18 years of age, please join us for this training. We can use your support in the upcoming Lenten Liturgical Season. Next weekend, Saturday, February 10th, and Sunday, February 11th, we celebrate World Marriage Day. This is the one weekend a year that is set apart to honor the Sacrament of Matrimony. And so we will be honoring married couples with a special acknowledgment to those couples who have been married the most amount of years and those couples most recently married. After the 10:30 AM Mass, on February 11th, we will have cake on the patio to celebrate World Marriage Day Weekend. Please join us. The next Young Adult Dinner will be Saturday, February 10. Wednesday, February 14th, Ash Wednesday will be celebrated with Mass at 9:00 AM and 7:00 PM. The 7:00 PM Mass will have English and Spanish readings. Until Sunday, February 11th, we are collecting old Palms for Ashes. You may deliver your old Palms in the back of the church. Beginning Friday, February 16th, and concluding Friday, March 29th, Stations of the Cross will be celebrated each Friday evening from 6:00 PM to 7:00 PM. Please join us every Wednesday afternoon at 4:30 to pray a Rosary for peace in the world through the Intercession of our Blessed Mother. For more Church events and announcements, please see the weekly bulletin or visit the Blessed Sacrament Website. February Birthday and Anniversary Blessings [10:30 AM Mass] To celebrate our February Birthdays and Anniversaries, please join us for Cake on the patio.
Mass Intentions for The Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time Mass Intentions for The Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time May our Lord bless all peoples of the Holy Land in this time of war, especially the many innocent families and children suffering from acts of violence and especially for those who have died, that a true and lasting peace may return soon to the land of our Lord Jesus, the Prince of Peace.
Saturday February 3 rd 4:30 PM We Pray for healing for Beverly Collard Sunday February 4 th 8:00 AM We Pray for healing for Beverly Collard Sunday February 4 th 10:30 AM We Pray for the repose of the souls of Joan Miller We Pray for the conversion of the Miller Family We Pray for healing for Beverly Collard For all the intentions that we hold in the silence of our hearts.
Greetings for The Thirteenth Sunday in Ordinary Times 01- 02 July 2023
Greeting for The Thirteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time, Good Afternoon/Morning and Welcome to Blessed Sacrament Catholic Community. This weekend we celebrate The Thirteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time with our Celebrant, Father Eliseus. Second Collection for Maintenance and Education. Our Readings for this weekend are on pages 56 to 59 in English and Spanish. Today’s Mass includes the following intentions. (see over) Please remember to silence your cell phones and enter the sanctuary in silence with reverence. Our collective quiet moments before Mass allow us time for reflection and silent prayer. Our Lord is constantly laboring to love us and speak to us. In order for Him to enter more fully into our lives, both time and space are needed. He indeed gives us that time and space before Mass. Please take full advantage of this tremendous gift of quiet reflection and silent prayer.
Announcements for The Thirteenth Sunday in Ordinary Times 01 - 02 July 2023
Announcements for The Thirteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time, Second Collection for Maintenance and Education. Flagpoles display patriotism and express unity across the United States and the
world. Our maintenance ministry is sourcing prices to replace our wind-damaged flagpole in the front of our Church. A weather-resistant flagpole may cost as much as $3,000. If you are interested in supporting our mission to replace the flagpole please prayerfully consider a donation to our Maintenance and Education fund earmarked for the new flagpole. Simply write on the envelope FOR FLAGPOLE. On Tuesday, July 4th, our Parish Office will be closed for Independence Day. On Saturday, July 8th, and Sunday, July 9th, there will be a special second collection for Retired Priests. We continue to meet every Wednesday afternoon at 4:30 to pray a Rosary for peace in the world through the Intercession of our Blessed Mother and Saints from Ukraine, Afghanistan & Nigeria. This Wednesday, July 5th, we will be back in the Chapel in the office building. Don’t forget that we have merchant gift cards for sale with over a dozen vendors. You can purchase Scrip on the patio after Mass, at the Church Office, or securely online through the Blessed Sacrament website. [READ AT 4:30 PM MASS ONLY] This evening, “Hospitality to Go” is available in honor of our July Birthdays and Anniversaries. Please take home one of our packaged desserts. There are both sugar and sugar-free items available. These announcements are posted on the Blessed Sacrament Website and on the Bulletin Board on the Patio. We have an announcement from Shannan Limon. Birthday and Anniversary Blessings
Mass Intentions for The Thirteenth Sunday in Ordinary Times Mass Intentions for The Thirteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time
We pray, on this Independence Day weekend, for all those who have sacrified for our freedom. Let us not take our freedom, both physical and spiritual for granted. Bless those who have served and continue to give their lives for our freedom. With favor and bounty meet their needs and watch over their families. Let us pray to the Lord. Saturday July 1st 4:30 PM We Pray for the Repose of Soul of Lily Candelaria We Pray for healing for Anne Lear and Rodolfo Martinez Sunday July 2nd 8:00 AM We Pray for healing for Anne LearWe Pray in thanksgiving for the Vasquez family intentions Sunday July 2nd 10:30 AM We Pray for the Repose of the Soul of Joan Miller We Pray for healing for Anne LearWe Pray for the conversion of the Miller family For all the intentions that we hold in the silence of our hearts
Announcements for The 2nd Sunday of Lent 4 - 5 March 2022
Announcements for The Second Sunday of Lent Second Collection for Maintenance and Education.Next Sunday, March 12th, at 2:00 AM, Daylight Saving begins. Remember to set your clocks.
On Friday, March 10th, at 6:00 PM, our Hispanic Ministry will lead us in Stations of the Cross. Please join us every Friday evening from 6:00 PM to 7:00 PM, until April 7th. And as we journey through this Lenten Season, Father would like to remind everyone that the schedule for Confession is Saturdays at 3:30 PM. The location continues to be in the Hospitality Room. A Lenten Penance Service will be on Wednesday, March 29th, at 6:00 PM. This Penance Service will be the final opportunity for confession until after Easter Sunday.
We are collecting Palms from last year's Palm Sunday. If you still have Palms from last year, you may bring these Palms to be burned during our Easter Vigil Mass. Please deliver your palms before Wednesday, April 8th. Pope Francis calls volunteers the “Strength of the Church.” Our Blessed Sacrament ministries invite you to come forward and offer your time and talents with us, especially during this Lenten Season as we prepare for Easter. If you want to support our Parish for Lenten and Easter activities, please see Father after Mass or call Gail in the church office; they will connect you with a Ministry leader. We continue to invite you to join our Blessed Sacrament Community each Wednesday at 4:30 PM in the Chapel to pray a Rosary through the intercession of our Blessed Mother. Our country and countries worldwide need our Blessed Mother's help. Our Blessed Sacrament Community is selling Scrip. For each Scrip Gift Card purchase, the Church receives a percentage from that sale. Often after Mass, a table will be set up on the patio, where you can purchase Scrip in person. Or you can purchase Scrip securely through a link on our Blessed Sacrament Website. Thank you for supporting the Blessed Sacrament Scrip Program. To keep announcements brief, many of our upcoming dates and times regarding Easter Mass Times and seasonal event services will soon be posted to our Bulletin Board on the patio, the Blessed Sacrament Website, and shared in our announcements 1 to 2 weeks before our upcoming events. [READ AT 4:30 PM MASS ONLY] This evening, “Hospitality to Go” is available in honor of our March Birthdays and Anniversaries. Please take home one of our packaged desserts. There are both sugar and sugar-free items available. Birthday & Anniversary Blessings
Mass Intentions for The 2nd Sunday of Lent Mass Intentions for The Second Sunday of Lent We Pray for the protection of the public servants of our community, locally and across the globe. For relief and resolution for those experiencing the catastrophic effects of war and violence. For the homeless, outcasts, and downtrodden of our community and nation, and for churches and families who offer them refuge and compassion. Let us pray to the Lord. March 4th 4:30 PM We Pray for the Repose of the Soul of Lily Candelaria We Pray for Healing for Betty Kocher
We Pray for Anniversary Blessings for Bob and Lisa Bowman March 5th 8:00 AM We Pray for the Repose of the souls of Lily Candelaria and Lawrence Power March 5th 10:30 AM
We Pray for the Repose of the Souls of Lily Candelaria, Larry Curtis and Joan Miller We Pray for the Conversion of the Miller family Let us pray to the Lord.
Greeting for The Nineteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time, 06 - 07 Aug 22
Greeting for The Nineteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time Good Afternoon/Morning and Welcome to Blessed Sacrament Catholic Community. This weekend we celebrate The Nineteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time with our Celebrant, Father Eliseus. Second Collection for Maintenance and Education Our Readings for this weekend are on pages 36 to 38. Today’s Mass includes the following intentions. (See intentions on the next page) Remember that we continue to be directed during Holy Communion beginning with those in the front pews. Please maintain the 3ft. distance, and remember to use hand sanitizer before you leave your seat. We continue to ask those of us receiving Communion on the tongue to please remain seated until directed by an Usher to come forward. The Ushers are continuing to dismiss us from the back to the front. Pope Francis reminds us that “Prayer is first and foremost dialogue, a personal relationship with God.” Pope Francis stresses that our time before Mass is a time for “silent prayer when we prepare our hearts for an encounter with the Lord1 ”. Please take full advantage of this tremendous gift of quiet reflection and silent prayer. Announcements for The Nineteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time Announcements for The Nineteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time Second Collection Maintenance and Education Can you name the first priest who celebrated Mass at Blessed Sacrament? You can find the answer and even more Parish Historical information in a collection of the Blessed Sacrament Parish Archives. Mike Schmitt has discovered and published a hand-written journal that dates back to the 1940s. You can support this fundraiser by buying your copy for $22 by visiting Gail, in the Church office, during the week. On Tuesday nights at 7:00 PM, the Altar Society hosts Movie Nights in Classroom 4 across the parking lot. Join us for inspirational movies and refreshments of popcorn and water. The next movie is A Man Called Love, this Tuesday, August 9th . On Saturday, August 27th is the upcoming Food For Life event. All volunteer information will be in the Bulletins over the next two weeks. If you have volunteered with Food For Life, you know what a treasured opportunity this is. If you haven’t volunteered before, please consider donating your time on Saturday, August 27th. Each Wednesday afternoon at 4:30, our community continues to meet to Pray the Rosary through the Intercession of our Blessed Mother as well as Saints from Ukraine and Afghanistan and for peace in the world. We have changed locations and will now meet weekly in the Chapel in the Office Building. Please continue to join us as often as you can. SEE OVER → The Blessed Sacrament Scrip Program continues to sell Scrip Gift Cards after Mass on the patio, in the Church Office, and securely online through the Blessed Sacrament Website. Thank you for supporting the Blessed Sacrament Scrip Program. [READ AT 4:30 PM MASS ONLY] This evening, “Hospitality to Go” is available in honor of our August Birthdays and Anniversaries. Please take home one of our packaged desserts. There are both sugar and sugar-free items available. As a reminder, our Announcements are posted on the door of the church office, on the bulletin board on our patio, and on the Blessed Sacrament Website. Our Ushers will continue to dismiss us at the end of Mass, from the back to the front. [ALL MASSES] We have a special presentation this weekend; we will hear from Elaine about the upcoming start of Faith Formation. Birthday and Anniversary Blessings Mass Intentions for The Nineteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Mass Intentions for The Nineteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time For the safety and protection of our servicemen and women deployed overseas, especially in the neighboring countries of Ukraine. For our Police Men and Women who protect us, for all First Responders and Firemen, and for all those experiencing war and violence. Let us pray to the Lord. August 6 th 4:30 PM We Pray for the Bowman and Kirschinger Family We Pray for a Happy Heavenly Birthday for Cresenta Cantor August 7 th 8:00 AM We Pray for healing for Marylin Debord We Pray for healing and strength for Luke and Lily Thrasher We Pray for the private intentions of the Culver Family August 7 th 10:30 AM We Pray for the Repose of the Souls of: Fortunato Dela Cruz, Sr. and Antonia Dela Cruz and Joan Miller We Pray for healing for Hope We Pray for the Conversion of the Miller family
Greetings for The Most Holy Body and blood of Christ, Corpus Christie 10- 11 June 2023
Greeting for The Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ (Corpus Christi) Good Afternoon, and Welcome to Blessed Sacrament Catholic Community. This weekend we celebrate The Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ (Corpus Christi) with our Celebrant, Father Eliseus. No Second Collection. Our Readings for this weekend are on pages 34 to 38. Today’s Mass includes the following intentions. (see over) Remember to silence your cell phones and enter the sanctuary in silence with reverence. The collective quiet moments before Mass allow for reflection and silent prayer. The Lord is constantly laboring to love us and speak to us. In order for Him to enter more fully into our lives, both time and space are needed. He indeed gives us that time and space before Mass. Please take full advantage of this tremendous gift of quiet reflection and silent prayer.
Announcements for The Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ 10 - 11 June 2023
Announcements for The Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ (Corpus Christi) No Second Collection. This Wednesday, June 14th, at 6:00 PM, a Baptism Class will be held in the Church. If you are interested in attending or have questions, please contact the Parish Office. Father’s Day is next Sunday, June 18th. If you would like a Father’s Day Spiritual Prayer envelope with your intentions to be on the Altar on Father’s Day and the month of June, please find the envelopes in the pews or see an Usher after Mass and return your envelope with your intentions to the church office during the week or on Father’s Day. On Monday, June 19th new floors will be installed in the Parish Office. This is a much-needed improvement and we’re Blessed with this opportunity to renovate. We need your willing participation on Saturday, June 17th, and Sunday, June 18th to relocate the equipment in the office so that the new floors can be installed. Many hands make for light work, and we need as many volunteers as possible. If you want to volunteer your time, please join us from 8:00AM to 2:00PM on Saturday and if necessary 1:00 PM to 4:00 PM on Sunday. SEE OVER → As a Diocese we continue to join in the National Eucharistic Revival. We will gather as a local church on Saturday, June 24th at Aquinas High School for a Eucharistic Congress. This will be a day for us to recommit ourselves to the real presence of the Body and Blood of Our Lord Jesus Christ in the Eucharist. We will listen to keynote talks, attend breakout sessions, participate in Adoration and celebrate a closing Mass with Bishop Alberto Rojas. What a Blessed moment it will be for us to proclaim the Holy Eucharist as the center of love in faith. For more information about this event we have more information in our bulletin, contact the church office, or you can visit to register. Congratulations, Honor and Blessings to our dear Father Mike McCullough who is celebrating his 50th year as a priest. He was ordained in May 1973 in the Los Angeles ArchDiocese. After ministering for a few years in several parishes he was named full time chaplain for the Los Angeles Police Department for the next 37 years. These announcements are posted on the Blessed Sacrament Website and in the Bulletin Board on the Patio.
Mass Intentions for The Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ
Mass Intentions for The Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ (Corpus Christi) We Pray for the protection of the public servants of our community, locally and across the globe; for relief and resolution for those experiencing the catastrophic effects of war and violence; for the homeless, outcasts, and downtrodden of our community and nation and for churches and families who offer them refuge and compassion. Let us pray to the Lord. Saturday June 10 th 4:30 PM We Pray for the Repose of Soul of Linda Kirschinger Sunday June 11 th 8:00 AM We Pray for Father Mike McCullough as he celebrates his 50th year as a Priest. Sunday June 11 th 10:30 AM We Pray for the Repose of the Soul of Joan Miller We Pray for the conversion of the Miller family For all the intentions that we hold in the silence of our hearts
Mass Intensions for Solemnity Of Mary, The Holy Mother Of God
That the prayers of the Mother of God may strengthen all mothers to follow her example of welcoming new life despite fear, doubt, and uncertainty Let us pray to the Lord. Wednesday January 1 st 9:00 AM We Pray for the repose of the soul of JoAnn Schmitt
For all the intensions that you hold in the silence of your hearts. (15 Seconds) Let us pray to the Lord.
Mass Intensions for The Nativity Of The Lord (Christmas): At The Vigil Mass Grant, O Lord, we pray that we may draw new vigor from celebrating the Nativity of your Only Begotten Son Let us pray to the Lord. As we look forward, O Lord, to the coming festivities, may we serve you even more eagerly Tuesday December 24th 5:15 PM We Pray for the repose of the soul of Terry Stump
Let us pray to the Lord For all the intensions that you hold in the silence of your hearts.
Mass Intensions for The Nativity Of The Lord (Christmas): At The Mass During The Night
Grant, O Lord, we pray that we may draw new vigor from celebrating the Nativity of your Only Begotten Son Let us pray to the Lord.As we look forward, O Lord, to the coming festivities, may we serve you even more eagerly ednesday
December 25th 12:00 AM We Pray for the repose of the soul of Terry
Mass Intensions for the Nativity Of The Lord (Christmas): At The Mass During The Day Grant, O Lord, we pray that we may draw new vigor from celebrating the Nativity of your Only Begotten Son
Let us pray to the Lord.As we look forward, O Lord, to the coming festivities, may we serve you even more eagerly Wednesday December 25th 10:30 AM
We Pray for the repose of the soul of Terry Stump We Pray for the repose of the soul of Doly Chase We Pray for the repose of the soul of Lois Phipps We Pray for healing for Jerry Phipps We Pray for healing for George Collard Let us pray to the Lord
For all the intensions that you hold in the silence of your hearts. (15 Seconds) Let us pray to the Lord.
Greetings for the 25th Sunday in Ordinary Time. 21 - 22 September 2024
Greeting for The Twenty-Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time Good Afternoon/Morning and Welcome to Blessed Sacrament Catholic Community. Second Collection: DDF This weekend we celebrate The Twenty-Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time with our Fr. Eliseus Our Readings for this weekend are on pages 114 through 117 in English and Spanish. Today’s Mass includes the following intentions. [SEE OVER] As you enter the Sanctuary in silence with reverence, please remember to silence your cell phone and use this precious time for quiet reflection and silent prayer. Announcements for the 25th Sunday in Ordinary Time 21 - 22 September 2024 Announcements for The Twenty-Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time The ushers can now come forward for the second collection for DDF. Our Adult Choir has returned from break, and we meet every Monday at 7:00PM for rehearsals. If anyone is still interested in joining, you can show up at rehearsals. We are also calling for any young singers to join us on specific Sundays at the 8:00 AM Mass who want to sing. If you are interested in either of these groups, please call Cindy Minarik at 760-985-4000 or call the Parish Office at 760-367-3343. Remember, to sing is to pray twice. Praying the Rosary allows us to encounter Mary and enter the Mysteries of Jesus Christ. Please join us every Wednesday afternoon at 4:30, in the small chapel at the Church Office. The Blessed Sacrament Scrip program has merchant gift cards for sale. You can purchase them on the patio after Mass, at the Church Office, or securely online through the Church website. For each card sold the church receives a percentage from that sale. We thank you for supporting the Blessed Sacrament Scrip Program. Next weekend, September 28th and 29th will be the Fall Combined Collection. This coming Tuesday, September 24th, the office will be closed for the Vicariate Meeting for all staff. On September 28th at 10:00 AM we will have the funeral Mass for Lois Phipps with a rosary to begin at 9:30 AM. For more church events and announcements, please see the weekly bulletin or visit the Blessed Sacrament Website. Prayer Intentions, 25th Sunday in Ordinary Time Mass Intentions for The Twenty-Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time We Pray for the protection of the public servants of our community, locally and across the globe. For relief and resolution for those experiencing the catastrophic effects of war and violence. For the homeless, outcasts, and downtrodden of our community and nation, and for churches and families who offer them refuge and compassion. Let us pray to the Lord. Let us pray for all families affected by the wildfires in our area that they receive relief in rebuilding and returning to their homes and for all first responders for their safety; grant protection to our communities and bring life and hope out of the ashes, Let us pray to the Lord Saturday September 21th 4:30 PM We Pray for Birthday Blessings for Cody Thrasher Sunday September 22th 8:00 AM
We Pray for the repose of the soul of Burt Frasher We Pray for the repose of the soul of Lois Phipps We Pray for Healing for Jerry Phipps We Pray for Healing for Patrick Rosenthal Sunday September 22th10:30 AM We Pray for the repose of the soul of Diana Hinojosa We Pray for the repose of the soul of Butch Jereczek We Pray for the repose of the soul of Joan Miller and the conversion of the miller family
Greetings for Palm Sunday of the Passion of the Lord. 23 - 24 Mar 2024
Greeting for Palm Sunday of the Passion of the Lord Good Afternoon/Morning and Welcome to Blessed Sacrament Catholic Community. This weekend we celebrate Palm Sunday of the Passion of the Lord with our Celebrant Father Eliseus. No Second Collection. [Read on Saturday, March 23] Today our Readings will be proclaimed in English and Tagalog. [To be read on Sunday, March 24] Today our Readings will be proclaimed in English and Spanish. The Readings for this weekend are on pages 4 to 23. At the time of the Gospel, we will be reading the Passion, and if it is too long for you to stand, we invite you to sit. Today’s Mass includes the following intentions. (See intentions on the next page) Our collective quiet moments before Mass allow reflection and silent prayer. The Lord is constantly laboring to love us and speak to us. In order for Him to enter more fully into our lives, both time and space are needed. He indeed gives us that time and space before Mass. Please take full advantage of this tremendous gift of quiet reflection and silent prayer.
Announcements for Palm Sunday of the Passion of the Lord. 23 - 24 Mar 2024 Announcements for Palm Sunday of the Passion of the Lord No Second Collection. You may have noticed we have new Missals in the Pews. We have a limited amount available for you to take one home. If you take one home with you, please put your name on it and bring it back and forth to Church each week. Friday, March 29th, from 6:00 PM to 7:00 PM, we will join to Pray the Stations of the Cross for the last time this Lenten season with our Hispanic Ministry. The Good Friday Service immediately follows the Stations of the Cross As a reminder, Confession will not be available on Saturday, March 30th. The Service and Mass Times for Holy Week are as follows: ● Thursday, March 28th at 7:00 PM Holy Thursday Mass will be celebrated in English and Spanish ● Friday, March 29th at 7:00 PM, we will have our Good Friday Service. ● Saturday, March 30th at 7:00 PM Easter Vigil Mass will be celebrated in English, Spanish and Tagalog ● Sunday, March 31st Easter Sunday Mass will be celebrated at 8:00 AM in English and Spanish, and 10:30 AM in English and Tagalog. Following the 8:30 AM and 10:30 AM Mass there will be an Easter Bake Sale. And After the 10:30 AM Mass, there will be a Children’s Easter Egg Hunt. The Easter Egg Hunt is open to children up to 12th grade and will be organized by age group. Volunteers are needed to participate in the Foot Washing ritual at Holy Thursday Mass on Thursday, March 28th at 7:00 PM. To volunteer please contact the Church Office. For more Church events and announcements, please see the weekly bulletin or visit the Blessed Sacrament Website.
Mass Intentions for Palm Sundy of the Passion of the Lord. Mass Intentions for Palm Sunday of the Passion of the Lord We Pray for the protection of the public servants of our community, locally and across the globe. For relief and resolution for those experiencing the catastrophic effects of war and violence. For the homeless, outcasts, and downtrodden of our community and nation, and for churches and families who offer them refuge and compassion. Let us pray to the Lord. March 23 rd 4:30 PM We Pray for the Repose of the souls of George and Mozorah Pottorff, Alice Nelson and Betty Kocher We Pray for healing for Beverly Collard and Dana Smith March 24 th 8:00 AM We Pray for the Repose of the soul of Alice Nelson We Pray for healing for Beverly Collard and Lois Phipps March 24 th 10:30 AM We Pray for the Repose of the Souls of Joan Miller and Alice Nelson We Pray for Healing for Beverly Collard and Lois Phipps We Pray for the conversion of the Miller family For all the intentions that we hold in the silence of our hearts
Greeting for The Nineteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time Good Afternoon/Morning and Welcome to Blessed Sacrament Catholic Community. No second collection. This weekend we celebrate The Nineteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time with our Celebrant Father Mike McCullough. Our Readings for this weekend are on pages 80 through 85 in English and Spanish. Today’s Mass includes the following intentions. [SEE OVER] As you enter the Sanctuary in silence with reverence, please remember to silence your cell phone and use this precious time for quiet reflection and silent prayer.
Announcements for the 19th Sunday in Ordinary Time 10 - 11 August 2024
Announcements for The Nineteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time No second collection. The Solemnity of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary, is this Thursday, August 15th and is observed as a Holy Day of Obligation this year. Father Mike will be celebrating a 9:00 AM Mass and a 7:00 PM Mass on that day. It’s registration time for Faith Formation and OCIA (formerly RCIA). Registration begins Saturday, August 3rd after Mass, then again after each Mass in August. To register for Faith Formation and OCIA there is a small cost associated, however if payment cannot be made at registration, it is still strongly encouraged to register as soon as possible. The Faith Formation cost is $50 for the first child and $10 for each additional child in a family. The OCIA cost is $20. The first day of Faith Formation class is Sunday, September 8th. OCIA class begins on Monday, September 9th. If you have questions or need more information, contact the church office or see the Catechetical Ministry on the patio after Mass. Our Fundraiser for the Stained Glass Windows of Blessed Sacrament Church is ongoing. Last week we sold out of the folders, but Mike has made more for this week. So, if you were unable to purchase your copy last week, they are available again. You can purchase your copy after all masses out on the patio or during the week at the church office for the price of $20.00. Thank you al for supporting this fundraiser. Praying the Rosary allows us to encounter Mary and enter the Mysteries of Jesus Christ. Please join us every Wednesday afternoon at 4:30 to pray a Rosary for peace in the world through the Intercession of our Blessed Mother.
Prayer Intentions, 19th Sunday in Ordinary Time Mass Intentions for The Nineteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time We Pray for the protection of the public servants of our community, locally and across the globe. For relief and resolution for those experiencing the catastrophic effects of war and violence. For the homeless, outcasts, and downtrodden of our community and nation, and for churches and families who offer them refuge and compassion. Let us pray to the Lord. Saturday August 10th 4:30 PM We Pray for Healing for Dana Renee Casey and Patty Smith Sunday August 11th 8:00 AM We Pray for the Repose of the Soul of Primrose Isidore We Pray for Healing for Lois Phipps and Mike Lyon Sunday August 11th 10:30 AM We Pray for the Repose of the Soul of Joan Miller, Art and Mark Clemons and Clarence Foose We Pray for the conversion of the Miller family We Pray for Birthday Blessings for Giancarlo Mejia For all the intentions that we hold in the silence of our hearts. (15 Seconds) Let us pray to the Lord.
Greetings for the 18th Sunday in Ordinary Time. 03 - 04 August 2024
Greeting for The Eighteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time Good Afternoon/Morning and Welcome to Blessed Sacrament Catholic Community. Second Collection for Maintenance and Education. This weekend we celebrate The Eighteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time with our Celebrant Father Mike McCullough. Welcome back, Father Mike! Our Readings for this weekend are on pages 76 through 81 in English and Spanish. oday’s Mass includes the following intentions. [SEE OVER]
As you enter the Sanctuary in silence with reverence, please remember to silence your cell phone and use this precious time for quiet reflection and silent prayer.
Announcements for the 18th Sunday in Ordinary Time 03 - 04 August 2024 Announcements for The Eighteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time Second Collection for Maintenance and Education. It’s registration time for Faith Formation and OCIA (formerly RCIA). Registration begins Saturday, August 3rd after Mass, then again after each Mass in August. To register for Faith Formation and OCIA there is a small cost associated, however if payment cannot be made at registration, it is still strongly encouraged to register as soon as possible. The Faith Formation cost is $50 for the first child and $10 for each additional child in a family. The OCIA cost is $20. The first day of Faith Formation class is Sunday, September 8th. OCIA class begins on Monday, September 9th. If you have questions or need more information, contact the church office or see the Catechetical Ministry on the patio after Mass. Praying the Rosary allows us to encounter Mary and enter the Mysteries of Jesus Christ. Please join us every Wednesday afternoon at 4:30 to pray a Rosary for peace in the world through the Intercession of our Blessed Mother. The Blessed Sacrament Scrip Program has merchant gift cards for sale. There are over a dozen different vendors to choose from. You can purchase Scrip on the patio after Mass, at the Church Office, or securely online through the Blessed Sacrament website. For each Scrip Gift Card purchase, the Church receives a percentage from that sale. We thank you for supporting the Blessed Sacrament Scrip Program. For more Church events and announcements, please see the weekly bulletin or visit the Blessed Sacrament Website.
Prayer Intentions, 18th Sunday in Ordinary Time Mass Intentions for The Eighteenth Sunday in Ordinary TimeWe Pray for the protection of the public servants of our community, locally and across the globe. For relief and resolution for those experiencing the catastrophic effects of war and violence. For the homeless, outcasts, and downtrodden of our community and nation, and for churches and families who offer them refuge and compassion. Let us pray to the Lord. Saturday August 3 rd 4:30 PM We Pray for the Repose of the Soul of Rodolfo Silverio We Pray for the Repose of the Soul of Primo Marquez on the Anniversary of his death We Pray for Healing for Amelia Rodriguez Sunday August 4 th 8:00 AM We Pray for Healing for Lois Phipps and Mike Lyon Sunday August 4 th 10:30 AM We Pray for the Repose of the Soul of Joan Miller We Pray for the conversion of the Miller family We Pray for Healing for Dana Renee Casey and Patty Smith For all the intentions that we hold in the silence of our hearts. (15 Seconds) Let us pray to the Lord.
Greeting for the Fourth Sunday of Advent, 17 - 18 December 2022
Greeting for The Fourth Sunday of Advent, Good Afternoon/Morning, and Welcome to Blessed Sacrament Catholic Community. This weekend we celebrate The Fourth Sunday of Advent with our Celebrant Father Eliseus. This week we will be lighting the candle of Love, the Fourth Candle of Advent. Second Collection for DDF. Our readings for this weekend are on pages 48 to 50 in English and Spanish.
Today’s Mass includes the following intentions. During our announcements today, we will share the Mass schedule for our Christmas celebrations. You can also find this Mass schedule on the Bulletin
Board on the Patio and on our Blessed Sacrament Website. Take advantage of this peaceful time to reflect and pray before Mass. Prepare your hearts and minds for receiving the Blessed Sacrament.
Mindfully gift others with the opportunity for prayer and quiet eflection. Announcements for The Fourth Sunday of Advent, Second Collection for DDF. We Wish You a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! We invite you to join us for our Christmas Mass Celebrations. Our Christmas Season Mass Schedules are as follows: Announcements for The Fourth Sunday of Advent
Second Collection for DDF. We Wish You a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! We invite you to join us for our Christmas Mass Celebrations. Our Christmas Season Mass Schedules are as follows:
● Saturday, December 24th at 5:15 PM: Join us for our Christmas Vigil Mass. Father will Bless the Nativity Scene and the Children’s and Youth Ministries will reenact the Birth of Jesus. ● Sunday, December 25th, at 12:00AM: We will celebrate our Christmas Midnight Mass with our Choir, and bi-lingual English and Spanish readings. ● Sunday, December 25th, at 10:30AM: Join us on Christmas Day, for our celebration of The Nativity of the Lord. Father Eliseus will be traveling to Nigeria again this year. Father will be away from Tuesday, December 27th to Friday, January 27th . While Father Eliseus is away, we will celebrate Mass with Father Mike McCullough. Our Blessed Sacrament Filipino Ministry invites us to join their annual Simbang Gabi Novena. Simbang Gabi Masses are being celebrated from December 15th to the 23rd at 6:00 PM. Refreshments are provided after all Masses. Need some help with Christmas shopping? Support our Parish and our Ministries by purchasing Scrip gift cards, visiting our Thrift Store and supporting our Altar Society on the patio after Mass. Every dollar you spend directly supports our Parish. Our Youth Ministry has weekly Bible study and Youth Group meetings every
Wednesday in room 5. Middle School students meet between 5:00 & 6:30 PM and High School students meet between 7:00 & 8:30 PM. For more information contact Mrs. Limon or Mrs. Amaro or leave them a message with the Church Office. “As believers, we need to see beyond the chaos of current events and seek to find the will of God in the present moment. For this, Mary holds the key because it is through her that Jesus Christ entered into human history. And He is still at work, shaping the world’s course and direction.”1 Join us each Wednesday afternoon at 4:30 PM to Pray a Rosary through the Intercession of our Blessed Mother for our country and the world. For more church events and announcements visit the Blessed Sacrament Website. For your convenience these announcements are also posted on the
Bulletin Board on the Patio and the door of the Church office. Mass Intentions for The Fourth Sunday of Advent. Mass Intentions for The Fourth Sunday of Advent, We Pray for the protection of the public servants of our community, locally and across the globe. For relief and resolution for those experiencing the catastrophic effects of war and violence, for the outcasts and downtrodden of our community and nation, and for churches and families who offer them refuge and compassion. Let us pray to the Lord. December 17th :30 PM We Pray for the Bowman and Kirschinger Families We Pray for the Repose of the Souls of Herman Kocher and Terry Stump December 18th 8:00 AM We Pray for the Repose of Terry Stump We Pray in Thanksgiving for the Vasquez Family Intentions December 18th 10:30 AM We Pray for the Repose of the Souls of Joan Miller, Larry Briggs and Terry Stump We Pray for the Conversion of the Miller family
Greetings for the 16th Sunday in Ordinary Time. 20 - 21 July 2024
Greeting for The Sixteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time Good Afternoon/Morning and Welcome to Blessed Sacrament Catholic Community. Second Collection for DDF. This weekend we celebrate The Sixteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time with our Celebrant Father Eliseus. Our Readings for this weekend are on pages 66 through 71 in English and Spanish. Today’s Mass includes the following intentions. [SEE OVER] As you enter the Sanctuary in silence with reverence, please remember to silence your cell phone and use this precious time for quiet reflection and silent prayer.
Announcements for the 16th Sunday in Ordinary Time 20 - 21 July 2024
Announcements for The Sixteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time Second Collection for DDF. Praying the Rosary allows us to encounter Mary and enter the Mysteries of Jesus Christ. Please join us every Wednesday afternoon at 4:30 to pray a Rosary for peace in the world through the Intercession of our Blessed Mother. The Blessed Sacrament Scrip Program has merchant gift cards for sale. There are over a dozen different vendors to choose from. You can purchase Scrip on the patio after Mass, at the Church Office, or securely online through the Blessed Sacrament website. For each Scrip Gift Card purchase, the Church receives a percentage from that sale. We thank you for supporting the Blessed Sacrament Scrip Program. For more Church events and announcements, please see the weekly bulletin or vis
Mass Intentions for the 16th Sunday in Ordinary Time Mass Intentions for The Sixteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time We Pray for the protection of the public servants of our community, locally and across the globe. For relief and resolution for those experiencing the catastrophic effects of war and violence. For the homeless, outcasts, and downtrodden of our community and nation, and for churches and families who offer them refuge and compassion. Let us pray to the Lord. We Pray For the Church, the body of Christ on earth, celebrating the National Eucharistic Congress in Indianapolis, may the outpouring of the Holy Spirit be upon her people and enflame the hearts of all who dwell within her, let us pray to the Lord. Saturday July 20th 4:30 PM We Pray for the Repose of the Souls of Clarence Foose and Art and Mark Clemons We Pray for Healing for Dana Rene Casey and Patty Smith Sunday July 21st 8:00 AM We Pray for the Repose of the Souls of Bow Bowden and JoAnn Schmitt We Pray for healing for Lois Phipps Sunday July 21st 10:30 AM We Pray for the Repose of the Souls of Joan Miller and Art and Mark Clemons We Pray for the conversion of the Miller family For all the intentions that we hold in the silence of our hearts.
Greeting for The Seventeenth Sunday in Ordinary Time, 23 - 24 July 22
Good Afternoon/Morning and Welcome to Blessed Sacrament Catholic Community.This weekend we celebrate The Seventeenth Sunday in Ordinary Time with our Celebrant, Father Mike McCullough. Second Collection: DDF Our Readings for this weekend are on pages 34 to 35. Today’s Mass includes the following intentions. (See intentions on the next page) Remember that we continue to be directed during Holy Communion beginning with those in the front pews. Please maintain the 3ft. distance, and remember to use hand sanitizer before you leave your seat. We continue to ask those of us receiving Communion on the tongue to please remain seated until directed by an Usher to come forward. The Ushers are continuing to dismiss us from the back to the front. Pope Francis reminds us that “Prayer is first and foremost dialogue, a personal relationship with God.” Pope Francis stresses that our time before Mass is a time for “silent prayer when we prepare our hearts for an encounter with the Lord1 ”. Please take full advantage of this tremendous gift of quiet reflection and silent prayer
Announcements for The Seventeenth Sunday in Ordinary Time Second Collection: DDF Blessed Sacrament Parish began in October of 1940, but did you ever wonder where our Parish celebrated its first Sunday Mass? You can find the answer and even more Parish Historical information in a collection of the Blessed Sacrament Parish Archive. Mike Schmitt has found and published a hand-written journal that dates back to the 1940s. You can support this fundraiser by buying your copy for $22. Visit Mike on the Patio after Mass. For the next six weeks, on Tuesday nights at 7:00 PM, the Altar Society is hosting Movie Nights at our Church in the Hospitality Room. Join us for inspirational movies and refreshments of popcorn and water. The next movie is Sue Thomas, Nothing but the Truth, this Tuesday, July 26 th . The Teen Youth Ministry will start their next Bible study, "Known," this Wednesday, July 27 th , at 7:00 PM in the church office Blue Room. If you have a teen who would like to participate, please see Mrs. Limon or call the office for more details. The Blessed Sacrament Thrift Shop is closed until Sunday, July 31 st, and will reopen on Monday, August 1 st . During this time of great global conflict, war, and unrest, it’s important to remember to Pray the Rosary. Often it’s difficult to take the time with our busy lives. Join us as we continue to meet every Wednesday afternoon at 4:30 to Pray a Rosary through the Intercession of our Blessed Mother as well as Saints from Ukraine and Afghanistan & for peace in the world. We hope to see you here in the church. The Blessed Sacrament Scrip Program continues to sell Scrip Gift Cards after Mass on the patio, in the Church Office, and securely online through the Blessed Sacrament Website. The Teen Youth Ministry is continuing to collect Thank You cards for Fr. Eliseus. This is the last weekend they will be on the patio providing and collecting Thank You cards. If you did not remember to bring your cards back today, you can drop them off at the office this week. Cards will be presented to Father at the 10:30 AM Mass next weekend. As a reminder, our Announcements are posted on the door of the church office, on the bulletin board on our patio, and on the Blessed Sacrament Website. Our Ushers will continue to dismiss us at the end of Mass, from the back to the front. Father Eliseus will return to celebrate Masses with us next weekend, so we want to thank Father Mike McCullough for being here with us and offer Blessing for him.
Mass Intentions for The Seventeenth Sunday in Ordinary Time For the safety and protection of our servicemen and women deployed overseas, especially in the neighboring countries of Ukraine. For our PoliceMen and Women who protect us, for all First Responders and Firemen, and for all those experiencing war and violence. Let us pray to the Lord. July 23rd 4:30 PM We Pray for the Bowman and Kirschinger Family July 24th 8:00 AM We Pray for the Repose of the Souls of: Terry Stump, Betty Kocher and Orlando Cudal June 24th 10:30 AM We Pray for the Repose of the Souls of: Fortunato Dela Cruz, Sr. and Antonia Dela Cruz, Joan Miller and Terry Stump We Pray for the Conversion of the Miller family For all the intentions that we hold in the silence of our hearts (15 Seconds) Let us pray to the Lord.
Greetings for the 14th Sunday in Ordinary Time. 06 - 07 July 2024
Greeting for The Fourteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time Good Afternoon/Morning and Welcome to Blessed Sacrament Catholic Community. Second Collection for Maintenance and Education. This weekend we celebrate The Fourteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time with our Celebrant Father Eliseus. Our Readings for this weekend are on pages 62 through 67 in English and Spanish. Today’s Mass includes the following intentions. [SEE OVER] As you enter the Sanctuary in silence with reverence, please remember to silence your cell phone and use this precious time for quiet reflection and silent prayer
Announcements for the 14th Sunday in Ordinary Time 06 - 07 July 2024 Announcements for The Fourteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time Second Collection for Maintenance and Education. Father Eliseus will be extending two blessings for us this July. The first is the blessing of St.Benedict medals–-the only medals that have their own special blessing in the Roman Ritual. It will be on the great Abbott’s feast day: Thursday, July 11th at the 8:00 daily mass. The second is the blessing for those who wear the brown scapular. It will be on the feast day of Our Lady of Carmel: Tuesday, July 16th at the 8:00 daily mass. Tradition holds this is the day our Blessed Mother gave the brown scapular to St. Simon Stock, the Carmelite. We have a few scapulars that will be for sale after mass. As we did for Candlemas, if you cannot attend the mass please bring your items to be blessed in labeled containers to next weekends masses or drop them off at the office. We will place them out to be blessed and you may pick them up at the masses on the following weekend. At each ceremony there will handouts to explain the blessings, the benefits, and how to participate in the ceremonies. Praying the Rosary allows us to encounter Mary and enter the Mysteries of Jesus Christ. Please join us every Wednesday afternoon at 4:30 to pray a Rosary for peace in the world through the Intercession of our Blessed Mother. The Blessed Sacrament Scrip Program has merchant gift cards for sale. There are over a dozen different vendors to choose from. You can purchase Scrip on the patio after Mass, at the Church Office, or securely online through the Blessed Sacrament website. For each Scrip Gift Card purchase, the Church receives a percentage from that sale. We thank you for supporting the Blessed Sacrament Scrip Program. For more Church events and announcements, please see the weekly bulletin or visit the Blessed Sacrament Website. July Birthday & Anniversary Blessings Mass Intentions for the 14th Sunday in Ordinary Time Mass Intentions for The Fourteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time We Pray for the protection of the public servants of our community, locally and across the globe. For relief and resolution for those experiencing the catastrophic effects of war and violence. For the homeless, outcasts, and downtrodden of our community and nation, and for churches and families who offer them refuge and compassion. Let us pray to the Lord. Saturday July 6 th 4:30 PM Sunday July 7 th 8:00 AM We Pray for the Repose of the Soul of Butch Jereczek Sunday July 7 th 10:30 AM We Pray for the Repose of the Souls of Joan Miller and Roberto Limon We Pray for the conversion of the Miller familyFor all the intentions that we hold in the silence of our hearts.